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View Full Version : Bill Clinton Blames Others For 911(YouTube)

09-25-2006, 12:33 AM
Watch this psychotic paranoid go into a rage and blame the CIA,FBI and DOD. " they wouldn`t let me" :lol:

'"... you’ve got that little smirk on your face.
It looks like you’re so clever… "

Smirk !? I`d be laughing out loud at this guy :P


09-25-2006, 09:46 PM
Bill Clinton defends his counterterrorism record on Fox and, wait for it... three... two... one... Michael posts the wingnut-approved meme, "Clinton Freaks Out," to the HungAngels Politics and Religion board.

Like the sun rising in the East...

09-26-2006, 12:53 AM
Bill Clinton defends his counterterrorism record on Fox and, wait for it... three... two... one... Michael posts the wingnut-approved meme, "Clinton Freaks Out," to the HungAngels Politics and Religion board.

Like the sun rising in the East...

And,as the sun sets in the west we can count on the neo-marxist left to defend the indefensible:

Clinton,"...if anybody wants to say I didn’t do enough, you read Richard Clarke’s book..."

page 223, Clarke describes a meeting, in late 2000, of the National Security Council “principals” — among them, the heads of the CIA, the FBI, the Attorney General, the chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, and the secretaries of State, Defense. It was just after al Qaeda’s attack on the USS Cole. But neither the FBI nor the CIA would say that al Qaeda was behind the bombing, and there was little support for a retaliatory strike. Clarke quotes Mike Sheehan, a State Department official, saying in frustration, “What’s it going to take, Dick? Who the shit do they think attacked the Cole, fuckin’ Martians? The Pentagon brass won’t let Delta go get bin Laden. Hell they won’t even let the Air Force carpet bomb the place. Does al Qaeda have to attack the Pentagon to get their attention?”

page 204, Clarke vents his frustration at the CIA’s slow-walking on the question of killing bin Laden. “I still to this day do not understand why it was impossible for the United States to find a competent group of Afghans, Americans, third-country nationals, or some combination who could locate bin Laden in Afghanistan and kill him,” Clarke writes. “I believe that those in CIA who claim the [presidential] authorizations were insufficient or unclear are throwing up that claim as an excuse to cover the fact that they were pathetically unable to accomplish the mission.”

Clinton did nothing.AS Commander in Chief you ORDER the CIA to get the lead out.You ORDER the FBI to get into action.

Clinton gave very little to no effort.

Pathetic,as the man at the top,blame everyone else.

09-26-2006, 01:09 AM
CBS Early Show:

CIA analyst Michael Scheuer

Harry Smith:President Clinton basically laid the blame at the feet of the CIA and the FBI for not being able to certify or verify that bin Laden was responsible for a number of different attacks. Does that ring true with you, Michael Scheuer?

SCHEUER: No, sir, I don't think so. Former president seems to be able to deny facts with impunity. Bin Laden is alive today because Mr. Clinton, Mr. Sandy Berger and Mr. Richard Clarke refused to kill him. That's the bottom line. And every time he says what he said to Chris Wallace on Fox, he defames the CIA especially, and the men who risked their lives to give his administration repeated chances to kill bin Laden.

Harry Smith: Is the Bush administration any less responsible for not finishing the job in Tora Bora?

SCHEUER: There's plenty of blame to go around, sir, but the fact of the matter is the Bush administration had one chance that they botched, and the Clinton administration had eight to ten chances that they refused to try. At least at Tora Bora our forces were on the ground. We didn't push the point. But it's just -- it's an incredible kind of situation for the American people over the weekend to hear their former president mislead them