View Full Version : straight tgirls who hate the guys who are attracted to them?

09-08-2017, 02:38 PM
Ive seen this mentioned more and more. This mentality leads nowhere in my opinion. The hate is understandable and valid if the guy only sees them as sex objects, but a lot of the times it's as valid of an attraction as it would be towards a genetic women. I think that tgirls have a tendancy to blame it on them being chasers and being trans and fail to realize the fact that a good number of guys just use women regardless of their situation. It's a good to a degree to be wanted for wat u look like. Everyone does it. and that everyone does it isnt validation for it, but it's a normal healthy human tendancy and i think it leads to overall better relationships. In ur average relationship a lot of the attraction may be based on fimsy irrational things. Some girls may like a dude because hes tall or muscular or skinny or his beard, a dude may like a girls voice, ass, tits, walk, etc. Or maybe even completely different reasons for each. As long as that isnt the sole reason you guys get along, dont fight it. Fighting that is a one way ticket to foreveraloneness. Dont complicate your life. Like what you like. As long as you show respect and are given respect to pick on tiny things that will ensure you remain single for life. Life is short, humans are not that complicated on an individual. enjoy your time with people. Dont place these ridiculous standards on people and you will be happier.

09-08-2017, 05:53 PM
It kinda sounds like your saying it's not fair for a t girl to dislike you or a guy in general) simply because you only want her for sex.
Yes it is fair. That's an entirely fair reason to dislike someone.
Some t girls may be fine with "NSA" sex only stuff but if they are looking for a relationship they will want someone who wants all that is involved in a relationship.
If many guys understood this they would be a lot more successful at hooking with t girls!

09-08-2017, 05:58 PM
It kinda sounds like your saying it's not fair for a t girl to dislike you or a guy in general) simply because you only want her for sex.

it does? where did i say that?

hooking with t girls!

i wasn't referring to "hookups" and i don't partake in that either.

09-08-2017, 07:16 PM
There's many reasons as to why a TS woman would want nothing to do with a TS admirer / chaser.

Many TS admirers want the penis on a woman, and that usually becomes the dealbreaker in a relationship (ie. the woman undergoing a GRS). Especially if the guy's a bottom.

A lot of transwomen don't want anything to do with their penises, either, or aren't even able to due to hormones affecting them.

Many TS admirers are also ashamed of their attraction to TS women (due to social stigma) which in turn means they would never want to be seen with a TS woman in public (no matter how passable and / or gorgeous she may be).

That's why TS women would preferably date a guy who didn't know they were trans before, because they'll be treated like they would be as a genetic girl.

Now obviously there are exceptions but in general I've noticed the situation to be as such. Mind you this is all from my personal experience and my own opinion.

09-08-2017, 07:47 PM
cos of porn..

let's admit it. seeing it is fine. but a lot of guys see that as reality.

09-08-2017, 09:08 PM
it does? where did i say that?

i wasn't referring to "hookups" and i don't partake in that either.

Hi Socrates,
I did mean hook ups rather hookers.

I may have misunderstood your post but I read it as suggesting that T girls shouldn't t dislike (hate if you choose) guys that are primarily attracted to them solely for their circumstance of being a T girl. Please correct me if I'm wrong.

09-08-2017, 09:26 PM
This is what I said:

Some girls may like a dude because hes tall or muscular or skinny or his beard, a dude may like a girls voice, ass, tits, walk, etc. Or maybe even completely different reasons for each. As long as that isnt the sole reason you guys get along, dont fight it.

As long as you show respect and are given respect

09-08-2017, 10:08 PM
You can I'll have to excuse me not knowing how to do the quotes thing yet.

You also said "Don't place these ridiculous standards on people and you will be happier".

Your post explains that a purely sexual straction is normal and so it is but this read to me that you were suggesting that wanting something more than that was asking for too much. A "ridiculous standard".

I think it's an entirely reasonable response for T girls to dislike guys who can't see them as more than that. I assume you do too. ��

09-09-2017, 02:44 AM
That's why TS women would preferably date a guy who didn't know they were trans before, because they'll be treated like they would be as a genetic girl.

Ah yes the catch 22 of dating TS women.......i mean if we men could lie any more!

no darling i had no idea you were in transition......not a clue! I mean other than you clearly stated it in your online dating profile!

that's the best....at worst.....the guy could loose his shit and well.............then we may have violence =(

but any way this is exactly WHY online TS dating will NEVER work!
It will just get filled with working women and guys who want to be spanked....which we call back page?

09-09-2017, 07:33 AM
There's many reasons as to why a TS woman would want nothing to do with a TS admirer / chaser.

Many TS admirers want the penis on a woman, and that usually becomes the dealbreaker in a relationship (ie. the woman undergoing a GRS). Especially if the guy's a bottom.

A lot of transwomen don't want anything to do with their penises, either, or aren't even able to due to hormones affecting them.

Many TS admirers are also ashamed of their attraction to TS women (due to social stigma) which in turn means they would never want to be seen with a TS woman in public (no matter how passable and / or gorgeous she may be).

That's why TS women would preferably date a guy who didn't know they were trans before, because they'll be treated like they would be as a genetic girl.

Now obviously there are exceptions but in general I've noticed the situation to be as such. Mind you this is all from my personal experience and my own opinion.

Well said & a few points are totally spot on with some of the women that I've met!

09-09-2017, 07:36 AM
Ah yes the catch 22 of dating TS women.......i mean if we men could lie any more!

It's not a question of lying.
You just have to treat people like people!

Truly LISTEN to them and show some empathy to whatever situation(s) that they are dealing with....
Talk with them about things that have absolutely nothing to do with sex....

09-09-2017, 08:05 AM
It's not a question of lying.
You just have to treat people like people!

Truly LISTEN to them and show some empathy to whatever situation(s) that they are dealing with....
Talk with them about things that have absolutely nothing to do with sex....

I agree with you but, a lot of trannys are attracted to straight men. Well, totaly straight guys don't like trannys. Nor do they treat them the same as genetic women. They look at them as either freaks, gays, or prostitutes.
So if you want to have a "normal" relationship then you have to be upfront about what you want. That will weed out all the DL guys and tranny chasers...

09-09-2017, 11:03 AM
I have been fascinated by the complexities of TS dating since meeting my other half and her friends.
For my part I seem to have gotten a "pass" as a result of picking up my GF in a Costa Coffee with no idea she was trans. I was previously "straight" and didn't care once I found out. Our group of trans friends are the loveliest crowd you could ever wish to meet and I think that part of their apeal is how open, welcoming, non judgmental and accepting they are. I presume this is because these are all characteristics they seek in others and so display themselves.
My regular friends love my new trans friends for all these attributes.
I have great sympathy for my trans friends who do seek relationships through dating sites as, no matter what a guy says online, when they get the invite to come out for the evening they are never really "there" they are just waiting for the night to be over so they can get a chance of a shag.

Ben in LA
09-09-2017, 12:57 PM
That's why TS women would preferably date a guy who didn't know they were trans before, because they'll be treated like they would be as a genetic girl.
Funny how this particular thread (http://www.hungangels.com/vboard/showthread.php?103436-No-I-Don-t-Have-To-Tell-You-I-m-Trans-Before-Dating-You&highlight=Tricking) comes to mind whenever I hear a girl say this. I know all guys aren't like this, but many of them would indeed feel "tricked" if they were dating a TS and they didn't know it. It's honestly a catch-22 situation for the girl. They want someone "not in the community", yet those same guys in many cases are only into "genetic women".

My mind is seriously drawing a blank on how to elaborate on this without sounding like an asshole. A part of me feels that a girl should "spill the tea" when she feels fit to...yet a straight guy not in the community and is assuming to be dating a genetic female should have the truth from the get go.

09-09-2017, 04:18 PM
@Ben in LA: It definitely is a catch-22 and I agree with you. I suppose in the end it comes down to the the other party, how open minded they are about dating a TS woman. I prefer to disclose my status ASAP, that is when I notice they're interested in more than just chatting.

09-09-2017, 05:48 PM
Lol most guys are so clueless on women

kush kitaro
09-10-2017, 01:01 AM
Its just all weird & hard to come to a conclusion

Hopefully porn at some point finalizes a understanding & we all (so called chasers & tgirls) can live in perfect matrimony

Probably will never happen tho

09-10-2017, 09:19 AM
Lol most guys are so clueless on women

Fortunately we are not talking about regular women.
One of the best things about my Other Half is that she is the most gorgeous girl I know but she can beat me at Tekken and knows how's to park my car properly.
It just doesn't get better than that.