View Full Version : Veggiestrology:Wisdom cometh from the Earth, not Heaven

05-13-2020, 05:35 PM
Are you a Leek, a Parsnip or a Pea? Find out how to be a vegetable and be intelligent at the same time.

I found this on the web when looking for somethig else. It is in part an introduction to Veggiestrology and in part the sale of art work based greetings cards.

<figure class="alignright"><header class="entry-header"> VEGGIESTROLOGY CARDS </header> DIG UP YOUR INNER VEGETABLE. The cards are printed with a picture of the Vegetable on the outside and a brief history of Veggiestrology* on the back.The inside of the card has a personality description of the Vegetable type.
<figure class="wp-block-image size-large">https://shippocards.files.wordpress.com/2019/09/veggiestrology-card-image-copy-1.jpg?w=1024</figure> <figure class="wp-block-image size-large is-resized">https://shippocards.files.wordpress.com/2019/09/veggiestrology-card-image-inside-copy.jpg?w=869</figure> Like all Shippo cards Veggiestrology cards are printed on high quality recycled card and come with recycled envelope wrapped in biodegradable cellophane.


January 1st – January 28th SWEDE
January 29th – February 25th PARSNIP
February 26th – March 24th BROCOLLI
March 25th – April 21st BROAD BEAN
April 22th – May 19th PEA
May 20th – June 16th ARTICHOKE
June 17th -July 14th LETTUCE
July 15th – August 11th TOMATO
August 12th – September 8th CHILLI
September 9th – October 6th CARROT
October 7 th – November 3rd POTATO
November 4th – December 1st LEEK
December 2nd – December 31st CAULIFLOWER
The 13 Classic Vegetable Types <figure class="alignright">
<figure>https://shippocards.files.wordpress.com/2012/06/swede1.jpg</figure> The Swede. January 1 – January 28 Swedes appear to be solid confident and down to earth; they are intensely practical and often excel at bookshelves. Their coolness and unflappability in times of crisis makes them perfect companions during kidnap or hostage situations. Given sufficient encouragement Swedes are capable of great passion. The downside of this is a tendency towards sentimentality and mush. <figure></figure> <figure>https://shippocards.files.wordpress.com/2012/06/parsnip1.jpg</figure> The Parsnip. January 29 – February 25

The Parsnip is the marathon runner of Veggiestrology. They’re there for the long distance. Young parsnips have a reputation for immaturity and superficiality but they’re worth waiting for. The grown up parsnip is often extremely responsible and good with children. They may not be the chattiest of vegetables but there’s always a lot more going on beneath the surface than meets the eye.

<figure>https://shippocards.files.wordpress.com/2012/06/broccoli.jpg</figure> The Broccoli. February 26 – March 24
Broccolis have a tendency towards insecurity and restlessness. They don’t put down strong roots and are never quite sure of their place in society. Broccolis take a lot of trouble with their appearance and they certainly know how to turn heads but it’s all a bit of an act. Deep down inside Broccolis are worriers. Young broccolis have a tendency towards mild substance abuse or religion however this phase is short lived. When broccolis finally settle down they make for rewarding and entertaining companions. Broccolis get on well with potatoes and peas but they find tomatoes unsettling.

The Broad Bean. March 25 – April 21
Broad Beans are innovators and adventurers. They are not respecters of tradition or habit but on the other hand they are not rash or foolhardy. Ask a Broad Bean to do something and his answer will not be Why? but Why Not! Although they can work quite well on their own, a broad bean is more comfortable as part of a team. Broad beans are goal focused and work extremely hard, often during unsocial hours. For this reason most of their relationships seem to be with other Broad Beans. They are too busy inside their own heads to have serious relationships with other vegetables.

The Pea. April 22 – May 19
Peas. Although the smallest of vegetable-types they have a huge impact wherever they go. Everyone seems to love Peas – especially other Peas. Peas love crowds and parties and have a pathological fear of being on their own. As far as relationships go, a pea can appear quite fickle or even sluttish but they really can’t help it. It’s their nature. A lone pea is a miserable sight

<figure>https://shippocards.files.wordpress.com/2012/06/artichoke1.jpg</figure> The Artichoke. May 20 – June 16
Artichokes are officers not foot-soldiers; they give orders easily and take them badly. They are creative and innovative thinkers. Artichokes enjoy the finer things in life and have a tendency towards extravagance. Although capable of fantastic flamboyance in their appearance, they are nonetheless quite insecure and demand praise and reassurance from those around them. They are generous friends and have a reputation as tireless and considerate lovers. Artichokes are generally easy-going but if roused to anger they can be quite intimidating. Artichokes get on really well with broad beans and potatoes. They clash with Swedes.

The Lettuce. June 17 – July 14
Lettuces are delightful but inconsistent. They like to live in the moment, even if that moment is a very short one. On the positive side this means that lettuces are very good at adapting to changing circumstances. Unfortunately it also means they find it very difficult to make decisions. Lettuces often have commitment issues so find it difficult to sustain long-term relationships. They are often attracted to tomatoes but generally speaking having a relationship with a lettuce is a bit of a roller coaster. Luckily the ups are so interesting they make the downs almost bearable.Lettuces are generous but they are notoriously bad with money. If they have it – they spend it. A lettuce with a credit card is an invitation to bankruptcy.


The Tomato. July 15 – August 11
Tomatoes are show-offs. They like to be the centre of attention, the star of the show. They will go to any lengths to make their presence felt and for this reason are often highly imaginative and creative. Turner and Picasso were both tomatoes. Although technically a fruit, Tomatoes get on well with most other vegetables, except for Swedes who find their exuberance and brashness too much to take. In relationships Tomatoes are passionate and opinionated; they are quick to judge and slow to forgive. It is almost impossible to get a Tomato to change its mind. <figure></figure> <figure>https://shippocards.files.wordpress.com/2012/06/chilli-small-jpeg1.jpg</figure>

The Chilli Pepper. August 12 – September 8 Chilli peppers have high standards and are uncompromising idealists. They often prefer the theory of life and love to the practice, which they can find unbearably disappointing. Chillies are natural democrats and are outraged by examples of inequality or unfairness. Chillies often become politicians or trade unionists. Like the tomato Chillies are loyal and passionate in their relationships. They are generous to those they love but have little time for those who don’t share their larger than life opinions.

<figure></figure> <figure>https://shippocards.files.wordpress.com/2012/06/carrot-viv1.jpg</figure> The Carrot. September 9 – October 6
Carrots are the most introspective of all vegetable types. They are patient and thoughtful and take a long time to make up their minds. They can sometimes appear distant or aloof but this is just the Carrot’s natural reluctance to stand up and be counted. Carrots tend to be conventional in their relationships and are not necessarily the most exciting of companions, but they are extremely faithful and reliable. <figure></figure> <figure>https://shippocards.files.wordpress.com/2012/06/potato.jpg</figure> The Potato. October 7 – November 3 There are two kinds of potatoes -the English and the French. The English potato is solid and predictable and doesn’t enjoy surprises whereas the French or ‘salad potato’ is light, quick thinking and relishes a chalenge. The English potato has a reputation for extreme secrecy, which makes them excellent but frustrating friends. The French potato, in contrast, is fascinated by all aspects of relationships. French potatoes are never happier than when surrounded by a carafe of wine and group of sypathetic vegetables. When it comes to choosing lovers the French potato is often attracted to Artichokes, whose flamboyance and joie de vivre seems to complement them perfectly.

<figure></figure> <figure>https://shippocards.files.wordpress.com/2012/06/leek.jpg</figure> The Leek. November 4 – December 1
Leek. Probably the most athletic and hard-working of vegetables. Leeks relish a challenge. They love walking and climbing. They also enjoy playing or watching all kinds of sport, except golf. They are not particularly imaginative but they are invariably optimistic and outgoing. A night out with a Leek is a night to remember! <figure></figure> <figure>https://shippocards.files.wordpress.com/2012/06/cauliflower-small1.jpg</figure> The Cauliflower. December 2 – December 31
Cauliflower. One of the most interesting and complicated of vegetable types; neither introvert nor extrovert, the cauliflower squats uneasily between the two. A Cauliflower in a good mood is a wonderful friend; a depressed Cauliflower is a deeply unpleasant experience. Cauliflowers are strongly associated with the performing arts. There are many famous Cauliflower musicians and most Cauliflowers love to dance. When it comes to relationships, Cauliflowers have very high standards and will not put up with second best, although they often get on extremely well with Carrots.*What on earth IS Veggiestrology? Veggiestrology is a bit like Astrology only it makes more sense, as it is based on plants and they are much closer to us than planets.
(Some people think it is all made up but it can’t be because you can Google it and there’s stuff written about it on the internet.)
There are 13 Vegetable signs based on birthdates.
A Brief ‘History’ (this is also printed on the back of each card)
‘The Ancients believed that the most significant influence on a person’s future was the type of vegetable growing outside at the time of birth. They divided the year into 13 equal ‘plots’ and to each ‘plot’ they allotted its appropriate vegetable. By analysing the unique characteristics of each vegetable in a process known as ‘souping’, the Ancients believed they could predict the likely shape and outcome of a person’s life.
This collection of manuscripts was passed down from Ancient to Ancient and became known as THE VEGGIELORUM.
Unfortunately sometime in the mists of history, one of the Ancients left the only copy on the kitchen table and the Ancient’s wife ‘tidied’ it away. THE VEGGIELORUM disappeared from view for thousands of years.
Remarkably in September 2001 a chance discovery at the University of Powys led to a reawakening of interest in VeggieStrology. A researcher was reading a really dusty old book when she came across a reference to ‘typus vegetablium’. Intrigued by what this might mean, she applied for a grant and then spent three long years using only the time-honoured techniques of snipping and gluing and general chatting until finally she succeeded in recreating the lost treasure of The Ancients – THE VEGGIELORUM.’
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05-14-2020, 12:40 AM
"I found this on the web when looking for somethig else."

Isn't that always how it starts...