View Full Version : So Trump just forbade the CDC from using the word "transgender"

12-16-2017, 07:49 AM
Your thoughts...................................
The forbidden words are: "vulnerable," "entitlement," "diversity," "transgender," "fetus," "evidence-based" and "science-based."

12-16-2017, 08:17 AM
although i wouldnt be surprised........the Orange Turd needs to be flushed out for a myriad of reasons

12-16-2017, 08:27 AM
although i wouldnt be surprised........the Orange Turd needs to be flushed out for a myriad of reasons


12-16-2017, 09:28 AM
It really is something out of Orwell. The Center for Disease Control can't use "science-based" or "evidence-based" and can't talk about transgender men and women. Can't use the word vulnerable either, which can sometimes be used to discuss people who are elderly or have disabilities. It's as though by eliminating words he can challenge the idea that some people are actually vulnerable.

The recommended phrase for science based is "bases its recommendations on science in consideration with community standards and wishes." In other words if the state of the science offends some community standard or wish it should take a back seat. Trump has not only threatened many important government agencies by appointing some of the most underqualified mediocrities you'll ever see, he also appoints ideologues who don't believe in the missions of those agencies. What could matter for the cdc other than science and evidence?

Thanks for the thread.

12-16-2017, 02:32 PM
What do you expect, the Congress has forbidden them or anyone else to do any study on gun violence, any kind of study. No one can use the term climate change either. Although I meet a few park rangers that used the term, also mentioned the president no matter how orange, cannot tell them what to say.

12-16-2017, 03:12 PM
It really is something out of Orwell. The Center for Disease Control can't use "science-based" or "evidence-based" and can't talk about transgender men and women. Can't use the word vulnerable either, which can sometimes be used to discuss people who are elderly or have disabilities. It's as though by eliminating words he can challenge the idea that some people are actually vulnerable.

The recommended phrase for science based is "bases its recommendations on science in consideration with community standards and wishes." In other words if the state of the science offends some community standard or wish it should take a back seat. Trump has not only threatened many important government agencies by appointing some of the most underqualified mediocrities you'll ever see, he also appoints ideologues who don't believe in the missions of those agencies. What could matter for the cdc other than science and evidence?

Thanks for the thread.

Here are the list of words that shall not be used:

12-16-2017, 03:23 PM
To be followed soon, perhaps, by
Human Rights

12-16-2017, 07:07 PM
Good ole fashioned fascism!

12-16-2017, 10:38 PM
Damn, and I always thought the seven words were.

But I guess it's a new world now.

12-16-2017, 10:40 PM
The most dangerous president in modern American history.

Ben in LA
12-16-2017, 10:57 PM
Fascism has arrived. Thanks, trump voters.

12-17-2017, 06:03 AM
What is more dangerous are the people who see everything he has done and still believe him and the lies that he tells

12-17-2017, 07:36 AM
What is more dangerous are the people who see everything he has done and still believe him and the lies that he tells

Scary, isn't it? They don't care if something is or isn't fact. If it is or isn't truth. I had one Trump supporter tell me last week he knew what a hypocrite was, and didn't care if he was one in his defense of 45.

These people are truly certifiable in my book.

12-17-2017, 10:21 AM
How long before a ‘Department of Truth’ in the USA?
... George Orwell 1984, the ‘ministries’: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ministries_of_Nineteen_Eighty-Four

Sadly it is somewhat unsurprising is a country where a ‘new low’ of 38% are creationists: Gallup Poll (May 2017) “In U.S., Belief in Creationist View of Humans at New Low”

12-17-2017, 11:52 AM
I think World War Three is quite a way off yet but when it happens it will be between the Fundamental Christian USA and Europe!

12-17-2017, 02:56 PM
Wasn't he supposed to lock the deplorable Hilary Clinton up?

Ben in LA
12-17-2017, 03:42 PM
Wasn't he supposed to lock the deplorable Hilary Clinton up?
Funny how Flynn was leading that chant at the RNC...but he might be the one that gets locked up.

12-17-2017, 04:27 PM
Funny how Flynn was leading that chant at the RNC...but he might be the one that gets locked up.

a) he has probably agreed a 'plea bargain' so he doesn't go to gaol, and
b) the President has hinted he may issue an official pardon to Flynn anyway, as he is likely to do down the road if either or both Jared Kushner and Junior are in the frame. Assuming Mueller isn't fired before he can finish his work.

12-17-2017, 04:43 PM
Thought Crime and Good Speak

12-17-2017, 06:03 PM
I can't convey how much I despise Trump and his supporters, to me they're the equivalent of child molesters (in terms of morality).

Trump supporters are simply disgusting, abhorrent people.

12-17-2017, 07:47 PM
Just because Trump and his cronies don’t know words, now the rest of us have to prune our vocabularies too.

To be fair, according the the NYT (see https://nyti.ms/2k4hzQl ) the Department of Health and Human Services did not bar the CDC from using ‘science-based’, ‘transgender’, ‘vulernable’ etc. in their official reports, scientific publications, press releases or other communications with the public. Rather, the H.H.S. recommended against the use of these words in funding requests that are forwarded to Congress. Given the makeup of today’s Congress I can see the reasoning behind this recommendation.

Still, the very fact that the appearance of the words ‘science-based’, ‘evidence-based’, ‘vulnerable’, or ‘fetus’ can doom a CDC project request for funding says something about how lost, ignorant, mean-spirited and stupid our Congress has become - not to mention the Executive.

12-18-2017, 02:05 AM
He forgot
8. Russia

Ben in LA
12-18-2017, 07:19 AM
Righties don’t want certain words said because they’re “politically correct”...then proceed to ban other words THEY don’t like like. Snowflakes.

12-18-2017, 11:45 PM
He forgot
8. Russia

But hasn't the US always been friends with Russia - and always at war with Eastasia?

12-19-2017, 02:42 AM
Lol this story

" who spoke on the condition of anonymity because the person was not authorized to speak publicly"

So it's more fake news based on an "anonymous source" that WaPo loves to use

12-19-2017, 03:02 AM
Lol this story

" who spoke on the condition of anonymity because the person was not authorized to speak publicly"

So it's more fake news based on an "anonymous source" that WaPo loves to use

Standard journalism practice in the real world bro.
If it was a fake story, the CDC would have already responded.

You're confusing the WaPo with Breitbart and the National Enquirer.

The WaPo broke Watergate, the Pentagon Papers and Iran/Contra using anonymous sources.
WHen you're a REAL news organization, you protect the identity of your sources to report the news.

Fake news organizations who get into the habit of reporting fake news eventually get sued for libel and slander out of existence.

12-19-2017, 05:26 AM
Standard journalism practice in the real world bro.
If it was a fake story, the CDC would have already responded.

You're confusing the WaPo with Breitbart and the National Enquirer.

The WaPo broke Watergate, the Pentagon Papers and Iran/Contra using anonymous sources.
WHen you're a REAL news organization, you protect the identity of your sources to report the news.

Fake news organizations who get into the habit of reporting fake news eventually get sued for libel and slander out of existence.

God bless Peter Thiel :cheers:

12-19-2017, 07:42 PM
The CDC is headed by some Georgia chick who Tom Price appointed before he had to resign, they are in goosestep with every other Trump appointee who heads an Agency that they want to totally dismantle. Ten times scarier than the CDC is the State Dept, which Tillerson has turned into a skeleton crew, the next Democrat President can fire all these fools, but the damage will be done, let's hope it's effectively stopped next November, if Dems can retake the House and Senate. That would effectively disable Trump and his flunkies til we get the White House in 2020. That's the plan, anyway. So far, the Republicans are helping the plan ever since Trump stole the redneck branch of the GOP. CLOWNS!!!!!

12-19-2017, 09:21 PM
Just because Trump and his cronies don’t know words, now the rest of us have to prune our vocabularies too.

To be fair, according the the NYT (see https://nyti.ms/2k4hzQl ) the Department of Health and Human Services did not bar the CDC from using ‘science-based’, ‘transgender’, ‘vulernable’ etc. in their official reports, scientific publications, press releases or other communications with the public. Rather, the H.H.S. recommended against the use of these words in funding requests that are forwarded to Congress. Given the makeup of today’s Congress I can see the reasoning behind this recommendation.

Still, the very fact that the appearance of the words ‘science-based’, ‘evidence-based’, ‘vulnerable’, or ‘fetus’ can doom a CDC project request for funding says something about how lost, ignorant, mean-spirited and stupid our Congress has become - not to mention the Executive.

The Zika virus, a cause of the brain abnormality macrocephaly, will have huge hurdles since it cannot mention the words, fetus, science-based, or evidence based. Wait until the lack of funding causes a huge spread in the virus. Of course as it currently stands no one in Congress or the active political forum is responsible for anything. It's always someone else's (who mind you does not have the power to do anything) fault therefore it does not requires them to fix the problem. It would be great if I didn't have to be responsible for anything. I entered the wrong occupation.

12-20-2017, 12:00 AM
Standard journalism practice in the real world bro.
If it was a fake story, the CDC would have already responded.

You're confusing the WaPo with Breitbart and the National Enquirer.

The WaPo broke Watergate, the Pentagon Papers and Iran/Contra using anonymous sources.
WHen you're a REAL news organization, you protect the identity of your sources to report the news.

Fake news organizations who get into the habit of reporting fake news eventually get sued for libel and slander out of existence.

And the Lakers used to be a perennial 50 win team and title contender.

You're judging a publication who's suffered a startling fall from grace based on the past. WaPo is a joke by their own doing. That'll happen when you publish oppositional research straight from a political party without taking the time to try and verify it.

12-20-2017, 12:13 AM
cosign bullslinger CDC is a farce and cant be trusted as far as u can throw them. I am sure all their family uses organic and stay away from the crooked big pharm system. 1046518

12-20-2017, 02:49 AM
cosign bullslinger CDC is a farce and cant be trusted as far as u can throw them. I am sure all their family uses organic and stay away from the crooked big pharm system.

Your post implies a connection between the Center for Disease Control [CDC] and a problem that arose with a drug called Vioxx that was recalled in 2004. Brandy Vaughan has campaigned on the basis of a diagnosis and treatment with Vioxx that failed. I am not aware that the CDC played any role in either the promotion of Vioxx or its recall, whereas Merck, who produced and marketed the drug are responsible, thus:
Scientists from the pharmaceutical giant Merck skewed the results of clinical trials in favor of the arthritis drug, Vioxx, to hide evidence that the drug increased patients’ risk of heart attack.

So your post that casts doubt on the reputation of the CDC is, I believe designed to raise doubts where they do not need to be raised.
If you want to debate the role played by drugs/narcotics in human society in the past 7,000 years, or the past 7,000 days, I suggest you start another thread.

12-20-2017, 05:12 AM
I'm just going to throw this out there for Dave Jones. The FDA and the CDC are two different agencies. The FDA is in charge of new drug applications, and so if you are talking about who approves a drug for a particular condition, that would be the FDA. They are also responsible for monitoring drugs that have been approved in case dangerous side effects appear once the drugs have been marketed.

If there is any doubt about the safety of vioxx or any question about whether it should have been pulled, the responsibility probably lies first with the company who lied during the approval process, and then with the FDA, the government agency charged with approving the drug.

None of this course has anything to do with the recommendations not to use certain words...why we have so many self-loathing reactionaries suddenly appearing in a thread about an agency being warned not to use the word transgender when we are in fact on a forum for transgender females and those who admire them is beyond me.

12-20-2017, 08:46 AM
And the Lakers used to be a perennial 50 win team and title contender.

You're judging a publication who's suffered a startling fall from grace based on the past. WaPo is a joke by their own doing. That'll happen when you publish oppositional research straight from a political party without taking the time to try and verify it.
THe WaPo and NYT are still two of the most credible news sources you'll find anywhere in this country.

The problem is in today's political climate you have right wing partisans who endeavor to get fake news stories reported in newspapers all in an effort to discredit anything they might report in the future.

That type of ideological political tactic never used to happen before.

I'll put up the credibility and journalistic integrity of the WaPo over any 'news source' you try to offer as a counter.

There has been no startling fall from grace for the WaPo.

Don't you find it odd so many right wing operatives have made it their business to destroy the credibility of mainstream news sources like the NYT and WaPo??

Or are you one of those types who thinks the country would be better off if they were replaced by Fox News and Breitbart??

12-29-2017, 11:01 PM
Good ole fashioned fascism!

"5 out of 7 members liked this post"

So, statistically, 2 out of 7 are fascists? Or is it that 2 out of 7 haven't looked up the definition of fascism yet?

PS : in case you find a reference to the love of uniforms the good ole fascists had, it has been replaced by a business suit these days :) (same preferred brand though)

12-30-2017, 09:27 PM
I think this is Pence's doing. He's a Christian freak. Probably with ties to the Evangelicals. I think trump doesn't give a shit.

12-30-2017, 10:08 PM
I think this is Pence's doing. He's a Christian freak. Probably with ties to the Evangelicals. I think trump doesn't give a shit. Trumps a narcississt......he lives for people's attention and adulation
he can eat baby fetuses and stomp on puppies and the trumpies will still love him for it.....MAGA!