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08-14-2002, 08:53 PM
How old were these TS when they started the change and is there a minimum age to start?

Did they all have the testicles removed at a very young age?

Did their parents set out to change them from birth?

Do they have a picture before they changed?

Who have 100% natural breasts without implants because you can tell from the scars?

08-14-2002, 09:54 PM
1. It is a prerequisite to start the transition by age 12 or you must get a special license from the sex police. Anyone not obtaining this license is subject to fines of up to $250,00.00 and 10 years imprisonment.

2. All testicles must be removed by age 15, unless a single testicle is submitted by age 14, in which case the second testicle does not have to be surrendered until age 17. Any person found to still have testicles after their transition period has reached 3 years is subject to fines of up tp $150,000.00 and up to 5 years imprisonment.

3. Parents are all required under Federal law to resist their change and not allow them any personal freedoms until they reach the age of 14, at which time they can accept their gender preferences but not their sexual ones. Parents found in violation of this law are subject to deportation, unless they hail from the U.S., in which case they are reprimanded to the confines of a small town of their choice.

4. All transgender persons are required to submit a "before" picture (frontal nudity included) to their local library for safe keeping. To ensure compliance of this National ordinance, the local dog catcher has the right to capture, tag, and then photograph all those suspected of transgender activity.

5. All those with ample breasts and no sign of visible scars are required under State statute, to publish in three county newspapers the names of their surgeons, unless no implant was used, in which case, those sustaining better than a "c" cup are required to say three Hail Marys.

I think "genetic" you'll find that this applys to all of "them"

08-14-2002, 11:12 PM
Serious answers or don't waste my time
From Genetic Girl

08-15-2002, 06:23 AM
fine "genetic" but only if you start with serious questions.

08-15-2002, 09:18 AM
There really is no age limit, not all have their genital changed and parental consent is a big maybe. I'm sure most have pics of themselves prior, wouldn't you?

Many stay at "pre-op" meaning that they still have a functional penis, but look like and live life as a woman. Does that seem exciting to you? To perhaps have sex with someone looks like a beautiful woman, but has the genitals of a man?

07-27-2005, 06:58 PM
1. It is a prerequisite to start the transition by age 12 or you must get a special license from the sex police. Anyone not obtaining this license is subject to fines of up to $250,00.00 and 10 years imprisonment.

2. All testicles must be removed by age 15, unless a single testicle is submitted by age 14, in which case the second testicle does not have to be surrendered until age 17. Any person found to still have testicles after their transition period has reached 3 years is subject to fines of up tp $150,000.00 and up to 5 years imprisonment.

3. Parents are all required under Federal law to resist their change and not allow them any personal freedoms until they reach the age of 14, at which time they can accept their gender preferences but not their sexual ones. Parents found in violation of this law are subject to deportation, unless they hail from the U.S., in which case they are reprimanded to the confines of a small town of their choice.

4. All transgender persons are required to submit a "before" picture (frontal nudity included) to their local library for safe keeping. To ensure compliance of this National ordinance, the local dog catcher has the right to capture, tag, and then photograph all those suspected of transgender activity.

5. All those with ample breasts and no sign of visible scars are required under State statute, to publish in three county newspapers the names of their surgeons, unless no implant was used, in which case, those sustaining better than a "c" cup are required to say three Hail Marys.

I think "genetic" you'll find that this applys to all of "them"

That's pretty funny!

07-27-2005, 07:07 PM
The Woman Is Asking Some Serious Questions, Don't Give Her Any Shit

07-27-2005, 08:47 PM
Did they all have the testicles removed at a very young age?

Who have 100% natural breasts without implants because you can tell from the scars?

answering the 2 questions I know the answer for :-)
1/ most still have their testicles. (just look at the pictures posted here!)
2/ most asian TS still have natural breasts, but indeed most TS have implants.

07-27-2005, 09:49 PM
Man, that was a weird exchange from three years ago: a truly funny response, but also an interesting set of questions by a curious gg which were never really addressed. To reply now seems a little...silly....

07-28-2005, 12:25 AM
oops; didn't check the date either :-)

07-28-2005, 12:25 AM
I think the gg was writing an article about transgenders for New York Magazine