View Full Version : Any London guys with interest in TS fancy meeting for a beer

08-02-2017, 03:26 PM
I've been to a couple of bars/clubs but always a bit rubbish when on your own. Sometimes met some quality people, sometimes feel like a perv standing around the edge. Are there any like minded blokes out there who fancy meeting some mates who have the same interest in TS and grabbing a pint or two, maybe with a look to hitting some venues together?

(just before the keyboard warriors get going, i do put myself out there and speak to lots of people at these venues, its just nicer sometimes to have someone to go with!)

I'm a friendly, pretty normal bloke who lives and works in London. 32. Just looking to find some mates to go these places with.

If you're keen the message me on here or email symons00@hotmail.co.uk and we can take it from there.


08-02-2017, 04:41 PM
Or of course and lovely tgirls who fancy accompanying me haha xx