View Full Version : TV or TS? don't people in the community know the difference?

03-20-2017, 03:37 PM
Why is it on birchplace.com, there are women advertising who don't seemingly know the difference between TV and TS? Yet one can clearly see they have a woman's face, curves and boobs?

03-20-2017, 06:39 PM
Foreign languages...

03-20-2017, 06:42 PM
False pictures...

03-20-2017, 08:37 PM
False pictures...


03-20-2017, 09:18 PM
Foreign languages...

i'm pretty sure it's not just english that makes this differentiation. It has to be in all languages, since a TS and TV are two different things.

03-20-2017, 09:31 PM
i'm pretty sure it's not just english that makes this differentiation. It has to be in all languages, since a TS and TV are two different things.

People have different ideas on the difference between TV and TS. I've certainly learned not to judge this purely on pictures (ie looks) alone. How would you define the differentiation between the two?

03-20-2017, 10:01 PM
i'm pretty sure it's not just english that makes this differentiation. It has to be in all languages, since a TS and TV are two different things.

What I was getting at is that the term travesti (shortened to TV) might cover different subsets in different cultures so when you see TV on an ad then it may be a transexual using it especially in the category/subheading whereas they describe themselves as TS in the main section.

03-22-2017, 03:33 AM
People have different ideas on the difference between TV and TS. I've certainly learned not to judge this purely on pictures (ie looks) alone. How would you define the differentiation between the two?

Good point. Some people define a TV as someone who doesn't have boobs, which seems to be the OP's definition. I think the more correct definition is that a TV is someone who does not normally live and present in public as a woman. https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/transvestite

04-12-2017, 08:50 PM
Totally agree - really baffles me. I'm someone who is generally in this for 'TVs' - that's the whole buzz - but quite often will almost have to ask 'Are you a TV?'. I'd love it if any of the sites did a filter for us. I fancy transexuals too... but sometimes it's a TV lady I'm really after!

Ts RedVeX
04-19-2017, 10:54 PM
A transvestite is is either a male who likes to dress up in women's clothing or a female who likes to dress up in men's clothing.

A transsexual is either a female who would prefer to have male body or a male who would prefer to have female body.

Comparing TVs to TSes is like comparing apples to pears or metres to litres. They are two very different things that are actually of little interest to most of you.

This means you cannot tell whether one is a TV, TS or TG by looking at their pictures, or even judging by their physical appearance.

04-20-2017, 06:27 PM
a tv is something you look at and a ts is someone you go out with. or have I got the meaning of tv wrong?

04-20-2017, 07:01 PM
People have different ideas on the difference between TV and TS. I've certainly learned not to judge this purely on pictures (ie looks) alone. How would you define the differentiation between the two?

I believe that clinically transvestitism, or autogynophilia, is when someone is aroused by wearing clothing of the opposite sex, or aroused by thinking of them self as a member of the opposite sex.

Transsexualism, and gender dysphoria, are something completely different, where the person feels a conflict between their assigned at birth sacks and the gender they feel their personality represents.

Pretty much the dividing line between the two groups for clinicians is whether or not arousal is present when the person dresses in clothing generally representative of the gender opposite to the person assigned birth sex.

I have CD/TV friends that can totally not relate to my experience, and I totally cannot relate to their's. Although I do support their desire to express themselves in anyway they wish.

What is irritating to me is when people use TG or transgender interchangeably with TS or transsexual. Transgender and transsexual are not synonyms. Transgender is a spectrum representing all gender nonconforming persons. Transsexual is something more specific.

04-20-2017, 07:28 PM
I believe that clinically transvestitism, or autogynophilia, is when someone is aroused by wearing clothing of the opposite sex, or aroused by thinking of them self as a member of the opposite sex.

Transsexualism, and gender dysphoria, are something completely different, where the person feels a conflict between their assigned at birth sacks and the gender they feel their personality represents.

Pretty much the dividing line between the two groups for clinicians is whether or not arousal is present when the person dresses in clothing generally representative of the gender opposite to the person assigned birth sex.

I have CD/TV friends that can totally not relate to my experience, and I totally cannot relate to their's. Although I do support their desire to express themselves in anyway they wish.

What is irritating to me is when people use TG or transgender interchangeably with TS or transsexual. Transgender and transsexual are not synonyms. Transgender is a spectrum representing all gender nonconforming persons. Transsexual is something more specific.

I'd agree with most of that. However, the OP has probably become conditioned to a simpler definition. TV = no boobs, TS = boobs. Totally wrong, but a very common misconception on here and one that if I'm completely honest, I probably used to share. As mentioned, I've since learned different. However, I'm almost certainly still guilty of using TS/TG in the wrong context occasionally.

04-21-2017, 02:48 AM
I don't really care what the diff is, if they look good and wanna get dicked it doesn't matter

04-22-2017, 01:38 PM
a tv is something you look at and a ts is someone you go out with. or have I got the meaning of tv wrong?

That explains why sometimes I don't get a good reception, no matter how much I fiddle with the antenna....;)

sukumvit boy
04-23-2017, 02:39 AM
That explains why sometimes I don't get a good reception, no matter how much I fiddle with the antenna....;)

04-23-2017, 04:20 AM
I don't really care what the diff is, if they look good and wanna get dicked it doesn't matter

There you go!

04-23-2017, 04:37 AM
The common world believes all who dress up into the opposite are TV's.
Many do not distinguish a TV from a dragqueen or a femboy from a CD or a TS

04-23-2017, 11:13 AM
I don't really care what the diff is, if they look good and wanna get dicked it doesn't matter

I do. I prefer somebody who looks, sounds, smells, and chemically acts like a woman. Hormones are what makes any genetic woman a woman at the fundamental level, and this is why in large part TS women act and are women.

No offence at all to any TVs here, or men who like to see them, but the fact TS women are women and/or becoming such surgically or medically is what is appealing to me.

Just it's annoying, actually funny, to see a person with surgically altered boobs or women's hips calling themselves a TV. They of all people should know the basic difference, they are part of the community.

05-22-2017, 08:47 AM
I believe that clinically transvestitism, or autogynophilia, is when someone is aroused by wearing clothing of the opposite sex, or aroused by thinking of them self as a member of the opposite sex.

Close. Transvestitism is defined by the medical community as a paraphilia (abnormal sexual fetish) where someone CDs as a fetish.

Autogynophilia was never fully adopted by the medical community and does not actually exist as a "thing" as far as the field of psychology is concerned. The concept was invented by a cis-guy in the 90s who believed FtMs literally couldn't exist, and that all MtFs were either gay guys so effeminate that they wanted to transition -OR- straight & bi guys with a fetish where the transitioning process is what turns them on. This pitched-AG label was never ever about clothes like TV is.

It was ridiculously stupid quackery. IME if someone is promoting any kind of agenda about trans people, and they're only ever talking about MtFs while deflecting whenever the subject of FtMs come up- that's a glaring red flag that they're just making it up as they go along and don't actually know what they're talking about. Amazingly Bailey & Blanchard have yet to disown the AG hypothesis despite the 18 (and counting) peer reviewed hard-science studies over the last 25 years showing trans people actually-possess a brain-sex to body-sex mismatch. Its not a coincidence that these stupid proposals don't normally come out of STEM fields.

05-22-2017, 08:57 AM
Foreign languages...

Its not just translation issues, the English language is constantly in a state of flux and usage of the words gender and sex has changed dramatically just within the last 30 or so years.

Not too long ago (e.g. 90s) gov and medical forms would give you a check box entitled SEX with two options to select from. It was common to ask pregnant women if they knew what SEX their baby was going to be. Etc.

But now, everyone is dropping the "sex" word except for in reference to the acts of sexual activity. Gov and medical forms ask instead for your gender now, and pregnant women have "gender reveal" celebrations. They're not talking about peoples' brains or where they fall on the feminine-masculine spectrum here, they're talking about genitalia.

"Sex" is becoming a vulgar word in the English language.

Consequently if you go talk to the youngest-trans women starting their transitions within the last couple of years they don't use the "transsexual" word at all and yell at you if you mention it. Instead they all try to go by "transgender" instead.

It probably doesn't help that trans women in particular are constantly dogged in society by these incorrect assumptions that we're all sexually deviant perverts, so part of this change is probably a futile attempt at ditching some of those connotations knowing that the uninformed public are going to assume being trans is a sexual fetish-thing since it has the word "sexual" in it.

Totally ignoring of course that the term "transgender" as it has existed throughout history has been an umbrella term that includes things like transvestites who share nothing in common with us other than being hated by some of the same people. 10+ years ago people insisted they were TS to show they had nothing to do with those TVs but now? They're using the TG label while pretending TVs don't exist.

05-22-2017, 04:03 PM
I do. I prefer somebody who looks, sounds, smells, and chemically acts like a woman. Hormones are what makes any genetic woman a woman at the fundamental level, and this is why in large part TS women act and are women.

Bullshit, I've met numerous cd/tv's who totally have the girl thing down sans hormones. Besides that, tg's frequently cycle on/off.

05-23-2017, 01:28 PM
Bullshit, I've met numerous cd/tv's who totally have the girl thing down sans hormones. Besides that, tg's frequently cycle on/off.

A TV wouldn't take hormones and transition.