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View Full Version : A woman in a straight married couple becomes a man

08-23-2021, 11:25 PM
Hi Today on tiktok I've found a really particular channel. It's a channel of a married couple. They were a straight couple: a man and a woman that are married. Then the woman decide to become a man and start the transition, at this moment the transman is at the third week of Testosterone so he's still very feminine. So the straight couple becomes a gay couple. This is the first time that I see a thing like that, but I don't think it's the only couple who have experienced a similar situation.

What do you think about? If you are a man that have married a woman and you really love she, you will continue to stay with your partner if he decide to become a man?

The channel:

08-24-2021, 12:28 AM
Couldn't do it

08-24-2021, 03:02 AM
Hi Today on tiktok I've found a really particular channel. It's a channel of a married couple. They were a straight couple: a man and a woman that are married. Then the woman decide to become a man and start the transition, at this moment the transman is at the third week of Testosterone so he's still very feminine. So the straight couple becomes a gay couple. This is the first time that I see a thing like that, but I don't think it's the only couple who have experienced a similar situation.

What do you think about? If you are a man that have married a woman and you really love she, you will continue to stay with your partner if he decide to become a man?

The channel:
www.tiktok.com/@hey.duckie (http://www.tiktok.com/@hey.duckie)

In a free country, people are free to choose.

08-24-2021, 04:01 AM
I don't want to spend time watching the videos, but perhaps he already knew his partner had this tendency and accepted that. They are still the same inner person after all, so if you loved that inner person previously then the only reason to change would be that you are worried about how other people would react.

08-24-2021, 09:49 AM
What a crazy world!

08-24-2021, 12:10 PM
In a free country, people are free to choose.
Never said the opposite, I would just to know the opinions of other men

I don't want to spend time watching the videos, but perhaps he already knew his partner had this tendency and accepted that. They are still the same inner person after all, so if you loved that inner person previously then the only reason to change would be that you are worried about how other people would react.

Wrong. Personally I'm not worried about the reaction of other people but from other: could I still be physically attracted to what was my wife and is now my husband? If I like women and I married a woman, then when she becomes a he, Will I be able to have sex with him? It will still be weird. I hugged and kissed a female body, now I kiss a man with a beard.
Is this a way to become gay?
But simply none is totally gay or totally straight, there are a lot shades of grey and this is a way to discover how much you are black or white...
sorry, this tiktok channel it made me think a lot ��

08-25-2021, 01:57 AM
But simply none is totally gay or totally straight, there are a lot shades of grey and this is a way to discover how much you are black or white...

That was exactly my point. The male partner did not suddenly turn from straight to gay when his partner decided to start transitioning, which was what your initial post seemed to be suggesting.

It's a complex question and I'm sure everyone would handle it slightly differently. It will depend a lot on the circumstances and state of the relationship at the time. But I'm pretty sure that most people are influenced by society's expectations to some degree, whether they are conscious of it or not.