View Full Version : Fucking Wankers ... seriously, what sort of entitlement ...

07-11-2020, 05:39 PM
I'll never get why people think it's okay to reach out to me, with their pointless life issues I have zero interest in. If you've a question you need answering, then ask it here and let the community work on it, if I have something to add I will. The entitlement of this dumb-ass, who doesn't even buy our product, beggars belief - and when he doesn't like the response, he tries to claim he's intellectually superior. I have a full time job running a company, I also have a family I like spending time with, and I like to relax also. We have an amazing customer service team (which I work on) and we make sure our members are taken care of. If you've a genuine question about what we do, or if you are a trans person looking for advice, or if you have some feedback for us - I read everything and answer as much as I can. But seriously, this crap ?

Maybe some one else can shed light on this wee man. I just think he's a bellend.




By the way, if anyone wants a refund on what they pay for access to this forum, just let me know and I'll let you know how you can get it.