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08-06-2004, 08:41 PM
I would assume that since seeing the delicate nature of the site we're on, most girls and guys would be a bit more open minded about this topic.

However through my very short and admittedly brief travels through the states as well as online, I haven't seemed to find any information supporting interacial dating when it comes to black/latino men.

I've seen it at clubs, in videos, and even online, more often then not black transsexuals who date white/latino men but I haven't seen the converse white transsexuals who date/have dated black/latino men.

Discouragingly as it is, i've come to find that most, if not the greater majority of black/latina transsexuals prefer to date exclusively outside of there race.

Which led me to wonder, why? Would that be a bit of an oddity to see? A black/latino man in a relationship with a white transsexual?

My aim isn't to stir up any childish race debates but rather intelligently discuss, why or why this doesn't occur. It'd be great to have opinions from all sides (black, brown, white, men, and transsexual).


PS, i'm new here so this may be a little heavy for those just coming in to look at pics of girls so I apologize in advance if it is.

08-06-2004, 10:04 PM
(What happened to my response?) Ugh!

Welcome aboard, TI.

I just lost my lengthier response to you while this thing logged off, so here is a truncated response:

First of all, race issues, topics, always have the potential to be explosive and divisive, but you raise a good question, based on an observation I've made myself.

If you're referring to escort dating, and not anything lengthy, the word I've received from a couple of well known TS porn stars who escort, is that black hobbyists tend to be not only more demanding, but also chincy(sp?) when it comes to the prearranged fee. They're tighter, in other words. If most, perhaps due to their social-economic situation, are conforming to that stereotype with high frequency, I can see why the girls get tired of it. It's the same reasoning why many won't do younger guys also, instead stipulating older, mature, generous, gentlemenin their ads. I realize this the weakest form of data (testimonials) to rely on, but it's all I have at this time to offer in place of anything more valid or realiable.

There are many here who are better experience who could offer you more. Hopefully, they'll pipe in.

Welcome aboard once more!

08-06-2004, 11:11 PM
hey whether it is black white asain or whatever if they look good and "work and play well" with others then hey they are worth a second glance as well.

Remember this No topic is too heavy. Although you may again and again touch on things that have already been said but hey.......That's life

08-07-2004, 01:16 AM
And this is not meant to be harsh or whatever but there was a time in most black/latino transsexuals live's, within reasonable presumption, that they in fact were considered "black/latino males" by the same populace...

So taking that into consideration, have most of them become so dissillusioned or disconnected from the years gone by, that they forgot what it was like?

Add to that point, the fact that these women in "Society's" eyes aren't considered women at all, legally or common. Why would a "people" who want to champion for fairness, equality, justice, freedom to love unequivocablly (s/p?) initiate such blatant and calous biggotry?

Not to say that anyone's perfect or that all transsexual's should be the torch bearers for the truth, the light, and the American way but, it just seems to be at least the majority of them would not be so prejudicial

08-07-2004, 07:25 AM
Hey TI nothing like a little substance here. As Real replied, are you speaking of a professional situation or real realtionship??? I've been in a LTR with a TG girlfriend for many years and we are both persons of color. Amongst her girlfriends (of color) I actually see the opposite of what you have come across in most cases. And still there are our friends who date across the boards racially, still fewer date excusively white. Maybe thats a NY thing since this melting pot has so many flavas to begin with and more open minded climate.

08-07-2004, 07:53 AM
Oh and i had an interacial T girl relationship once. I'm African American ( of Black, Native American and Scottish blood hence the reddman tag) and she was Italtian American. We kicked it for a few months but it fell apart since we could barely catch time together. Below that surface issue i did have other issues that in retrospect taught me some things about myself as well.

08-07-2004, 09:15 AM
The reason, MONEY. And that's the only reason.

08-07-2004, 06:24 PM
I'd really like to hear it from the horses (an actual transsexual woman) mouth, no pun intended.

Is about perception?

Is about the monetary factor?

Or is just simple, attraction, or the lack thereof?

Reddman, you offer a good insight on this topic because you're actually on the other side of the fence of this. Has your girl or any of her friends told you why they do or don't date exclusively outside of there race. And by dating I mean, not working, just regular everyday hey I met a nice guy let's go out and get to know one another type vibe.

08-08-2004, 02:21 PM
Because word on the street is white men are far more desperate so they're usually willing to pay $300.00/hour. Most black/latino trannies I know say white men are just good for paying their bills. Men who are good looking already know they don't need to seek an escort, however if you're looking looking for "girls" who don't charge, the 45-year-olds in their wives panties(though are never really feminine) are always willing to give it up for free. These types are also known as Truck Stop Queens.

08-10-2004, 10:32 AM
Reddman, you offer a good insight on this topic because you're actually on the other side of the fence of this. Has your girl or any of her friends told you why they do or don't date exclusively outside of there race. And by dating I mean, not working, just regular everyday hey I met a nice guy let's go out and get to know one another type vibe.

Hey TI putting numbers to this is pretty broad but the missus figures about 50% of the hispanic\black girls relationship wise date exclusively within their own race. Actually she said more latin girls tend stick to other hispanics to a larger degree than black girls who exclusively date bruthas vs. dating both Black and Hispanic guys. Why?? Dunno maybe familiarity, shared cultural background\ experience,just not physcially into Euros,etc,etc. 30%+\- of the gurls look for love from all colors. Rounding it out are the 20-25% segment are gurls who date white only.
Now the lively discussion began because bruthas still have a bad rep with the ladies be they blk,latin, white or aisan. Why??? Bad past experiences or that of their friends but more so some heavyduty stereotyping and generalization going on. Some gurls like the drama some bruthas bring(akin to GG baby's daddy drama, see Springer or Povitch ) while a alot of them aint having it at all. No to incorrigble cons, wanna be playas pimps or hustlers need apply. OK, so what not too many girls of any gender do least they crave the drama it entails ---quite a bit do though. Deeper still and the edge latino and white guys seem to have over black men is the willingness to accept the women as just that...women.In general terms alot more latino and white guys don't keep their relations on the DL, they are more willing to have the BF's friends and family involved with their GF. It's the experience alot of girls seek valdiation plain and simple.

08-10-2004, 11:07 AM
Funny, as i think about it applying the percentages to the"pay for play" scenario it kinda rings true too. It's been awhile but yup i've picked up my share of cuties from the old Stroll in the infamous meatpacking district (no pun intended) and per my encounters: a number latin gurls said "no mas" and seemed crazy shadey about it while other latin mamas closed the deal and all black girls took me on without issue. The one place definitely felt generally unwelcome and froze out of ass for cash cuz i was black was the old Edelweiss. Tried as i might i could not stand that muthafuckin' place. You had to work as hard as a ho' to get a ho. WTF kinda s$%t is that. Stank ass atitudes from the majority of al thel bias :evil: :evil: :evil:
especially the latina and asian gurls. What few black girls they had were even worse!!! Always got much more love over at Sally's Hideaway :D and Now bar be it for play or paid!!!!!

08-10-2004, 02:51 PM
The reason, MONEY. And that's the only reason.
Thats your answer.
Exception are made if your young and good looking.

08-10-2004, 11:39 PM
and being paid doesn't hurt either...lol

08-11-2004, 09:27 AM
Hey popper, I work in entertainment. In front of the camera. Don't consider myself a bust in the looks dept. because I know I'm not. But even I have trouble breaking through the sterotype associated with black men. A lot of latin girls will refuse because I'm black, and a handful of black girls will do the same.

08-11-2004, 03:08 PM
Hey popper, I work in entertainment. In front of the camera. Don't consider myself a bust in the looks dept. because I know I'm not. But even I have trouble breaking through the sterotype associated with black men. A lot of latin girls will refuse because I'm black, and a handful of black girls will do the same.
In New York there was a period were a black guy or guys were calling escorts and robbing them at gun point. It got so bad that all the escorts would ask what color you were before seeing you.
There was one girl on the upper east side who was shot in the head!
What Im sayin is the stereotype is going to be hard to break. You might have to make more of an effort to gain there trust(show them you got money).
I cant tell you how many times I got turned down over the phone just cause my voice sounds black.
Maybe some of the girls on the board can answer better thatn me.
This is just my opinion.


08-11-2004, 03:25 PM
I've already said, the reason they prefer white men is because white men will pay $300.00+ with no hesitation! Most black men aren't that stupid! Only a white man would be stupid enough to give their whole paycheck for sex. It really isn't worth that much money. Besides, only ugly men need escorts because a regular beautiful woman/tgirl won't acknowledge them since they want men who are in their league in the looks department. Escorts cater to men who can't attract a beautiful woman for free, that's why they need to pay. Thank you.

08-11-2004, 03:25 PM
I've already said, the reason we prefer white men is because white men will pay $300.00+ with no hesitation! Most black men aren't that stupid! Only a white man would be stupid enough to give their whole paycheck for sex. It really isn't worth that much money. Besides, only ugly men need escorts because a regular beautiful woman/tgirl won't acknowledge them since they want men who are in their league in the looks department. Escorts cater to men who can't attract a beautiful woman for free, that's why they need to pay. Thank you.

08-11-2004, 04:06 PM
adona, u are talking out your ass. Seeing an transsexual escort has nothing to do (for most guys) with being ugly or whatever you posted. black or white.

08-11-2004, 05:12 PM
Only a white man would be stupid enough to give their whole paycheck for sex. It really isn't worth that much money. Besides, only ugly men need escorts because a regular beautiful woman/tgirl won't acknowledge them since they want men who are in their league in the looks department. Escorts cater to men who can't attract a beautiful woman for free, that's why they need to pay. Thank you.
Fist of all 300 dollars is not not my whole pay check , maybe for you.
Second of all Im not ugly (trust me ) ,alot of guys who see escort are married and want a no strings attached session.
I prefer to pay , that way I get what I want and then Im gone.
Im not looking to wine and dine her.

08-11-2004, 07:01 PM
I've already said, the reason they prefer white men is because white men will pay $300.00+ with no hesitation! Most black men aren't that stupid!

You must have meant ....."Most black men don't have a job".

Why is it the blacks keep complaining? Get over it. If they don't want to see blacks that's just the way it is. Many people simply don't like blacks. Get over it. Does that make them racist. Who cares! move on, complaining about escorts that don't see blacks isn't going to make them see you any more. Let me iterate.... GET OVER IT.

If it makes you feel any better, I don't see black escorts. That should balance out one, 'Kay?

08-11-2004, 09:44 PM
Hey Daltx, I'm not complaining nor am I bitter. If a latin girl doesn't want me, date or LTR, I really don't give a shit. It's their loss. I do just fine with most black tgirls and they turn me on the most. Got one now. Not an escort. She's young. 22. And loves to get wild. She also likes gg's. What more could a guy ask for. On the latin tip, if they were all like Allanah I'd be in heaven. but so is not the case. I will wait until my trip to Brazil. I know this shit doesn't go on there. And I will have a blast. No doubt. But thanks for saying "many people simply don't like blacks". I live it so I know. No matter how much this country tries to say that race relations are good. I know differently. Thats bullshit.

08-12-2004, 01:42 AM
true colors always shine thru.

The intent of this post wasn't a black vs. white vs. latino issue.

I just wanted to discuss intelligently the why's and why nots.

I would think that being one who "dates" transsexuals one would be more open minded and less bigotted. It's a shame that most of us still live like it's 1964.

08-14-2004, 09:20 AM
First off respect to Thuggish_Intellect for a post with substance.

But I see that Daltx_m misread the post. No one was complaining just observing and relaying what they saw. And who said they were racist?

Why is it the blacks keep complaining? Get over it. If they don't want to see blacks that's just the way it is. Many people simply don't like blacks. Get over it. Does that make them racist. [/quote]

From my experience (years in Chicago, LA, NYC, DC Miami, Dallas, and now Atlanta) I have seen the opposite from what Thuggish speaks. 99.9% of the Black girls I have known have been into Black men by far, some of the professional girls may date white men but the majority of Black T-girls rarely date outside of the race for reasons other than money.

But I think it's all about where you go and where you meet the girls. If you go to predominately Black clubs and hang outs (where most Black T girls dwell) you'll meet girls that are into Black men. If you go to places that are predominately white you are more prone to meet girls that are looking for white men. If you go to the stroll you are going to meet girls that are going to view and treat you like a trick.

A few working girls have told me that it comes down to the higher prices white men are willing to pay, the number of times Black men have taken back money from them, among other reasons. But I know girls that would never date a Black man profesionally but only date Black men outside of work.

Most girls (Black, White, Latin, Asian, etc.) are pretty open to attractive, well put together, confident men, sexy as a whole. You'll always meet girls with a preference but in most cases that stuff fades.

08-14-2004, 09:47 AM
First off respect to Thuggish_Intellect for a post with substance.

Most girls (Black, White, Latin, Asian, etc.) are pretty open to attractive, well put together, confident men, sexy as a whole. You'll always meet girls with a preference but in most cases that stuff fades.

I concur

08-14-2004, 09:49 AM
First off respect to Thuggish_Intellect for a post with substance.

But I see that Daltx_m misread the post. No one was complaining just observing and relaying what they saw. And who said they were racist?

Why is it the blacks keep complaining? Get over it. If they don't want to see blacks that's just the way it is. Many people simply don't like blacks. Get over it. Does that make them racist.

From my experience (years in Chicago, LA, NYC, DC Miami, Dallas, and now Atlanta) I have seen the opposite from what Thuggish speaks. 99.9% of the Black girls I have known have been into Black men by far, some of the professional girls may date white men but the majority of Black T-girls rarely date outside of the race for reasons other than money.

But I think it's all about where you go and where you meet the girls. If you go to predominately Black clubs and hang outs (where most Black T girls dwell) you'll meet girls that are into Black men. If you go to places that are predominately white you are more prone to meet girls that are looking for white men. If you go to the stroll you are going to meet girls that are going to view and treat you like a trick.

A few working girls have told me that it comes down to the higher prices white men are willing to pay, the number of times Black men have taken back money from them, among other reasons. But I know girls that would never date a Black man profesionally but only date Black men outside of work.

Most girls (Black, White, Latin, Asian, etc.) are pretty open to attractive, well put together, confident men, sexy as a whole. You'll always meet girls with a preference but in most cases that stuff fades.[/quote]

I concur

08-15-2004, 10:03 AM
It's pretty much no different that with strippers that work in predominately white clubs. Here in Atlanta 75% of the clubs are mostly Black. And most of the girls are Black, Latin & Asian girls that date Black men. The few that work in other clubs are primarily out for white men.

The moral to this story is, if you are a Black man looking for a TS or GG that is into Black men, go to places frequented by Black people. Simple. :lol: :lol:

08-15-2004, 07:15 PM
Thanks for your insight on the matter.

However, I think people are missing the whole scope of the topic.

I'm not looking for any remedy or magic potion as to "why" this does or does not occur.

I pretty much wanted to get a girls opinion on her thought process as to the subject matter at hand. Basically, does that much thought go into play when choosing who you will and won't date? I do notice that this thread has proven one overwhelmingly stereotypical point...that minorities will not pay premium dollars for good service.

This is extremely arguable. Especially in my city (Washington, DC) where minorities are the majority and are progressively and professionally established, ready and willing to part with there money for leisure activities. (the night scene game down here is rididculous)

I think it has to do more with white collar vs. blue collar individuals. Would a school teacher who makes 25k a year contemplate spending $300 for an hour of lust more so than an electronic engineer who makes 75k a year, the answer is simple, yes. Everything isn't always black and white. Second class status and unwillingness to pay premium dollars for good service is a terrible stigma to place on an individual group, especially when it is largely based on an unfounded premise...

Vicki Richter
08-15-2004, 09:10 PM
Sounds like I should go visit Washington. :P Seriously, I think I have probably been with an equal number of black men and white. I've dated fewer latino guys, but really it's more the way thing have worked out than some other "dark secret" reason. I met some great guys in NYC, very attractive, very sweet. I think it all boils down to the individual for me. If someone is respectful, intelligent, and interesting, then everything else is just a bonus.

08-16-2004, 05:30 AM
Vicki, can't wait till you visit N.Y. again. We definately gotta hook up.

08-16-2004, 07:54 AM
Well, personally I make a damn good living and I'll be dameded if I'll pay $300 to bust a nut. But I'm not too keen on paying for it anyway, not that I think I'm better than that but I just prefer actual connection with girls beyond just getting a nut.

But I do have a few really close friends that date and strip (TS as well as GG) and they say that some of the most well paid Black men that they meet still are more prone to haggle with them. I've also heard that some girls that actually prefer Black men don't like to date them because they can get attached, for some girls it's easier to fuck a guy for money if he's not your type.

08-17-2004, 01:32 AM
Thanks for your input on this matter. That clarfies a lot for me. Guys can sit and debate all day but only someone who's actually making that decision knows her thought process.

And by the way, DC would welcome or at least i'd welcome you with open arms.


12-05-2006, 06:48 AM
Bump for a gem on the previous page.

10-26-2009, 07:19 AM
Sounds like I should go visit Washington. :P Seriously, I think I have probably been with an equal number of black men and white. I've dated fewer latino guys, but really it's more the way thing have worked out than some other "dark secret" reason. I met some great guys in NYC, very attractive, very sweet. I think it all boils down to the individual for me. If someone is respectful, intelligent, and interesting, then everything else is just a bonus.


Bob's Tgirls
10-26-2009, 09:48 AM
I never paid much attention, but I remember one of my most famous Caucasian models always dated Latino men. One of my prettiest Latina models usually dated Black men.

I have dated outside my race more often than not with both TGs and GGs.

10-26-2009, 05:58 PM
I don't think you can generalize about race and who a TG chooses to date.

Sometimes it's a case of the girl not being attracted to you, and race really isn't the issue at all.

10-26-2009, 06:26 PM
I don't think you can generalize about race and who a TG chooses to date.

Sometimes it's a case of the girl not being attracted to you, and race really isn't the issue at all.

I've dated and been in relationships with all races.

However, race is always an issue, not a deal-breaker, but an issue.

10-26-2009, 06:29 PM
I never dated a white guy yet...

10-26-2009, 08:58 PM
seems like the black guy has some seriuos racial issues, if someone doesnt like u because of ur color fuckem, 95% could care less what fucking color u are, were too busy trying to pay the mortgage and raise our kids

10-26-2009, 10:36 PM
facebook just did a test/survey on who responds to who based on race.

White people were responded to 70% more often than any other race.

I'm too lazy to look for the link now but I never thought the %'s would be as skewed as they were.

10-26-2009, 10:53 PM
facebook just did a test/survey on who responds to who based on race.

White people were responded to 70% more often than any other race.

I'm too lazy to look for the link now but I never thought the %'s would be as skewed as they were.

Makes sense, whites are roughly 70% of the population and I bet the majority of users on facebook are caucasion.

Go to mediatakeout.com and I bet the number is opposite.

Confront racism when it reveals itself, but what's the point in going through life looking for opportunities to be offended??

If someone doesn't like you for dating purposes, they don't like you.

Race is but one of a multitude of factors of why people get rejected in the dating game.

Race is also a reason why some people are attracted to you. Doesn't make it wrong or right, it's just a reflection of our collectively flawed human nature.

I guarantee there are dozens of beautful TG women for whom the OP's skin color is a POSITIVE, not a negative. 8)

Work it out, brah.

10-26-2009, 10:59 PM
seems like the black guy has some seriuos racial issues, if someone doesnt like u because of ur color fuckem, 95% could care less what fucking color u are, were too busy trying to pay the mortgage and raise our kids

"The Black Guy" I guess you don't have great command of English.

Seeing as we are often viewed as "They" or "The" that is a general lack of respect period shared by a vast majority of not only Americans but most of European decent.

The difference is, Blacks in American are largely jailed and killed at a much higher rate in America than anyplace else and people wanna say this is a post-racial America, that's the funniest shit I have heard yet.

As for dating issues, why this thread was bumped I dunno I have usually commented on most of them, but in any case -

If a woman disses you because your Black; So what!

As a friend has said, "Black Men Have Fans All Over The World" and he's right. Don't even for a minute stress about what "other people" think. They really don't know and are guessing from personal experience most of the time which is FLAWED beyond all belief.

Here's what I know personally.

I can date any race of woman I want, there is always going to be ONE that will put aside my skin tone or in fact embrace my skin tone. Most of the time they embrace it and shun others, even their own and that always bothers White Men mostly, which I find STRANGE, they usually wouldn't want to date them anyway.

So I will close in saying, let's stop with these types of threads it only gives the opportunity for some White Americans and others who aren't native to our weird culture an opening to post shit like "I'm an equal opportunity hater, I hate everybody, don't take it personal"

10-26-2009, 11:43 PM
This was an interesting topic that really didn't do much due to the lack or participation from the girls.

10-26-2009, 11:43 PM
And this is not meant to be harsh or whatever but there was a time in most black/latino transsexuals live's, within reasonable presumption, that they in fact were considered "black/latino males" by the same populace...

So taking that into consideration, have most of them become so dissillusioned or disconnected from the years gone by, that they forgot what it was like?

Add to that point, the fact that these women in "Society's" eyes aren't considered women at all, legally or common. Why would a "people" who want to champion for fairness, equality, justice, freedom to love unequivocablly (s/p?) initiate such blatant and calous biggotry?

Not to say that anyone's perfect or that all transsexual's should be the torch bearers for the truth, the light, and the American way but, it just seems to be at least the majority of them would not be so prejudicial

Im Puerto Rican and have always attracted black and latino men since the age of about 14. In the beginning I was just a faggot, but ALWAYS a "pretty mutha fukka" or "pretty bitch" My very first boyfriend was a Mexican boy who called me a faggot in school. A local gang member, yada, yada. As I grew older and more feminine I noticed this. African American and Latino men both put up a front for society. In public we are faggots, homo's and men. In private we are mija, wifey, and baby. As my transition has reached its end I noticed a change in society and men.
By working and being active more in the straight world,, I have gained respect from both as a WOMAN. Not to say everybody on the planet see's or respects me as a woman, just that enough of them do that the rest don't matter. As far as if I would date a white man, well its just never happend yet. So I cant speak on that, so I guess my dating expierences are focused on my race and ethnic background. And wat I have seen and expierenced on girls who are latina or african american who do date white men, its always on a business level. No escort, but generous guys who take care of girls.

10-27-2009, 02:53 AM
"the black guy" quote was tongue in cheek, guess u proved my point, u completely missed my larger point of why waste ur time with people who are racist, if u wanna let people like that torture ur soul thats ur choice, unfortunatly there are racists of every colo