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View Full Version : Transexual lover when and where

04-30-2018, 10:37 AM
Hi everybody faut I'd create a thread so we could all get to kno abit more about peoples age and what part of the world the come from and what is it about a transexual that you love so much and how long have you been taking a interest in transexual I was just sat stoned thinking how other people think and where there from

04-30-2018, 10:42 AM
I start by saying I'm 26 years old from Bradford UK and been attracted to transexuals for about 11 years and what I love about transexuals are they are so look much better than a female many are much hotter and have a delicious suprise but I love seeing a huge thick big cock ts dominating a guy big ass big thighs big tits big cock somebody like rosey pinehero (sorry probably wrong spelling)

04-30-2018, 05:42 PM
agree with u

04-30-2018, 07:00 PM
There was a thread on this subject about 3 or more years ago I think, can't recall the title though someone might dig it up. I guess it could use an update.