View Full Version : Transsexual Videos lack...

08-23-2004, 02:37 AM

I know...I know...I'm a newbie but hey, from what i've seen so far I have yet to see a transsexual video that features the same passion in the sex scenes as the hetero videos. Why is this?

It seems that for the majority it goes from "Hey how are you" to full ejaculation with very little in between. No foreplay, no sensuality, no build up at all.

I know i'm probably in the majority since I am one who prefers to see transsexuals play the submissive role and be extremely feminine.

08-23-2004, 04:34 AM
I think the problem is the guys they have doing scenes. Half the time they aren't even interested in the girl or have no idea what to do. We need more guys who actually can appreciate a transgendered girl before we can even come close to passionate scenes.

08-23-2004, 05:53 AM
You guys have no idea...
Most TS's working in porn also are escorts/working girls. Most of them getting sex multiple times a day off multiple guys. The money that can afford to be paid to them for video shoots is not all that significant compared to $200+ tips from guys they meet from eros, escort ads etc. There are a handful of professional models (some which read this board) who also escort who know how important it is to show a good performance in a video, which is why they're the top of their field in the TS erotica industry.

If a hetero performer also escorts she likely will make less that the TS escort (as per there being so many females vs TS's escorting), it's more likely that she is not an escort but works in the adult video industry doing as few as a few scenes a month. The natural turn on when you're with someone whom you've never had sex with is 100x more. We have a rule when shooting video - never fuck the performer before the shoot, wait until the shoot and the intensity is more.

It's all so easy for you guys who sit back and think, I could do that - but when you're under lights, in front of a camera, have a prima-donna to work with who wants to do it her way...it's a completely different ballgame to just turning up for a shag. Which is why there is so little US, TS porn.

You then have the Brazilian porn which a lot of time is just a factory of cookie cutter scenes - again they lack in intensity. The only hetero porn I can really get into is the pro-amateur gonzo style stuff, the girls are real and everyone is turned on, stuff like early Ed Powers, Asian Street Hookers, etc.

If you guys think you can do better, go ahead and shoot some stuff. I'll buy it off you and release it on a DVD.

08-23-2004, 06:33 AM
Transsexual Videos lack ...

A storyline beyond one written on a bubblegum wrapper possibly ? Flow ? A start, middle, and ending ? Plot ? Erotica ? Subtlety ? Dialogue ? Nuance ? Camera personel with equalibrium ?
If video killed the radio star, it also killed story lines and production values in the porn industry. Say what one will about the quality of films in the 70s and 80s, or the girls they employed, producers and directors at least spent more dollars on their productions, and seemingly knew that a denouement was not something found in a French salad. ...Even the old 15 minute loops they made back then which I had my share of at stag parties had something going for them before heading to the fuck scenes.
My biggest gripe about TS videos, and/or most porn videos in general for that matter, has been that the don't capture the essence or womanhood of these beautiful women. Like you, Thuggish, I prefer to see them adopt and play off their femininity. I too want to see them in the weaker, submissive, passive role that I would argue most of us ascribe to women once in the bedroom. Something as simple as having a "weaker" girl carried off by her stronger male lover from poolside to the bedroom would help establish a dominant/submissive relationship going on between them. I prefer to see THEM service their lover, and not the other way round. Most of the current crop of TS videos mirror the porn genre in general in that it's all fuck,fuck,fuck. That's so neanderthal. To me, every TS video should also leave me with the realization that I just witnessed a woman perform in it. That is, that they pulled no punches when it came to expressing the women they are today.

... When do you want to start production on a movie, and who would you like to star in it ? ;)


I think there are a few guys who love to work with these girls. Unfortunately too few it seems. I get tired, as well as envious of them, of seeing the same faces nailing some of my favorite babes. Who's that big muscular guy from some Soviet block country who seems to be in every TS video I own ? Chris something ?


You're right. We have no idea. That's why we're here asking. My first thought is why not pay them more ? How much more is it to get a girl to do non-sex scenes, but nevertheless important erotic scenes which add to the movie, such as having a girl try on some sexy wardrobe or lingerie. You'd be surprised just how much that nuance side stuff can turn a guy like myself on. It seems that many producers of these videos continually go for the homerun or throw the bomb for every sex scene and miss the subtleties, which if done right, make the "game" just as, if not more, entertaining and fulfilling.

...Think of Sharon Stone in that scene from Basic Instinct. What made it work ?

08-23-2004, 11:17 AM
Real - some answers;

1. I know you have no idea, that's why I'm telling although it will probably spoil a few fantasies along the way.

2. There just isn't the money to pay more. I've detailed this elsewhere. It takes a year to break even on a $17k budget video. even Joey with all his advertising behind him needs 10 releases a year to make a living!

3. You might want a story - but you're in the minority, most guys (myself included) would fast forward through the crap until we get to the action. I done this as a kid, I do it now.

4. That "nuance side stuff" might turn guys like you on - but there just aren't enough of you buying to make the risk worthwhile.

When a guy looks at a video cover he wants to see new girls, good looking girls and the type of girls he likes - secondly, he wants to make sure he's getting the action he wants.

We've got it good - before the internet there was next to nothing.

08-23-2004, 09:34 PM
Real - some answers;
2. There just isn't the money to pay more.I've detailed this elsewhere.It takes a year to break even on a $17k budget video. even Joey with all his advertising behind him needs 10 releases a year to make a living!

3. You might want a story - but you're in the minority, most guys (myself included) would fast forward through the crap until we get to the action. I done this as a kid, I do it now.

4. That "nuance side stuff" might turn guys like you on - but there just aren't enough of you buying to make the risk worthwhile.

Thanks for responding, Sean. I now know some things which I didn't know yesterday. Unfortunately, or fortunately depending on which side you are on, your responses raise other comments and questions:

* What's the 17K based on ? Is it just an arbitrary figure or what ?

* Going simply on the few video stores I physically frequent, TS videos seem to have an extremely short shelf life, particularly those with familiar American faces. They seem to move in other words, so where is the problem(costs) ? Is it in production, marketing, or distribution ?

* Yes, I want to see the fuck scenes too, but the fuck scenes carry far more weight when there is a build up or familiarization with the girl(s) involved. Why not attempt a little Ed Powers or Randy in some of your work -- you know, interview the girl on a couch or bed as she methodically disrobes or poses while answering questions about what she likes before getting to the sex ? Yes, it can be waaaaaaay overdone with lame and lengthy questioning, but a little done right doesn't hurt. The T-Girl Fantasies series does some good behind-the-scenes takes. I enjoy seeing the girls in carefree, light-hearted moments before or after the director calls "Action" or "Cut". It adds to the fantasy when we get to "know" them beyond the cramped fuck scene shots.

* Yes, thanks to the internet, we do have it a hell of a lot better, but that doesn't mean it can't be improved.

* Any idea what the most successful TS video is and the possible reasons for its success ?

...I hope you can at least answer the last question. I've always wondered about that.

08-23-2004, 11:16 PM
Just to weigh in here...

* I'll take good action over plot any day of the week. I do like the "pre sex interview" format used by many TG and GG porn, but I don't really need a real plot.

* My guess is that, given the rough economics, it would be virtually impossible to get a TGirl to memorize lines and the like. Its one thing to be paid $500 for a few hours work - quite another to spend days/weeks studying a script.

* One thing I LOVE about transsexual porn is that you can relatively easily hook up with the performer in person without mortgaging the house. Only a small portion of hetero porn stars even escort and, if you're lucky enough to find them, it might make you $1K lighter. Whereas, almost every tgirl porn star escorts with at most $300 as a donation. To this end, I can't handle watching the brasilian stuff unless I've got a trip planned!

* Just a hunch, but I think there are as more guys who prefer seeing a tgirl topping than bottoming. Me? I love both. The real dominant stuff turns me off and is the minority, but I love seeing a girl use her equipment fully.

08-23-2004, 11:34 PM
Good questions;

* $17k is the amount it costs a Grooby Production (we're lower end then some but higher than many). This would include about $6000 on model fees, hotels, box printing, video duplicating (although we're stopping producing videos and concentrating on DVD's), DVD authoring and dupliction, master tapes, etc - for this we get 1000 each of VHS and DVD to start. These are usually wholesaled at between $12-$22 depending on the quantity. Of that the distribution company gets 30%. This is why it's better for us to sell direct, over 50% of our investment comes back from direct sales to members.

* Short Shelf Life? It's not a cost issue, if people are buying it would be reproduced. Most companies have boxes of unsold items. Most video stores are lazy and just order the newest stuff - they also have limited shelf space, therefore don't often reorder - this is extremely frustrating as a producer.

* Every girl I've shot has been interviewed full dressed and then strips off slowly - often we'll improvise depending on the model (if she is dominant direct it to that, if she smokes get her smoking, etc). My intent was to take the Ed Powers idea and transferred it to shemales.

* Can always be improved. VHS videos died this year, 2004 will be the year it started. From now on everything will be DVD and then eventually everything will be online or on-demand. A consumer always thinks what he wants to see, or what turns him on would be sucessful, it's rarely true so an improvement to one individual might mean a loss for that company.

* Most sucessful TS movie? Possibly a Vanitty title - but for what reason I have no idea as she is totally un-appealing to me.

* A tgirl remembering lines? A tgirl remembering to turn up is a rarity! Let's take small steps. $500 is low-balling - most tgirls get $1000-$1500 for a hardcore shoot, it's a disgrace how some of them turn up for the shoot, un-manicured, un-shaved, etc. A 2 hour shoot can easily turn into a 6 hour drama. These girls are in control, or they could be in control - only the more astute (like the girls who take the time to post on this forum) are the ones who are in reality, in control.

* The guys who like to see the guys getting topped are certainly the most vocal. It's like the "size queens" who only get off on the size of a shemales cock and not on how cute/beautiful she may be (called the Suzanna Holmes Phenonoma) who yell the most but I believe it's probably split evenly between guys who like to see girls topping only, guys who like to see guys topping only and guys who like to see it all.
I don't want to see a TS dominanting a guy or a TS fucking a guy, I don't even want to see a guy sucking a girl - which is why I make videos where the guy is only represented by his willy. Tony likes to watch both so he shoots both and that works also.

Hope this enlightens some...

08-24-2004, 12:41 AM
Transsexual Videos lack ...

A storyline beyond one written on a bubblegum wrapper possibly ? Flow ? A start, middle, and ending ? Plot ? Erotica ? Subtlety ? Dialogue ? Nuance ? Camera personel with equalibrium ?
If video killed the radio star, it also killed story lines and production values in the porn industry. Say what one will about the quality of films in the 70s and 80s, or the girls they employed, producers and directors at least spent more dollars on their productions, and seemingly knew that a denouement was not something found in a French salad. ...Even the old 15 minute loops they made back then which I had my share of at stag parties had something going for them before heading to the fuck scenes.
My biggest gripe about TS videos, and/or most porn videos in general for that matter, has been that the don't capture the essence or womanhood of these beautiful women. Like you, Thuggish, I prefer to see them adopt and play off their femininity. I too want to see them in the weaker, submissive, passive role that I would argue most of us ascribe to women once in the bedroom. Something as simple as having a "weaker" girl carried off by her stronger male lover from poolside to the bedroom would help establish a dominant/submissive relationship going on between them. I prefer to see THEM service their lover, and not the other way round. Most of the current crop of TS videos mirror the porn genre in general in that it's all fuck,fuck,fuck. That's so neanderthal. To me, every TS video should also leave me with the realization that I just witnessed a woman perform in it. That is, that they pulled no punches when it came to expressing the women they are today.

... When do you want to start production on a movie, and who would you like to star in it ? ;)


I think there are a few guys who love to work with these girls. Unfortunately too few it seems. I get tired, as well as envious of them, of seeing the same faces nailing some of my favorite babes. Who's that big muscular guy from some Soviet block country who seems to be in every TS video I own ? Chris something ?


You're right. We have no idea. That's why we're here asking. My first thought is why not pay them more ? How much more is it to get a girl to do non-sex scenes, but nevertheless important erotic scenes which add to the movie, such as having a girl try on some sexy wardrobe or lingerie. You'd be surprised just how much that nuance side stuff can turn a guy like myself on. It seems that many producers of these videos continually go for the homerun or throw the bomb for every sex scene and miss the subtleties, which if done right, make the "game" just as, if not more, entertaining and fulfilling.

...Think of Sharon Stone in that scene from Basic Instinct. What made it work ?

08-24-2004, 12:56 AM
A few suggestions:

* Every girl I've shot has been interviewed full dressed and then strips off slowly - often we'll improvise depending on the model (if she is dominant direct it to that, if she smokes get her smoking, etc). My intent was to take the Ed Powers idea and transferred it to shemales.

-----------this is fine, and actually a turn on!

* A consumer always thinks what he wants to see, or what turns him on would be sucessful, it's rarely true so an improvement to one individual might mean a loss for that company.

No, not exactly. I'm not in the adult porn industry but I am in the entertainment business and no a little something about supply and demand. Usually those who are not being catered to won't buy. It's more to it than just asking for it and getting it.

On a side note, I think it would probablly be more efficient if you just released your exclusive content via the web (I think I stated this before). It cuts down on overhead (boxing, shipping, fees, etc.) and rejuvenates your site. There are a few companies that offer this service but none as established as some of the sites you represent Sean. The fact that you guys are so diverse in your offerings (asians, blacks, latinas, whites) makes you guys the McDonald's of TS porn...why not capitalize off of a genre that you could own outright single handedly....Most of the girls now have sights offering hardcore pictures........but it's so drag and far between that it's not worth it to sign up....By offering exclusive streaming video you'd knock the competition out of the box!

* Most sucessful TS movie? Possibly a Vanitty title - but for what reason I have no idea as she is totally un-appealing to me.

------------I would have figured anything with Rupaul???...lol

* A tgirl remembering lines? A tgirl remembering to turn up is a rarity! Let's take small steps. $500 is low-balling - most tgirls get $1000-$1500 for a hardcore shoot, it's a disgrace how some of them turn up for the shoot, un-manicured, un-shaved, etc. A 2 hour shoot can easily turn into a 6 hour drama. These girls are in control, or they could be in control - only the more astute (like the girls who take the time to post on this forum) are the ones who are in reality, in control.

---------Not that i'm God, but I know a few girls who know they can get away with charging ridiculous prices. These are usually the flaky, drugy ones. I can undoubtedly get you probablly better looking, lesser known up and coming girls for half that 1G number you quoted. It's all on finding talent, i.e A&R work. Going out and finding the up and coming hungry artist. But i'm not telling you how to do your job, obviously you have way more knowledge on it than me.

08-24-2004, 01:12 AM
Some good points Thuggish - the current budget, overheads and net profit on Yum wouldn't allow us to add a massive amount of video in the way you are suggesting but we plan to unveil a similar sort of idea in the up-coming weeks, basically downloadable high quality video.

You know I could probably get girls cheaper but the payment I make is also, what I feel is fair for that job. There are companies who hussle lower and companies who automatically pay higher - I feel $1000-$1200 a model is right for a hardcore video shoot and $600-$750 for a solo video shoot considering the exposure they get. One of the reasons to continue with releasing DVD's is the excellent exposure that the websites get from the box covers and the DVD's, which increases website sales.

What area are you in Thuggish?

08-24-2004, 04:49 AM
Between VA, DC, and Baltimore there has got to be like 10 million in the immediate metro area surrounding the two cities.

I understand your logic about being fair to the girls and all but from what I understand, the ts game is a cuthroat business, with only a few girls who are intellectual enough to know that you can't burn bridges even if you are a star.

You wouldn't believe the number of girls I see in my area alone who'd probablly love to be on video, or on your site...

08-24-2004, 05:38 AM
So how about stepping up and shooting some girls for us in that area - we've nobody working DC and Steve only gets up to Baltimore occassionally.
So how about it?

08-25-2004, 12:21 AM
shoot me an email at: thuggish_intellect@yahoo.com

I'd be new at this so give me the run down if you could.

I have a good quality digital camera but I don't have any streaming video capabilities (other than the camera and that's at most 30 seconds)

08-25-2004, 04:49 AM
When a guy looks at a video cover he wants to see new girls, good looking girls and the type of girls he likes - secondly, he wants to make sure he's getting the action he wants.


Hey Sean,

I'm totally feelin' ya on this one. You're bang on the dime as far as what we're lookin' for. Here's a taste . . .

1) GIA DARLING . . . the girl's got a magic wand for a cock how she can get hotter than hot "gems" to go boom-bastic with the camera's rollin' . . .

A) "Victoria" (there's somethin' about Miriam) - BEAUTY QUEENS VOL.9
B) " Sapphire" - (no doubt, one of the cuttest asian's of all-time) - TRANSSEXUAL HEART BREAKERS VOL.1


2) JOEY SILVERA . . . again, amazing ability to sniff out the "gems" . . .

A) "Angela/Ivana Diamonds" (this latina kills, one of south florida's best) - ROGUE ADVENTURES VOL.11
B) ".que" - (to-die-for cock, cute face, bouncy booty f/ brazil) ROGUE ADVENTURES VOL.8
C) "Kim" - (from NY, one of the hottest sistas in the biz. monster truck sized cock, face keeps gettin' more fem all the time) ROGUE ADVENTURES VOL.13
D) "Nikki" - (one of the prettiest chocolat girlies in the L.A. area) ROAD TRIP VOL.2


Over the weekend, I put in an order with my guy Sean cuz he's also found a couple of "gems" that are good-to-go . . .

A) "Chanel" (this blk girl is smokin') - SMY TAKES ON BLACK TRANSSEXUALS VOL.2
B) "Asia-lee" (from all directions, one of the hottest asian's in the country) - SMY PRESENTS: TONY V'S NEW YORK SHEMALES


10-24-2004, 01:56 PM
I think that's the big dilema between pro and amateur stuff, regardless of what sex category it is.

Amateur video often has much more passion and chemistry, as it is usually between a couple (or more) of people that know and trust each other and have lots of desire for one another. There's really nothing that can compare to seeing to two people who are REALLY into each other, banging, sucking and loving away.

Try Becky Page, here for example.


She and her guy make and distribute amateur shemale video. Becky and her guy really get into their stuff. Amateur video like this often has bad lighting, sucky camera angles, and no budget, but to me it is usually (not always) better than the pro studio stuff.

10-24-2004, 03:36 PM
Real - some answers;
a living!

3. You might want a story - but you're in the minority, most guys (myself included) would fast forward through the crap until we get to the action. I done this as a kid, I do it now.

4. That "nuance side stuff" might turn guys like you on - but there just aren't enough of you buying to make the risk worthwhile.


ur right, whether its hetero or TS, guys just want to cut to the chase. taken to the extreme, you have the popularity of bukkake videos and "cumshot" series, where its nothing but cum shot after cum shot about 15 seconds each.

hey Seanchai, what about a TS Bukkake video, with a boatload of newbie unknown TS's shooting loads on a guy just like the hetero stuff?

I'll bet it would sell big. u could advertise in NY or LA and get lots of young trannies for $50 or $100 a pop.

ok, you run with it, I want half :lol: :-} .

10-24-2004, 10:13 PM
[quote="seanchai"]Good questions;

** Short Shelf Life? It's not a cost issue, if people are buying it would be reproduced. Most companies have boxes of unsold items. Most video stores are lazy and just order the newest stuff - they also have limited shelf space, therefore don't often reorder - this is extremely frustrating as a producer.

Funny thing Seanchai you may be more suspect in this regard than other companies. I'm a fan and every SMY release I've purchased right here in NYC in the heart of Times Square has to be done within a 3 week window or might not see a title restocked for months or at all. I also noted that very litle of your releases are catalogued either verus say damn near any other TS production companies. Hey maybe it's a distribution or lazy middleman or retail buyer problem but if that's the case in a big market like this one then there's a definite kink in the system.

10-24-2004, 11:23 PM
Yes your right on the re-stocking situation but there is nothing that we can really do about it - it's hard enough to get a distributor!
That's why we ask as many people to buy from us direct on http://www.shemale-video-direct.com as we at least make more money back to produce newer titles.

The big players (Evil Angel, Gia Darling, etc) push push push - unfortuantely we just don't have that clout in the video industry and our online achievments on websites doesn't even get noticed by most people in the video industry.

Unofrtunately most video distributors are jaded older Jewish dudes - they all look like Morrie in Goodfellas (same wig) and they're all self-important and act like Hollywood bigwigs.

We're able to continue producing because we are mainly an online company and have the video makers, editors, advertising in place already. A company trying to start just in TS video without a huge internet presence will fail.

BTW - any prospective producers or anyone who has titles ready for release can get in touch with me to have it distributed under the Grooby banner if it's worthwhile.


ps Phunghu - trannies who will take bukkake videos for $50-$100 a pop? Show me where they are!
We also try and get facials in on it but it's fucking hard to do in USA.

10-25-2004, 12:08 AM
ps Phunghu - trannies who will take bukkake videos for $50-$100 a pop? Show me where they are!
We also try and get facials in on it but it's fucking hard to do in USA.

No, Trannies (lots of them in succession) GIVING facials (or even body shots) to one guy.

so you have a "casting call" for unknown newbie trannies @ $50 or $100 to each line up and drop a load on some guy.

just like the hetero stuff except the trannies play the guy parts, the guy plays the girl part.

10-25-2004, 12:40 AM
I would never produce that.

10-25-2004, 01:40 AM
I would never produce that.

you're right, so lets modify the concept.

the guy is superfluous.

the idea is to get an assembly line of hot young hung unknown newbie trannies jacking off and shooting loads. no drawn out lingering. no prima donna "stars".

a minute or two at most for each. 20 or 30 per video.

shot individually at different locations or at one location.

now what say you??

10-25-2004, 02:05 AM
That would be a cool video - but it would absolutely not be $50-$100 a girl.

We use non-superstar models and the next tapes coming out have 90% unseen models but they still cost.

Felicia Katt
10-25-2004, 02:22 AM
the idea is to get an assembly line of hot young hung unknown newbie trannies jacking off and shooting loads. no drawn out lingering. no prima donna "stars".

a minute or two at most for each. 20 or 30 per video.

shot individually at different locations or at one location.

now what say you??

that sounds like a video circle jerk ewwwwwwwww!!!


10-25-2004, 03:55 AM
That would be a cool video - but it would absolutely not be $50-$100 a girl.

details, schmetails, just get it done :lol:

11-22-2008, 07:59 AM
If you want passion watch scenes with omar galanti the best in the genre so far

11-22-2008, 09:20 AM
How about a new Gonzo style shoot with a completely amateur and unknown male actor ;)

BTW, I am completely amateur and unknown

11-22-2008, 11:07 AM
Just to weigh in here...

* I'll take good action over plot any day of the week. I do like the "pre sex interview" format used by many TG and GG porn, but I don't really need a real plot.

* My guess is that, given the rough economics, it would be virtually impossible to get a TGirl to memorize lines and the like. Its one thing to be paid $500 for a few hours work - quite another to spend days/weeks studying a script.
* One thing I LOVE about transsexual porn is that you can relatively easily hook up with the performer in person without mortgaging the house. Only a small portion of hetero porn stars even escort and, if you're lucky enough to find them, it might make you $1K lighter. Whereas, almost every tgirl porn star escorts with at most $300 as a donation. To this end, I can't handle watching the brasilian stuff unless I've got a trip planned!

* Just a hunch, but I think there are as more guys who prefer seeing a tgirl topping than bottoming. Me? I love both. The real dominant stuff turns me off and is the minority, but I love seeing a girl use her equipment fully.

I believe that if a ts peformer would do scenes with more of a plot, it increases the overall sensuality of the movie itself. And I think that the peformer's value would grow, perhaps to eventully cross over to better paying productions that would rely more on character and less on sexual performance. I remember the impact of "Deep Throat", attracting wide attention. Though the actual performers did not make much money, Linda Lovelace became practically a household name and could have capitilized greatly for her fame if she had been managed well.

11-22-2008, 11:40 AM
To be honest all i want to see more of are them being at least close to eachother with better camera angles. I'm tired of the idiot cameraman getting so close to their assholes that I can count their hairs. If all I wanted to see where assholes i'd shave my own ass and take pictures of it and jerk off to that. I watch tranny porn because I like the whole package.

That being said, my favorite position is when one is topping the other and she's getting in real close, almost hugging her back, and I want to see them from the side doing this, not their asses. The only time I see this is when the chicks are banging dudes, and I can't watch that. If i wanted to watch chicks banging dudes i'd just download regular gay porn and avoid the whole stupid awkwardness that comes from liking shemales to begin with.

I don't care about storyline or super passion, but would it be that hard to get them to do that at least? Nothing annoys me more than when they are banging and its like they are trying to be as far apart from eachother as possible aside from one of their dicks being inside the other.

11-22-2008, 07:59 PM
check out anything im in and you will see some passion ,etc. im always into every performance and give more than my all.

12-02-2008, 07:14 PM
check out anything im in and you will see some passion ,etc. im always into every performance and give more than my all.

And Jesse, I know I am grateful for that. :)

12-02-2008, 07:52 PM
ts porn looks like the girls don't care 99.9% of the time