View Full Version : Obama loves trannies

08-29-2017, 08:55 PM
Ever wondered why Barack Obama calls his wife Michael? What is Michelle/Michael hiding in the pleats of her dresses?

Step forward Alex Jones to reveal that...sorry, did I just write Alex Jones?
Some very important people, like the President, believe a lot of what this nut-case says, but on this occasion he might have a theory too daft to be believed.


08-29-2017, 09:39 PM
Alex Jones is a buffoon with an audience of buffoons. I don't think anyone, including himself, actually believes this crap - He's just, straight out, coming up with excuses to insult her by claiming she looks like a man. He has to know there are tons of ways to disprove this, but he doesn't care...he just wants to insult the President and his wife, and I'm sure his followers get a chuckle out of it.
probably didn't deserve the effort to post this.
The man is garbage.

08-29-2017, 09:49 PM
Alex Jones is a buffoon with an audience of buffoons.
Stavros being one of them, evidently ... :D:D

08-29-2017, 10:07 PM
Stavros being one of them, evidently ... :D:D

Naaaaah :), I'm guessing that Stavros just posted this to show how ridiculous some conspiracy theories (and the folks that originate them) are...Probably because our current President actually believes some of those theories.
I like Stavros. I would never call him a buffoon.

08-30-2017, 12:12 AM
And this is one of the people our president considers to be REAL news.

Thanks, Trump voters.

08-30-2017, 01:09 AM

Star of Black Tranny Jizz Jam 8? :praying:

08-30-2017, 01:16 AM
This shit is so stupid. SMH! Michelle no! Wendy Williams well...🤔

08-30-2017, 06:35 AM

Star of Black Tranny Jizz Jam 8? :praying:

So wrong, dude.lol

08-30-2017, 07:01 AM
Naaaaah :), I'm guessing that Stavros just posted this to show how ridiculous some conspiracy theories (and the folks that originate them) are...Probably because our current President actually believes some of those theories.
I like Stavros. I would never call him a buffoon.

that post YOURS reaked of stupidity

08-30-2017, 07:02 AM
And this is one of the people our president considers to be REAL news.

Thanks, Trump voters.
and who would you be one?
of the anti americans making up lies about the current POTUS??

08-30-2017, 10:19 AM
and who would you be one?
of the anti americans making up lies about the current POTUS??

How about doing something useful with your life, like learning how to write in correct English?

Ben in LA
08-30-2017, 12:12 PM
and who would you be one?
of the anti americans making up lies about the current POTUS??

Seven posts total, with five of them sucking the Cheeto dust off of 45's cocktail weenie. God bless America!

08-30-2017, 12:47 PM
Man please she is one of the finest sistas on this planet. Aged well and the way she carries her self, a lot of women could learn something.

08-30-2017, 01:07 PM
Stavros being one of them, evidently ... :D:D

Somewhere behind your need to reduce this to trivia is the depressing reality that people -and not just the President of the USA- subscribe to Alex Jones and believe, for example, the obscene claim that Sandy Hook was a hoax.
Who believed -indeed, promoted- the fiction that Barack Obama was not born American? The President of the USA, the Attorney General, and the Arizona Sheriff pardoned by the President in this past week. Members of HungAngels have also subscribed to the view, which is only the width of a penis away from this latest InfoFiction. On the one hand it is easy to shake one's head at this flake news, on the other, not calling out the madmen risks surrendering the asylum to the patients.

08-30-2017, 01:33 PM
and who would you be one?
of the anti americans making up lies about the current POTUS??

Typical stupid rhetoric.
So you criticise the President - and this one deserves more criticism than most, and suddenly you're 'anti-american'.
Were you anti-american when you stated all that shit about Obama?
Get the fuck out of here.

08-30-2017, 11:24 PM
That's like making up a stupid lie to pander to the idiots out there to advance a political career. First Birthers now Transers.

Nobody ever went broke underestimating the intelligence of the American public.
HL Menken

08-31-2017, 02:32 AM
This is just another example of the sad reality that much of the right these days is motivated primarily by nastiness towards anyone who is not a member of their tribe. This matters more to them than conservative principles or even self-interest.

sukumvit boy
08-31-2017, 03:10 AM
LOL , just look what you started . Stavros ! Really know how to bait the Hungangels bear / bull. Somewhere in that sedate , reasoned psyche dwells a demon with a taste for blood sport.

08-31-2017, 03:24 AM
The only thing I will say about this is ( other than Trump has been proven to lie over 70% of the time) that I find it funny that the same people who believe that if you criticize Trump you are anti american are the same people that believed if you criticized Obama you were a patriot.

Billy Blueballs
08-31-2017, 11:29 AM
Y'all know they all lizards right? That's why they got us all looking at snakes between womens legs. You're all sick cos you lack vitamin J for Jesus and Obama is the devil...wait, no Clinton is the devil, and the French are ARE TURNING THE FREAKING FRIES GAY!

08-31-2017, 02:39 PM
LOL , just look what you started . Stavros ! Really know how to bait the Hungangels bear / bull. Somewhere in that sedate , reasoned psyche dwells a demon with a taste for blood sport.

But I did not start it, Alex Jones did. And as there is not a lot of difference between Infowars and Breitbart you may even be relieved that it was Stephen Bannon and not Alex Jones who became head of strategy in the White House (or the 'People's House' as the new radicals want to call it).

A curious aspect of the posts above is that nobody has objected the idea implicit in the story, which is that there is something wrong in having a transgendered partner. FDR tried to hide the fact that he was disabled, but I think we have moved beyond that aspect of public culture -John McCain and Bob Dole have both lived and served their voters with slight disability, so why would anyone think it wrong for a future President to have a transgendered wife or husband? But it seems impossible to even run for the White House if the candidate does not make some positive, explicit reference to God, so there may be a long way to go before the First Lady was born Michael.

09-18-2017, 01:13 AM
Only thing he and I have in common

09-18-2017, 12:35 PM
Stupid post for really stupid people.