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Niels Bohr
10-25-2006, 04:36 AM
So my uncle calls me up the other night. Apparently there a problem with his computer. I'm a bit suprised because I just did a fresh install on his computer four month ago and hooked it up with all the software he would need and antivirus programs that are always up-to-date. I asked him what's wrong and he tells me he keeps getting pop ups and a warning from windows that says he has a critical virus. I asked him what he did and he says he downloaded a program to watch a movie. I did say I told you not to do that you have every program you would ever need on the computer, if you need to download the progam to watch something its probably bad for you computer. So of course its family tech service.
He brings me the computer and I turn it on, what do I find, over twenty viruses from the past 4 months. computer is fucked, time for another fresh install. But before I do that I got to he internet files to see what stupidity he was looking at that caused this mess. Low and behold what do I find, tranny porn What? My uncle looks and tranny porn!!!!!!
Shit everyone must look at tranny porn. I shouldn't be surprised, its damnn good porn!

10-25-2006, 04:53 AM
Shit, to this day I have never fessed up to looking at tranny porn on my sister's computer while I was housesitting. I thought I knew how to delete everything: history, cookies...didn't erase the cache. She found out her new husband was screwing around on her because he used her computer to access a dating service that he was using for the women he was banging on all his business trips. AND left his passwords in an address book that he left sitting around. She found out he cheated on her two months after the wedding. When she was telling me on the phone, she said," And if that's not enough, he was looking at 'boys with boobs' on there too! That wasn't you, was it?" "me...no!!!" D'oh and double d'oh. Since he was the one being an asshole, I let him take the blame for that one as well.
I wanted to tell her that 'chicks with dicks' is the more accurate porn term, but ultimately decided to let that one go. :lol:

10-25-2006, 05:54 AM
LMAO... Great story. You did the right thing by passing the blame onto your sister's husband. Why? Becuase if she ever brings it up to him, he will be completely perplexed -- and she won't believe any denials on his part.
