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10-04-2006, 08:13 PM
Ever been around a broad that asks you questions all the fuckin time?

I went off on one today.

I was sitting in my office and my phone went off and she calls with what seemed like a probation officer convo:

"what's up, what you doing, what did you do last night, where did you go?, were you drunk?"

I snapped............................... a rarity for anyone that knows me offline

"Why the FUCK do you ask me so many fuckin questions?!?"

she was like "Well if I don't ask questions you don't talk"


When did this men talking all the fuckin time to women bullshit become popular????? I might be off on this one, but am I one of the few guys on here that still follows the MYOB philosophy?

10-04-2006, 08:45 PM



That's the way it is.


I dunno.


Y'know, that's annoying.



The question asked so often that Philly named its public radio station after it: WHYY

10-04-2006, 09:21 PM
Actually, I love answering girls questions.

(Heheh, honestly I'm just waiting for the rest of the girls to show up in this thread for the rolling pin beatdown JWBL and B1 are about to have to endure, you guys are crazy, stuff like that is only discussed in the Man Lodge)


10-04-2006, 09:47 PM
:lol: @ The Man Lodge.



10-04-2006, 10:39 PM
Questions aren't bad, mindless questions are. There's a difference, going down a list isn't going to make me want to talk. It will make me wonder "What's the point of all these questions?" though.

Conversation=Sharing information

A String of questions=An interrogation with an agenda.

10-05-2006, 12:27 AM
I tend to operate well with questions, primarily because my brain is a mess of unconnected triviata that is of little use without organization.

I'll encourage questions, mostly via text/email, but sometimes in face-to-face conversation, just to focus me so that I don't blather on about random, dumb shit.

But this gobbledygook of why-why-why is just ball-squeazing painful. :roll:

10-05-2006, 12:30 AM
less talk, more cooking and makin babies


I keed

I haven't been around a lot of them but I know what you mean. Usually happens when I'm tired and don't feel like conversating but they don't get the message

10-05-2006, 01:12 AM
less talk, more cooking and makin babies


I keed

Damn! :shock:

I should hope so, them's fightin' woids!

10-05-2006, 01:48 AM
well the thing is when u answer question that just leads to more questions and, in fact, this topic involves answering a question about a topic that involves asking too many questions

so maybe its best not to answer heh

10-05-2006, 02:19 AM
well the thing is when u answer question that just leads to more questions and, in fact, this topic involves answering a question about a topic that involves asking too many questions

so maybe its best not to answer heh

Izzat something akin to "Norman, I am lying to you now."?


10-05-2006, 03:16 AM
JWB, you have my support on this one. Most of the women I spend time with claim that I’m far too private/secretive about my life and daily activities. They pry constantly, knowing full well that my endeavors do not allow for such indiscretions. Fortunately, I’ve found a great solution to this problem: Get women to talk about themselves.

Most women prefer to talk about themselves and their daily lives. It’s an important part of how they work through things, whereas men tend to be far more insular in their decision making process. Fine….. Ask her about her day. Ask her what she thinks. Ask her how she feels. Do that and she will talk through the majority of the conversation without asking you a damn thing. When it’s over, she’ll remember what a great conversation “the two of you” had, and you’ll walk away without revealing anything about yourself.


10-05-2006, 06:01 AM
Ever been around a broad that asks you questions all the fuckin time?

I went off on one today.

I was sitting in my office and my phone went off and she calls with what seemed like a probation officer convo:

"what's up, what you doing, what did you do last night, where did you go?, were you drunk?"

I snapped............................... a rarity for anyone that knows me offline

"Why the FUCK do you ask me so many fuckin questions?!?"

she was like "Well if I don't ask questions you don't talk"


When did this men talking all the fuckin time to women bullshit become popular????? I might be off on this one, but am I one of the few guys on here that still follows the MYOB philosophy?

"If I don't ask you questions you don't talk"

That's my FAVORITE line from a woman.

I simply tell the young lady that-

A.) I don't talk as much as she does


B.) She's known this for X number of months before we started dating plus X number of months that we HAVE been dating.

So where's the surprise?

Of course she'll push and pry, carefully attempting to deconstruct my rationale for not yapping endlessly.... but guess what?


And I tell her, I dont intentionally not talk as much. I don't do it on purpose, it's just how I'm built. If you want someone who talks as much as you, go find a female friend or a gay guy who all they want to do is yap about all the fine minutia while actively swishing wrists.

I keep everything, INCLUDING conversations, light. It's how I AM!




I don't need to share my feelings about how certain parts of my day went.


Of course, this still does not prevent her further attempts to reenact my daily life, but that's the game.

10-05-2006, 06:31 AM
Ever been around a broad that asks you questions all the fuckin time?

I went off on one today.

I was sitting in my office and my phone went off and she calls with what seemed like a probation officer convo:

"what's up, what you doing, what did you do last night, where did you go?, were you drunk?"

I snapped............................... a rarity for anyone that knows me offline

"Why the FUCK do you ask me so many fuckin questions?!?"

she was like "Well if I don't ask questions you don't talk"


When did this men talking all the fuckin time to women bullshit become popular????? I might be off on this one, but am I one of the few guys on here that still follows the MYOB philosophy?

God Bless you JWBL. That sums it up in a nutshell.

10-05-2006, 06:33 AM
Actually, I love answering girls questions.

(Heheh, honestly I'm just waiting for the rest of the girls to show up in this thread for the rolling pin beatdown JWBL and B1 are about to have to endure, you guys are crazy, stuff like that is only discussed in the Man Lodge)


Not anymore

10-05-2006, 09:29 AM
Actually, I love answering girls questions.

(Heheh, honestly I'm just waiting for the rest of the girls to show up in this thread for the rolling pin beatdown JWBL and B1 are about to have to endure, you guys are crazy, stuff like that is only discussed in the Man Lodge)


I'm sorry, I was running late, having a gabfest, after the hen party, from when I got back from shopping with the girls.

As always, my real answer is comin soon. :popcorn

10-05-2006, 11:44 AM
SMH. Not trying to start anything, but could it be that guys don't like answering questions or revealing things about themselves, because they have something to hide? Something, the other party they are dealing with may need to know? Not saying that's in all cases, but the majority of the time, women's intuition proves right.

I understand & respect this response, but let me add to this, it was NOT a 1st time thing, it's more of a common occurence. This shit goes on regularly, with a multitude of other questions I choose not to even speak of on this board. There was a time we were face to face and she went on about a topic I felt uncomfortable with and EVEN AFTER I told her I felt uncomfortable she [tell me if this sounds familiar guys] tried to continue with the topic not caring that it made me UNCOMFORTABLE!!!!!!!!!!!

As far as having things to hide, everyone has things to hide. With this situation that was not the case, this was just a reaction to what seemed to be an ongoing interrogation.

P.S. That woman's intuition bullshit is exactly that..................bullshit.

10-05-2006, 08:24 PM
yea lol, i guess as men we just have to deal with it and believe me coming from a married man, it just gets worse :( with marriage :(:(

So the way i figure it put up with it :( or the other choice is to become gay and date men lol..than you wouldn't have to deal with the same issue i guess...but who knows maybe gay feminine men are even worst heh..

10-05-2006, 08:46 PM
I know exactly what u mean. Get a call and feel like your being interogatted instead of having a conversation. I went off on someone about that recently also.

10-05-2006, 10:24 PM
JohnnyWalkerBlackLabel wrote:
P.S. That woman's intuition bullshit is exactly that..................bullshit.

Mine has never failed me Wink

That's what my wife says and she's only right about 10% of the time. I don't know if I would call that lying (at least to her face) but it's definately selective memory.

Either way, I've always believed the key is to keep their mouth occupied with more important activities.


10-05-2006, 10:31 PM
When my 'ex' (We were never married, it just seemed that way) asked me questions I always answered honestly.

Then it became clear that she either 'listened differently' (If I said "You look beautiful tonite, dear" she invariably heard "You were a fat cow last night, homey!"), or just really =didn't= want me to answer truthfully.

So, then I withheld information that I would otherwise have freely shared with her. This caused the little voices in her head to fill in all the blanks.

Now our conversations, brief as they are, are pretty much "What did you do today?" and I simply say "What do you think I did?" and she invents whatever version of my reality makes her feel good.


10-06-2006, 05:11 AM
[quote="BeardedOne"]When my 'ex' (We were never married, it just seemed that way) asked me questions I always answered honestly.

Then it became clear that she either 'listened differently' (If I said "You look beautiful tonite, dear" she invariably heard "You were a fat cow last night, homey!"), or just really =didn't= want me to answer truthfully.

So, then I withheld information that I would otherwise have freely shared with her. This caused the little voices in her head to fill in all the blanks.

Now our conversations, brief as they are, are pretty much "What did you do today?" and I simply say "What do you think I did?" and she invents whatever version of my reality makes her feel good.

I don't ever remember reading such pure brilliance on this (or any other)board.

Holy Batnutz.......

and all this time i thought it was just me.....

sounds like my philosophy to the t.