View Full Version : Princess of Suits -but is it worth watching?

11-28-2017, 04:34 PM
According to the press in the UK, the American actor Meghan Markle, soon to be a bona fide Duchess of somewear --it is in the gift of Our Gracious, and Most Noble Majesty Queen Elizabeth II to decide which title to bestow on the 'appy couple- has appeared in a US Tv series called Suits.

Is it any good? Is she good at acting? I have never seen it and am curious to know. Thank you for your attention.

11-29-2017, 03:56 AM
much better to watch 'the windsors' which features the divine kathryn drysdale playing meghan.

11-29-2017, 04:50 AM
I really like Suits, I am only into season 2 so I do not how it holds up now that it is 7 seasons in.

She is a secondary character but she is pretty good.


sukumvit boy
11-29-2017, 05:30 AM
I know it's on Netflix in the UK .

sukumvit boy
11-29-2017, 06:03 AM
Also free with Amazon Prime

11-29-2017, 10:35 AM
Thanks sukumvit boy, but I don't use streaming services, the computer I use can barely manage YouTube without stalling. I would consider it if I get a new computer, but even then I am probably not going to pay a fee for a service I am not going to use often enough to justify it.

sukumvit boy
12-01-2017, 03:07 AM
That's surprising and funny , Stavros . Surprising because you are always so well informed about current and past events and issues and I can't imagine how you do it from the state of your computer and internet connection.
And funny because your "old Person" is showing , not unlike myself and many of my older friends and family.

Sir Mark
12-01-2017, 03:20 AM
She keeps her face in shape, with oral massages. Way to go Harry, you lucky basterd.

12-01-2017, 12:16 PM
That's surprising and funny , Stavros . Surprising because you are always so well informed about current and past events and issues and I can't imagine how you do it from the state of your computer and internet connection.
And funny because your "old Person" is showing , not unlike myself and many of my older friends and family.

Hmm, I don't think it is about age at all, other than the computer which is now only 7 years old but so much has changed in those years. I am just not that interested in technology other than knowing which buttons to press. For example I have never owned a car and don't know how to drive, as a bicycle is the most efficient form of travel in the universe and cars don't interest me. I think with the computer it is something to do with add-ons and extensions that might not like Windows 7, but when I google it and then explore my computer I get confused as to whether I should enable or disable and tend to leave everything as it is. The more obvious fact is that I don't want to subscribe to Netflix unless I am going to use the service enough times to justify paying for it. I have a small library of DVDs which is my preference, same with CDs just as I prefer books to Kindle. I bought an iPod classic some years ago and loaded a six-CD set of lieder by Richard Strauss, and then discovered it had re-arranged all of them in alphabetical order rendering the exercise pointless. The device is phenomenal as a piece of kit, but was designed with pop songs in mind, not lieder, opera or symphonies

As for Suits, and Meghan Markle, thanks to the contributors above, but I shall pass.

12-02-2017, 03:49 PM
It might come as a shock to the rest of the world but there is a sizable minority here in the UK who really don't give a fuck about this entitled shower of scrounging twats. That's nothing against Meghan whom , I'm sure, is very nice, though she does pale into insignificance compared to Donna in Suits

12-02-2017, 04:35 PM
Markle is certifiably hot