View Full Version : Danni Daniels protesting Agains Trump

08-27-2017, 12:53 AM
So a street photographer buddy of mine just posted this on his instagram and I was like WAIT A MINUTE I KNOW THAT WOMAN.
And by the way If you enjoy street photography and nudes go check her work out.

08-27-2017, 02:42 AM
Pretty amazing!

08-27-2017, 07:48 AM
She looks like a damn fool.

08-27-2017, 10:49 AM
So a street photographer buddy of mine just posted this on his instagram and I was like WAIT A MINUTE I KNOW THAT WOMAN.
And by the way If you enjoy street photography and nudes go check her work out.

I applaud her sentiments, but getting her dick out in public probably isn't the wisest form of protest. Seems more likely to backfire on her if Trumps media wagon get hold of it and twist it.

08-27-2017, 11:31 AM
Two steps forward,
one step back.

Publicity stunt.

08-27-2017, 02:44 PM
plus I would think there is a pretty long list of criminal charges that come from this.

08-27-2017, 03:15 PM
This doesn't work in favour of the transgender community at all. From the nudity to the message on the sign. If anything, it's a point for Trump. If she had dressed classy, showing that she's intelligent and wrote an intelligent message, then she would have created a positive message. This is just plain fucking stupid - although it took a lot of balls to do this. Well maybe just two balls.

08-28-2017, 12:07 AM
I think before protesting everyone should have an IQ test.
I mean I am not against her but what will anyone gain from this.
I am against women or men being nude in public unless there is a private place for such things.
Why should I be forced to watch someone get naked because he or she wants to.
Also this is a street so you may find elders and also minors.
For me this didn't work at all and might worsen matters and not fix them.

08-28-2017, 01:14 AM
love it!

08-28-2017, 01:21 AM
Na , I think it's okay. She's in the perfect place for her fetish lifestyle. She is of course , destroying the left , which at this stage is only proper, what with pussy hat's and antifa . Cheers Danni!
You should have pissed in front of everyone just to complete the picture,hehehhe

08-28-2017, 01:35 AM
Im truly afraid this type of thing does far more harm than good.
This isn't how you mainstream your desires

08-28-2017, 04:01 AM
On second thoughts, after gazing a little longer,, She is pretty hot, all out in the open like that,hhhhhmmmmm,
and , as images go, .It is Art .
,if Warhol's soup cans ..why not a half crazed maniac, waving her Virtue for all to see.
Maybe she was hi, hhehhehe , oh damn,that been perfection...

08-28-2017, 05:05 AM
More power to her.

08-28-2017, 05:54 AM
Once again we have someone, this time Danni, who proves Abe Lincoln correct when said: "better to remain silent and be thought a fool rather than to open one's mouth thereby removing all doubt".

08-28-2017, 07:22 AM
Umm....if that particular display makes her feel better I guess

Ben in LA
08-28-2017, 10:32 AM
Doesn't bother me...obviously it bothers others.

08-28-2017, 12:39 PM
I'm with Ben, thought you Americans were proud to live in a "free country"?

08-28-2017, 01:31 PM
I'm with Ben, thought you Americans were proud to live in a "free country"?

And Americans are free to agree with or disagree with her. Falls into the whole "freedom of speech" thing. Also, there are still nudity laws. There could be minors at that event. Obviously, there are limitations on what we can do in our free country.

08-28-2017, 02:22 PM
I think before protesting everyone should have an IQ test.

Unfortunately it would make little difference. Ive seen the most intelligent people do the stupidest things when something doesnt align with their political beliefs.

08-28-2017, 05:11 PM
Yep she's a real class act. What's her next move? LOL

Vladimir Putin
08-29-2017, 09:23 AM
I support her right to protest, but not in this way. If anything, she's a gift to Trump. I'm sure at some point he'll make her an issue.

If you look at my avatar, you'll see my namesake has had to deal with nude women protesting against him in his country more than once.

08-29-2017, 11:43 AM
I am with her protest and I support it but not this way cause she made it worse for her cause.
What is the added value of getting naked and protesting in a public place.
Why should anyone be forced to watch anyone get naked just because they are Transgender they have a pass.
You cannot go to protest and then see a store and break the front window and then say I am just protesting.
Freedom is a major right that we earned because many died so we can be free but it's not really about trump and I am against him
but check the other party as well see warmongers in both parties and where they are getting their paychecks from.
We are living in a duopoly and if you want to protest go where the media are covering the reality.
I am against both parties but check this news The DNC Fraud Lawsuit has been dismissed.
Trump is the obvious choice to hate but look at what others are doing.
This society have been corrupted and manhandled by groups such as the industrial military complex.
Wake up people and focus on the true reasons affecting our lives.

Ben in LA
08-29-2017, 01:43 PM
I saw the sign


08-29-2017, 02:43 PM
Wish it was my name on that placard ! :jerkoff

08-29-2017, 03:59 PM
Ms. Daniel has every right to protest and I give her credit for doing so.

She also has every right to protest however she likes, I am just not sure her chosen method was the best way possible.

Clearly she is trying to make a statement, but I am not sure inflaming those who Mr. Trump is trying to play to, his base is the best method.

I can see Jim Bob going that Mr. Trump is right, we don't need no people like that in is this army.

To my mind, it would have been better if she did something to prove that she and any transgender person who wants to serve in the military could do so and do so well. Maybe organize a competition similar to what a recruit might experience in boot camp. Something to prove equality, not a display of what the predijuce is based on, but that is my two cents, Ms. Daniels is entitled to her own thoughts on the subject.

08-29-2017, 04:15 PM
I think before protesting everyone should have an IQ test.
I mean I am not against her but what will anyone gain from this.
I am against women or men being nude in public unless there is a private place for such things.
Why should I be forced to watch someone get naked because he or she wants to.
Also this is a street so you may find elders and also minors.
For me this didn't work at all and might worsen matters and not fix them.

so american. "there may be elders who have never seen a dick omg and doesn't anyone think of the children!!!"


08-29-2017, 05:01 PM
Ms. Daniel has every right to protest and I give her credit for doing so.

She also has every right to protest however she likes, I am just not sure her chosen method was the best way possible.

Clearly she is trying to make a statement, but I am not sure inflaming those who Mr. Trump is trying to play to, his base is the best method.

I can see Jim Bob going that Mr. Trump is right, we don't need no people like that in is this army.

To my mind, it would have been better if she did something to prove that she and any transgender person who wants to serve in the military could do so and do so well. Maybe organize a competition similar to what a recruit might experience in boot camp. Something to prove equality, not a display of what the predijuce is based on, but that is my two cents, Ms. Daniels is entitled to her own thoughts on the subject.
1. You can't actually protest "any way" you want. There are limitations.

2. A fake boot camp experience isn't going to prove anything. People know they can make it through basic training and AIT and they've proven they can make it. That's not the issue because how your assigned unit is will be their test for combat effectiveness. You get your hand held in basic.

08-29-2017, 05:11 PM
Wish it was my name on that placard ! :jerkoff

Well in the next event you can go up to her and say that your name is mister Trump. :D

08-29-2017, 05:30 PM
No one ever criticize monkeys, our evolutionary cousins, for going au natural.

08-29-2017, 08:38 PM
1. You can't actually protest "any way" you want. There are limitations.

2. A fake boot camp experience isn't going to prove anything. People know they can make it through basic training and AIT and they've proven they can make it. That's not the issue because how your assigned unit is will be their test for combat effectiveness. You get your hand held in basic.

I see your point, but just for clarity sake, I said maybe as in here is an idea, it may not be a good idea, but it is an idea none the less.

I truthfully don't know how to protest something like Ms. Daniels is protesting, though it feels at least to me that the method she choose (while it does have shock value) is not the correct method.

I also not knowing Ms. Daniels don't know what her thinking was and I find it hard to understand why she was protesting the way she was as I would never have choosen a method like she choose.

08-29-2017, 08:48 PM
The man in question does not like being upstaged by anyone, yet on this occasion one hopes he doesn't compete with Ms Daniels by stripping off on the White House (oops -the 'People's House'?) lawn.

I never promised you a rose garden...

Vladimir Putin
08-29-2017, 10:23 PM
I will confess though, I did get turned on looking at her massive cock. I wonder if I could get arrested if I touched it in public?

I most certainly would not go near her in public looking like that because if someone took our picture together and it circulated on the Internet, my life would be over.

08-29-2017, 11:58 PM
The problem with her protest is that its not productive and does nothing to help move the conversation forward. Also there is a time and place for nudity. A public street wouldn't be one of them. Neither is during the day.

I think a better way to protest is the way the one transgendered person who served in the military is doing it. By asking President Trump to meet with her. Another way would to be hold a rally in the designated areas around the White House.

08-30-2017, 12:57 AM
Maybe she's looking for publicity more than she's looking to protest.

08-30-2017, 01:05 AM
What city was this in?

08-30-2017, 01:11 AM
If you think that is a proper display, then basically you dont give a fuck. Which was probably her attitude at that time. I dont think she is a respectable person and this is proof. If I was Trans, I wouldnt want her representing me because no one will take you serious.

08-30-2017, 08:04 AM
So a street photographer buddy of mine just posted this on his instagram and I was like WAIT A MINUTE I KNOW THAT WOMAN.
And by the way If you enjoy street photography and nudes go check her work out.
oooh a degenerate protesting THE PRESIDENT

08-30-2017, 08:05 AM
parading around naked IS NOT RESPECTABLE...you mustve been dropped on your head

08-30-2017, 08:06 AM
The problem with her protest is that its not productive and does nothing to help move the conversation forward. Also there is a time and place for nudity. A public street wouldn't be one of them. Neither is during the day.

I think a better way to protest is the way the one transgendered person who served in the military is doing it. By asking President Trump to meet with her. Another way would to be hold a rally in the designated areas around the White House.

and let leftist thugs attack sane people yet again...lol leftists are nutjobs

08-30-2017, 09:32 AM
Whether you agree with how she did it or not is irrelevant, she did it.
What did you protest yesterday?

08-30-2017, 11:18 AM
oooh a degenerate protesting THE PRESIDENT

THE PRESIDENT is a mentally unstable buffoon who has done more damage to the United States' reputation than anyone in the history of our country.

The people who voted for him should be ashamed, and for the most part, are ignorant pieces of shit.

Ben in LA
08-30-2017, 12:04 PM
Wish it was my name on that placard ! :jerkoff

Go have fun.

Ben in LA
08-30-2017, 12:06 PM
1. You can't actually protest "any way" you want. There are limitations.
Critics of Colin Kaepernick agree.

Ben in LA
08-30-2017, 12:09 PM
What city was this in?

Most likely San Francisco

08-30-2017, 02:30 PM
Critics of Colin Kaepernick agree.

Colin isn't walking around naked in public. False equivalency.

08-30-2017, 02:38 PM
oooh a degenerate protesting THE PRESIDENT

Do the all caps make Trump less of an idiot? Is the fact that he's president what makes him immune to criticism?

08-30-2017, 04:26 PM
I have been thinking a lot about how if I were Ms. Daniels might have protested in a more appropriate fashion and maybe as another poster pointed out asking for a meeting with people in Government or maybe trying to organize a protest in D.C..

Either way, I am sure that going out in public naked while high in shock value (as I said earlier) is not the method I would take for a variety of reasons not the least of which I am entirely sure it is not appropriate and might be potentially illegal.

I hate to think this way, but as another poster already raised the question, could it be more about self promotion under the guise of protest than actually protesting anything?

08-30-2017, 04:29 PM
oooh a degenerate protesting THE PRESIDENT

Hey Mahks01, you call her a "degenerate"? What the fuck are YOU doing in this forum full of "degenerates"? :fu:

08-30-2017, 06:40 PM
The widespread self-loathing being expressed in this thread is utterly fascinating.

Ben is correct. This was at a protest in San Francisco. The picture of Danni holding a sign is on Market St in the Castro, where of course no one has ever witnessed a naked dick before.

08-30-2017, 07:30 PM
And then the descent into...


08-30-2017, 08:49 PM
Shit sounds stupid. And you wasnt in the Bay over the weekend so talk about what you kkw about. Muthafuckaz get violent in the street, naked in the streets. Protest like you care about yourself. All this shit just gives even more respect for Kapernick smh! Time and place for everything otherwise it wouldnt be illegal!

08-30-2017, 10:33 PM
I saw it on tv at the time, and yes, it made a difference this side of the pond -provoking debate, argument, outrage, justification
-and nobody was killed or injured. Just as nobody was killed or injured because MS Daniels held up a sign.


08-30-2017, 11:19 PM
I don't think she is a Degenerate.

08-31-2017, 01:01 AM
THE PRESIDENT is a mentally unstable buffoon who has done more damage to the United States' reputation than anyone in the history of our country.

The people who voted for him should be ashamed, and for the most part, are ignorant pieces of shit.

You make me laugh. Now Trump is the one responsable for the damage of the United States' reputation.
I disagree with him on a lot of things and I think he's a liar and not qualified to be a president just like hillary is.
I said before the duopoly of the US system is a disaster cause it is controlled mainly by the industrial military complex,
Big Pharma and wall street.

Look at the US reputation before: (Clinton was president)

Also here: (Bush was president)

and here: (Obama was president)

and also here (Obama was president)

and the list goes on.

You know most of the people who voted for him. They did it for him to withdraw from wars but he lied now
you have wars over Afghanistan for mineral ressources and opium also North Korea mineral ressources.

08-31-2017, 03:41 AM
It's true that previous presidents have done some bad things, but normalising Trump by implying that he is no worse than them is delusional.

No other president in modern times has given such overt encouragement to racists. No other president has lied so consistently and blatantly. No other president has been so contemptuous of independent institutions like the media and the justice system and of long-standing conventions about appropriate behaviour.

To cite a specific example of foreign interventions, it is true that Obama accelerated the drone program, but Trump has accelerated it much further and also weakened guidelines intended to limit civilian casualties, so that the rate of civilian deaths is more than 4 times higher. https://thinkprogress.org/trump-is-bombing-the-shit-out-of-civilians-af8ed672bd70/

Suggesting equivalence between Trump and previous presidents is just intellectual laziness.

08-31-2017, 09:04 AM
Trump is the best president the US has seen for decades.

If you listen to mainstream media you are a fool .

Every economic indicator is skyrocketing.

He has never said a single racist thing. If you can post just ONE I'll bow down to you. Encouragement to racists? Theere is not a scrap of evidence to back up your statement.

The media? Well since his announcing he would run for president, the media has been attempting to discredit and crush him. He is 100% correct to call it fake news.

No other president has lied so consistently and blatantly? Utter rubbish. Complete bollocks.

The anti- trump hysteria in the US is insane.

You are lucky to have him as your president.

08-31-2017, 09:38 AM
And then the descent into...


Yep; She's right there! Thanks Jericho :tongue:

08-31-2017, 12:15 PM
Trump is the best president the US has seen for decades.

If you listen to mainstream media you are a fool .

Every economic indicator is skyrocketing.

He has never said a single racist thing. If you can post just ONE I'll bow down to you. Encouragement to racists? Theere is not a scrap of evidence to back up your statement.

The media? Well since his announcing he would run for president, the media has been attempting to discredit and crush him. He is 100% correct to call it fake news.

No other president has lied so consistently and blatantly? Utter rubbish. Complete bollocks.

The anti- trump hysteria in the US is insane.

You are lucky to have him as your president.

You don't need to listen to mainstream media. If you're looking in from the UK then you are getting only a partial view of what's going on. If you don't believe he's encouraged and enabled racism and facism then it's you that's drank the right-wing media koolaid.
The economics were started with Obama.
The man is a fool, a dreadful businessman and certainly mentally ill - as is anyone who still follows him.

08-31-2017, 05:13 PM
Trump is the best president the US has seen for decades.

If you listen to mainstream media you are a fool .

Every economic indicator is skyrocketing.

He has never said a single racist thing. If you can post just ONE I'll bow down to you. Encouragement to racists? Theere is not a scrap of evidence to back up your statement.

The media? Well since his announcing he would run for president, the media has been attempting to discredit and crush him. He is 100% correct to call it fake news.

No other president has lied so consistently and blatantly? Utter rubbish. Complete bollocks.

The anti- trump hysteria in the US is insane.

You are lucky to have him as your president.

Fix your contradictions, a Trump supporter asshole in to ts girls? What do you do after sucking ts dick, do you rinse with bleach and after go to church to pray for forgiveness?

08-31-2017, 06:44 PM
Fix your contradictions, a Trump supporter asshole in to ts girls? What do you do after sucking ts dick, do you rinse with bleach and after go to church to pray for forgiveness?

First of all no need to insult anyone he didn't insult you.
Second most of Trump's supporters want the same thing like Bernie Sanders's supporters they want jobs and they don't want anymore wars.
Progrerssive democreats are now called alternative left. They are the same guys supporting Bernie Sanders.
Now in every party there are the good and the bad. You can have Antifa, White Supremacists and Black Lives Matter support.
As I said before the only way to make America great again is to elect someone who isn't corrupted and outside the two major parties.
Someone who can't be controlled by Wall Street or the military industrial complex or Big Pharma.
Have a nice day.

08-31-2017, 07:32 PM
As I said before the only way to make America great again is to elect someone who isn't corrupted and outside the two major parties.
Someone who can't be controlled by Wall Street or the military industrial complex or Big Pharma.
Have a nice day.

-The USA does have social and economic problems, it always has, but when did it stop being a great country? Last year's campaign slogan was just an amended version of Reagan's 'It's morning again in America' with the difference that Carter was the President who did most to repair the damage caused by Vietnam and Watergate, and Reagan's legacy was the biggest budget deficit in US history
-Your guy was supposed to 'drain the swamp' but half his team are drawn from Wall St and the Military, and anyway, the US economy needs Wall St -where do pensions come from?- and the military is, along with Federal and State government the major source of employment in the USA. No President or Congress need be controlled by Wall St, the Military and Big Pharma when they have the power to re-structure their relationship to the wider US economy to the benefit of more than benefit right now.
-All we have learned is that you can't run the USA like a business. A CEO issues commands and they are obeyed, a President must negotiate and compromise. This guy is, in practical terms, useless. He has no intellect, he cannot spell, and he has no idea how policy is made. He just tweets and organizes 'victory rallies' to glorify his ego while thousands of Americans remain homeless and without clean drinking water, and rich people like him hire outstanding lawyers to reduce their tax contribution to as close to zero as possible. Reform rather than revolution is the solution here.

08-31-2017, 08:09 PM
First of all no need to insult anyone he didn't insult you.
Second most of Trump's supporters want the same thing like Bernie Sanders's supporters they want jobs and they don't want anymore wars.
Progrerssive democreats are now called alternative left. They are the same guys supporting Bernie Sanders.
Now in every party there are the good and the bad. You can have Antifa, White Supremacists and Black Lives Matter support.
As I said before the only way to make America great again is to elect someone who isn't corrupted and outside the two major parties.
Someone who can't be controlled by Wall Street or the military industrial complex or Big Pharma.
Have a nice day.
White supremacists support Donald Trump. A good hint is that they were rallying in Charlottesville while wearing clothes that resemble his golf attire and wearing hats that said MAGA on it. Trump received thank yous from David Duke and Richard Spencer after his equivocal comments in the wake of Charlottesville. His comments were so ineffectual that even Paul Ryan spoke up.

As for the rest of your post, I don't see much. Trump wants to build a wall on our southern border, a purely symbolic action which would be less effective than simply hiring more border control agents. He tried to repeal ACA, which would have removed 20 million from the rolls of the insured and reduced Medicaid funding as well. He just repealed a rule intended to keep track of payroll data so the gender pay gap could be reduced. He signed an executive order banning transgender individuals from the military when they are among the ranks of those who have served bravely for decades. He signed an executive order barring entry to individuals from seven predominately Muslim countries, which has had to be revised several times because it unconstitutionally discriminates against Muslims.

Since your first post said that Trump has not harmed America's reputation let's summarize: he has discriminated against transgender individuals who seek to serve our country, he attempted to dismantle our healthcare system out of concern for the profitability of insurance companies, he sent a signal to the rest of the world that our new policy is to discriminate against Muslims, he removed the enforcement mechanism for ensuring gender pay equality and he has played nuclear chicken with North Korea. I won't even get into his improper actions regarding Russia, which do nothing if not undermine the rule of law. We are an imperfect country like any other but the bullshit people like yourself sell about the parties being equal or equally beholden to powerful interests only convinces people who haven't been paying attention.

08-31-2017, 08:24 PM
He has never said a single racist thing. If you can post just ONE I'll bow down to you. Encouragement to racists? Theere is not a scrap of evidence to back up your statement.

He said that Justice Curiel should have to recuse himself in the Trump University fraud case because he's a Mexican. Justice Curiel has Mexican ancestry, but we're in real trouble if it's no longer racist to say that someone's heritage should disqualify them from hearing a fraud case. No need to bow down, just stop saying stupid shit. There's plenty more but it requires at least one inference and that might be tough for you.

08-31-2017, 08:51 PM
-The USA does have social and economic problems, it always has, but when did it stop being a great country? Last year's campaign slogan was just an amended version of Reagan's 'It's morning again in America' with the difference that Carter was the President who did most to repair the damage caused by Vietnam and Watergate, and Reagan's legacy was the biggest budget deficit in US history
-Your guy was supposed to 'drain the swamp' but half his team are drawn from Wall St and the Military, and anyway, the US economy needs Wall St -where do pensions come from?- and the military is, along with Federal and State government the major source of employment in the USA. No President or Congress need be controlled by Wall St, the Military and Big Pharma when they have the power to re-structure their relationship to the wider US economy to the benefit of more than benefit right now.
-All we have learned is that you can't run the USA like a business. A CEO issues commands and they are obeyed, a President must negotiate and compromise. This guy is, in practical terms, useless. He has no intellect, he cannot spell, and he has no idea how policy is made. He just tweets and organizes 'victory rallies' to glorify his ego while thousands of Americans remain homeless and without clean drinking water, and rich people like him hire outstanding lawyers to reduce their tax contribution to as close to zero as possible. Reform rather than revolution is the solution here.

Check this article to know better http://observer.com/2017/05/john-oliver-property-tax-scam-trump/
Check this article also http://www.freep.com/story/news/local/michigan/flint-water-crisis/2016/05/04/flint-water-crisis-michael-moore-barack-obama/83940370/
Check this article also http://www.npr.org/2016/12/22/506625913/database-tracks-history-of-u-s-meddling-in-foreign-elections
Check this article also http://www.globalresearch.ca/overthrowing-other-peoples-governments-the-master-list-of-u-s-regime-changes/5400829

Is only trump responsible for homeless people and you can ask Obama about drinking water.
As I said before once again I am against this guy Trump and I am against Hillary.
I was with Bernie Sanders and Jill Stein so don't tell me about Trump being "your guy"
He is not my guy (Trump) and he is a liar but I will not curse him to be the cool guy on the block.
I have read a lot and I know that the two parties are so corrupt and a bad choice for Americans.
When I said make America great again it's some sort of a jab to the reality in America.
Make America great again is when you stand with the poor not the guy with the money (Petrodollar).
When you protect the weak against the corporate corruption.
When you care about the homeless, about student loans (more than 43 million debtors).
Check sicko: http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0386032/
You see I agree with you it's not about black or white it's about green (money).
You have more green you can have power and with more power comes more money.

Reform rather than revolution is the solution here.
100% Agree but who is going to do it??
The people or the leaders in each party.

08-31-2017, 09:10 PM
I sure feel for you guys in America, you have Mr Trump as president for the next 7 years by all estimates.

Vladimir Putin
08-31-2017, 10:21 PM
I sure feel for you guys in America, you have Mr Trump as president for the next 7 years by all estimates.

That's why I disregard the polls when they say his approval rating is low. Those same polls also predicted last November he would lose. There are many people who don't like him and think he's a disaster as president that still voted for him because they felt Hillary's E-mails were more serious than Trump's fitness for the job.

09-01-2017, 12:18 AM
Is only trump responsible for homeless people and you can ask Obama about drinking water.
As I said before once again I am against this guy Trump and I am against Hillary.
I was with Bernie Sanders and Jill Stein so don't tell me about Trump being "your guy"
He is not my guy (Trump) and he is a liar but I will not curse him to be the cool guy on the block.
I have read a lot and I know that the two parties are so corrupt and a bad choice for Americans.
When I said make America great again it's some sort of a jab to the reality in America.
Make America great again is when you stand with the poor not the guy with the money (Petrodollar).
When you protect the weak against the corporate corruption.
When you care about the homeless, about student loans (more than 43 million debtors).
You see I agree with you it's not about black or white it's about green (money).
You have more green you can have power and with more power comes more money.
100% Agree but who is going to do it??
The people or the leaders in each party.

I apologise for not being more attentive to your post, though during the primaries Sanders often appeared to take the same stance on 'the system' as the Republican even though Sanders has been part of the system for many years (or maybe because of it).

The point about homelessness and water is that the President had an opportunity to do something as soon as he took office, but rather than take action to remedy situations inherited from Obama, such as in Flint, this President has so far based most of his legislative agenda on undoing whatever Obama did, rather than presenting new ideas to Congress, least of all on homelessness, which I don't believe he has addressed once since declaring for the Presidency in 2015.

You have a two party system, yet it is not a fossilized system because in the last 10 years the Republican Party has been split, if not evenly, between TEA party radicals and the rest, and the TEA Party movement was also supposed to 'break the mould' whereas they have been responsible for a lot of the paralysis of decision-making in House and Senate. Frustrating as it is, reform from within may be the best option, it is the option a radical like Saul Alinsky would probably propose, as most of his achievements in Chicago used the existing law and the existing party system to make gains in housing and education. That Congress is more polarised today than ever before is going to make it difficult, but as the response to Hurricane Harvey will almost certainly produce a bi-partisan bill for the finances to clean up Texas and Louisiana, the fact is that it is still possible for the parties to work for the benefit of all. You are better off, in the long run, with the average voter, rather than an anarchist with urine bombs or a white supremacist with an AK-47 slung over his shoulder, and mean intentions.

09-01-2017, 04:03 AM
He has never said a single racist thing. If you can post just ONE I'll bow down to you. Encouragement to racists? Theere is not a scrap of evidence to back up your statement.

Just google 'Trump history of racism'. These are just the first four.


09-01-2017, 05:28 AM
Second most of Trump's supporters want the same thing like Bernie Sanders's supporters they want jobs and they don't want anymore wars.

So why do most of them continue to support him so fervently even though he has done very little in over 7 months to advance these goals? Some Trump supporters may be concerned with these things, but a large percentage seem to be motivated mainly by so-called 'cultural' issues, which is really code for dislike/resentment/fear toward those who are different from them.

Ben in LA
09-01-2017, 02:51 PM
Trump...has never said a single racist thing. If you can post just ONE I'll bow down to you. Encouragement to racists? Theere is not a scrap of evidence to back up your statement.


09-01-2017, 05:10 PM
That's why I disregard the polls when they say his approval rating is low. Those same polls also predicted last November he would lose. There are many people who don't like him and think he's a disaster as president that still voted for him because they felt Hillary's E-mails were more serious than Trump's fitness for the job.

By most global standards, Trump DID lose the 2016 election.
HRC won the popular vote by nearly 3 million.

Trump won three battleground states, Wisconsin, PA and Michigan by less than 2 total percentage points, or 80,000 total votes.

The polls were right then. They're right now.
What most Americans don't understand is if one party is purging voters from the polls or putting up legal barriers specifically designed to suppress minority and poor votes, it's going to skew the final voter tally.

Anyone who voted for Trump either isn't from the Northeast/NYC, or is just fucked in the head.

09-02-2017, 02:47 AM
That's why I disregard the polls when they say his approval rating is low. Those same polls also predicted last November he would lose. There are many people who don't like him and think he's a disaster as president that still voted for him because they felt Hillary's E-mails were more serious than Trump's fitness for the job.

Yes but the problem is the Hillary's emails were blow way out of proportion anyone who has ever handled classified material would know that those 3 emails were not properly marked and she really had no idea that they were classified I know I have handled such material and there is never any doubt left in mistaken their classification
Trump played on the sheer stupidity of the voting public. As I have always said the Democrats believe the public is smarter than it actually is and the Republicans KNOW that the public is stupid as shit

09-02-2017, 04:33 PM
I think it's comical how so many people wants to tell others how to protest. I constantly hear "I respect her freedom of speech but not the method". Guess what protest aren't supposed to be convenient, that's why it's a protest. Especially when this administration is targeting people of color and the LGBTQIA community.
I personally loved it, she showcased that's she's a real human being. She's nude but guess what she's not harming a single person.
I hope trump administration gets a hold on to this; it'll show how ignorant they are. Where they will bypass the message and just make it sexual. If you just see a naked woman holding a sign then you are the problem.

09-02-2017, 04:56 PM
This narrative of BLM on par with white supremacy is disgusting. I would go into depth what BLM stands for but then you already made up your mind on what you think it should be. To think you can even put white supremacy and BLM in the same conversation shows me what side you relate to. Also to think everything is ran by corporation (which goes into white supremacy) and to make this a better place is just to find an outsider to run it. Is simplifying the problem you have systems of racism and oppression in place. That goes back 200+ years in this country

09-03-2017, 02:03 AM
I think it's comical how so many people wants to tell others how to protest. I constantly hear "I respect her freedom of speech but not the method". Guess what protest aren't supposed to be convenient, that's why it's a protest. Especially when this administration is targeting people of color and the LGBTQIA community.

But surely the purpose of protest is to try to change the minds of people who are not already in agreement with the protestor's viewpoint. How many undecided voters do you think would look at pictures of Danni's protest and think "Now I understand how the Trump administration is treating these people unfairly"?

09-05-2017, 09:38 PM
But surely the purpose of protest is to try to change the minds of people who are not already in agreement with the protestor's viewpoint. How many undecided voters do you think would look at pictures of Danni's protest and think "Now I understand how the Trump administration is treating these people unfairly"?

If she had clothes on would the undecided voter opinion change. Look during the civil rights movement MLK, Malcom X, Stokely Carmichael. They spoke eloquently dress dapper down and got beat, arrested, and homes were bomb. People opinions didn't change because they want it to they just say
They were complaining.

So if someone see this picture should wonder why a person feels so strongly to protest to do this. Do the research and they would see how in this past 9 months their communities along with others communities has been under attack. So if a undecided person look at her and say there isn't anything wrong with their community that's a bigger people.

09-06-2017, 07:37 PM
Why is she protesting against Trump anyway? He's great! Trump is already the best president in the history of America. I wake up every day relieved/joyful/psyched that Trump is the president and not Hillary. He's been such a godsend against the establishment -- from the day he announced back in 2015.

09-06-2017, 10:08 PM
Why is she protesting against Trump anyway? He's great! Trump is already the best president in the history of America. I wake up every day relieved/joyful/psyched that Trump is the president and not Hillary. He's been such a godsend against the establishment -- from the day he announced back in 2015.

Guess you don't follow current events closely enough.

09-06-2017, 10:35 PM
Why is she protesting against Trump anyway? He's great! Trump is already the best president in the history of America. I wake up every day relieved/joyful/psyched that Trump is the president and not Hillary. He's been such a godsend against the establishment -- from the day he announced back in 2015.

Okay... I'm sure you do.

09-07-2017, 12:40 AM
Double post

09-07-2017, 12:43 AM
If only they knew how hard she thrusts. And how she could prolly bang every guy there HARD to tears. They wouldn't be laughing

09-07-2017, 01:10 AM
Guess you don't follow current events closely enough.

Okay... I'm sure you do.

Perhaps Michael Moore (of all people!) said it best:


"They're not 'racists' and 'rednecks,' they're actually pretty decent people."

Trump's election is the fulfillment of a lifelong dream for me. A very, very healthy thing for our democracy. Might have been the most important election in America's history. Finally the pendulum is swinging back in favor of nationalism and away from the strange anti-nationstate pathology of globalism.

At various times over the years I've supported the anti-establishment candidacies of people like Jerry Brown (back in his Flat Tax days), Ralph Nader, and Ron Paul to come in and blow up the system. To think it took a billionaire to finally do it! I get a huge grin on my face every time the know-nothing-know-it-all lamestream media twits are forced to utter the words "President Trump" during a broadcast. You know how bad they are gritting their teeth! :dancing:

09-07-2017, 01:11 AM
Also fun to watch:


09-07-2017, 03:19 AM
Trump's election is the fulfillment of a lifelong dream for me. A very, very healthy thing for our democracy. Might have been the most important election in America's history. Finally the pendulum is swinging back in favor of nationalism and away from the strange anti-nationstate pathology of globalism.

At various times over the years I've supported the anti-establishment candidacies of people like Jerry Brown (back in his Flat Tax days), Ralph Nader, and Ron Paul to come in and blow up the system. To think it took a billionaire to finally do it! I get a huge grin on my face every time the know-nothing-know-it-all lamestream media twits are forced to utter the words "President Trump" during a broadcast. You know how bad they are gritting their teeth! :dancing:

Your dreams are as inspiring as your choice of beer and your childlike Schadenfreude.

09-07-2017, 03:25 AM
SMH!!! Whateva.

09-07-2017, 04:12 AM
Perhaps Michael Moore (of all people!) said it best:


"They're not 'racists' and 'rednecks,' they're actually pretty decent people."

Trump's election is the fulfillment of a lifelong dream for me. A very, very healthy thing for our democracy. Might have been the most important election in America's history. Finally the pendulum is swinging back in favor of nationalism and away from the strange anti-nationstate pathology of globalism.

At various times over the years I've supported the anti-establishment candidacies of people like Jerry Brown (back in his Flat Tax days), Ralph Nader, and Ron Paul to come in and blow up the system. To think it took a billionaire to finally do it! I get a huge grin on my face every time the know-nothing-know-it-all lamestream media twits are forced to utter the words "President Trump" during a broadcast. You know how bad they are gritting their teeth! :dancing:

I am sure you are joking but if not you have fallen into Trumps trap in fact the Republican trap, which is "You cannot trust a thing the media is saying, you can only trust me" That kind of thinking is exactly what every other dictator has proclaimed, that you can only trust them. The last time the US fell for it we ended up in a war that is 15 years old with no end in sight. So the more people who discount the media and what they are reporting are the every ones that will be screaming the loudest once the shit hits the fan

09-07-2017, 04:16 AM
Perhaps Michael Moore (of all people!) said it best:


"They're not 'racists' and 'rednecks,' they're actually pretty decent people."

Trump's election is the fulfillment of a lifelong dream for me. A very, very healthy thing for our democracy. Might have been the most important election in America's history. Finally the pendulum is swinging back in favor of nationalism and away from the strange anti-nationstate pathology of globalism.

At various times over the years I've supported the anti-establishment candidacies of people like Jerry Brown (back in his Flat Tax days), Ralph Nader, and Ron Paul to come in and blow up the system. To think it took a billionaire to finally do it! I get a huge grin on my face every time the know-nothing-know-it-all lamestream media twits are forced to utter the words "President Trump" during a broadcast. You know how bad they are gritting their teeth! :dancing:

The expression, "cutting off your nose to spite your face", comes to mind when I think of the average Trump voter.

It's the same rationale of people who riot and burn down their neighborhoods to protest social injustice and the unfairness of the legal system.

There are times when a protest vote is useful. Obama was a protest vote.
And then there are votes that are temper tantrums, which is how I view Trump supporters.

It's one thing for a president to be an outsider to politics, however it's wholly a different issue when that outsider doesn't know how the federal government and Congress operate and doesn't give a fuck about educating himself about how the process functions.

Trump is lazy AND arrogant which is always a dangerous combination.

8 months in with majorities in the House and Senate and Donnie can't get one piece of major legislation passed.

I'm not even going to talk about the corruption and Russian collusion charges.
Electing someone who's incompetent is NEVER a move in a positive direction.

Also, when the majority of Trump voters talk about nationalism, they don't mean people who look like me.
Trump's campaign slogan could have been, "Make America White Again", and his message still would have been the same.
Trump's saving grace is he's too much of a novice(right now) to get shit done.

09-07-2017, 04:53 AM
At various times over the years I've supported the anti-establishment candidacies of people like Jerry Brown (back in his Flat Tax days), Ralph Nader, and Ron Paul to come in and blow up the system.

Are you so deluded that you fail to notice that your 'anti-establishment' President's key priority is massive tax cuts for the very rich, who have already been getting most of the income gains over recent decades? https://www.vox.com/policy-and-politics/2017/9/5/16223796/tax-reform-explained Who do you imagine the establishment is, if it's not these people? Your hero is a pretend populist who plays people like you like a violin.

09-07-2017, 05:18 AM
Your dreams are as inspiring as your choice of beer and your childlike Schadenfreude.

I quit buying Budweiser after they published that stupid immigration/pro-open-borders Super Bowl ad. But I guess I'm stuck with the screen name lol.

03-23-2022, 03:50 PM
13702561370255Now she’s racist

03-23-2022, 09:59 PM
An interesting thread a microcosm of our divided society.

Danni is still hot though!

03-23-2022, 10:41 PM
13702561370255Now she’s racist

Lol wtf, when did Danni go from REEEEEEEE to based?

Luke Warm
03-24-2022, 02:20 PM
Is that really her Twitter? I couldn’t find her Twitter link except to a page that was disabled. Danni Daniels seems like it could be a common porn name.

She appears to be Tweeting from @dannidaniels14

Please be patient with my only fans it will be back up and running shortly someone hacked all of my accounts including my Twitter so if you have any messages from me within the last 48 to 72 hours please let me know because they are not from me.
<body id="cke_pastebin" style="position: absolute; top: 0px; width: 1px; height: 1px; overflow: hidden; left: -1000px;">Please be patient with my only fans it will be back up and running shortly someone hacked all of my accounts including my Twitter so if you have any messages from me within the last 48 to 72 hours please let me know because they are not from me.</body>

03-25-2022, 10:35 PM
I would be worried about the hate the law enforcement would leash upon her. Very beautiful though.
I saw the sign


10-30-2023, 04:30 PM
This aged well. Trump is the worst President ever period.

10-30-2023, 11:23 PM
for some reason the last page is not loading