View Full Version : Beautiful Girl NEEDS HELP

10-29-2017, 04:29 PM
Hi Guys,

ELLA is from Spain, 27 years old.

Ella came to London to find a job and meet nice guys but now is running out of money and need a nice guy who can help her!
From tomorrow, Monday, she will be homeless!
Shes looking for a job, hopefully this will be soon.

Please guys , she really needs1036150 your help, even if its a tenner for a hostel or your sofa

10-29-2017, 04:58 PM
Why post the same thing twice and why don't you help her?


Cynical maybe, but this smells like a scam to me...

10-29-2017, 05:04 PM
Why post the same thing twice and why don't you help her?

question of the year,

also, a t-girl running out of money? , Ripley believe it or not, smething never seen before

10-29-2017, 05:12 PM
This is 100% genuine.
I can't help her, my finances are very bad and I live outside London with family.
There is no mention on request for money, she just needs a place to stay and a little help. She asked me if I could help so this is what I'm doing!
I posted it twice to get more visibility, shes on the street tomorrow if she doesnt get help or find a solution

10-29-2017, 05:16 PM
Like I said in the other reply, if I could help her financially or give her a place I would, I'd do that before reaching out to strangers and hoping someone might be kind enough to help.
Why would she have money? She came to London to live and work, not as a model or escort just a normal girl, she is trying to get a job in restaurants, bars and so on but didnt manage yet, she didn't plan well and has run out of money. A couple people I spoke to said "shes a t-girl, she can easily be an escort", I mean yeah, I probably could too, but you can't assume all girls are making some kind of living from being a t-girl, either escorting, modelling or whatever, some girls just want a normal job, shes one of them. I know its a long shot asking complete strangers to help but given my situation its the best i can do

10-29-2017, 05:18 PM
And her phone number is there- just call her, do everyone else who reads this a favor and confirm that when you spoke to her she didn;t ask for money ,she didnt sounds dodgy, she just needs a place to stay. What kind of scam could this be exactly?

10-29-2017, 05:54 PM
. What kind of scam could this be exactly?


10-29-2017, 11:39 PM
London is not all that great, unless you live in a complete countryside, why not take her in yourself until she can manage to find a place to stay/job? :o

Ts RedVeX
10-30-2017, 01:31 AM
There is plenty of work in the countryside: milking cows, spreading their turd over fields, mending sheds...

10-30-2017, 08:04 AM
Right now a one way flight to just about anywhere in Spain is around £37.
That plus enough for a few meals and a bus ticket home should solve the problem.
If you "Naf11981" can't spare this amount and if she has no intention of getting support from family or people she has connections or longtime friendships with, then there is obviously something wrong with this situation.
People don't just drop in out of the sky.....The money she went to London with did not just fall into her hands.....

10-30-2017, 11:41 AM
And her phone number is there- just call her, do everyone else who reads this a favor and confirm that when you spoke to her she didn;t ask for money ,she didnt sounds dodgy, she just needs a place to stay. What kind of scam could this be exactly?

The kind of scam, where she slits your throat in the middle of the night and her buddies steal everything in your house.

10-30-2017, 02:15 PM
Slitting your throat is perhaps a bit of an extreme example, but it's too easy to imagine waking up & discovering the person you let in has left early, taking your laptop, valuables etc & the phone number no longer works to try & trace them

I've let friends in need sleep on my sofabed before now, but only where we already know each other & there is an element of trust. People might be more open to helping strangers if they felt these sort of crimes were taken seriously by police, but more & more we read about offences related to stealing, not being investigated due to limited resources being used elsewhere.

10-30-2017, 02:41 PM
Becoming homeless must be a nightmare beyond belief?
Just how full is your house exactly? If she is your friend, FIND SPACE!

Ts RedVeX
10-31-2017, 12:46 AM
I know somebody who might soon have a house in Wales whose roof might need some mending... And the shed.

10-31-2017, 07:57 AM
She wants to live in England as a girl and feels free to do so, in Spain, for whatever reason, she doesn't seem to have that freedom which is why she is desperate to stay.
I posted for the first time on this site because someone asked me for help, I expected a few cynics , a few jokers and hoped, as it only takes one, that one person might be able to help. You think you can scrutinize this post as a scam on the basis that me, her friend, has not helped, and instead turned to strangers, and even after saying I was unable to help you want to scrutinize further by saying surely I could come up with £37? I shouldn't feel compelled to explain my situation but it seems nothing else will ease your mind as to why I cannot help her. So, from the age of 16 I began working in an industry and did well, by 30 I was a senior manager and earning around 2.5x the average uk salary. I escaped redundancy when it came round, my position was made redundant but their was a less senior vacancy in a different dept which I thought would be better to take while I look for another job. So I took that job, learnt something completely new and after 6 months my boss left and I took her position. A year later there were huge redundancies, including me, I got the minimum payout, but wasn't at all worried about getting a job because I'd done well in my career and I was about 32 at the time. I didn't have any savings either, because, that just the way I lived and managed money. Anyway, the redundancy money ran out after a few months and I had to sign on. I tried everything,even starting at the bottom again,I applied for thousands of jobs, had some interviews, got let down a couple times but it took almost 2 years to get a job again, which paid about a a third of my old job. I did that job for 6 months and then and old colleague offered me something in the company she worked at which was similar to my old job but still much less money, I took it. I had to leave that job after 6 months because I couldn't perform. It had been brewing for years but was amplified through my hard times, I had a very serious drinking problem, and other stuff, and eventually it took over and claimed everything I had. Eventually my family helped me and I went to treatment, that was around 8 months ago,and so far have been clean. I don't have a home in London anymore, I live in Kent with my mum and rest of the family. I am focusing on recovery, and have been given the chance by my family to take it easy for a while , I have no income, I live in their house, eat their food and watch their TV but i am actually happy. I was getting some kind of benefits but that was stopped a month after treatment. Anything I need I have to ask my family, a toothbrush, a mars bar whatever, right now I have zero income and I am not in London, and I didn't feel I could ask my family to help because they've already helped me, and they're not loaded or anything, to ask them to help someone I know would take the piss. So just to clarify, being provided for by my kind family, am recovering from many years of addiction and do not live in London where she does - this is why I can not help for anyone who wants to keep playing that card. Yeah its only 37 quid, what kind of a friend are you? Well, I am friend who tried to help using what I had available, this forum, people I know in London and a few real long shots, I cant give her £37 because thats £37 more than I have. And if you still want to be cynical then reply to this and ill send you my number, ill tell you the whole story, Ill show you my CV, my linkedin profile, emails explaining to recruiters my redundancy, and anything else you want to satisfy you. Shit, maybe you should come round for dinner and ask my mum if it was worth sending to me to rehab or not? An open mind is not the cure for a narrow mind but i hope you are somewhat satisifed as to why I cant help and a little less suspect of this being a scam.

Funnily enough, she sent me a text earlier saying someone had called her and wanted to meet her and may be able to help. I told her to get his details and make sure you meet in public and be careful just incase this person has other ideas but give them the benefit of the doubt. Around 10pm she text me saying she met him , it went well and maybe tomorrow she might have a place and when she gets a job she will pay him something. I replied about half an hour later. Now, when someone always replies quick thats what you expect, but she didn't. An hour passed and on whatsapp I could see she was last online at 10pm, another hour passed and i thought this is strange for her, so I text her directly to her mobile, no reply, then I called her, phone switched off, the last time I tried to contact her was around 5am, still switched off. She said she might have lined up a place for tonight, monday night, but didnt tell me the details. From what I can tell, her phones been stolen, and I dont know if shes ok or not and wouldnt even know where to look. So I'm really worried that someone may have taken advantage of her, or it may be a completely reasonable explanation . I just checked her whatsapp again and it still says last on 10pm.

Posting here, or expecting help was a bad idea, I expected some suspicion, fair enough, but I think its been taken to too far. I replied to all the comments with explanations, and still you guys went on. And now - maybe she's not safe, and that could be as a result of posting on here, of course theres always a risk, I just hope she is ok.

10-31-2017, 08:07 AM
I agree 100% and felt in my honest responses to the some of the concerns raised and by posting her number and saying meet her, talk to her, let her tell you the story, that some doubt would have been removed. There are very elaborate scams that occur and they masterfully exude honesty. I understand.

I also understand the concern a person might have in helping a random person, and I could suggest to counter that is to speak to the girl or meet her and, as I know she is genuine, hopefully whoever met her would also see that. I knew this was a long shot and it was done quickly because of the urgency or her situation, if it was required in a month or if she was a member perhaps it wouldn't have lacked clarity, but it was an urgent situation and I've done the best I can.

10-31-2017, 08:13 AM
As explained a few times...
1) I don't live in London
2) I dont have a house
3) I live with my parents
4) I was quite successful but alcoholism took over and I lost everything
5)periods of unemployment left me broke and on benefits for around 2 years
6) I got out of rehab 8 months and am taking it easy, I live with my family and they support me because I need this break and will think about work in January, I can't ask them for more help, they're not loaded, the house is small given the amount of people living in, and its a further complication because its 2 hours away from London and she wants to be in London, even if I convinced my parents to let her stay it wouldnt do much good because he is trying to get a job in London so needs to be there.
More details of my story are in another reply above, but feel free to enquire further if you wish and ill provide whatever I can to satisfy you.

10-31-2017, 08:15 AM
Maybe you'd be kind enough to contact your previous employers and see if they have any openings?

10-31-2017, 09:03 AM
Naf1981, if any of the above drivel is actually real then you're incredibly naive and stupid to write as much detail about your life on an open forum. You also should have thought about the potential consequences of posting such a request on behalf of your "friend" who (if true) is in a very vulnerable position.

"Posting here, or expecting help was a bad idea"

About the only sensible thing you've said...

ps. If she had a phone worth stealing, then it was also worth selling or pawning for the money she needed. Did you think of that?

10-31-2017, 09:52 AM
I don't know the model of her phone but I am sure if she was mugged for example, they would take every thing. Perhaps she lost it or hopefully something I've not considered happened and she is ok. If someone had to start selling their possessions in order to survive, I imagine a phone would be the last to go as its much needed for support and in her case so she can be contacted by potential employers ( phone interviews, arrange interviews) and to call and apply for jobs, of course you can apply mostly online but a phone also caters for that. Even the a minimal mobile phone user would feel lost to some degree without their phone, they are pretty much essential to daily living and very practical. So, no, I didn't think of that but perhaps I'll create a mental list of what I think she may own and advise her to visit a pawn shop.

Yes I agree posting here was a mistake, I didn't evaluate the site correctly and consider some possible outcomes or (mostly)negative feedback. It was done in haste due to her informing me of her situation after it had progressed quite far. Had I of had weeks to prepare I'm sure I would have come up with better options, but I didn't so here we are. She did however agree to it, and ,to make any possible positive outcome rapid, agreed to have her number included. I did discuss with her some suggested conditions for meeting should anyone call but she busy all day as was I and didn't disclose the exact details.

Please clarify further about my drivel. It was suggested that this post was a scam or something of the kind because I posted on her behalf as friend, requesting the help of strangers yet seemingly not helping her myself. Its a fair point and I tried to clarify without going in to detail but further clarity was requested so I explained in detail, for the sake of this post and her maybe getting help, my exact situation and why I am unable to help her. If, in explaining in detail, why I am unable to help her leads to people changing their opinion of this post from that of a fake scam to a genuine request for help, then maybe someone will help her. There is no cost to me, no stakes. I am not sure what you are suggesting, something about my identity which is of course unknown on here? Or that I should perhaps be ashamed, embarrassed and far from willing to speak openly and honestly about my life? I have nothing to hide, I'm happy to share my successes including my latest in doing well in overcoming alcoholism, a condition that more sufferers die from than survive, around 10k people die of illness related to excessive drinking in the UK per year. The drivel became necessary, not because of my burning desire to post a mini autobiography but a requirement from other site members who were not satisfied with my more vague disclosures about why I am unable to help. If you could clarify please, I'm curious.

10-31-2017, 10:34 AM
No money, poor financial planning but wanting to have someone pay her way based on her looks. Disgusting.

And "meet nice guys".....I know what that means. :dead:

10 dollars says she's one of those girls that "doesn't mess with broke dudes" or will eventually become one.

10-31-2017, 11:20 AM
I wrote the post for her, don't judge her, judge me if you want!

It was my idea. She told me she needed help, I couldn't help so thought about this. I didn't have any time to think about it really and it had to be done quick .

So, she's not her to meet nice guys, my bad, she came here because she can live as a girl, thats the only reason.

Poor financial planning, maybe, I know something happened that made her leave Spain quickly, and I know that there is a problem living as a girl there, maybe its community or family I don't know exactly. Its possible she reacted to something and left, or had to come earlier,

Anyway, you can get better at things through experience and mistakes and I am sure she will get some life experience from this whole drama!

10-31-2017, 12:09 PM
Unless she asked for "help" finding employment out a shelter, I'm judging. I know nothing about London but I assume a major city like that has those type of social services.

10-31-2017, 12:33 PM
I don't know what that means.

All she asked for help with was a place to stay. If you mean homeless shelter, yes I'm sure as last resort she would have. Her problem she hasn't found a job, she ran out of money( several possibilities why) and she needs a place to stay, yeah, maybe she would go to one of those. I dont know how it works because there's actually a lot of homeless people living rough in the UK. I know some reject help, but others have to be on lists by certain times to get a bed for the night and not sure if there are enough beds. I'm sure nothing is easy about it

10-31-2017, 12:47 PM
I posted for the first time on this site because someone asked me for help, I expected a few cynics , a few jokers and hoped, as it only takes one, that one person might be able to help.

I am offended by this remark in your post. Because we are not all cynics, because many of us here on this forum have helped girls when they were going through some emergency, or for other reasons, and I am not talking about someone sending money by western union to a cam show performer we have never met, but girls we have met on our travels and with whom we have formed real friendships. Because we know who they are, we understand their situation, and because we care. I am sure there are some guys who have been scammed in the past, and they might be bitter about it, but you can't dismiss the rest of us who are sceptical of a plea for help posted on what is for the most part a porn forum, least of all when you produce dramatic accounts about your own life as if the rest of us lived with no money worries at all. Nobody here wants Ella to come to harm, and we all hope she finds her way out of the situation she has found herself in, but your tactic has backfired and I think you should accept that and move on.

10-31-2017, 12:58 PM
She wants to live in England as a girl and feels free to do so, in Spain, for whatever reason, she doesn't seem to have that freedom which is why she is desperate to stay.
I posted for the first time on this site because someone asked me for help, I expected a few cynics , a few jokers and hoped, as it only takes one, that one person might be able to help. You think you can scrutinize this post as a scam on the basis that me, her friend, has not helped, and instead turned to strangers, and even after saying I was unable to help you want to scrutinize further by saying surely I could come up with £37? I shouldn't feel compelled to explain my situation but it seems nothing else will ease your mind as to why I cannot help her. So, from the age of 16 I began working in an industry and did well, by 30 I was a senior manager and earning around 2.5x the average uk salary. I escaped redundancy when it came round, my position was made redundant but their was a less senior vacancy in a different dept which I thought would be better to take while I look for another job. So I took that job, learnt something completely new and after 6 months my boss left and I took her position. A year later there were huge redundancies, including me, I got the minimum payout, but wasn't at all worried about getting a job because I'd done well in my career and I was about 32 at the time. I didn't have any savings either, because, that just the way I lived and managed money. Anyway, the redundancy money ran out after a few months and I had to sign on. I tried everything,even starting at the bottom again,I applied for thousands of jobs, had some interviews, got let down a couple times but it took almost 2 years to get a job again, which paid about a a third of my old job. I did that job for 6 months and then and old colleague offered me something in the company she worked at which was similar to my old job but still much less money, I took it. I had to leave that job after 6 months because I couldn't perform. It had been brewing for years but was amplified through my hard times, I had a very serious drinking problem, and other stuff, and eventually it took over and claimed everything I had. Eventually my family helped me and I went to treatment, that was around 8 months ago,and so far have been clean. I don't have a home in London anymore, I live in Kent with my mum and rest of the family. I am focusing on recovery, and have been given the chance by my family to take it easy for a while , I have no income, I live in their house, eat their food and watch their TV but i am actually happy. I was getting some kind of benefits but that was stopped a month after treatment. Anything I need I have to ask my family, a toothbrush, a mars bar whatever, right now I have zero income and I am not in London, and I didn't feel I could ask my family to help because they've already helped me, and they're not loaded or anything, to ask them to help someone I know would take the piss. So just to clarify, being provided for by my kind family, am recovering from many years of addiction and do not live in London where she does - this is why I can not help for anyone who wants to keep playing that card. Yeah its only 37 quid, what kind of a friend are you? Well, I am friend who tried to help using what I had available, this forum, people I know in London and a few real long shots, I cant give her £37 because thats £37 more than I have. And if you still want to be cynical then reply to this and ill send you my number, ill tell you the whole story, Ill show you my CV, my linkedin profile, emails explaining to recruiters my redundancy, and anything else you want to satisfy you. Shit, maybe you should come round for dinner and ask my mum if it was worth sending to me to rehab or not? An open mind is not the cure for a narrow mind but i hope you are somewhat satisifed as to why I cant help and a little less suspect of this being a scam.

Funnily enough, she sent me a text earlier saying someone had called her and wanted to meet her and may be able to help. I told her to get his details and make sure you meet in public and be careful just incase this person has other ideas but give them the benefit of the doubt. Around 10pm she text me saying she met him , it went well and maybe tomorrow she might have a place and when she gets a job she will pay him something. I replied about half an hour later. Now, when someone always replies quick thats what you expect, but she didn't. An hour passed and on whatsapp I could see she was last online at 10pm, another hour passed and i thought this is strange for her, so I text her directly to her mobile, no reply, then I called her, phone switched off, the last time I tried to contact her was around 5am, still switched off. She said she might have lined up a place for tonight, monday night, but didnt tell me the details. From what I can tell, her phones been stolen, and I dont know if shes ok or not and wouldnt even know where to look. So I'm really worried that someone may have taken advantage of her, or it may be a completely reasonable explanation . I just checked her whatsapp again and it still says last on 10pm.

Posting here, or expecting help was a bad idea, I expected some suspicion, fair enough, but I think its been taken to too far. I replied to all the comments with explanations, and still you guys went on. And now - maybe she's not safe, and that could be as a result of posting on here, of course theres always a risk, I just hope she is ok.


YOU know her
she is YOUR 'friend'
YOU help her IF its 'not a scam'
If you really 'hope she is ok' then why the fuck dont YOU do something tangible about it

Most of what you've written makes you come across as an idiot at best and a scammer at worst

Everything you've wrote thus far reeks of complete and utter bullshit and I don't think you'll find anyone gullible enough to fall for this bullshit on here.

10-31-2017, 01:53 PM
I don't know what that means.

All she asked for help with was a place to stay. If you mean homeless shelter, yes I'm sure as last resort she would have. Her problem she hasn't found a job, she ran out of money( several possibilities why) and she needs a place to stay, yeah, maybe she would go to one of those. I dont know how it works because there's actually a lot of homeless people living rough in the UK. I know some reject help, but others have to be on lists by certain times to get a bed for the night and not sure if there are enough beds. I'm sure nothing is easy about it

You explained it yourself below.

10-31-2017, 08:14 PM
Naf1981, your background story about your life was unnecessary, irrelevant and thus drivel. However, as you managed to avoid the only details of any relevance, ie how you came to know and befriend, Ella, inadvertently you've convinced me of what I suspected in the first place, that the whole thing is bullshit...

11-01-2017, 04:40 AM
Naf1981 gone for a while since you shouldn't create multiple accounts ;)

11-01-2017, 07:50 AM
Confirmed: Ella is assisted by a member of hungangels thanks to the original poster.
Great news.

11-01-2017, 07:51 AM
Like he gives a fuck you sad prick

11-01-2017, 07:51 AM
No he asked "If you mean...?"

11-01-2017, 07:55 AM
She has been taken in by a member of hungangels. There is no need to say more. She can confirm this her number is there. The story written above is not bullshit, if it were it would be an exact replica of your sad hunangel forum existence which has contributed not only fuck all to yourself but fuck all humanity. You are a whiney little prick of the highest order and i hope the next time you pay a girl to suck your dick, after she has secures its location using hubble, that she simply swallows it and fails to notice, which is somewhat a metaphor of your existence.
Now piss off and go and write a review of someone you paid to love you.

11-01-2017, 08:00 AM
Now, somebody delete this Bobs profile, whoever the hell he is.
Delete this fucking post which turned out to be one man bukake session in which he rained jizz all over you which led to you drowning in your own cynicism and stupidity.
And guess what fuckos! I wont be hear to read a single word of your bullshit responses, so go chew a cluster of ass hair and forever dwell in your perpetually insignificant fan club. BYE BYE

11-01-2017, 09:32 AM
Thread of the year, so far...:dead:

11-01-2017, 09:40 AM
The plot thickens. I guess Bob4ts must be a concerned member of the public who happened to hear about this (despite not being a forum member) and was motivated by a burning sense of injustice to join up just to upbraid all of you doubters.

11-01-2017, 09:51 AM
She has been taken in by a member of hungangels. There is no need to say more. She can confirm this her number is there. The story written above is not bullshit, if it were it would be an exact replica of your sad hunangel forum existence which has contributed not only fuck all to yourself but fuck all humanity. You are a whiney little prick of the highest order and i hope the next time you pay a girl to suck your dick, after she has secures its location using hubble, that she simply swallows it and fails to notice, which is somewhat a metaphor of your existence.
Now piss off and go and write a review of someone you paid to love you.

Good job on trying to sound deep.I give it a D-.

11-04-2017, 12:46 PM
Thread of the year, so far...:dead:

Haven’t awarded as many likes in a single thread before. Seems the finale is missing a few (assume deleted) posts; a bit like Ravel’s Bolero without the trumpets.

11-04-2017, 01:31 PM
Now, somebody delete this Bobs profile, whoever the hell he is.
Delete this fucking post which turned out to be one man bukake session in which he rained jizz all over you which led to you drowning in your own cynicism and stupidity.
And guess what fuckos! I wont be hear to read a single word of your bullshit responses, so go chew a cluster of ass hair and forever dwell in your perpetually insignificant fan club. BYE BYE

Says the alcoholic, failure at life who lives at home and has to ask his Mam if he wants to buy a Mars Bar.

Did anyone actually call the number?

11-04-2017, 03:00 PM
Says the alcoholic, failure at life who lives at home and has to ask his Mam if he wants to buy a Mars Bar.

Did anyone actually call the number?

There's a surprise, using the same IP address. Wonder if mummy knows what he gets up to...