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View Full Version : They just love to criticize

10-14-2006, 05:57 AM
This is to the people on this forum who never really have anything to say or have no views or ideas to post be they right or wrong. But instead sit in front of there computer waiting to criticise people for sharing there views. I joined this site to learn more about transgender women and obtain a wide variety of different peoples views on them. It seems to me that there a lot of people who’s only motives are to fuel there insecure egos by scoring points in stupid one up man ship feuds. I just hope they have glass stomachs so they can see where they are going with there heads shoved so far up there own asses.

If we could all walk in each others shoes for just one day the world would be a better place.

10-14-2006, 06:55 AM
I agree!

10-14-2006, 07:01 AM
love the picture hasslehoff is such a dick.

10-14-2006, 07:20 AM
This is to the people on this forum who never really have anything to say or have no views or ideas to post be they right or wrong. But instead sit in front of there computer waiting to criticise people for sharing there views. I joined this site to learn more about transgender women and obtain a wide variety of different peoples views on them. It seems to me that there a lot of people who’s only motives are to fuel there insecure egos by scoring points in stupid one up man ship feuds. I just hope they have glass stomachs so they can see where they are going with there heads shoved so far up there own asses.

If we could all walk in each others shoes for just one day the world would be a better place.

Grow up! This is a manifistation of the real world that lies beneath the politically correct facades put forth outside the forums. If you want to learn more about transgendered woman get up from your own computer and meet them you sanctamonious dickhead. They are nice people and will talk to you. Stop lusting 4ts and experience. If we could walk a mile in each others shoes, they'd be pretty smelly shoes. And as a former contorsionist, I've shoved my head up my ass and didn't like the smell. "And the world would be a better place"....WOULD IT! We've been kicking each other in the nuts since we stopped walking on our knuckles.

Eat some sunflower seed and spit one out, you feel better in the morning!

10-14-2006, 07:23 AM
T Fan, why did Gary Coleman come to mind for you, I didn't see your post till I submited mine.

10-14-2006, 07:33 AM
you really are a sorry exscuse for a human being. you have nothing better to do in your life than sit in front of your computer waiting for people to post something on this site you can disagree and make fun of like a little todler in a playground. answer my question i asked you before how many new threads have you posted compared to how many youve answered withy lame ridicule. the figures will give you an idea of the sort of person you are and what you are all about. also if you take metaphors as being literal then your much dumber than i thought. besides in situations with meeting girls ts or not most just want to have fun not be asked there life story brainbox.

10-14-2006, 07:47 AM
Hey I dont know. I just think this thread is gay.

Not in a homosexual way, but in a whiny bitch way. So I put up that pick with Knightrider and Gary Coleman "Congratulations on your gay thread!"

10-14-2006, 07:56 AM
seriously all you guys posting your funny little pictures to hide the fact that really have nothing usefull to say. i thought this was a site for adults my 5 year old nephew uses pictures to express his feelings. grow up i want conversations with people who want to gain knowledge. its like being back at fucking preschool.

10-14-2006, 08:01 AM
its like being back at fucking preschool.


10-14-2006, 08:07 AM
who cares that just proves my point im wasting my time trying to reason with people who have the mental age of a nursury school retard.

10-14-2006, 09:57 AM
This is to the people on this forum who never really have anything to say or have no views or ideas to post be they right or wrong. But instead sit in front of there computer waiting to criticise people for sharing there views. I joined this site to learn more about transgender women and obtain a wide variety of different peoples views on them. It seems to me that there a lot of people who’s only motives are to fuel there insecure egos by scoring points in stupid one up man ship feuds. I just hope they have glass stomachs so they can see where they are going with there heads shoved so far up there own asses.

If we could all walk in each others shoes for just one day the world would be a better place.

You just have to deal it,there are some cool guys here its just some feel the need to create a sorta forum persona and promote that made up persona every chance they can get from insulting john doe to going on excessive rants.There are truly some intelligent people on this forum but some are let me take this word from lexi sheep and just follow the next guy to give the impression of something they are not.But if someone truly hates you here there is nothing you really can do about but leave or either take it.I've been basically blacklisted here for trying to sticking up for a certain lady but you know what i'm not gonna change being me for no one.I love transgendered females and i'll be damn if i'm gonna give up a chance to interact with them because of some egomaniacs,fuck that and fuck them.


10-15-2006, 03:21 AM
Legend I guess your kind of right I left school about 8 years ago and can honestly say i have not come across behaviour or attidutes like I have recently seen scince. Ill never be a victum to these ego stroking playground bullies who just look for mindless confrentation. seriously im not shook by this type of juvinile abuse because its just fucking weak. most of these people im reffering to really need to find a positive way of venting there pent up frustrations instead of finding some type of sick pleasure and fulfilment by raining on others parades. I for example box on an amateur level and thats true positive confrentation. Im not sure if the girl you are talking about is yasmin if it is theres no doubt she has been treated unfairly and frankly like shit.

10-15-2006, 04:28 AM
you really are a sorry exscuse for a human being.
You may be right, I plum don't know what a "sorry exscuse " is

you have nothing better to do in your life than sit in front of your computer waiting for people to post something on this site you can disagree and make fun of like a little todler in a playground.

look in the mirror pal, you seem to spend more time in front of the computer than me

answer my question i asked you before how many new threads have you posted compared to how many youve answered withy lame ridicule. the figures will give you an idea of the sort of person you are and what you are all about.

DO NOT MAKE DEMANDS OF ME YOU LOWLY PUBE! search my posts yourself and come back with the results.

also if you take metaphors as being literal then your much dumber than i thought. besides in situations with meeting girls ts or not most just want to have fun not be asked there life story brainbox.

Sorry I can't respond to this, you are obviously oblivious to humor and still believe a bran diet is good for you. Go eat some nuts and berries and comiserate with Legend in his own Mind.

And just for you...another juvenile pic.......

10-15-2006, 04:32 AM
seriously all you guys posting your funny little pictures to hide the fact that really have nothing usefull to say. i thought this was a site for adults my 5 year old nephew uses pictures to express his feelings. grow up i want conversations with people who want to gain knowledge. its like being back at fucking preschool.

Boy were you mistaken. Do you have a thing for toddlers? You keep referring to them.

The pic....

10-15-2006, 04:40 AM
Legend I guess your kind of right I left school about 8 years ago and can honestly say i have not come across behaviour or attidutes like I have recently seen scince. Ill never be a victum to these ego stroking playground bullies who just look for mindless confrentation. seriously im not shook by this type of juvinile abuse because its just fucking weak. most of these people im reffering to really need to find a positive way of venting there pent up frustrations instead of finding some type of sick pleasure and fulfilment by raining on others parades. I for example box on an amateur level and thats true positive confrentation. Im not sure if the girl you are talking about is yasmin if it is theres no doubt she has been treated unfairly and frankly like shit.

So that means, you'd be a sophmore in college now if you stayed in school....sorry just going by your spelling prowess.

Seriously, I didn't know it was your parade, otherwise I would of bought some popcorn and sat on the curb and acted like a "toddler" and you would have probably tusled my hair and offered me candy.

10-15-2006, 04:49 AM
i just checked as i thought mostly lame riddicule. when all else fails its good to make jokes about something as serious and sick as paedofilia. i know someone who was mollesested as a child its really stupid to joke about. i no longer see it nessercary to even divulge with someone who would. goodbye i hope your family are proud of you.