10-27-2006, 02:14 AM
Democrat James Webb,Senator wannbe from Virgina has penned

a homosexual pedophile book. Oh the Hypocracy !!! :P

Page 335:

:lol: "Why did he kiss the boy`s penis" :lol:

10-27-2006, 03:42 AM
Oh come on! It's not child pornography if it's done in the name of art and literature!

Didnt you get the DNC memo?

Try and prosecute Webb on child porn charges and the ACLU will jump all over your ass in the name of "free expression".

As is usual, we need to rely on www.drudgereport.com to break the news, as the liberal media (cbs, nbc, cnn and abc) won't report this news about a democrat.

All hail the internet!

10-27-2006, 06:24 PM
Oh come on! It's not child pornography if it's done in the name of art and literature!

Didnt you get the DNC memo?

Try and prosecute Webb on child porn charges and the ACLU will jump all over your ass in the name of "free expression".

As is usual, we need to rely on www.drudgereport.com to break the news, as the liberal media (cbs, nbc, cnn and abc) won't report this news about a democrat.

All hail the internet!

A-ha-haa :lol:

Of course you`re correct,and Webb said so:

"...from the 2002 novel "Lost Soldiers," in which a man embraces his four-year-old son and places the boy's penis in his mouth,Webb replied,"It's not a sexual act," " ! ? The Clintonista defense :P

Webb and NAMBLA are in full agreement

10-27-2006, 10:12 PM
LMAO.....pathetically desperate tactics by the always predictable, always despicable GOP....

Jim Webb's writings stem from the experiences of himself and other true patriots and heroes. Why would anyone expect chickenhawks like yourselves, or the neo-con chickenhawk crooks and liars that you shill for, to relate to these novels? You act as though he was... oh lets say... a sexual predator and GOP congressman stalking and seducing underage pages under his care or something like that...

His only son Jimmy, an enlisted infantry U.S. Marine Lance Corporal whose unit based out of Camp Lejeune, is currently in Iraq.

After graduating from Annapolis, Webb was commissioned as a second lieutenant in the U.S. Marine Corps. He served in the Vietnam War as a first lieutenant rifle platoon leader in Company D in the 1st Battalion of the 5th Marine Regiment, as part of the Fleet Marine Force. Webb earned a Navy Cross, the second highest decoration in the Navy and Marine Corps for heroism in Vietnam. Webb also earned the Silver Star, two Bronze Stars, and two Purple Hearts.

Webb received the Navy Cross for actions on July 10, 1969.

Webb served as the nation's first Assistant Secretary of Defense for Reserve Affairs from 1984 to 1987 and then was promoted to Secretary of the Navy and served from 1987 to 1988 during the Reagan Administration.

Political analyst Larry Sabato(UVA) said in May that "Jim Webb is George Allen's worst nightmare: a war hero and a Reagan appointee who holds moderate positions…. Allen tries to project a Reagan aura, but Webb already has it." In September, Bloomberg.com's Catherine Dodge wrote an article highlighting Webb and the Senate race, and said "Webb isn't a typical Democrat. His family hails from the rural southern part of the state. He's pro-gun ownership, and he takes a harder line on illegal immigration than many Senate Republicans."

So maybe you cowardly, sniveling, neo-con chickenhawk cock-bandits shouldn't start sucking each others dicks just yet...

George Allen's Desperation Hits TILT!
Taylor Marsh

Evidently, the Allen campaign doesn't have enough to do. I guess when you can't afford to have your own candidate open his mouth it makes for dull days. So they've taken to reading old Webb books for fun. I guess all my posts on Allen's racism have finally made them crack.

But releasing this in a public press release?

- A Sense of Honor: "Nurse Goodbody, dark and voluptuous (Lenahan had forgotten her actual name, it was something long and Italian), was a bedtime friend to many of the doctors in Bethesda. She had hinted to Lenahan that she simply could not contain herself. Doctors tending to patients, she explained, aroused her. Morphine Mary (again Lenahan could not remember her exact name) was a thin, nervous drill sergeant type, a disciplinarian who did not allow her patients even to complain. Lenahan was convinced that Morphine Mary did not even sleep with her husband. She wasn't bad looking, he mused again, staring at her thin frame. If she'd just get laid every now and then she'd mellow out and stop being such a damn witch." (p. 164)

Yeah, there's nothing like a good, hard bedding to make the bitch go out of me. Oops! Did I say that or was it my husband?

Allen is so earnest. It's an insult to any woman who's ever read a romance novel (aka women's smut).

John McCain thought Webb's books were great.

Hmmm.... but this reminds me of something, what is it? Can't quite think of it... coming to me... Oh yeah, Dick Cheney's chief of staff, I. Scooter Libby.

"At age ten the madam put the child in a cage with a bear trained to couple with young girls so the girls would be frigid and not fall in love with their patrons. They fed her through the bars and aroused the bear with a stick when it seemed to lose interest."
Republican Porn - The Apprentice, by Lewis Libby

George Allen's press release has everything but Libby's bears.

And who can forget Lynne Cheney's classic lesbian lover scenes? Use your imagination.

It's a judgment alert. Why would you release this into the public in a press release? Desperation, baby, it's ugly in the light. It's also not for public consumption. Bad call, George, though highly entertaining.

article and URL links here-

Show Me The Dirty Parts
Marty Kaplan

It's a hoot that George Allen's campaign has justified distributing its anthology of the naughty bits in Jim Webb's novels as a defense of damsels. If Allen were really concerned about women, he might demonstrate it by protecting their right to control their own bodies, or he might try helping the women whose lives are families are being ravaged by the war in Iraq, or he might even wonder why Virginia's single women and single mothers are falling farther and farther behind despite the Bush corporate boom.

But no, George Allen has decided that the best way to protect southern belles is to join that great tradition, stretching from Rev Arthur Dimmesdale to Rev Elmer Gantry, of unctuous hypocrites.

Unfortunately for Allen, the attack on Webb provides an irresistible opportunity to revisit the history of Republican soft porn. As Lauren Collins pointed out in The New Yorker, citing a Spy Magazine piece from 1988, bluestockings have always been good at being blue.

There's the scene in Scooter Libby's 1996 novel, The Apprentice, in which the author has little girls coupling with a bear to train for prostitution, and men fucking a dead deer. There's Lynne Cheney's 1981 novel, Sisters, whose lesbian heroines show more than Janet Jackson did. The Collins piece reminds us of dirty parts from noted Republican litterateurs like William Safire ("[She] finally came to him in the bed and shouted 'Arragghrrorwr!' in his ear, bit his neck, plunged her head between his legs and devoured him"), William Buckley ("I'd rather do this with you than play cards"), G. Gordon Liddy ("T'sa Li froze, her lips still enclosing Rand's glans . . ."), John Ehrlichman (" 'It felt like a little tongue' ") and Bill O'Reilly ("Okay, Shannon Michaels, off with those pants").

You can just imagine what it must have been like for those shocked! shocked! Allen staffers to assemble the Webb anthology. Luckily, they probably have learned to type with one hand.

article and URL links here-

10-27-2006, 10:53 PM
LOL! Typical post from you. It starts off coherent then as your Attention Deficit deal kicks in, the post loses all conciousness. LMAO!


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Typical republicans! 1+1=2. 2 to the power of 2 is 4! I hate republicans because they have bigger dicks. Democrats are cool. Writing about sex acts with children is cool, too!

I think blue is pretty.

What was I talking about?

Oh yeah. That Webb guy, his kid graduated from Anapolis so he is entitled to write about sex acts with children. At least he's not a chicken hawk. I like driving Honda's and pet scorpions. Soda comes from Saskatchewan.

I painted my house, gatorade.

Furthermore, cons are bad. Nachos, good.


Soft Cheese Nachos
Source: Better Homes and Gardens

Makes 3 to 4 snack servings

Start to Finish: 20 minutes

4 7- to 8-inch flour tortillas
1/2 cup shredded Monterey Jack cheese (2 ounces)
1/2 cup shredded cheddar cheese (2 ounces)
1/4 cup salsa or taco sauce
Dairy sour cream (optional)

1. Preheat the oven to 450 degree F. Stack tortillas and cut into 4 wedges. On a 12-inch pizza pan arrange tortillas in a single layer, overlapping slightly if necessary. Bake in the 450 degree F oven for 7 to 9 minutes or just until brown.

2. Sprinkle cheeses over tortillas on pan. Return to oven about 2 minutes more or until cheeses melt.

3. Drizzle with salsa or taco sauce. Dollop with sour cream, if desired. Makes 3 to 4 snack servings.




From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
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See also Nachos Instructional Operating System or National Association of Condo Hotel Owners.
A tray of NachosNachos in their simplest form are usually tortilla chips covered in melted cheese. Common additional toppings include:

Ground beef or chicken
Jalapeño pepper slices
Refried beans
Sour cream
Nachos were created in Piedras Negras, Coahuila, Mexico, according to a story reported in several newspapers and confirmed by the Oxford English Dictionary, by Ignacio "Nacho" Anaya in 1943.[1] The story goes that the wives of American airmen came to his restaurant after the kitchen had closed. Anaya quickly prepared the dish and later added it to his menu. The term "nachos" came from Anaya's original name for the dish, which was "Especiales De Nacho," or "Nacho's Special Dish." Nacho Anaya's original nachos consisted of fried tortilla chips covered with melted cheese and jalapeño peppers. A traditional variation consists of a quartered tostada topped with a layer of refried beans and/or various meats and a layer of shredded cheese.

The Oxford English Dictionary has identified the earliest known occurrence in English-language print of the word "nacho", in a cookbook called "A Taste of Texas", edited by Jane Trahey, published in 1949. "A Taste of Texas" refers to the story of Ignacio Anaya as the inventor of nachos.

Nachos increased in popularity as a cheap concession food after the development of a processed cheese sauce, based on hydrogenated oil, which eased preparation. The cheese sauce can be dispensed on top of the tortilla chips, but it is often simply offered as a dip. However, since processed cheese sauce is not authentic to Mexican food, and may not be very healthy, nachos made with actual cheese also remain popular.

The first professional sports team to offer nachos in the concession stand was baseball's Texas Rangers.

The food surfaced in pop culture in quirky fashion. Monday Night Football's Howard Cosell used the word "nachos" to describe a spectacular play, and Beavis and Butt-head displayed tremendous enthusiasm for nachos.

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I don't think anyone here takes your posts serious anymore. Not out of intentional disrespect, but because your posts are incoherent ramblings and contain links that don't really have anything to do with the topic.



10-27-2006, 11:03 PM
nice rebuttal, genius...the flop-sweat is obviously mounting amongst the GOP and their stooges and shills...

10-27-2006, 11:05 PM
nice rebuttal, genius...the flop-sweat is obviously mounting amongst the GOP and their stooges and shills...

Much improved. I see the newer medicines are helping keep tabs on you.

Stick with the one-liner replies until the brain-waves are modulated and the planets align.

Nice work!

10-27-2006, 11:54 PM
nice rebuttal, genius...the flop-sweat is obviously mounting amongst the GOP and their stooges and shills...

Much improved. I see the newer medicines are helping keep tabs on you.

Stick with the one-liner replies until the brain-waves are modulated and the planets align.

Nice work!

Don`t bother with that one,he`s a sockpuppet demogog.

My pet cat brings more intellectual gravitas to the table than he does.

Now onto Webb. Obvious incest/pedophile/homosexual latent tendencies here. He should come out of the closet and resign from politics,just like Foley did.

10-28-2006, 06:05 PM
nice rebuttal, genius...the flop-sweat is obviously mounting amongst the GOP and their stooges and shills...

Webb," It`s Rove and his smears.He made me write books about sucking a child`s cock!" :lol:

10-29-2006, 12:14 AM
Webb must resign,his diseased mind thinks of shit like sucking a child`s cock:

To: The Webb Campaign
To: Jim Webb Campaign Headquarters

Mr. Webb,

As you well know, the American people want to protect our children against child predators. Recently, Congressman Mark Foley resigned from Congress on September 29, 2006 as allegations surfaced that he had sent sexually explicit instant messages to male former Congressional pages, through AOL Instant Messenger. As a result of the disclosures, the FBI and the Florida Department of Law Enforcement opened investigations of the messages to find possible criminal charges. Mark Foley did the right thing and resigned. In February, DOJ launched Project Safe Childhood, an initiative to “combat the proliferation of technology-facilitated sexual exploitation crimes against children.” Some of your writings are very disturbing for a candidate hoping to represent the families of Virginians in the U.S. Senate and do not help the cause of combating the sexual exploitation crimes against children. Most Virginians and Americans would find passages such as those below shocking, especially coming from the pen of someone who seeks the privilege of serving in the United States Senate, one of the highest offices in the land:

– Lost Soldiers: “A shirtless man walked toward them along a mud pathway. His muscles were young and hard, but his face was devastated with wrinkles. His eyes were so red that they appeared to be burned by fire. A naked boy ran happily toward him from a little plot of dirt. The man grabbed his young son in his arms, turned him upside down, and put the boy’s penis in his mouth.”

Bantam Books, NY, 1st Edition, 2001, (hard cover), page 333.
Quote is from para. 10,.Chap. 34.

We therefore call on you to immediately withdraw your candidacy from this race. We the undersigned ask that you put your personal ambitions aside, think of the greater good of the people of the United States and do the right thing — drop out of the U.S. Senate Race rather than persevering in one of self-interest that only serves to hurt the cause of combating the proliferation of sexual exploitation crimes against children.


10-29-2006, 03:10 PM
Well, isn't this interesting? A few years ago, back before Jim Webb had the audacity to challenge George Allen for U.S. Senate, the right-wing FreeRepublic.com, which bills itself as "A Conservative News Forum," came up with its "Military History and Strategy Readling List." Guess what? Alongside "The Art of War" by Sun Tzu and "Blackhawk Down" were the following suggestions:

*"Anything written by James Webb."
*"Amen on James Webb. Fields of Fire, particularly."

George Allen attacked Jim Webb's classic Vietnam War novel, "Fields of Fire." In doing so, George Allen didn't just attack Jim Webb. George Allen didn't just attack literature. George Allen also attacked the Marine Corps, which lists "Fields of Fire" as part of its Professional Reading Program. According to the Marine Corps, "Fields of Fire" is one of the books that are "required to be read by all Marines while serving in the grade shown." "Fields of Fire" is listed under "Corporal to Sergeant"



10-29-2006, 08:13 PM
LMAO!!! @ The "Attacking literature" part.

George Allen didn't just attack literature.

If dude gets butt hurt over literature, I think we have a bigger problem going on.


10-29-2006, 08:19 PM
From Webb's statement

Webb responded Friday morning on Washington Post radio. "Let me explain what that was," he said. "I actually saw this happen in a slum of Bangkok and when I was there as a journalist. A man placing his lips on his son's private parts. ... And the duty of a writer is to illuminate the surroundings.

LOL What a sad defense. The only reason perverts like Webb visit Thailand is for the child sex !

The only thing that comes close is the Metzitzah b'peh . And last I looked,there are no Jews in the slums,aka red light districts,of BKK.

Webb`s an obvious closet incestuous pedarist and must resign.

10-30-2006, 01:37 AM
From Webb's statement

Webb responded Friday morning on Washington Post radio. "Let me explain what that was," he said. "I actually saw this happen in a slum of Bangkok and when I was there as a journalist. A man placing his lips on his son's private parts. ... And the duty of a writer is to illuminate the surroundings.

LOL What a sad defense. The only reason perverts like Webb visit Thailand is for the child sex !

The only thing that comes close is the Metzitzah b'peh . And last I looked,there are no Jews in the slums,aka red light districts,of BKK.

Webb`s an obvious closet incestuous pedarist and must resign.

Dude, were you dropped on your head when you were a child? WTF.

10-30-2006, 01:44 AM
“James Webb’s new novel paints a portrait of a modern Vietnam charged with hopes for the future but haunted by the ghosts of its war-torn past. It captures well the lingering scars of the war, and exposes the tension between the dynamism of a new generation and the invisible bondage of an older generation for whom wartime allegiances, and animosities, are rendered no less vivid by the passage of time. A novel of revenge and redemption that tells us much about both where Vietnam is headed and where it has been.”
— Senator John McCain


The authoritative Growing Up: A Cross-Cultural Encyclopedia covers 87 cultures in which it says there is no incest, just adults playing with, stroking, masturbating and sucking their baby's genitals: "Truk adults play with an infant's genitals...In China, Manchu mothers tickle the genitals of their little daughters and suck the penis of a small son...in Thailand, a Banoi mother habitually strokes her son's genitals."


"It's not a sexual act," Webb told Plotkin regarding the "Lost Soldiers" excerpt. "I actually saw this happen in a slum in Bangkok when I was there as a journalist. The duty of a writer is to illuminate his surroundings."

10-30-2006, 03:33 AM
“James Webb’s new novel paints a portrait of a modern Vietnam charged with hopes for the future but haunted by the ghosts of its war-torn past. It captures well the lingering scars of the war, and exposes the tension between the dynamism of a new generation and the invisible bondage of an older generation for whom wartime allegiances, and animosities, are rendered no less vivid by the passage of time. A novel of revenge and redemption that tells us much about both where Vietnam is headed and where it has been.”
— Senator John McCain


The authoritative Growing Up: A Cross-Cultural Encyclopedia covers 87 cultures in which it says there is no incest, just adults playing with, stroking, masturbating and sucking their baby's genitals: "Truk adults play with an infant's genitals...In China, Manchu mothers tickle the genitals of their little daughters and suck the penis of a small son...in Thailand, a Banoi mother habitually strokes her son's genitals."


"It's not a sexual act," Webb told Plotkin regarding the "Lost Soldiers" excerpt. "I actually saw this happen in a slum in Bangkok when I was there as a journalist. The duty of a writer is to illuminate his surroundings."

McCain ? Nothing more than a manchurian candidate who sung like a canary when tortured by the NVA.

Uh, yeah. Still called sexual assault and incest and also proves you hadn`t read the gratuitous use of incest in the book:

10-30-2006, 03:38 AM
“James Webb’s new novel paints a portrait of a modern Vietnam charged with hopes for the future but haunted by the ghosts of its war-torn past. It captures well the lingering scars of the war, and exposes the tension between the dynamism of a new generation and the invisible bondage of an older generation for whom wartime allegiances, and animosities, are rendered no less vivid by the passage of time. A novel of revenge and redemption that tells us much about both where Vietnam is headed and where it has been.”
— Senator John McCain


The authoritative Growing Up: A Cross-Cultural Encyclopedia covers 87 cultures in which it says there is no incest, just adults playing with, stroking, masturbating and sucking their baby's genitals: "Truk adults play with an infant's genitals...In China, Manchu mothers tickle the genitals of their little daughters and suck the penis of a small son...in Thailand, a Banoi mother habitually strokes her son's genitals."


"It's not a sexual act," Webb told Plotkin regarding the "Lost Soldiers" excerpt. "I actually saw this happen in a slum in Bangkok when I was there as a journalist. The duty of a writer is to illuminate his surroundings."

McCain ? Nothing more than a manchurian candidate who sung like a canary when tortured by the NVA.

Uh, yeah. Still called sexual assault and incest and also proves you hadn`t read the gratuitous use of incest in the book:

Sure. Whatever, dude.

10-31-2006, 12:38 AM
FOX’s Col. Hunt endorses Jim Webb over George Allen

In a twist that left Sean Hannity almost speechless on H&C Friday night, FOX News military analyst Col. Hunt said that he preferred Jim Webb over George Allen in the Virgina race because he's a battle tested military man and Allen is just a football player.

Hunt is a Marine combat hero.

Hannity is a chickenhawk stooge left pouting by Hunt's endorsement. :lol: :P

10-31-2006, 07:42 PM
FOX’s Col. Hunt endorses Jim Webb over George Allen

In a twist that left Sean Hannity almost speechless on H&C Friday night, FOX News military analyst Col. Hunt said that he preferred Jim Webb over George Allen in the Virgina race because he's a battle tested military man and Allen is just a football player.

Black Democrats Cross Party Lines To Back Steele For U.S. Senate
Pr. George's Politicians Lash Out at State Party

By Ovetta Wiggins
Washington Post Staff Writer
Tuesday, October 31, 2006; Page B01

A coalition of black Democratic political leaders from Prince George's County led by former county executive Wayne K. Curry endorsed Republican Michael S. Steele's bid for the U.S. Senate yesterday.

The support from Curry, five County Council members and others barely a week before Election Day reflects their continued disappointment that the Democratic Party has no African American candidates at the top of the ticket and a sense that the county is being ignored, officials said.

"They show us a pie, but we never get a slice," said Major F. Riddick Jr., a former aide to then-Gov. Parris N. Glendening and a former county executive candidate. "We are here today to say we've waited and we've waited and we're waiting no longer."


10-31-2006, 09:31 PM
George Felix Allen Obsesses About Gay Marriage

Bob Geiger

Judging by how Republicans focus their attention, you would never know that we're having the bloodiest month of 2006, in a civil war for which the GOP leadership can do nothing but get us in deeper and make us profoundly less safe. You wouldn't have a clue that North Korea has joined the nuke-of-the-month club or that we've gone from being respected throughout the world when we had a real president (Bill Clinton) to being arguably the most despised nation on the planet since the Republicans took over.

And you damn sure would never know that the new century has seen us with a net loss of high-paying jobs, the biggest budget deficit in U.S. history, 46 million of our citizens with no health insurance and a federal minimum wage that continues to keep Americans working 40 to 50 hours a week below the poverty line.

But what is Virginia Senator George Felix Allen focusing on when he's not wallpapering his den with confederate flags or spitting out racial slurs? He's fighting off the political challenge of his career from Democrat Jim Webb by harping on.... Same-sex marriage, of course.

Granted, Virginia is one of eight states voting on Constitutional amendments to ban gay marriage next week, but the fact is, Virginia's state initiative has nothing to do with national issues of concern to a United States Senator and everything to do with Allen's pathetic and struggling campaign pushing a wedge issue to get right-wing bigots to the polls.

And, boy, is Allen all over this one. In just four days last week, Allen's campaign issued not one, not two, but five press releases exploiting the subject of gay marriage. More accurately, the statements were designed to persuade Virginians into thinking that, if Jim Webb is elected to Allen's Senate seat, the majority of heterosexual couples in the state will careen irreversibly toward divorce.

"I have long believed that the family is the most important institution in all of our society. It is more important than our State and local governments, the Governor, the Congress, or even the President," one release announced Allen as saying during a rally at a church last week. "I believe marriage should be between one man and one woman - and on this issue, the will of the people is clear."

Allen's five, gay-marriage statements issued between Wednesday and Saturday of last week focused mainly on the donations Webb has indirectly received from Ted Kennedy, John Kerry and Hillary Clinton -- imagine how much those names will scare some backwoods types -- and lamenting the New Jersey Supreme Court's ruling on gay marriage.

"New Jersey's recent court ruling again emphasizes the need to ensure passage of Virginia's proposed marriage amendment," one release quotes State Senator Mark Obenshain as saying in support of Allen. "On this crucial issue, George Allen's opponent is not aligned with Virginians and our mainstream values. I stand with George Allen because he is willing to fight to preserve traditional marriage."

I can't help but wonder what Virginia's "mainstream values," as defined by the likes of Obenshain and Allen, say about thousands of young Americans killed in a war based on lies or a Republican U.S. Senator who also happens to be a proven racist.

But the Allen camp really saves its bile for the attempts to make Webb look like the second coming of Karl Marx and ties him as closely as possible to those Massachusetts bogeymen, Kennedy and Kerry.

"Earlier this year, Senators Kennedy and Kerry voted against the federal marriage amendment," says one statement. "Now Kennedy and Kerry have dug into their pockets and donated $1 million to the DSCC, which, as of today, had already spent $1.72 million in Virginia."

"He [Webb] wants to assure his liberal allies in Washington DC who are pouring millions of dollars of attack ads into Virginia that he will not protect the institution of marriage in Virginia."

And Allen's campaign manager, Dick Wadhams, made it really clear that the most constructive debate Virginians should hear in the closing days of the 2006 Senatorial contest is the bashing of two Senators from a state 400 miles away.

"Kennedy and Kerry are emblematic of the Democrats' efforts to appoint liberal judges who will subvert the will of the people and impose their elitist views on the people of this country," said Wadhams. "The D.C. Democrats know what they are paying for when they donate to Democrats like Jim Webb."

But here's the best part from Wadhams: "We'd be thrilled if Webb decides to take his Massachusetts buddies, Ted Kennedy and John Kerry on a statewide tour with him across Virginia the next couple weeks. But it's probably more likely we'll see them all windsurfing in Cape Cod or dining in Martha's Vineyard."

Now there's a campaign to make every man, woman and child in Virginia proud.

It's just too bad we don't have a few more weeks until election day.

You see, Webb is against a Constitutional amendment banning flag-burning and the last time the Allen campaign was stupid enough to broach this subject, they got pummeled with this from Webb's team:

"George Felix Allen Jr. and his bush-league lapdog, Dick Wadhams, have not earned the right to challenge Jim Webb's position on free speech and flag burning. Jim Webb served and fought for our flag and what it stands for, while George Felix Allen Jr. chose to cut and run. When he and his disrespectful campaign puppets attack Jim Webb they are attacking every man and woman who served. Their comments are nothing more than weak-kneed attacks by cowards.

"While Jim Webb and others of George Felix Allen Jr.'s generation were fighting for our freedoms and for our symbols of freedom in Vietnam, George Felix Allen Jr. was playing cowboy at a dude ranch in Nevada. People who live in glass dude ranches should not question the patriotism of real soldiers who fought and bled for this country on a real battlefield."


I guess for a Chickenhawk like Allen, it's much easier to stick with racial slurs and sowing bigotry against gay Americans in the days before November 7 than to take on a highly-decorated, former Marine.

Let's hope that the majority of Virginians realize that, no matter who George Felix Allen is hating today, a coward is still a coward -- and that can't possibly be one of their "values."


10-31-2006, 11:50 PM
Hey Democrats! Can't get enough HaHa Guy and child pornography?

Well, now you can have both! That's right, young boy penis and haha guy, together for one special event.

Election Year 2k6. NAMBLA votes!