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View Full Version : NYC german tgirl on the UES

10-02-2006, 08:51 PM
I used to know a german(hung) tgirl on the upper east side her name was Lauren and she had a roomate named Jeniffer.
I have lost contact and was wondering is anyone had some info or phone #.
Sorry no pics


10-03-2006, 05:50 PM


01-05-2007, 11:43 PM
bump :cry:

01-06-2007, 01:02 AM
Big goldfish tank/cat...Lauren was a top(heard she was huge) so I never had any dealings but Jen was a bottom and she loved it! I could fuck her and suck her at the same time...very verbal...yeah what happened to them...

01-06-2007, 03:12 AM
Big goldfish tank/cat...Lauren was a top(heard she was huge) so I never had any dealings but Jen was a bottom and she loved it! I could fuck her and suck her at the same time...very verbal...yeah what happened to them...

YES thats them! Lauren moved a few blocks away but then her phone got disconnected and never heard from them again.
Lauren was up there with one of the biggest cocks in NYC comparable to IVY aka Sophia.

Im sure someone out there still sees them :(

01-08-2007, 01:39 PM
One night I was over doin my usual pounding on Jen(she used to call me and say bring it over I need it..)anyway when I got there, there was this body builder type w/ hard hat and all that was w/ Lauren they went into Laurens room and in a few minutes all you heard was this guy screamin and begging Lauren to go easy...I did my usual 2 pops w/ Jen a little over an hour(I was younger then!LOL!!)the guy was still screaming when I left...Lauren used to always try and get Jen and I to 3 way but Jen always saved me...good thing or I would more than likely walk funny by the sounds I've heard in experiance.

01-08-2007, 04:13 PM
Dude that was me :lol: :lol: :lol:
Just kidding.


02-29-2008, 12:15 AM
one more try

Shining Star
02-29-2008, 11:48 AM
one more tryUES used to be trannie central, with so many one couldn't swing a cat without hitting some body! *LOL*

Alas for the most part it seems most have either left this world, or at least moved on from the area.

Wasn't one of these girls named "Drucilla" or some such? Used to see one blond trannie walking around in the East 90's but that was several years ago. Last time I saw her she had gotten very skinny, almost boyish looking, but still had a mane of blonde hair. These girls are old school, or at least older than the ones today, no?

Lots of girls got pushed out by rising rents, and or too much LE activity making them unwelcome in the newly gentrified UES and Yorkville. One girl told me the co-op apartment she was renting for years at around $800 shot up to almost $2,000. Owner told her to take it or leave it.