View Full Version : Hello gang! An intro as well as a question! :) <3

03-21-2019, 01:14 AM
Hi! First lemme start by saying, I HOPE this is the right place, (General seemed the closet to :) ). So! Anyway!

Hi again! I am new here of course, I am a male in my mid twenties, from the U.S. Pretty normal upbringing excreta Lower Mid-Class, good childhood no complaints. I like so many things I won't even get into hobbies, lol I like to party and then turn around and spend a few quiet days 'Away', work, pay bills ya know. The grind :) Welp! Thats about it! Thanks, glad to be here!

Okie doke, now my question. lol Don't worry its not too bad, I diddn't accidently burn down an orphanage for bunnies or nunthin' :P lol sorry my attempt at humor... lol So, my questions simple, but of course for some Like me) just as difficult! I grew up my whole life"Straight", I mean, just never cared, or thought about it. Recently, though, I have been more and more attracted to trans women as well (About 50/50 ). It's kinda puzzling to me, because, I have no attraction to men, like, ya know "Cis" (I think thats right? Plz forgive my gnorance of allt he nomeclature I of course mean no offense) men, the thought alone, just not my pref. But a Trans-Woman turns me on as much, sometimes more than alotta women. Sorry, kindagettin off track, Im not asking about my sexuality I could care less, the more and more I've thought about it the less I care. So my question is this.

Well recently I finally admitted to myself, I am attracted to women regardless of genitals etc. So, I'm going to actively try to step into another world so to speak, I'd like to at least find out, and the thought of a possible relationship crosses my mind more and more. So, I guess what I'm asking. I'll try an articulate with as little idiocy as poss, bear with me.. lol
Obviously, this is all very new of course, I'm just curious, if there are any others like me or of course a woman, I get that sounds goofy, I mean like, any.. What would you have told yourslef in my shoes for example, hell anything really. Im sorry, just now REALLY accepting, and owning the fact that I am attracted to all women, tbh maybe even a lil more. Idk yet of course.. Again I know Im just rambling now, just trying to wrap MY head around it lolol.

If you made it this far thank you, your kind to humor a dumb@$$ like me! Welp, until next time! Sees ya! <3 <3 :) :)

03-21-2019, 03:54 AM
Welcome. The only question I see in your post is "I think that's right?", which isn't even actually a question.

If you want to know if being attracted to transwomen makes you gay, use the "Search" feature and you'll find numerous topics on the subject, one of which is only about a week old.

03-21-2019, 06:30 AM
I am a male in my mid twenties, from the U.S. Pretty normal upbringing excreta Lower Mid-Class

-doesn't sound normal to me, or were you raised in the Head?

03-21-2019, 06:34 AM
Okie doke, now my question. lol

So, my questions simple, but of course for some Like me) just as difficult!

Sorry, kindagettin off track, Im not asking about my sexuality I could care less, the more and more I've thought about it the less I care. So my question is this.

So, I guess what I'm asking. I'll try an articulate with as little idiocy as poss, bear with me.. lol

Again I know Im just rambling now, just trying to wrap MY head around it lolol.

I guess your username must be ironic, huh?

03-21-2019, 06:48 PM
Last poster is a ninja troll lmao "is your username ironic?!" *_*

And erm, fuck knows, tbh... With that being said time online makes me feel like there's a correlation between attraction to larger women and non-cis women. I'm no scientist, and I get tired of musing over how gender, libido and the like...

I'd say there's always someone with more fucked up tastes then u, just a stones throw away, don't get to preoccupied with labels etc it might be how we got into all this mess in the 1st place ^_^