View Full Version : Luna 555 -- What happened to her?

04-30-2020, 06:11 AM
This may seem odd, but when I first got on HA, back in 2007, I asked if there were any ladies on here from St. Louis. I got a reply from Luna 555, who had also just gotten on here. She, too, was from St. Louis. I had a bit of correspondence with her. but never met her, as I was only on HA very sporadically back then. She was a beautiful Latina, and very intelligent and articulate and pleasant from her posts. She became an escort and moved to, I think, NYC, and then I saw a post that she was moving to San Francisco. Then I lost track of her. She really didn't post much, except in the first year that she was on here, and the last time she was on here, according to her profile, was in 2014. I've always regretted not trying to meet up with her or to get to know her. I tried e-mailing her at the e-mail address on her profile, but it's no longer active. Anyway, I wonder if anyone knows anything about her or how I can get in touch. I know she has -- or had -- family in St. Louis, which is where I am. I also tried to do a search to see if she was still escorting, but didn't come up with anything. Anyway, if anyone knows how to get in touch with her and can let me know, I'd appreciate it. Or you can pass my e-mail address on to her. She probably won't remember who I am, but I'm just curious about her. My e-mail address is mikey_st_louis@yahoo.com.