View Full Version : The uncut Peggygee, must see TV !!

09-28-2006, 01:32 AM
In case this get's lost in
my politically correct 'intro', here is
the 'real intro' or at least another side.


1.Welcome Peggy! I've really been enjoying your writings so far.

2. Like most of the guys here, To me, it's interesting. I've seen women here portrayed and described as sex objects, troubled addicts, struggling young women, opportunistic party girls, misunderstood, angry, hurt, happy, successful...you name it.

I've pondered sleeping with them, becoming their partners, their friends, and just getting to know them.

3.Some of the things I still wonder about:
Is it just me, or does is seem like transexuals are 'coming out of the woodwork?' ?

4. What's the nature of this attraction I feel? Is it just this exotic, forbidden taboo thing? Or am I turned on by the fact that many have made themselves look like the sexiest gg's?

5. Kids today don't bat an eye about stuff that was a big deal a generation or two ago. Will there be a time in my lifetime where there's a well known public relationship with a transexual?

6.Peggy, what do you think about girls today escorting to pay for their transition? If we men patronize them, are we exploiting them, or just helping them pay their way? What's the longterm cost of sex work? (getting paid to get laid seems like fun, but if I couldn't pick who was going to come through that door...man, that would be rough...

7. How'd you do it? Did you ever escort? How'd you become a mom?
What is sex like for you? I'll stop now!

You have raised a number of great points, please allow me to answer as they are numbered

1. Thank you so much, I have enjoyed your writng immensely as well.

2. The women here, as are the men, are merely going to reflect what we generally see in society, no better no worse. It is just that we are in this 'room' together in cyber space, in close quarters, that may be impacting our viewpoints in a less than good way.

Without the visual cues, the smiles, the frowns, etc, we really don't have a valid sense of one another, either way.

As to the sleeping with them, try the getting to know them, becoming friend, then the sex part.

This is a good place to meet people fairly safely. But to the guys, I would perhaps suggest instead of wanking off to the screen or the video, take the step, meet the woman, take the risk, and grow.

Never ceases to amaze me at all the 'shit talking virgins'. And that's not a shot at you, suckseed, because A. I don't know your history, and B. You seem like a nice guy.

But of the guys, who bitch and moan the most, many will admit they have never been with a transwoman. :roll:

3. Yes the world is getting smaller, we are a global village. We can be in any place in the world in hours. And news, opinions, fashions, etc, can travel in nanoseconds.

4. 'That grasshopper, I can not answer, the truth you seek lies within.' I will say that guys that see 'all' transwoman as 'super sexy, diva, Barbie dolls' are watching way too many videos, and need to get out more, we come in many flavors, shapes and sizes.

5. Ethics, values, etc, change sometimes for the better, sometime not. But in our lifetime someone famous professing their love to a t-girl, yes, and soon, I would say.

6. In this post I address how I funded some of my surgeries, and the consequences of my decisions: http://www.tgirltalk.com/board/platinum/viewtopic.php?t=2411&sid=e1d2e3ae8d442edafb1924e4ea4a9efa

I am not the morals police, I am not a Bible thumper, I believe a woman, TG/GG has the ultimate say so over what see does with her body.

Allow me to expand on that, though:

I am not 'Captain Save A Ho', I am not here to save her immortal soul. That is between her and the deity (God) of her choice or lack therof.

Rather, I am here much like a consiglierre, an advisor. Because i have walked in both Feraggamo, and Payless shoes.

Been there, done that, have the physical and emtional scars to prove it, thankfully most have healed, I need to stop picking at the scabs though.

If a woman wants to listen, and not get harmed in the mine fields of life I can help her, because I know where the mines are. :smh

If, she' ain't trying to hear that', that's cool too.

As, I have stated previously, I have been in this 'thing of ours' for decades. I am a 'made' woman, and I do know where the bodies are buried because, sadly I helped bury them. More of that, perhaps in another post.

And to those of you that just read that last sentence, and didn't understand the metaphor, or what it meant, I strongly urge you to ask someone to translate it for you.

7. How did I do it, see 6 again.

How's my love life, or how's my sex life?

Well at this stage of my life, I am seeking quality, not quantity. And since, I am no longer a PYT :shrug . And I also tend to intimidate, insecure men, which is good, because it keeps the 'haters' at bay.

Let's just say many are chosen, few get to go, and hardly any get to 'come', which is perfectly fine with me. 8)

Like, I said I have done a lot in my life time

I have known, good love.

And I have known, bad love.

I am worthy of only good love :king

09-28-2006, 01:51 AM
Thank you so much for giving of yourself to us. But I have another question for you, if you feel like it. I want to know about your 'good love'. How did you meet? What was it about that person that turned you on? Good love doesn't always last, but when it is good it is great.

09-28-2006, 04:23 AM
Thank you so much for giving of yourself to us. But I have another question for you, if you feel like it. I want to know about your 'good love'. How did you meet? What was it about that person that turned you on? Good love doesn't always last, but when it is good it is great.

Thank you, for taking the time to read it :)

You know there is lust, like, and love.

Sometimes when we first meet a person, we lust for them, and think that we like or love them. I think a good first step is being able to tell the difference between the three. Though they may overlap even in a commited relationship.

It is wonderful, if you can love, like and even still lust for someone, say after 5, 10...........years.

Another very, very important part of good love is you aren't going to get it, if you don't have it to give. I know that sounds simple, but many people aren't just in the right place in their hearts, minds or spirits to give and receive good love.

So, often times they may only be able to do the notch in the bed post thing, the one night, the one week stand.

There are many more parts, but i will leave you with this one. An that's the one I stated in my post above.

It is human nature, to want to be loved, to be desired, to be cherished.

And if we can't get all that, then we will take whatever crumbs from the table we can get.

People sense desperation, neediness in others, and they may take advantage of that need.

Finish building your house before you invite people over, be ready for love when it comes knocking.

Take care,
