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View Full Version : NYC To Ban Cooking Oils

09-29-2006, 10:55 PM
They were given an inch, now they are attempting to take the mile.

NYC health officials are now considering a ban on. . . artificial trans fatty oils. I'm not making this up:


First the ban on smoking in public, now this. If it passes I'm sure it will spread to other cities/states. Thank God all these people are out there looking out for our best interests. I can't wait to see what they try and regulate next.

09-29-2006, 11:03 PM
Yes, this is crazy, but for me the all-time example of retardation was New Jersey's so-called Runny Egg Law. Then again, it was New Jersey, so why should I be surprised?


09-30-2006, 06:08 AM
They're regulating cigarrettes and cooking oils now, but their ultimate goal is to regulate wages through wealth-transfer schemes like minimum wage laws and luxury taxes.

Their power-hunger is enourmous.

09-30-2006, 06:17 AM
They're regulating cigarrettes and cooking oils now, but their ultimate goal is to regulate wages through wealth-transfer schemes like minimum wage laws and luxury taxes.

Their power-hunger is enourmous.

Yeah, yeah, if there is certainly a dearth of anything in this country, it's millionaires and billionaires. We don't have enough of our fellow American citizens on the streets or without healthcare, etc ...

If a country's greatness is measured by how it treats the citizens on its lowest economic rungs, then by that measure this country has failed miserably (Think of those without healthcare, Katrina, etc.).

09-30-2006, 06:38 PM
A hilarious coincidence (well, mildly amusing at least):

I was just talking to someone about this topic and she said "Some guys just wrote a book about all the stupid laws in the US, they went around the country finding dumb laws and breaking them. The just published a book about it."

So I say, "Huh, that's an interesting idea I guess". Then she points out that they got the idea from "some stupid law in New Jersey", but she couldn't remember what it was.

Now I guess I know. The Runny Egg Law, I'm betting. Good call Quinn.


09-30-2006, 09:31 PM
So I say, "Huh, that's an interesting idea I guess". Then she points out that they got the idea from "some stupid law in New Jersey", but she couldn't remember what it was.

Damn. My bet would have been on the lack of a sturdy incest law.

You can't pimp your own gas in Joisey, but you can pump your sister. :lol:

09-30-2006, 10:03 PM
So I say, "Huh, that's an interesting idea I guess". Then she points out that they got the idea from "some stupid law in New Jersey", but she couldn't remember what it was.

Damn. My bet would have been on the lack of a sturdy incest law.

You can't pimp your own gas in Joisey, but you can pump your sister. :lol:

Incest is legal in New Jersey? Yikes. Maybe those guys will write another book, this time finding legal loop holes to take advantage of instead of crazy laws to break.

I'm not advocating it, because I really don't want to read the "I fucked my sister in Jersey!" chapter.

Well. . . unless one of the guys has a really hot sister, of course. . .


09-30-2006, 10:11 PM
*Shreik!* :shock:

Did I really type "pimp" your own gas? :lol: I meant "pump", but the meaning got through. :lol:

Yah, last I heard the statutory law in Joisey was lacking in some respects. Of course, in 1932, the legal age of consent in Delawhere was 8, which answers a lot of questions about that state.

I was raised in Massachusetts (Massivetwoshits) and was amazed at the number of guys I knew that would say "A virgin? Really? I thought you had sisters!". Scary, scary reality. :shock:

10-01-2006, 01:00 AM
The ban makes sense. Trans fats are poison. Cigarettes should be outlawed, period.

10-01-2006, 01:58 AM
did i get this right??? Is Incest legal in New Jersey? :shock:
And should the legal age of consent in Delawhere bee 8 ??
I realy hope i have missunderstand this beacause its sound totaly weard.

10-01-2006, 02:17 AM
I can't wait to see what they try and regulate next.
Perhaps Dihydrogen Monoxide (http://www.dhmo.org/)?

10-01-2006, 06:46 PM
I can't wait to see what they try and regulate next.
Perhaps Dihydrogen Monoxide (http://www.dhmo.org/)?

Hey, now, DHMO is a pretty serious problem, Bigguy. I know a lot of people who's dependency on that substance has gotten to the point that they fear if they ever gave it up entirely, they might actually die.

Dihydrogen Monoxide= The Damp Assassin :!:

10-01-2006, 07:18 PM
Love it, was very pleased when I heard this.

You're in favor of the cooking oil ban? I'd have to say you're generally right on target on most issues from what I've seen, Angela, but I just don't see the point in this. Maybe I don't know the full story.

But regardless I am going to keep eating french fries. How can anyone not like french fries?

10-01-2006, 08:39 PM
Well, I suppose you have a point, most foods could be made in a healthier way, but I would have to side with Freedom Of Choice in this matter.

I think instead of government regulation of more things, consumers should make the choice to dictate what the markets provide by choosing not to eat cheaply made or unhealthy food products.

This of course would never actually happen, I agree, but it's the theory I'm siding with.

I totally see your point though, so no argument here, just a differing of opinions.

10-01-2006, 09:08 PM
Well, I suppose you have a point, most foods could be made in a healthier way, but I would have to side with Freedom Of Choice in this matter.

I think instead of government regulation of more things, consumers should make the choice to dictate what the markets provide by choosing not to eat cheaply made or unhealthy food products.

This of course would never actually happen, I agree, but it's the theory I'm siding with.

I totally see your point though, so no argument here, just a differing of opinions.

Reading this posts, for me begs the question, how much intervention should the government have over stopping, or hindering people from hurting THEMSELVES.

To wit:

If an individual wants to hurt themselves by eating fatty foods, should he be allowed?

What about seat belt laws, it's the guy who goes through the windshield that dies, but shouldn't he have those rights?

Assisted suicide, is it like a abortion, your body your choice?

Cigarrettes, and 2nd hand smoke - no brainer.

I, do feel that the individual in many instances, need to be protected from themselves, but where do we stop?

FYI, I tend not to eat shitty foods, don't smoke, have worn seat belts all my life, and plan on being frozen, so I can come back and start some more shit :lol:

But, I truly wonder as to YOUR right to fuck up YOUR life :shrug

10-01-2006, 10:11 PM
I'm gonna have to use Star Trek to address my take on this issue:

You've got Star Fleet on one side. For the most part the people are free to choose what they want to do . . . Actually my argument is kinda falling apart already. Star Fleet Command tells the Captains what to do, the Captains tell the crew what to, I guess they don't really have total freedom after all.

Ah, OK, so the people of Star Fleet have relative freedom with a structured enviroment. There is order and protocol but not absolute law, a person could violate an order, and it's not like they would get killed or anything. At least I don't think they would, might have to look up a Star Fleet Manual online (and I'm sure one's out there).

Star Fleet also fucks up all the time. They fall into traps, get messed with by aliens, end up with a security guy getting a spear to the chest as soon as they beam down to a planet. Nearly every show they end up in some sort of screwed up situation because someone made a dumb decision. But they learn from the process and make new decisions based on prior mistakes.

On the other side you have the Borg. Those Borg guys never get nailed by any spears because they don't take any chances. Everything is decided for them by that hot old chick back at the Borg Homeworld. They don't make mistakes because they don't have any options, all they do is fly around assimilating people and expanded their empire.

So the answer is: if you don't support trans fatty acids, you ARE BORG (damn, could really use that exclamation point right now).

Haha, just fuckin around.

Actually I'm bored at work right now. I can see both sides of this argument. Maybe I should go look for a new keyboard. . .

10-01-2006, 10:14 PM
did i get this right??? Is Incest legal in New Jersey?
And should the legal age of consent in Delawhere bee 8 ??
I realy hope i have missunderstand this beacause its sound totaly weard.

My information is old (About ten years), but I gathered that while it might not exactly be "legal" it wasn't exactly illegal either. Something to do with loopholes in the wording of the original legislation (Such as Pennsylvania's tweak to appease the Amish by allowing 13 to be the age of consent to marriage - Though I believe you have to actually =be= Amish and have mutual consent of the parents).

As for Delawhere's age of consent legislation, remember, the law book I found it in (A gift from a rather freaky babydyke that I knew) was dated 1932. Far as I can tell, DE came to its senses at some point (Probably while Bob Marley was living in Newark) or just got tired of pre-teen mothers cranking out six-fingered children. They don't call the land south of the canal S-Lower Delawhere for nothing. :lol:

Perhaps Dihydrogen Monoxide?

OK, I clicked the link and am still not quite sure what it is (I'll read up on it later), but am somehow unsurprised that they are studying it only a few miles from my hovel. Damn, this state gets into shit when it's bored (Which is anytime NASCAR isn't running). :roll:

At first, I thought you were referring to DMSO, a byproduct of paper production which, when combined with :censor and :censor makes a stealth weapon that confuses the bejeezus out of the CSI techs (Don't ask how I know this). :twisted:

On topic:

I'm thinking of the Budweiser radio ad from the Real American Heroes series where they salute the inventor of the boneless Buffalo chicken wing. "You took a fatty piece of fowl, rolled in thick sauce and breading, deep fried in fat, and dipped in bleu cheese dressing and =removed= the only part that didn't contain fat!". :lol:

True, we should be protected from ourselves, to some extent (I mean, really, Americans are the most moronic when it comes to self-flagelation in their diet and exercise regimens...Or lack thereof), but I really do miss peanut oil. :( While I am the first to lazily toss a bag of popcorn into the nuke, I mourn the passing of the peanut oil and butter flavoring that we used to pop those kernels in far, far, far in our sordid past. *Sigh* I remember a night with the governor (He never ran for office, but we tried to draft him), carefully measuring oil and adjusting the flame of the gas stove (Electric just doesn't cut it). Food memories, they are beyond sex. :D

What about seat belt laws, it's the guy who goes through the windshield that dies, but shouldn't he have those rights?

It shouldn't have to be a law, just common sense. Unfortunately, most common people have no sense. :roll: Yet, by extension, I know one fellow who survived an accident because he =didn't= wear a seatbelt (Rollover of a 1939 Lasalle convertible where the roof popped open and dumped all the passengers before landing upside down in a marsh) as well as one who died from not wearing one. In the end, fate wins, you just have to hope that you played your cards right.

Cigarrettes, and 2nd hand smoke - no brainer.

I've given up playing the saviour to those that smoke. If that's what you want to do, do it. Just don't get your smelly shit all over me. :x I don't frequent clubs and bars or large parties because I can't stand the odor that follows me home. And while I will argue the right for someone to smoke if they wish I =do not= condone the lack of consideration they show to other people when they light up in a restaurant where the rest of us are trying to eat without puking. :soapbox

And ladies, I can't speak for all men, but I personally can't stand the taste of an ashtray. :P Maybe it's just me. I'm fussy. Go figure.

FYI, I tend not to eat shitty foods, don't smoke, have worn seat belts all my life, and plan on being frozen, so I can come back and start some more shit

Go girl! :lol: :lol:

But, I truly wonder as to YOUR right to fuck up YOUR life

I really don't even have to try. Other people do a fine job of fucking up my life for me. Hell, I'm about to default on a mortgage because =OTHER= people aren't paying their bills. Wotta fuckin' cuntree! :x

I think instead of government regulation of more things, consumers should make the choice to dictate what the markets provide by choosing not to eat cheaply made or unhealthy food products.

This of course would never actually happen, I agree, but it's the theory I'm siding with.

You answered your own question/theory. People are stoopid and will buy anything for a buck. :?

10-01-2006, 10:19 PM
So the answer is: if you don't support trans fatty acids, you ARE BORG (damn, could really use that exclamation point right now).

Honda, dewd, use the emoticons :!: :!: :!: :!: :!:


Everything is decided for them by that hot old chick back at the Borg Homeworld.

Alice Krige. *Drool*

She played the apparition in Ghost Story. I asked a fellow if he thought that would be a good movie and he said "Fred Astaire, Melvin Douglas, John Houseman, Douglas Fairbanks, Jr.! I'd go to see those men read laundry lists!". :lol: :lol:

10-01-2006, 10:52 PM
Hey B1, I have used that emoticon on several occasions, I just put so much into my Star Trek analogy I forgot about it this time.

Oh, and wait til you find out what Dihydrogen Monoxide is. That damn site had me scratching my head at first too, but then I Googled it and. . .

Hehe. I'll say no more.

Oh, what the hell. . . DHMO is. . . H2O.



10-01-2006, 11:40 PM
Oh, what the hell. . . DHMO is. . . H2O.


D'oh! :!:

10-02-2006, 01:34 AM
They're regulating cigarrettes and cooking oils now, but their ultimate goal is to regulate wages through wealth-transfer schemes like minimum wage laws and luxury taxes.

Their power-hunger is enourmous.

Yeah, yeah, if there is certainly a dearth of anything in this country, it's millionaires and billionaires. We don't have enough of our fellow American citizens on the streets or without healthcare, etc ...

If a country's greatness is measured by how it treats the citizens on its lowest economic rungs, then by that measure this country has failed miserably (Think of those without healthcare, Katrina, etc.).

Waaaaa! Those poor people who refused to get themselves out of harms way.

Yeah, I can't tell you how much guilt I carry over the fact that some people refuse to help themselves. I blame myself that those people are poor.

Oh wait, maybe that's why they're poor!? THEY DO NOTHING TO HELP IMPROVE THEIR OWN LIVES!

And then they blame the world. Send more money!

10-02-2006, 02:42 AM
They're regulating cigarrettes and cooking oils now, but their ultimate goal is to regulate wages through wealth-transfer schemes like minimum wage laws and luxury taxes.

Their power-hunger is enourmous.

Yeah, yeah, if there is certainly a dearth of anything in this country, it's millionaires and billionaires. We don't have enough of our fellow American citizens on the streets or without healthcare, etc ...

If a country's greatness is measured by how it treats the citizens on its lowest economic rungs, then by that measure this country has failed miserably (Think of those without healthcare, Katrina, etc.).

Waaaaa! Those poor people who refused to get themselves out of harms way.

Yeah, I can't tell you how much guilt I carry over the fact that some people refuse to help themselves. I blame myself that those people are poor.

Oh wait, maybe that's why they're poor!? THEY DO NOTHING TO HELP IMPROVE THEIR OWN LIVES!

And then they blame the world. Send more money!

Don't be a dick. Most of the people in the Katrina situation had no means to get themselves out of the city and were told they would be safe within the Superdome or whatever, told by who they should have regarded as reliable sources. That was clearly not the case for many people.

I remember that situation very clearly. I was dismissing the whole thing at the time as just another tropical storm, and I was wrong.

Capitalism and "pull yourself up by your boot straps" thinking has many problems. The strong should defend and help the weak. Not always, but it is a valid point of view.

Thinking otherwise is wrong, in my opinion.

10-02-2006, 03:49 AM
They're regulating cigarrettes and cooking oils now, but their ultimate goal is to regulate wages through wealth-transfer schemes like minimum wage laws and luxury taxes.

Their power-hunger is enourmous.

Yeah, yeah, if there is certainly a dearth of anything in this country, it's millionaires and billionaires. We don't have enough of our fellow American citizens on the streets or without healthcare, etc ...

If a country's greatness is measured by how it treats the citizens on its lowest economic rungs, then by that measure this country has failed miserably (Think of those without healthcare, Katrina, etc.).

Waaaaa! Those poor people who refused to get themselves out of harms way.

Yeah, I can't tell you how much guilt I carry over the fact that some people refuse to help themselves. I blame myself that those people are poor.

Oh wait, maybe that's why they're poor!? THEY DO NOTHING TO HELP IMPROVE THEIR OWN LIVES!

And then they blame the world. Send more money!

Don't be a dick. Most of the people in the Katrina situation had no means to get themselves out of the city and were told they would be safe within the Superdome or whatever, told by who they should have regarded as reliable sources. That was clearly not the case for many people.

And that's fine. If you don't have the means then you don't have the means.

But for gods sake! Stop the fucking bitching and finger pointing and do 2 things instead.

A.) Take responsibility for your life.

B.) Be GRATEFUL for the help you did get.

That said, there's a no chance in hell poor people will EVER do those things.... which of course is why they're poor people.

They never take responsibility, it's always someone elses fault and they are ungrateful for the help they DO recieve.

If you're a beggar, be a grateful beggar. Don't take 2 dollars and bite the hand that feeds you, demanding 5 dollars.

That's not how charity works. Charity doesn't OWE you anything and what ever you do recieve, recieve it graciously (no matter how little).

Granted, there were some people in bad, life or death situation.

But how does that explain the bitching and moaning going on 6 months, 9 months or a year later?

10-02-2006, 04:01 AM
The most interesting, creative, amazing people I've met were "poor people".

Nearly all the "rich people" I've ever met were bitter, scared, self centered jerks. For the most part complete losers, I couldn't really have a good conversation with most of 'em because they were just lame.

I don't think I like the majority of "rich people", at least from my exposure to them thus far, and it's been pretty extensive.

They kinda bore me.

10-02-2006, 04:41 AM
TFan, do you really mean this
Stop the fucking bitching and finger pointing and do 2 things instead.

A.) Take responsibility for your life.

B.) Be GRATEFUL for the help you did get.

That said, there's a no chance in hell poor people will EVER do those things.... which of course is why they're poor people. ?

that's quite an idiotic generalization not to mention presumptuous. everybody knows the poor are poor because the government's death tax took away their inheritence. there are thousands of poor paupers on the living on the street today...paupers who would be happy to take responsibility for the billions of dollars that were denied them and siphoned off by the death tax only to build US war machines which are even now being laid to waste by religiously fanatic bombers in Irag and Afganhistan. Oh well.

10-02-2006, 05:34 AM
Waaaaa! Those poor people who refused to get themselves out of harms way.

Yeah, I can't tell you how much guilt I carry over the fact that some people refuse to help themselves. I blame myself that those people are poor.

Oh wait, maybe that's why they're poor!? THEY DO NOTHING TO HELP IMPROVE THEIR OWN LIVES!

And then they blame the world. Send more money!


Oh, wait. Why did I bother? Your pitiful little black and white narrow world of generalizations isn't capable of grasping such philosophies and concepts such as the one I just linked. ...Try reading it anyway.

So why the visceral hatred and angst towards the poor, you sycophantic dumbfuck? No, no time to empathize or sympathize for those less fortunate than you, huh? That's some heart you have there. Did some scrawny homeless kid kick your ass once and you just haven't gotten over it? That was it, huh? The terms you utilize tell me all I need to know about how you view the world, always, never,etc. Who's bitching, moaning, fingerpointing, and ungrateful, by the way? I wonder if this bitching and moaning you are alluding to is anything like the bitching and moaning that goes on in the House and Senate by Republicans in the hip pocket of their wealthy contributors as they fight to give them tax breaks and forget about "little" things such the war in the mideast, the deficit, or future generations of Americans doing without as they shoulder the burden of paying off the debt? Talk about wealth transfers?! Where is their moral, if not patriotic, responsibility to the country that made them the wealthy persons they are today? Is that the kind of world you exist in, dog eat dog and fuck all the rest? It certainly comes across that way. We are suppose to be the greatest country on earth, and yet we have homeless Americans living hand to mouth. See the inconsistency there, stupid fuck? Explain that to me, genius? Did it ever occur to you that Donald Trump's son, for example, has a sizable advantage over any of the American kids living in poverty and going to sleep hungry every night? You think Trump's son will ever have to worry about his next meal, obtaining healthcare, or whether he'll be shot on the way to school for wearing the wrong colors? Does the Exxon CEO who made some 400 million recently as we paid over $3.00 for a gallon of gas have any responsibility, or is it only the poor that should "step it up" to you?

Your generalizations and attitude towards the poor make you an idiot. A fuckin' insentient callous arrogant idiot!

10-02-2006, 06:37 AM
I like this part-

So why the visceral hatred and angst towards the poor, you sycophantic dumbfuck? No, no time to empathize or sympathize for those less fortunate than you, huh? That's some heart you have there. Did some scrawny homeless kid kick your ass once and you just haven't gotten over it? That was it, huh? The terms you utilize tell me all I need to know about how you view the world, always, never,etc.

So you accuse me of hatred and then proceed to insult?

LMAO. You're a comedian.

Before you get worked up, drive through a poor neighborhood sometime.

Look up and down the street and you'll see trash everywhere. You'll see un-kept lawns, unsupervised children and street vendors everywhere.

LOL. It's a joke. Poor people are just that, poor people.

Poor habits, poor behavior, poor people.

10-02-2006, 07:02 AM
Insulting you and your blatant irrational hatred for those less fortunate than you are two mutually exclusive things, dumbfuck. Any clown such as you with your broad brush generalizations provides the best fodder for insults. You are one pathetic individual.

You jump on the citizens of the lowest rungs of society, and it is they who are poor? Try a little introspection and see what areas you are deficient in. You might have more money than many of the poor who you cowardly criticize in here, but the irony is that it is you who is actually the one who is poor. Many of the very poor who you make the bane of all evil are far richer human beings than you'll ever be. You are a piss poor excuse for a human being, and I would love -- LOVE -- to meet you down some dark alley and turn your face into a bloody pulp.

... Hey, where did you go to college ? Oh, wait, you didn't go to college, did you?

10-02-2006, 09:10 AM
What I want to know, is where 'we kick ass on terrorists? is exactly. Hmm-maybe you are one of those secessionist folk living in Montana with arsenal of weapons, inbreeding, and chewing tabacco.

And if you are not- well then you are just plain moronic in your analysis of poverty in America.

10-02-2006, 03:09 PM
Wow...from banning cooking oils to the cause of poverty in one thread!

10-02-2006, 03:51 PM
Wow...from banning cooking oils to the cause of poverty in one thread!

HaHa. Don't worry, it's a tradition around here. If you want thread stability I'd suggest checking out Shemale Cartoons (or it's rival thread Bulges and Filled Underwear).

Think of the forum like a city. Those are the old established boroughs of the neighborhood, most of the rest of this place is like downtown. Conversation jumps all over the place.

Come to think of it, I haven't swung by Shemale Cartoons for awhile, I'll have to check out what's going on over there later on today.

10-02-2006, 11:52 PM
So, to TFan's definitions, people such as Ghandi, Mother Terresa, Albert Einstein and so on were nothing but trash as well then.

If people like Donald Trump, Bill Gates, Rockwell, and half the Bush administration are what define the word as "the good people", I don't wanna be one of them. :P

And guess what? We can blame American capitolism for why lots of people are getting poor, while the rich are getting richer. Such as Outsourcing.......if people in america keep constantly getting their jobs taken away and then given to Apu and Habib in India or Chang and Wong in China, no one has any money here, which means no one can BUY goods and services. At this rate, the only jobs left in America within 20 years will be retail and fast food. And those guys in asia get paid as the amount in one week or even longer the same amount a person here makes in an hour or a day. :roll:

Company lay-off's: Business keep saying " to maximize profits and redice spending costs, we are gonna lay of 30,000 employees"
English translation: We are a bunch of overly rich middleaged men who, depsite having millions or even billions, we want even more money cause it's now like a drug to us and we can't get women without it either, so we are gonna fuck our wage slaves/peons so we can keep getting richer. We'll be filthy rich while our insects we call empoyees get poorer and loose all they got. :roll:

Medical health system: Yea, we got the costs of getting medical attenion going up every year and we gotta have insurance plans just to get any service and many things a person might need to stay alive, like some major complex surgery, won't even be covered by insurance, so the medcial system is telling us "go die in the street outside" :roll:
And don't get me started on the pharmacudical companies......the murderers that they are. :roll: We outta borrow europe's book for medical systems....all the taxes we pay already could easily cover something like that. Bout time the government gives something to us, not vice versa.

Taxes we don't need. In Michigan, we got something called a "single business tax" It's hurting many small businesses here and many businesses in my home town are closing up cause they cant cover the taxes this damned town demands. Only big businesses have propered here lately. Not what I'd call the land of oppotunity, I tell you what.

The jist of all this: The cost of living is going up and up and up, yet all us normal people who don't make 6-7 figure salaries are not getting any better. Only ones benefitting from all this is the fat-ass suits in boardrooms and Apu in India. :smh :moon

And cause someone is poor does not make them gutter slime or moochers looking for a free ride. Hell, I heard Mother Terrsa might be given the title of sainthood. Not bad for poor trash. :wink:

10-03-2006, 01:34 AM
So, to TFan's definitions, people such as Ghandi, Mother Terresa, Albert Einstein and so on were nothing but trash as well then.

If people like Donald Trump, Bill Gates, Rockwell, and half the Bush administration are what define the word as "the good people", I don't wanna be one of them. :P

And guess what? We can blame American capitolism for why lots of people are getting poor, while the rich are getting richer. Such as Outsourcing.......if people in america keep constantly getting their jobs taken away and then given to Apu and Habib in India or Chang and Wong in China, no one has any money here, which means no one can BUY goods and services. At this rate, the only jobs left in America within 20 years will be retail and fast food. And those guys in asia get paid as the amount in one week or even longer the same amount a person here makes in an hour or a day. :roll:

Company lay-off's: Business keep saying " to maximize profits and redice spending costs, we are gonna lay of 30,000 employees"
English translation: We are a bunch of overly rich middleaged men who, depsite having millions or even billions, we want even more money cause it's now like a drug to us and we can't get women without it either, so we are gonna fuck our wage slaves/peons so we can keep getting richer. We'll be filthy rich while our insects we call empoyees get poorer and loose all they got. :roll:

Medical health system: Yea, we got the costs of getting medical attenion going up every year and we gotta have insurance plans just to get any service and many things a person might need to stay alive, like some major complex surgery, won't even be covered by insurance, so the medcial system is telling us "go die in the street outside" :roll:
And don't get me started on the pharmacudical companies......the murderers that they are. :roll: We outta borrow europe's book for medical systems....all the taxes we pay already could easily cover something like that. Bout time the government gives something to us, not vice versa.

Taxes we don't need. In Michigan, we got something called a "single business tax" It's hurting many small businesses here and many businesses in my home town are closing up cause they cant cover the taxes this damned town demands. Only big businesses have propered here lately. Not what I'd call the land of oppotunity, I tell you what.

The jist of all this: The cost of living is going up and up and up, yet all us normal people who don't make 6-7 figure salaries are not getting any better. Only ones benefitting from all this is the fat-ass suits in boardrooms and Apu in India. :smh :moon

And cause someone is poor does not make them gutter slime or moochers looking for a free ride. Hell, I heard Mother Terrsa might be given the title of sainthood. Not bad for poor trash. :wink:

Well said Trogdor,

Between outsourcing, closing of factories, etc, America, no longer manafactures anything. Just about everything I own from clothing to electronics has been made somewhere else, andd I try to seek out the made in USA label. :roll:

This, not only means lost wages, jobs, and tax revenues.

I personally don't wan't to bash the third world, rather I see it as the fault of the companies, and the legislators, who let the jobs get away.

But God, help us if we ever piss off any of the countries that are manafacturing or their allies, and we may not be able to get goods or services from them.

This makes me see it as national defense issue as well.

We are going to get 'butt fucked' and not in the good way. :evil:

10-03-2006, 03:19 AM
So, to TFan's definitions, people such as Ghandi, Mother Terresa, Albert Einstein and so on were nothing but trash as well then.

If people like Donald Trump, Bill Gates, Rockwell, and half the Bush administration are what define the word as "the good people", I don't wanna be one of them. :P

And guess what? We can blame American capitolism for why lots of people are getting poor, while the rich are getting richer. Such as Outsourcing.......if people in america keep constantly getting their jobs taken away and then given to Apu and Habib in India or Chang and Wong in China, no one has any money here, which means no one can BUY goods and services. At this rate, the only jobs left in America within 20 years will be retail and fast food. And those guys in asia get paid as the amount in one week or even longer the same amount a person here makes in an hour or a day. :roll:

Company lay-off's: Business keep saying " to maximize profits and redice spending costs, we are gonna lay of 30,000 employees"
English translation: We are a bunch of overly rich middleaged men who, depsite having millions or even billions, we want even more money cause it's now like a drug to us and we can't get women without it either, so we are gonna fuck our wage slaves/peons so we can keep getting richer. We'll be filthy rich while our insects we call empoyees get poorer and loose all they got. :roll:

Medical health system: Yea, we got the costs of getting medical attenion going up every year and we gotta have insurance plans just to get any service and many things a person might need to stay alive, like some major complex surgery, won't even be covered by insurance, so the medcial system is telling us "go die in the street outside" :roll:
And don't get me started on the pharmacudical companies......the murderers that they are. :roll: We outta borrow europe's book for medical systems....all the taxes we pay already could easily cover something like that. Bout time the government gives something to us, not vice versa.

Taxes we don't need. In Michigan, we got something called a "single business tax" It's hurting many small businesses here and many businesses in my home town are closing up cause they cant cover the taxes this damned town demands. Only big businesses have propered here lately. Not what I'd call the land of oppotunity, I tell you what.

The jist of all this: The cost of living is going up and up and up, yet all us normal people who don't make 6-7 figure salaries are not getting any better. Only ones benefitting from all this is the fat-ass suits in boardrooms and Apu in India. :smh :moon

And cause someone is poor does not make them gutter slime or moochers looking for a free ride. Hell, I heard Mother Terrsa might be given the title of sainthood. Not bad for poor trash. :wink:

Well said Trogdor,

Between outsourcing, closing of factories, etc, America, no longer manafactures anything. Just about everything I own from clothing to electronics has been made somewhere else, andd I try to seek out the made in USA label. :roll:

This, not only means lost wages, jobs, and tax revenues.

I personally don't wan't to bash the third world, rather I see it as the fault of the companies, and the legislators, who let the jobs get away.

But God, help us if we ever piss off any of the countries that are manafacturing or their allies, and we may not be able to get goods or services from them.

This makes me see it as national defense issue as well.

We are going to get 'butt fucked' and not in the good way. :evil:

Great posts. The fact is that globalization benefits Western corporations and the “developing world,” but not the average Western citizen. Corporate profits are reaching all-time highs while real wages are falling, particularly here in the United States. This is even more important when you consider that Washington uses core rather than headline inflation to measure price increases (core inflation doesn’t include costs for fuel, food, etc., which puts true inflation at a considerably higher rate). Most serious economists will tell you that the plight of the American worker is far worse than the official, government figures reveal.

Here’s a decent article on the whole affair:

Still, if you think we have it bad here, look at continental Europe where they depend far more on manufacturing, unions, and export oriented growth than here. In the next twenty years the global economic structure will change eignificantly, and if you aren’t prepared to take advantage of it, you’ll take the hit.


10-03-2006, 04:57 AM
Great posts. The fact is that globalization benefits Western corporations and the “developing world,” but not the average Western citizen. Corporate profits are reaching all-time highs while real wages are falling, particularly here in the United States. This is even more important when you consider that Washington uses core rather than headline inflation to measure price increases (core inflation doesn’t include costs for fuel, food, etc., which puts true inflation at a considerably higher rate). Most serious economists will tell you that the plight of the American worker is far worse than the official, government figures reveal.

Here’s a decent article on the whole affair:

Still, if you think we have it bad here, look at continental Europe where they depend far more on manufacturing, unions, and export oriented growth than here. In the next twenty years the global economic structure will change eignificantly, and if you aren’t prepared to take advantage of it, you’ll take the hit.


Well there you have it, finger pointers. Good guy Quinn has given you 20 years warning!

Reminds me of the words of the great Eric Hoffer-

"In a time of drastic change it is the learners who inherit the future. The learned usually find themselves equipped to live in a world that no longer exists."

Hear ye! Hear ye!

"If you think we have it bad here, look at continental Europe where they depend far more on manufacturing, unions, and export oriented growth than here. If you aren't prepared to take advantage of it, you’ll take the hit."

There you have it, finger pointers. You have 20 years. Not 20 years to prepare to do something for you future, 20 years of continuous finger pointing. While you spend your time finger pointing, the rich will spend their time becoming richer.

Then when they ask you want you did with your life, you'll say"

"Well, I didn't get rich myself. But I spent my whole life hating the rich!"


Another great Eric Hoffer quote to close out my post-

"It is a talent of the weak to persuade themselves that they suffer for something when they suffer from something; that they are showing the way when they are running away; that they see the light when they feel the heat; that they are chosen when they are shunned."

That means YOU!

10-03-2006, 05:05 AM
who the hell is pointing with their fingers!!! this is a shemale porn sight. i'm pointing with my cute little, hairless dick.

10-03-2006, 05:12 AM
Great posts. The fact is that globalization benefits Western corporations and the “developing world,” but not the average Western citizen. Corporate profits are reaching all-time highs while real wages are falling, particularly here in the United States. This is even more important when you consider that Washington uses core rather than headline inflation to measure price increases (core inflation doesn’t include costs for fuel, food, etc., which puts true inflation at a considerably higher rate). Most serious economists will tell you that the plight of the American worker is far worse than the official, government figures reveal.

Here’s a decent article on the whole affair:

Still, if you think we have it bad here, look at continental Europe where they depend far more on manufacturing, unions, and export oriented growth than here. In the next twenty years the global economic structure will change eignificantly, and if you aren’t prepared to take advantage of it, you’ll take the hit.


Well there you have it, finger pointers. Good guy Quinn has given you 20 years warning!

Reminds me of the words of the great Eric Hoffer-

"In a time of drastic change it is the learners who inherit the future. The learned usually find themselves equipped to live in a world that no longer exists."

Hear ye! Hear ye!

"If you think we have it bad here, look at continental Europe where they depend far more on manufacturing, unions, and export oriented growth than here. If you aren't prepared to take advantage of it, you’ll take the hit."

There you have it, finger pointers. You have 20 years. Not 20 years to prepare to do something for you future, 20 years of continuous finger pointing. While you spend your time finger pointing, the rich will spend their time becoming richer.

Then when they ask you want you did with your life, you'll say"

"Well, I didn't get rich myself. But I spent my whole life hating the rich!"


Another great Eric Hoffer quote to close out my post-

"It is a talent of the weak to persuade themselves that they suffer for something when they suffer from something; that they are showing the way when they are running away; that they see the light when they feel the heat; that they are chosen when they are shunned."

That means YOU!

Ha! I think the greatest aspect of becoming sober is being able to identify when other people are really wasted.

I still have a few beers at the end of the day, but Tfan is clearly loaded off his ass. Nothing wrong with that, if it works for a person, but you end up making some pretty goofy posts.

I'm not saying I haven't been guilty of this myself in the past, I'm just saying.

Moderation: it's a struggle at times but worth it.


10-03-2006, 05:16 AM
Great posts. The fact is that globalization benefits Western corporations and the “developing world,” but not the average Western citizen. Corporate profits are reaching all-time highs while real wages are falling, particularly here in the United States. This is even more important when you consider that Washington uses core rather than headline inflation to measure price increases (core inflation doesn’t include costs for fuel, food, etc., which puts true inflation at a considerably higher rate). Most serious economists will tell you that the plight of the American worker is far worse than the official, government figures reveal.

Here’s a decent article on the whole affair:

Still, if you think we have it bad here, look at continental Europe where they depend far more on manufacturing, unions, and export oriented growth than here. In the next twenty years the global economic structure will change eignificantly, and if you aren’t prepared to take advantage of it, you’ll take the hit.


Well there you have it, finger pointers. Good guy Quinn has given you 20 years warning!

Reminds me of the words of the great Eric Hoffer-

"In a time of drastic change it is the learners who inherit the future. The learned usually find themselves equipped to live in a world that no longer exists."

Hear ye! Hear ye!

"If you think we have it bad here, look at continental Europe where they depend far more on manufacturing, unions, and export oriented growth than here. If you aren't prepared to take advantage of it, you’ll take the hit."

There you have it, finger pointers. You have 20 years. Not 20 years to prepare to do something for you future, 20 years of continuous finger pointing. While you spend your time finger pointing, the rich will spend their time becoming richer.

Then when they ask you want you did with your life, you'll say"

"Well, I didn't get rich myself. But I spent my whole life hating the rich!"


Another great Eric Hoffer quote to close out my post-

"It is a talent of the weak to persuade themselves that they suffer for something when they suffer from something; that they are showing the way when they are running away; that they see the light when they feel the heat; that they are chosen when they are shunned."

That means YOU!

Ha! I think the greatest aspect of becoming sober is being able to identify when other people are really wasted.

I still have a few beers at the end of the day, but Tfan is clearly loaded off his ass. Nothing wrong with that, if it works for a person, but you end up making some pretty goofy posts.

I'm not saying I haven't been guilty of this myself in the past, I'm just saying.

Moderation: it's a struggle at times but worth it.


Sir, I believe you are projecting.

10-03-2006, 05:18 AM
who the hell is pointing with their fingers!!! this is a shemale porn sight. i'm pointing with my cute little, hairless dick.

Yes, but in which direction is it pointed?

10-03-2006, 05:20 AM
Accepted. I have made a presumption, and I could very well be wrong.

No offense intended. You do sound kinda drunk, though.

Just speaking from experience.

10-03-2006, 05:34 AM
Accepted. I have made a presumption, and I could very well be wrong.

No offense intended. You do sound kinda drunk, though.

Just speaking from experience.

No I wasn't offended, I thought it was funny actually. Probably because I thought you were kidding around.

Wait. You weren't kidding around? Well now I'm mad!!!! :x

:P :P :P :P

10-03-2006, 06:15 AM
Excuse me! Excuse me! I was about to fry up some French Fries and noticed this thread, not wanting to preform an illegal act or anything. What happened to the cooking oil discussion? :?

10-03-2006, 06:22 AM

10-03-2006, 06:40 AM
Great posts. The fact is that globalization benefits Western corporations and the “developing world,” but not the average Western citizen. Corporate profits are reaching all-time highs while real wages are falling, particularly here in the United States. This is even more important when you consider that Washington uses core rather than headline inflation to measure price increases (core inflation doesn’t include costs for fuel, food, etc., which puts true inflation at a considerably higher rate). Most serious economists will tell you that the plight of the American worker is far worse than the official, government figures reveal.

Here’s a decent article on the whole affair:

Still, if you think we have it bad here, look at continental Europe where they depend far more on manufacturing, unions, and export oriented growth than here. In the next twenty years the global economic structure will change significantly, and if you aren’t prepared to take advantage of it, you’ll take the hit.


Well there you have it, finger pointers. Good guy Quinn has given you 20 years warning!

Reminds me of the words of the great Eric Hoffer-

"In a time of drastic change it is the learners who inherit the future. The learned usually find themselves equipped to live in a world that no longer exists."

Hear ye! Hear ye!

"If you think we have it bad here, look at continental Europe where they depend far more on manufacturing, unions, and export oriented growth than here. If you aren't prepared to take advantage of it, you’ll take the hit."

There you have it, finger pointers. You have 20 years. Not 20 years to prepare to do something for you future, 20 years of continuous finger pointing. While you spend your time finger pointing, the rich will spend their time becoming richer.

Then when they ask you want you did with your life, you'll say"

"Well, I didn't get rich myself. But I spent my whole life hating the rich!"


Another great Eric Hoffer quote to close out my post-

"It is a talent of the weak to persuade themselves that they suffer for something when they suffer from something; that they are showing the way when they are running away; that they see the light when they feel the heat; that they are chosen when they are shunned."

That means YOU!

ROTFLMAO @ the criticaster (look it up, stupid). Seriously, if you’re going to gainsay my statement, the least you could do is cite some article or other opposing data. Then again, if you do, I can cite pages of links to articles by renowned economists/analysts supporting my assertion. Why? The process I described is already well under way and is accepted as conventional wisdom by anyone in the know (read the Financial Times, the Economist, etc.).

By the way, since you have seen fit to include an indictment of me in your paragraphs of inane drivel, let me simplify this for you:

1) I get paid very well to make investment decisions based upon this sort of analysis every day – you do not;
2) Among other things, I run both a hedge fund focused upon the foreign exchange market and a real estate investment company – you do not;

3) I hold multiple advanced degrees specifically geared toward analysis of this topic (MBA, MA in International Relations, and currently pursuing an MA in Economics that I probably shall not finish) – and you don’t.

In the future, you really should try actually reading something concerning the topic at hand before speaking. Do that and you might even acquire something approaching the passing familiarity you so obviously lack.

Thanks for the laughs.


10-03-2006, 06:42 AM
Great posts. The fact is that globalization benefits Western corporations and the “developing world,” but not the average Western citizen. Corporate profits are reaching all-time highs while real wages are falling, particularly here in the United States. This is even more important when you consider that Washington uses core rather than headline inflation to measure price increases (core inflation doesn’t include costs for fuel, food, etc., which puts true inflation at a considerably higher rate). Most serious economists will tell you that the plight of the American worker is far worse than the official, government figures reveal.

Here’s a decent article on the whole affair:

Still, if you think we have it bad here, look at continental Europe where they depend far more on manufacturing, unions, and export oriented growth than here. In the next twenty years the global economic structure will change significantly, and if you aren’t prepared to take advantage of it, you’ll take the hit.


Well there you have it, finger pointers. Good guy Quinn has given you 20 years warning!

Reminds me of the words of the great Eric Hoffer-

"In a time of drastic change it is the learners who inherit the future. The learned usually find themselves equipped to live in a world that no longer exists."

Hear ye! Hear ye!

"If you think we have it bad here, look at continental Europe where they depend far more on manufacturing, unions, and export oriented growth than here. If you aren't prepared to take advantage of it, you’ll take the hit."

There you have it, finger pointers. You have 20 years. Not 20 years to prepare to do something for you future, 20 years of continuous finger pointing. While you spend your time finger pointing, the rich will spend their time becoming richer.

Then when they ask you want you did with your life, you'll say"

"Well, I didn't get rich myself. But I spent my whole life hating the rich!"


Another great Eric Hoffer quote to close out my post-

"It is a talent of the weak to persuade themselves that they suffer for something when they suffer from something; that they are showing the way when they are running away; that they see the light when they feel the heat; that they are chosen when they are shunned."

That means YOU!

ROTFLMAO @ the criticaster (look it up, stupid). Seriously, if you’re going to gainsay my statement, the least you could do is cite some article or other opposing data. Then again, if you do, I can cite pages of links to articles by renowned economists/analysts supporting my assertion. Why? The process I described is already well under way and is accepted as conventional wisdom by anyone in the know (read the Financial Times, the Economist, etc.).

By the way, since you have seen fit to include an indictment of me in your paragraphs of inane drivel, let me simplify this for you:

1) I get paid very well to make investment decisions based upon this sort of analysis every day – you do not;
2) Among other things, I run both a hedge fund focused upon the foreign exchange market and a real estate investment company – you do not;

3) I hold multiple advanced degrees specifically geared toward analysis of this topic (MBA, MA in International Relations, and currently pursuing an MA in Economics that I probably shall not finish) – and you don’t.

In the future, you really should try actually reading something concerning the topic at hand before speaking. Do that and you might even acquire something approaching the passing familiarity you so obviously lack.

Thanks for the laughs.


Take it easy Quinn. I wasn't talking about you.

10-03-2006, 07:02 AM


10-03-2006, 07:10 AM
Take it easy Quinn. I wasn't talking about you.

If I misinterpreted the intent of your post, please accept my sincere apology.
