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View Full Version : Is a girl's cum important to you?

Sabrina TS
03-29-2018, 11:57 AM
How important is it that a girl can cum like a guy? Getting hard and fucking is obviously imperative but where do you stand on the money shot? When girls undertake HRT their testicles atrophy which is why you see those clips of orgasms that are just a few drips of watery fluid and even low-dose HRT will eventually result in this outcome for most girls so their only alternative is to feminise surgically rather than hormonally but that also means they don't get don't get the feminisation benefits of HRT.

03-29-2018, 12:02 PM
Personally I like it when she shoots a good load but you have to accept that if a girl is on hormones then that’s not going to happen. At the end of the day it’s down to the girl, I like very feminine girls so would accept a dribble no problem.

03-29-2018, 01:44 PM
I honestly don't care about the money shot or even if any individual performer ejaculates or not.

I feel that it is up to the performer if they take hormones or not and that should not be predicated on the customers desire, although I maybe in the minority here.

03-29-2018, 01:56 PM
yeah...why not..its very important:smileysex:

03-29-2018, 03:06 PM
Excellent question!
As a top male myself, when I'm with genetic women, I want them to orgasm too. The reason is because as a male, if I can't make them cum, then basically I'm a terrible lover in the sheets. When a genetic woman orgasms, it is a direct result of how much her male partner has aroused her.

I carry this same philosophy with transwomen. If I can't make a pre-op transwoman orgasm, then I haven't done my job as her lover. Volume of cum isn't that important because I understand the effects of hormones.

How important is it that a girl can cum like a guy? Getting hard and fucking is obviously imperative but where do you stand on the money shot? When girls undertake HRT their testicles atrophy which is why you see those clips of orgasms that are just a few drips of watery fluid and even low-dose HRT will eventually result in this outcome for most girls so their only alternative is to feminise surgically rather than hormonally but that also means they don't get don't get the feminisation benefits of HRT.

03-29-2018, 03:57 PM
i dont care if a tgirl doesnt cum...she will have her reasons, obviously..i try to give and take as much plleasure and whatever happen, ok

03-29-2018, 06:34 PM
I like when they get hard even though I'm a top..i do like when they cum but due to hormones not all girls produce much liquid.that comes with the territory.i like to make them cum and then I keep going...pushin more precious drops from the prostate...

03-29-2018, 06:50 PM
Cum isnt really important, but I fo like the fact they get hard while they're on hormones

03-29-2018, 08:00 PM
to me its what matters most....I wanna see a cumshot and hopefully a good one...just my thing

03-29-2018, 08:12 PM
if i'm paying I don't expect it cause I know these girls see multiple guys a day. But if its a relationship we definitely both have to cum to be satisfied.

03-29-2018, 08:29 PM
I love a big load! That's another reason why I prefer femboys over TS girls. Not only the potential of a nice, hard dick and a big squirt, but also the natural feminine look with mininal-to-no alterations, i.e.: implants, surgeries, etc.

03-29-2018, 11:59 PM
I would say its somewhat important in scenes where the TS is on top with a guy or a gg and TS on TS. Although if only one of them cums, that's okay. In solo scenes, I would say its extremely important.

If the TS performer is on the bottom with a male performer or a gg using strap-on, I would say its not as important to me.

03-30-2018, 01:15 AM
I like a nice mouthful, but it is what it is.

Is my gurl happy?

I'm good.

03-30-2018, 01:40 AM
I enjoy it if they can come, irrespective of the amount, as it means that I have pleased them. Thats something I enjoy being a kind of sub guy, if that makes sense ?

03-30-2018, 10:47 AM
very important for tops or bottoms. wouldn't use an escort who's not cumming on purpose if they can't pop multiple times per day imho they r in the wrong biz. some superstar tops I've seen cum more than once in an hour.

03-30-2018, 02:12 PM
I like to swallow the loads, so ya. But her orgasm is most important.

03-30-2018, 02:19 PM
When the girl can't cum I feel cheated. When the just dribble out a few drops I am disappointed but when she shoots a powerful big load I can not get her out of my mind. So yes it is very important to me.

03-30-2018, 02:40 PM
Important? Yes. Mandatory? No

If I'm watching a scene and not actually fucking them, yes it's mandatory.

03-30-2018, 08:45 PM
as long as she can still orgasm i'm ok with it =)
but that said....cum is good....but a woman who can precum non stop....oh i'm in love! give me that any day of the week please!

Cereal Escapist
04-01-2018, 06:06 PM
Cum is not important to me

In porn, I cum way before the money shot. Though I may continue watching the scene or skip around a bit more after I myself cum, but I don't need to see a girl cum to get off. I usually cum during a strip tease part of a solo scene or at the angle I find the girl irresistible in a hardcore scene.

In relationships, I have dated 2 pre-op women neither of which could cum more than a drop of clear fluid and it never once bothered me. What was most important to me was that I knew they came and that I was responsible for it. Having never taken a large shot in the mouth, perhaps I don't know what I am missing but since I only suck a girl's dick or eat her vag out so she enjoys it, i'm good.

With escorts, as I said before, I am a germaphobe and I don't suck escorts off. Honestly, I don't care if the escort enjoys herself since it is her job to fake it. I know there is no attraction to me since I'm only a $ to her so my goal with escorts is to enjoy myself and make sure I cum on my terms. Whether she does or not is totally irrelevant. In fact, there were some instances where a girl fucked so well that I didn't want her to cum since that would signify the end of my ass being pummeled.

04-01-2018, 10:55 PM
Yes, is important.
I know that is very rare find a girl that can cum like a boy, but someone exist.
For example Rita Fernanda can

Now... How can be a girl like this so beautiful without hormones? And if she assumes hormones... how can cum so good?

Nick Danger
04-01-2018, 11:33 PM
...so their only alternative is to feminise surgically rather than hormonally...

Is it? The surgery seems to be an addiction to me. Some of these girls get carried away with it and end up looking much worse than they did before. Mia Isabella comes to mind. She used to be VERY pretty, but now she just looks fake all over - face, boobs, and ass.

Regarding the question, I don't care if she cums a lot or just a drop, but I do want her to cum. The amount is not important to me. But as MrFanti said, it's an ego thing for guys. If we don't make the girl cum we're not the great lover we imagine ourselves to be.

I guess it's a trade-off for the girl. The best possible situation for a t-girl, I suppose, would be to need very little feminization in the first place, so low-dose or no hormones, and little or no surgery - Paula Melo comes to mind. There's a corresponding school of thought that says girls like that are much more likely to have been born a male by accident. If a t-girl's gotta get $50,000 worth of plastic surgery and take hormones until her dick shrivels just to be branded anything besides a cross-dresser, maybe she was actually supposed to be a man.

04-02-2018, 04:38 AM
Assuming this is a poll.
If I had a choice of cum vs orgasm I would choose the orgasm......

Cereal Escapist
04-02-2018, 08:13 AM
If a t-girl's gotta get $50,000 worth of plastic surgery and take hormones until her dick shrivels just to be branded anything besides a cross-dresser, maybe she was actually supposed to be a man.

Um, no! The amount of $ spent or surgery had is irrelevant if someone feels they were not born to the correct gender. Physical looks AND penile functionality have nothing to do with it. Your statement takes into account only a porn/cock fan perspective, not that of the actual transgender individual.

Nick Danger
04-02-2018, 08:33 AM
Um, no! The amount of $ spent or surgery had is irrelevant if someone feels they were not born to the correct gender. Physical looks AND penile functionality have nothing to do with it. Your statement takes into account only a porn/cock fan perspective, not that of the actual transgender individual.

Well, Cereal, you certainly sound like you know a lot about other people's feelings.

I don't care what a person feels about their gender identity, for some MtF hopefuls, transitioning is simply not viable, whereas for others it's probably quite effortless. If you're a fat, ugly, hairy guy with a deep voice who feels like a beautiful feminine flower deep inside, all the plastic surgery and hormones in the world aren't going to get you where you want to be. So that means that God, or nature, or science, or whatever it is you put your faith in, wants you to be a man, regardless of your feelings. On the other hand, if you're a slim, pretty, hairless man, nature has handed you...options.

In the future, Cereal, feel free to satisfy your incessant contrarianism by sharing it with someone else. Suggestion: Try replying to the thread instead of me. You may discover you actually have something relevant to say.

Cereal Escapist
04-02-2018, 09:34 AM
Well, Cereal, you certainly sound like you know a lot about other people's feelings.

I don't care what a person feels about their gender identity, for some MtF hopefuls, transitioning is simply not viable, whereas for others it's probably quite effortless. If you're a fat, ugly, hairy guy with a deep voice who feels like a beautiful feminine flower deep inside, all the plastic surgery and hormones in the world aren't going to get you where you want to be. So that means that God, or nature, or science, or whatever it is you put your faith in, wants you to be a man, regardless of your feelings. On the other hand, if you're a slim, pretty, hairless man, nature has handed you...options.

In the future, Cereal, feel free to satisfy your incessant contrarianism by sharing it with someone else. Suggestion: Try replying to the thread instead of me. You may discover you actually have something relevant to say.

lol. you really don't know much. your responses are more telling of your character, age and experience. it is quite obvious that your impression of transgender people is skewed by your sexual attraction and little else. if you knew any transwomen, your responses here would not be so pathetic.

as for the topic, i already answered so please read above if interested.

as for continuing to point out what i find erroneous about your posts, i'll do so as it amuses me. as i said in another thread...debate on a porn board is pointless because no one will really be won over to the other's argument. the only thing that will show you the error of your ways is to put away the mouse and keyboard, get out of your mom's basement and meet an actual tgirl, then make your statements to her and see how long until she slaps the shit out of you.

please sir, regale me some more now. i demand it.

04-02-2018, 09:58 AM
How important is it that a girl can cum like a guy? Getting hard and fucking is obviously imperative but where do you stand on the money shot? When girls undertake HRT their testicles atrophy which is why you see those clips of orgasms that are just a few drips of watery fluid and even low-dose HRT will eventually result in this outcome for most girls so their only alternative is to feminise surgically rather than hormonally but that also means they don't get don't get the feminisation benefits of HRT.

i'd like a load, but a dribble is fine - i just want to know she has enjoyed it.

04-02-2018, 10:58 AM
Yes, big loads are great but an orgasm is what's imortant.

04-02-2018, 01:16 PM
The most important thing is mutual pleasure. Her getting and maintaining a very hard erection is imperative for my own satisfaction. A prolific ejaculation, although not essential, is just the icing on the cake.

Nick Danger
04-02-2018, 02:27 PM
lol. you really don't know much. your responses are more telling of your character, age and experience. it is quite obvious that your impression of transgender people is skewed by your sexual attraction and little else. if you knew any transwomen, your responses here would not be so pathetic.

as for the topic, i already answered so please read above if interested.

as for continuing to point out what i find erroneous about your posts, i'll do so as it amuses me. as i said in another thread...debate on a porn board is pointless because no one will really be won over to the other's argument. the only thing that will show you the error of your ways is to put away the mouse and keyboard, get out of your mom's basement and meet an actual tgirl, then make your statements to her and see how long until she slaps the shit out of you.

please sir, regale me some more now. i demand it.

The fact that you actually think you know something about my "character, age, and experience" from a couple of internet posts is telling. But I'll play. Your over-use of (what appears to be) an adequate vocabulary tells me that you were never loved by your father. Your post count (172 posts in less than 2 months) tells me that you have no life. The tone of your posts, along with your insistence on communicating with people who don't want to talk to you, is indicative of problematic narcissism. Now, I responded, per your demand. What else can I do for such a sad little man? I should warn you that if you're looking for a bantering/insulting kind of relationship with me, you're probably going to regret it.

Cereal Escapist
04-02-2018, 04:11 PM
The fact that you actually think you know something about my "character, age, and experience" from a couple of internet posts is telling. But I'll play. Your over-use of (what appears to be) an adequate vocabulary tells me that you were never loved by your father. Your post count (172 posts in less than 2 months) tells me that you have no life. The tone of your posts, along with your insistence on communicating with people who don't want to talk to you, is indicative of problematic narcissism. Now, I responded, per your demand. What else can I do for such a sad little man? I should warn you that if you're looking for a bantering/insulting kind of relationship with me, you're probably going to regret it.

1) CerealEscapist does have daddy issues. Who doesn't?
2) CerealEscapist has a 17 month old baby so yes, for the last 17 months, he has had no life. It is unfortunate but at this point, his life is routine and determined by a tiny human's bowel movements and napping schedule. He must live vicariously though those who are still uninhibited.
3) CerealEscapist is absolutely a narcissist. He is proud of it and it pervades all aspects of his persona and life. It is inescapable and he could thank you for recognizing it but your acknowledgement means nothing to a true narcissist.
4) CerealEscapist has a 6" dick that is a bit too narrow. Its small but i'm really not that sad about it. Would I have liked a 12" monster? Sure, but somewhat befitting your idiotic opinion on transgender worthiness, one physical trait does not a happy life make.
5) oh and to stay on topic, CerealEscapist doesn't care if a transwoman can produce large loads but...(see below)

Keep in my mind, you ignorant child that what you post on any online forum either represents who you actually are or who you see yourself to be. If the former is true, I forgive you since ignorance is bliss and it is not your fault you are defective. If it is the latter, I suppose that is allowable since someone has to entertain the rest of us and it might as well be you. Dance on my jester, dance on.

I stand by what I said. You don't know any transwomen based on what you said here and in other threads. Your opinions would be wholly different if you respected the person in front of you, not just the cock fantasize about.

Finally, I just wanted to be clear that I have yet to insult you. I have only pointed out facts about you. If you do feel insulted at all, you should probably work through that with your therapist and show her where the bad man touched you on your therapy doll. You also have yet to insult me so please do try. It will make you feel so much better about yourself as you angrily type your response that I just accept because the only thing that can keep a CerealNarcissist going is attention.

Oh, and back on topic again: There was a clip of a girl recently on Femout, I do have to go back and check her name, but she blew her load while lying down and was surprised it hit her in the face. That's one strong cumshot.

04-02-2018, 04:37 PM
Very important because im addicted to tranny cum.

Cereal Escapist
04-02-2018, 04:44 PM
Very important because im addicted to tranny cum.

Then you should check out Simone Monae's clip on Femout as I eluded to above. It was a very strong cumshot.

Nick Danger
04-02-2018, 05:57 PM
1)Blah blah blah

You’ve convinced me, Cereal. I should probably tell you that I’m not young, have been in two exclusive relationships with t-girls, and apparently I’m not particularly ignorant either, considering that my profile of you was dead on the money, whereas yours, of me, is so off-target that it’s basically the psychological equivalent of walking in the losing run.

You should probably re-evaluate your criteria for determining whether or not you’ve been insulted, BTW.

Cereal Escapist
04-02-2018, 06:11 PM
You’ve convinced me, Cereal. I should probably tell you that I’m not young, have been in two exclusive relationships with t-girls, and apparently I’m not particularly ignorant either, considering that my profile of you was dead on the money, whereas yours, of me, is so off-target that it’s basically the psychological equivalent of walking in the losing run.

You should probably re-evaluate your criteria for determining whether or not you’ve been insulted, BTW.

try again sir.

I stand by what I said. You don't know any transwomen based on what you said here and in other threads. Your opinions would be wholly different if you respected the person in front of you, not just the cock fantasize about.

Nick Danger
04-02-2018, 06:31 PM
You don't know any transwomen

Well I certainly don’t know as many as I’d like to, that’s for sure. Thanks for your participation and your “insights,” Cereal.

Cereal Escapist
04-02-2018, 09:28 PM
Well I certainly don’t know as many as I’d like to, that’s for sure. Thanks for your participation and your “insights,” Cereal.

Unfortunately, with your attitude,it is unlikely that you ever will know any woman of merit, cis or trans. Anyone that thinks that someone needs to have been born with feminine characteristics already to warrant transition, as you said, is obviously misinformed.

plus, your defeatist attitude in your last 2 posts are also indicative of your inability to retort and a man without wit isn't going to win any debate irrespective of it is with me or a nutless monkey. so please, continue to try to have the last word. You can be my little energizer bunny. I will name you, Mr. Floppypants.

04-02-2018, 09:37 PM
Interesting subject, personally I love it when the girl cums, better than cumming myself...

Cereal Escapist
04-02-2018, 09:45 PM
Interesting subject, personally I love it when the girl cums, better than cumming myself...

now that is a very interesting prospect. do you actively try to make a tgirl cum first then?

Nick Danger
04-02-2018, 10:45 PM
Unfortunately, with your attitude,it is unlikely that you ever will know any woman of merit, cis or trans. Anyone that thinks that someone needs to have been born with feminine characteristics already to warrant transition, as you said, is obviously misinformed.

plus, your defeatist attitude in your last 2 posts are also indicative of your inability to retort and a man without wit isn't going to win any debate irrespective of it is with me or a nutless monkey. so please, continue to try to have the last word. You can be my little energizer bunny. I will name you, Mr. Floppypants.

Not sure which is funnier, the fact you thought you were in a debate or the fact you thought you won.

04-02-2018, 10:51 PM
Yes, is important.
I know that is very rare find a girl that can cum like a boy, but someone exist.
For example Rita Fernanda can

Now... How can be a girl like this so beautiful without hormones? And if she assumes hormones... how can cum so good?

damn, she's fly!!!

04-02-2018, 11:05 PM
this is funny, the back and forth between cereal and nick danger. seems like nick danger has the edge right now. the internet was in its infancy when i was graduating high school. back in my day, if two fellas really had an issue with one another, we could pummel each other until the other had enough. now people can take hours or days to craft clever responses that make them feel good about their intellect. it's just so funny to me how people can say the most outrageous and insulting things that they would never say in person. i might not haul off and blast someone with a closed fist as i would in the past, but still oblige dummies with an open-handed slap when the occasion calls for it - and to see where that person really stands. but please, gents, carry on.

Cereal Escapist
04-03-2018, 12:00 AM
Not sure which is funnier, the fact you thought you were in a debate or the fact you thought you won.
Mr. Floppypants-

please re-read my above post. it is pointless to debate since no side can win. reading is fundamental.

but that said, again with dismissive comments with nothing to substantiate your claim that non-feminine men are equally entitled to change genders if they so choose. methinks your position is indefensible and you know that and are equally not capable of crafting anything that won't be picked apart by anyone with common sense. that is a sign of weak character and honestly, cowardice.

if in the end, all we do in this thread is help your post count, then at least you will always owe me that, so that one day you can victimize someone just i am trolling you now. please keep up trying to have the last word.

04-03-2018, 12:02 AM
It's important to me. Not sure why. I just love to see a huge load from a girl cock! lol

Cereal Escapist
04-03-2018, 12:07 AM
this is funny, the back and forth between cereal and nick danger. seems like nick danger has the edge right now. the internet was in its infancy when i was graduating high school. back in my day, if two fellas really had an issue with one another, we could pummel each other until the other had enough. now people can take hours or days to craft clever responses that make them feel good about their intellect. it's just so funny to me how people can say the most outrageous and insulting things that they would never say in person. i might not haul off and blast someone with a closed fist as i would in the past, but still oblige dummies with an open-handed slap when the occasion calls for it - and to see where that person really stands. but please, gents, carry on.

I'm glad we can entertain but I'm surprised you are actually reading each post. most of the time when two people troll each other like this, i start to skip their posts after a few rounds.

In all honesty Mr. Floppypants is winning because he is practicing the art of denial and changing the topic to be about he and I, rather than support his theory. Deflection is what makes the world go 'round.

Nick Danger
04-03-2018, 12:12 AM
Mr. Floppypants-

please re-read my above post. it is pointless to debate since no side can win. reading is fundamental.

but that said, again with dismissive comments with nothing to substantiate your claim that non-feminine men are equally entitled to change genders if they so choose. methinks your position is indefensible and you know that and are equally not capable of crafting anything that won't be picked apart by anyone with common sense. that is a sign of weak character and honestly, cowardice.

if in the end, all we do in this thread is help your post count, then at least you will always owe me that, so that one day you can victimize someone just i am trolling you now. please keep up trying to have the last word.

The assertion of all battle-hardened internet contrarians at the end of the conversation - "I was just trolling you." Really? Have I just been trolled? I kinda doubt it.

If the last word is important to you, Cereal, I will let you have it. But the word must be "tits" or I reserve the right to reply.

Cereal Escapist
04-03-2018, 12:28 AM
The assertion of all battle-hardened internet contrarians at the end of the conversation - "I was just trolling you." Really? Have I just been trolled? I kinda doubt it.

If the last word is important to you, Cereal, I will let you have it. But the word must be "tits" or I reserve the right to reply.

We must have a different definition of trolling because the way I see it, we are both doing the same thing. Endless rants where the conversation cannot end until one of us gives up and I'm sure everyone would love to hear you explain yourself. I'm waiting.

But if I must, when was the last time a tgirl came on your man-tits?

04-03-2018, 02:05 AM
I'm glad we can entertain but I'm surprised you are actually reading each post. most of the time when two people troll each other like this, i start to skip their posts after a few rounds.

In all honesty Mr. Floppypants is winning because he is practicing the art of denial and changing the topic to be about he and I, rather than support his theory. Deflection is what makes the world go 'round.

must be a slow news day. and i suppose conflict is kind of like a car accident. you have to look no matter how minor or bad it is

04-03-2018, 02:31 AM
How important is it that a girl can cum like a guy? Getting hard and fucking is obviously imperative but where do you stand on the money shot? When girls undertake HRT their testicles atrophy which is why you see those clips of orgasms that are just a few drips of watery fluid and even low-dose HRT will eventually result in this outcome for most girls so their only alternative is to feminise surgically rather than hormonally but that also means they don't get don't get the feminisation benefits of HRT.
I think it's unimportant as long as she feels the orgasm and is satisfied

04-03-2018, 02:34 AM
YES, cause if they cum you have them, and hopefully they will want many more

04-03-2018, 04:45 AM
Doing what it takes to get her to cum . Her pleasure is important.

04-03-2018, 09:24 AM
it's always preferred, but being realistic and understanding about it all from Scientific point of view, it's really silly if it's "expected". i wouldn't care if she couldn't, i just want to get her to orgasm.

04-03-2018, 01:40 PM
Well, Cereal, you certainly sound like you know a lot about other people's feelings.

I don't care what a person feels about their gender identity, for some MtF hopefuls, transitioning is simply not viable, whereas for others it's probably quite effortless. If you're a fat, ugly, hairy guy with a deep voice who feels like a beautiful feminine flower deep inside, all the plastic surgery and hormones in the world aren't going to get you where you want to be. So that means that God, or nature, or science, or whatever it is you put your faith in, wants you to be a man, regardless of your feelings. On the other hand, if you're a slim, pretty, hairless man, nature has handed you...options.

In the future, Cereal, feel free to satisfy your incessant contrarianism by sharing it with someone else. Suggestion: Try replying to the thread instead of me. You may discover you actually have something relevant to say.

Um, no! The amount of $ spent or surgery had is irrelevant if someone feels they were not born to the correct gender. Physical looks AND penile functionality have nothing to do with it. Your statement takes into account only a porn/cock fan perspective, not that of the actual transgender individual.

This is arguing to just argue, the question is "to You" and you both are trying to change the other persons opinion on what is important to them. smh

04-07-2018, 12:42 PM
Hey, Nick & Cereal, start your own thread! The first couple of posts were fun to read!

04-10-2018, 04:16 AM
I've only had a few experiences with T-girls, but I love it when she cums. I love to watch T-girls cumming in videos. In fact, I had a GG squirt once and it was a huge turn-on for me. I think sex should be wet and wild. The bigger the load, the better, but even a small amount is better than nothing.

04-10-2018, 06:50 PM
There is nothing more important in the world as this

04-10-2018, 07:50 PM
How important is it that a girl can cum like a guy? Getting hard and fucking is obviously imperative but where do you stand on the money shot? When girls undertake HRT their testicles atrophy which is why you see those clips of orgasms that are just a few drips of watery fluid and even low-dose HRT will eventually result in this outcome for most girls so their only alternative is to feminise surgically rather than hormonally but that also means they don't get don't get the feminisation benefits of HRT.

I just want to taste all of you. Cum is nice but, to me, it's about the experience.

04-10-2018, 08:04 PM
I had a girl bust a nut just from me eating her ass and lickin her taint from the back..she musta been really backed up...blew 1068510all over the sheets..good times..