View Full Version : Jericho

09-21-2006, 03:22 AM
And the walls came tumbling down. . .

Man, I really like the set-up of this new series. It's presented like a feel good, WB-esque situation drama. Even the music and characters are straight out of central casting for the most part.

And then BAM! In the first ten minutes an apparently nationwide (or larger) nuclear apocalypse shows up and ruins everything. Think about it. . . this show Can't help but get unbelievably dark. In the next episode, apparently, the town has to flee clouds of radioactive fallout.

Good grief. 100's of millions (billions?) of casualties. Global choas. Starvation. Disease.

Ohhh, I hope they don't drop the ball on this one. This could be pretty intense. I'm honestly surprised the network green lit this one.

Can't wait for the next episode. I give it a definate thumbs up so far. I gotta check out the website.

09-21-2006, 03:41 AM
I would rather watch dancing with stars 2.

09-21-2006, 04:33 AM
Haha, I'm over on some other forum blabbing about the show (on the defending team) and some guy just used "If you don't like the show, go watch Dancing With The Stars instead!"

Nothing wrong with Dancing With The Stars, I'm sure, but they are two very different shows.

09-28-2006, 03:20 AM
I can't believe how bizarre this show is. I just watched the second episode and I'm thinking this might be the craziest thing since Cop Rock.

There's no way this show will make a second season. No way. The premise is impossible to make work, the way it's being done is so absurd it's almost unbelievable, I can't imagine what these people were thinking when they put this into production. And the plot lines are so stupid so far, it's just kooky.

But still, these are the reasons why I respect the show.

These people had the balls to try and make an "unmakable" network TV series. I'll keep watching it just for that reason (until it gets cancelled mid season, I'm sure).

Destined for Cult Classic status. It's just weird.