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View Full Version : Man Dating Trans Woman Kills Himself After Relentless Bullying

08-21-2019, 09:40 PM
a man named maurice willoughby made a facebook live video where he admitted he was dating a trans woman. however, this video received a lot of blacklash for him and led to relentless bullying.

unfortunately, maurice took his own life as a result of the bullying. one of the last entries on his facebook was the message below:


also linked is a twitter video that claims to be "where it all started"



08-21-2019, 11:19 PM
Rest in peace brother, we are so cruel with each other that perhaps we should redefne the meaning of humanity.

Social media can be such a cancer sometimes and it has fucked our brain to the point that we are looking for aproval online for people we don't even know, if we are depressed and expressed that online, we couldn't count on them. If we need some encouraging we couldn't count on them. So why in the hell are we trying to get aproval from them?

It isn't nobody business if your love and your gilfriend is a transwoman, if she helps to be a better person just be thankful and show your apreciation for that, wheter in public or in private.

Anyway rest in peace brother, this shit just ruined my night.

08-22-2019, 09:33 AM
Social media SUCKS! I don't have anything to do with it.