View Full Version : Drugs You Have Tried & Did You Like Them?

11-14-2017, 04:48 AM
Ok so this won't be the most politically correct thread but here goes......

When I first signed up for HA in 2011 I was still working for the Ohio Republican Party and VERY ANTI-DRUG
That was of course until they found out I was a tranny and got fired :( Since then I have become a regular drug user and I LIKE IT
I find that the right combination of drugs can be very relaxing and enjoyable.

Here is a short list of drugs I have tried and liked.

Alcohol - Started drinking in 1995 and 22 years later I still drink today. Mostly drank beer in High School ,but switched to Whiskey when I turned 21 then started my love affair with Jim Beam & Jack Daniels.

Marijuana - Started in 2012 got stoned and voted for Obama (the first and only Democrat I have ever voted for)
I like how it relaxes me & I still smoke 1/4 oz a week of MEIGS COUNTY GOLD

Molly/MDMA - Started in 2014 and I really like how it makes me feel connected to other people. I mostly take it at clubs or bars.

Cocaine - Started in 2013 and really like the rush I get out of it! There is nothing better than to do a couple lines of coke and have sex!!!!

Oxycontin - Started in 2013 for back pain. I still take it on occasion and it really melts the pain away from my back, it also helps me sleep.

Mushrooms - Started in June of 2017 and wow did I trip my balls off at the Nelsonville Music Festival. I love how mushrooms make me feel!

LSD - Started on my birthday of 2017 and I absolutely love it. I love mind expanding drugs and this is one of the best I have taken yet!

So that's the short list of drugs I have tried over the years.
Please keep an open mind and share your experiences!!

11-14-2017, 05:20 AM
You need to write the book of your life.

Ben in LA
11-14-2017, 11:34 AM
When my asthma acts up, my inhaler gives be a slight buzz.

11-14-2017, 02:52 PM
Damn, you still alive?

11-14-2017, 04:01 PM
Tried marijuana once, just made me ridiculously sleepy and extremely lethargic the next day.

Also tried MDMA, had no effect on me whatsoever, could've been bunk. Will try it again some time in a safe environment at home.

11-14-2017, 04:57 PM
Tried a few 'recreational' drugs in my day. I never wanted a repeat experience of any of them except Marijuana. However, for the last decade my regimen (not counting HRT) has been restricted to caffeine, theobromine and ethyl alcohol - the last two in moderation; i.e. two to four strong cups of coffee (or tea), zero to one pieces of chocolate and either a glass of wine or a pint of beer or two fingers of Lagavulin daily.

11-14-2017, 05:18 PM
Oxycontin - Started in 2013 for back pain. I still take it on occasion and it really melts the pain away from my back, it also helps me sleep.

If I went to my doctor and said I had back pain, he would ask how severe it is, when did it first begin, and examine me. And if he were unable to diagnose the problem, he would send me to see a specialist for tests.
What he would not do is automatically prescribe an opioid like Oxycontin, in fact he may not prescribe any drugs at all but suggest I visit a physiotherapist. I don't know the details but I think your doctor has been irresponsible.

There is an opioid crisis in the US because doctors are not treating the causes of back pain like yours, but giving you drugs to treat its effects, and creating addicts because of it. In view of the links between doctors and the pharmaceutical industry in the USA, this is a commercial rather than a medical decision, and you should destroy the Oxycontin and seek specialist help for your back pain.

11-14-2017, 05:49 PM
If I went to my doctor and said I had back pain, he would ask how severe it is, when did it first begin, and examine me. And if he were unable to diagnose the problem, he would send me to see a specialist for tests.
What he would not do is automatically prescribe an opioid like Oxycontin, in fact he may not prescribe any drugs at all but suggest I visit a physiotherapist. I don't know the details but I think your doctor has been irresponsible.

There is an opioid crisis in the US because doctors are not treating the causes of back pain like yours, but giving you drugs to treat its effects, and creating addicts because of it. In view of the links between doctors and the pharmaceutical industry in the USA, this is a commercial rather than a medical decision, and you should destroy the Oxycontin and seek specialist help for your back pain.

I was in a mva that left me functionally disabled. I've been through years of physical therapy, chiropracters, accupuncture, etc with very few results. I agree that in cases where someone experiences temporary painful situations doctors are irresponsible in prescribing opiates, and I have friends who became addicts because a doctor was quick to prescribe opiates and then, after they had healed, they could no longer obtain the prescriptions and turned to street drugs.
In cases of ongoing or CHRONIC PAIN modern medicine has not found anything as effective as opiates. People who are extensively documented by medical specialists to be experiencing chronic pain, and who are tested frequently to insure they are not abusing their prescription or using any other illegal drugs, should have no problem obtaining prescription opiates even if the resulting tolerance will mean they will have to take larger doses later in life as their pain persists that may lead to them becoming physically addicted.
Personally, I tried everything else first with no results, as I had no desire to take these drugs. When it got to the point where my quality of life was adversely affected by my pain I realized I needed to find something effective. A prescription for opiates allows me to live and enjoy life like other people do. I still have pain, but it's tolerable.
Doctors prescribing opiates carefully when necessary does nothing to add to the "opiate epidemic". Besides, if you look at statistics, deaths from opiate overdose have been steadily decreasing in spite of what you hear in the news or from politicians.
This is yet another instance where politics needs to stay out of health care.

11-14-2017, 07:31 PM
Doctors prescribing opiates carefully when necessary does nothing to add to the "opiate epidemic". Because you were careful to add the qualifiers, I tend to agree. However, I am not aware of newer reliable statistics that indicate deaths from opiate overdose are decreasing. According to the CDC they are way up. ( https://www.cdc.gov/drugoverdose/data/index.html ) Not only deaths, but addiction rates and prescription rates are up.

Certainly opiates should remain in the medical arsenal for the treatment of severe and debilitating chronic pain. But some control and restraint (at the very least on the part of doctors, if not regulators and legislators) is indicated. Yet, much less dangerous drugs (e.g. marijuana) which have been shown to be effective for the treatment of some kinds of chronic pain have been banned from being prescribed - often precisely because of politics.

I would conjecture the problem with over prescription lies primarily with the pharmaceutical industry pressuring and bribing (i.e. marketing) doctors to push their products on patients and with doctors allowing themselves to be pressured and bought.

Then of course people with prescriptions share and/or sell their pills to others.

The opioid epidemic has reached such proportions that in some of the worst hit places the demand for paramedics have skyrocketed. Paramedics are getting quite good at rescuing addicts from the brink of overdosing on opioids. That might account for any downtick - if there are any - (and again I’d like to see the stats) in deaths by opioid overdose.

11-14-2017, 07:36 PM
Opiates should be taken as a recreational drug, not for back pains.

I've an amazing chiropractor in LA if anyone needs.

11-14-2017, 07:45 PM
Because you were careful to add the qualifiers, I tend to agree. However, I am not aware of newer reliable statistics that indicate deaths from opiate overdose are decreasing. According to the CDC they are way up. ( https://www.cdc.gov/drugoverdose/data/index.html ) Not only deaths, but addiction rates and prescription rates are up.

Certainly opiates should remain in the medical arsenal for the treatment of severe and debilitating chronic pain. But some control and restraint (at the very least on the part of doctors, if not regulators and legislators) is indicated. Yet, much less dangerous drugs (e.g. marijuana) which have been shown to be effective for the treatment of some kinds of chronic pain have been banned from being prescribed - often precisely because of politics.

I would conjecture the problem with over prescription lies primarily with the pharmaceutical industry pressuring and bribing (i.e. marketing) doctors to push their products on patients and with doctors allowing themselves to be pressured and bought.

Then of course people with prescriptions share and/or sell their pills to others.

The opioid epidemic has reached such proportions that in some of the worst hit places the demand for paramedics have skyrocketed. Paramedics are getting quite good at rescuing addicts from the brink of overdosing on opioids. That might account for any downtick - if there are any - (and again I’d like to see the stats) in deaths by opioid overdose.

I'm not really in favor of "morality" or politics or opinion having any impact on health care. Look at our struggles in trans healthcare, they're unnecessary and driven by bigotry. Just like cis men have no basis regulating women's or trans people's health care, people with no experience with chronic pain, at least from a medical standpoint, have no business influencing the health care of people who have to deal with it.

11-14-2017, 08:17 PM
I'm not really in favor of "morality" or politics or opinion having any impact on health care. Look at our struggles in trans healthcare, they're unnecessary and driven by bigotry. Just like cis men have no basis regulating women's or trans people's health care, people with no experience with chronic pain, at least from a medical standpoint, have no business influencing the health care of people who have to deal with it.
I agree that morality as the word is used with regard to women's health, trans health, and prescription drug regulation is sometimes a euphemism for closed-mindedness and bigotry.

But I think that regulators need to consider both the legitimate use of painkillers for chronic pain and the type of use where the risks outweigh the benefits and the harm might be long-term addiction and death by overdose. It would be ideal if every regulator would know as much about an issue as possible by data, personal experience, and could avoid having stereotyped views of the people impacted by the regulation.

I imagine it would be maddening to have debilitating pain and have someone judge you as possibly drug-seeking and therefore fail to prescribe for a legitimate use (also cruel to be subjected to)...but on the flipside imagine having a transient issue and two weeks later being hopelessly addicted to a narcotic whose risks you weren't properly apprised of.

11-14-2017, 08:37 PM
I was in a mva that left me functionally disabled. I've been through years of physical therapy, chiropracters, accupuncture, etc with very few results. I agree that in cases where someone experiences temporary painful situations doctors are irresponsible in prescribing opiates, and I have friends who became addicts because a doctor was quick to prescribe opiates and then, after they had healed, they could no longer obtain the prescriptions and turned to street drugs.
In cases of ongoing or CHRONIC PAIN modern medicine has not found anything as effective as opiates. People who are extensively documented by medical specialists to be experiencing chronic pain, and who are tested frequently to insure they are not abusing their prescription or using any other illegal drugs, should have no problem obtaining prescription opiates even if the resulting tolerance will mean they will have to take larger doses later in life as their pain persists that may lead to them becoming physically addicted.
Personally, I tried everything else first with no results, as I had no desire to take these drugs. When it got to the point where my quality of life was adversely affected by my pain I realized I needed to find something effective. A prescription for opiates allows me to live and enjoy life like other people do. I still have pain, but it's tolerable.
Doctors prescribing opiates carefully when necessary does nothing to add to the "opiate epidemic". Besides, if you look at statistics, deaths from opiate overdose have been steadily decreasing in spite of what you hear in the news or from politicians.
This is yet another instance where politics needs to stay out of health care.

In fact, Kelli your case illustrates when and where the prescription of opioids/opiates can deal with a problem properly diagnosed, as well as their limitations.
I was drawing attention to what I felt was the use of an opioid for recreational use which is not what it is made for, and strictly speaking Opiates are derived from the natural source of Heroin/Opium where Opioids are synthetic. I would not recommend Heroin for anything other than medicinal purposes, strictly controlled.
I have a close friend who also takes numerous drugs for a dreadful form of bone-related cirrhosis and they work to some extent, and he does use marijuana too.

I regret to say you cannot extract politics from health care, not in the UK and rather obviously not in the USA where your ignorant President has turned it into a football to be kicked from side of the field to the other for no other reason than his resentment of Barack Obama. In the UK we view health care as a public service, we feel in the US you view health care as a business run for profit. In both cases the treatment of chronic back/muscle/bone complaints continue to challenge medicine and I believe drugs and other forms of therapy are the best we can do right now. I hope sincerely that in time new forms of therapy will emerge to improve the quality of your life.

Drugs developed for medical purposes should remain in that domain, there are multiple means of getting high for fit and healthy people which can be taken safely, as long as not in excess.

11-14-2017, 08:58 PM
I don't like weed as it makes me sleepy but i had some of the best sex ever after taking coke and md. Wow the connection was transcendental but be wary you might not get a hard on after taking MDMA.
Be safe and don't OD

11-14-2017, 10:56 PM
I've smoked several wheelbarrow loads of weed, but stopped because I don't like the spiced up tradition that started with skunk weed. Now when I visit Amsterdam the smell makes me want to puke Hash for that matter never really drove me wild, apart from the good old red lebanon (jeez, that is a long time ago).

Had a crazy couple of years where weed, alcohol, amphetamine AND acid stamps were the preferred weekend cocktail. Weekends started Friday night, and ended somewhere Sunday afternoon usually, non stop with no sleep.

Looooved lsd, truly an mind altering drug. Had always said I would stop it all when coke and opiates appeared in my circle. Did try opium once or twice, in very small quantities, enjoyed the buzz, but hated the smoke (that must be what donkey shit in a pipe tastes like).

Coke arrived, I quit and had to distantiate myself from my circle. Only then it was obvious I had a weekend amphetamine addiction, took me about a year to get rid of that. My old circle of friend slipped a bit deeper, some didn't live to tell, others saw the inside of a prison, some saw their businesses go down the drain.

But hey, still think acid is crazy fantastic, but you better be strong of mind before you taste that goody.

PS : Legal disclosure : all above is past legal statutory terms in any country worldwide, apart from places were killer idiots like Duterte rule. So I won't go near there :)

11-15-2017, 01:45 AM
You need to write the book of your life.

You know I might just do that sometime in the future :p

11-15-2017, 01:47 AM
Damn, you still alive?

Yeah still kickin ass :rock2

11-15-2017, 02:08 AM
If I went to my doctor and said I had back pain, he would ask how severe it is, when did it first begin, and examine me. And if he were unable to diagnose the problem, he would send me to see a specialist for tests.
What he would not do is automatically prescribe an opioid like Oxycontin, in fact he may not prescribe any drugs at all but suggest I visit a physiotherapist. I don't know the details but I think your doctor has been irresponsible.

There is an opioid crisis in the US because doctors are not treating the causes of back pain like yours, but giving you drugs to treat its effects, and creating addicts because of it. In view of the links between doctors and the pharmaceutical industry in the USA, this is a commercial rather than a medical decision, and you should destroy the Oxycontin and seek specialist help for your back pain.

Stavros I have two slipped discs L4 L5, degenerative disc disease, and arthritis in my low back. My regular PCP wrote the script for Oxycontin and I do not take it every day just on occasion when the pain becomes unbearable to sleep.

11-15-2017, 02:28 AM
yeah still kickin ass :rock2good!:)

iam mok
11-15-2017, 05:34 AM
Just a quick warning about Xanax because some people take this recreationally.

This was a prescription drug I took for 10 years. The effects were positive and beneficial. I liked it BUT after a build up of tolerance to it I decided that given the choice of taking more to get the effect or dropping it that dropping it was the prudent choice. It's not been easy. The discontinuation of Xanax has become quite the odyssey. So despite it's pleasant effects when being taken and frequently, the trouble of being able to leave it behind does not make it worth your while taking it. It can create this tolerance and dependence in just a few weeks.\ that can last weeks to months to years, if the dose and duration taking it was high and long enough.

If your doctor or dealer holds out the note or pills labeled benzodiazapines, just walk the other way.

11-15-2017, 05:39 AM
Opiates should be taken as a recreational drug, not for back pains.

I've an amazing chiropractor in LA if anyone needs.

Ever try acupuncture? I've had great results.

melody mayheim
11-15-2017, 06:05 AM
I've smoked weed here n there...it just makes me hungry tired n paranoid n move slow motion. I smoked coke once cuz it was laced in the weed I smoked n my friends didn't tell me until after n I tried ecstasy once n all I did was clean like crazy n I was wide awake...this was all when I was like 18yrs old...i smoked weed few months ago for the first time in years n I drove home I think I drove 5mph. Lol

11-15-2017, 06:17 AM
Pot head at 15. Daily user through out high school. Back in the old days we could get pharmaceutical speed... Which were GREAT!!! I ran a mile one night in under 4:30. Mind you I could run a 5:20 in a meet with no drugs, and I always hurt. I took a black beauty (it was track season so I was in shape) and man, I could just stride out the whole mile from my friends to my house and felt like I could go on forever.

Lot's of LCD. More pot. Quaalude's. Cocaine. Anything I could get my hands on. Then I graduated to the drug of drugs, alcohol. By the time i was in my 30's had given up illegal drugs and was a drunk. Stayed drunk until late 40's. Been clean and sober now going on 7 years and could not feel better. Life is better sober. Period. I've done the deal, drank, smoked, pills, the only thing I never did was stick a needle in my arm.

Turns out the old baptists were right. Don't drink, don't smoke, don't use. Life is much easier this way.

11-15-2017, 08:04 AM
Cannabis, speed, ecstasy, morphine, amyl nitrate, LSD, magic mushrooms. A time for everything ... and the time now is none. Had good times with them, had terrible times with them. Without is working out better.

11-15-2017, 09:32 AM
Ok so this won't be the most politically correct thread but here goes......

When I first signed up for HA in 2011 I was still working for the Ohio Republican Party and VERY ANTI-DRUG
That was of course until they found out I was a tranny and got fired :( Since then I have become a regular drug user and I LIKE IT

:mrgreen::mrgreen::mrgreen::mrgreen::mrgreen::mrgr een: I could never understand people like you voting and working against their own interests.

11-15-2017, 09:37 AM
Ok so this won't be the most politically correct thread but here goes......

When I first signed up for HA in 2011 I was still working for the Ohio Republican Party and VERY ANTI-DRUG
That was of course until they found out I was a tranny and got fired :( Since then I have become a regular drug user and I LIKE IT
I find that the right combination of drugs can be very relaxing and enjoyable.

Here is a short list of drugs I have tried and liked.

Alcohol - Started drinking in 1995 and 22 years later I still drink today. Mostly drank beer in High School ,but switched to Whiskey when I turned 21 then started my love affair with Jim Beam & Jack Daniels.

Marijuana - Started in 2012 got stoned and voted for Obama (the first and only Democrat I have ever voted for)
I like how it relaxes me & I still smoke 1/4 oz a week of MEIGS COUNTY GOLD

Molly/MDMA - Started in 2014 and I really like how it makes me feel connected to other people. I mostly take it at clubs or bars.

Cocaine - Started in 2013 and really like the rush I get out of it! There is nothing better than to do a couple lines of coke and have sex!!!!

Oxycontin - Started in 2013 for back pain. I still take it on occasion and it really melts the pain away from my back, it also helps me sleep.

Mushrooms - Started in June of 2017 and wow did I trip my balls off at the Nelsonville Music Festival. I love how mushrooms make me feel!

LSD - Started on my birthday of 2017 and I absolutely love it. I love mind expanding drugs and this is one of the best I have taken yet!

So that's the short list of drugs I have tried over the years.

Please keep an open mind and share your experiences!!

All of these great experiences pale in front of Desomorphine. It is the best.
You should also try bath salts. They're great, cheap, and many are still legal. Probably one of the last loopholes out there.

11-15-2017, 12:51 PM
pretty jealous you can find lsd in 2017, its been dry around here for a loooong time. i've done it all from A-Z EXCEPT heroin or crack. if i had to pick my favorite high ever though it would have to be a bowl of good opium topped with a bit of keef and a comfy couch

11-15-2017, 11:18 PM
Bob Dylan said the best time in his life was in New York as a young folk singer, there was some old building where he and his folk buddies got high when nobody else had a clue. Must have been magic
Jerry Garcia said the Electric Koolaid Acid Tests were without doubt the most fun he ever had in his life.
For me, it was kinda like that. The first time I smoked hash and pot and tried LSD it was with the kids I had known since like first grade. Those times were much more fun than crack or heroin.
I'm clean now except for a few prescription drugs.
For rampant unsafe SEX,..... alcohol and cigarettes were my drugs of choice.

sukumvit boy
11-16-2017, 02:01 AM
As a physician and a person who has dealt with back and knee injuries most of my life I have found a moderate exercise and stretching program to be the most effective treatment for myself and my patients.
BTW , studies have also shown a moderate exercise program to be much more effective in treating depression than medication .Depression is the most common psychiatric disorder in the USA.
Regarding other treatments for back pain I have found that a combination of chiropractic , acupuncture and physical therapy works best for acute episodes . Also a personal TENS or electrical stimulation unit provides excellent control of pain and muscle spasm . Your doctor or chiropractor can help you get a little unit that you can clip on your belt or pocket , and show you how to use it. You can find them for as little as $100 - $200 .
Drugs ,other than occasional non opioid non sedative medication for acute muscle spasm should be avoided , the myriad side effects of long term use can truly be worse than the disease you are trying to treat.
The lumbar spine was not designed by millions of years of evolution to be sitting at a desk or a steering wheel all day. Until evolution catches up with us ; stand , stretch , walk and stay active.

11-16-2017, 02:55 AM
Weed. Didn't like it. Don't like drugs.

11-16-2017, 03:00 AM

11-16-2017, 06:33 AM
As a physician and a person who has dealt with back and knee injuries most of my life I have found a moderate exercise and stretching program to be the most effective treatment for myself and my patients.
BTW , studies have also shown a moderate exercise program to be much more effective in treating depression than medication .Depression is the most common psychiatric disorder in the USA.
Regarding other treatments for back pain I have found that a combination of chiropractic , acupuncture and physical therapy works best for acute episodes . Also a personal TENS or electrical stimulation unit provides excellent control of pain and muscle spasm . Your doctor or chiropractor can help you get a little unit that you can clip on your belt or pocket , and show you how to use it. You can find them for as little as $100 - $200 .
Drugs ,other than occasional non opioid non sedative medication for acute muscle spasm should be avoided , the myriad side effects of long term use can truly be worse than the disease you are trying to treat.
The lumbar spine was not designed by millions of years of evolution to be sitting at a desk or a steering wheel all day. Until evolution catches up with us ; stand , stretch , walk and stay active.


11-16-2017, 05:59 PM
Lets face it, they're pretty moreish

11-16-2017, 08:21 PM
Through the years tried most everything - nowadays a little wine or a couple of beers with just a little weed is all I need to get there - except the last two times I've procured weed the stuff has made me really sick dizzy for a couple of days - bad stuff - laced or contaminated I don't know - never had that happen through all the years I've been smoking until recently - unfortunately I'm too far from Colorado to get something I'm sure is clean.

11-19-2017, 07:11 PM


11-21-2017, 03:00 AM
Tried marijuana once, just made me ridiculously sleepy and extremely lethargic the next day.

Also tried MDMA, had no effect on me whatsoever, could've been bunk. Will try it again some time in a safe environment at home.
At least something has to b safe ..if not marijuana. ...then home... lolz

11-21-2017, 05:55 AM
As a daily bongripper for 20 years, bought a vape pen while legal in Vegas. Vaping is nice. Can really taste the flavor now. The THC jolly rancher gave a deep sleep. Better than ambien.

Love to get high and shop for porn. I am vaping Alien OG as I write this


11-22-2017, 06:57 PM
I used to be a "drugstore without walls". Gave it up about 13 years ago.
Smoking a little good hooch before sex was enjoyable.

11-22-2017, 09:05 PM
An update to my MDMA experience I mentioned on the front page _-_

Had a lady friend over at my place a few days ago, she brought two different MDMA pills - one was Skype (blue and white) and another was a red X. Decided to pop the blue one first, because I always liked the Skype logo (what an idiot, I know). She started feeling it after about an hour, I felt absolutely nothing after almost two hours, which got us both worried it was bunk. So we took the red X (half each), as well as a fingerful of MDMA powder.

After about 30 minutes, I started feeling very warm and my head felt like I was swimming. And then it hit me.

Oh my god.

I have never felt this happy in my life. We both got naked and kept touching and kissing each other, and words just kept pouring out of us, we couldn't stop talking about ... Everything, really.

Holy shitballs.

We were sweating quite profusely and neither of us couldn't pee, figures. The whole thing must've gone on for about 6 hours, we were so freaking high. It was the best experience of my life, and something I will never, ever forget. I wish I could go back in time and go through it again. Absolutely amazing.

I will definitely be repeating this in a few months.

Ts RedVeX
11-23-2017, 03:58 PM
I landed an indie grab last time I went snowboarding. The adrenaline rush felt really niiiice!

11-24-2017, 02:44 AM
These days it's just caffeine nicotine and occasional alcohol.
But back in the day all of them.
I mean ALL.
One of the old jazz players said "If god created anything better than heroin, he kept it to himself "
Yeah I know it comes with strings attached. One of which is lack of libido.
Though when your on it you really don't care.
Actually it was as an addict that I got into being fucked, I was always a top till then.
Constipation is a real downer about smack.
The outrageous price is a drag too.
The doctor at the clinic I used to get clean would say I could have put a couple of kids through collage on what I spent with him. Could have bought a nice house for what I spent on the gear.
All part of life's rich tapestry.
Imo US has got to consider legalizing heroin if they are going to stop the insane death toll from their unregulated smack epidemic.
A legal known dose at an affordable price would save lives.
Buying street drugs is a total fucking lottery. When you might end up with something 100 times stronger than you bargained for.
When you go in a bar you know a vodka is going to be about 40% alcohol.
Imagine ordering a shot and finding today it is 3% tomorrow 95%.
That's what the opiate user has to deal with.
Opiates aren't really that dangerous so long as you know the strength and your own tolerance.
Once spent a happy night trying to get a smacked out tranny hard.
Sex and drugs and rock and roll.
It's all my body needs.

11-24-2017, 03:39 AM
I don't like weed as it makes me sleepy but i had some of the best sex ever after taking coke and md. Wow the connection was transcendental but be wary you might not get a hard on after taking MDMA.
Be safe and don't OD

For everyone complaining about weed making you sleepy, buy Sativas rather than Indicas. The former is a creative mood lifter while the latter is great for sleep or couchlock.

11-25-2017, 07:57 PM
Anyone in D.C. ever tried the 'gifting' of herb under Initiative 71? I guess it's quasi-legal to be gifted herb if you make other, legal purchases from certain 'companies'.

11-25-2017, 09:17 PM
An update to my MDMA experience I mentioned on the front page _-_

Had a lady friend over at my place a few days ago, she brought two different MDMA pills - one was Skype (blue and white) and another was a red X. Decided to pop the blue one first, because I always liked the Skype logo (what an idiot, I know). She started feeling it after about an hour, I felt absolutely nothing after almost two hours, which got us both worried it was bunk. So we took the red X (half each), as well as a fingerful of MDMA powder.

After about 30 minutes, I started feeling very warm and my head felt like I was swimming. And then it hit me.

Oh my god.

I have never felt this happy in my life. We both got naked and kept touching and kissing each other, and words just kept pouring out of us, we couldn't stop talking about ... Everything, really.

Holy shitballs.

We were sweating quite profusely and neither of us couldn't pee, figures. The whole thing must've gone on for about 6 hours, we were so freaking high. It was the best experience of my life, and something I will never, ever forget. I wish I could go back in time and go through it again. Absolutely amazing.

I will definitely be repeating this in a few months.

There's a very fine line between it being your best experience and your worst, I was unfortunate enough to experience the bad side through dehydration, I didn't want to drink too much because i was aware my kidneys were switched off but I over compensated. It was tricky because I couldn't tell how hot and dehydrated I was before it was too late..... it was about as ruff a night you'll ever get if you live to see another one, I'll leave the rest to your imagination.

Just my experience and one I saw many times when I was on the rave scene, be careful.