View Full Version : As An Escort Ages,What Do YOU Think Happens In Their Life?

09-15-2006, 09:08 PM
'As An Escort Ages', What Do "YOU' Think Happens In Their Life?

As an 'adult entertainer' gets older, what do you think happens in their life?

Do you care about this issue?

Does it effect you in any way?

Curious, as to your thoughts................

09-15-2006, 09:36 PM
Easy! They get replaced by the newer chicks coming into the scene.

Smog Boy
09-15-2006, 09:49 PM
Less clients?

Older porn stars just get skanky!

09-15-2006, 11:24 PM
A lot of the same things that happen to the male customers. They become less sexually attractive, and depending on how well they've taken care of their bodies, minds,personal matters and hearts, live in various degrees of comfort. Some find love, many don't. Some rely on old friendships, others live alone.
Regarding finances: I don't remember the figures. but I once read a chart that showed the amounts a person could have to retire on if they put $100 away every month starting at 25, 35, and 45. The 25 yo was a millionaire. The 45 year old had under $100k. Everybody should have a financial planner and an IRA.
Lastly: some famous older actress whose name escapes me said something to the effect that from 18 to 35, a woman needs her looks; from 35 to 50, personality; and from 50 onwards money.

09-16-2006, 02:01 AM
Oh, c'mon, it's the same for everyone:

You get old, people forget about you, you die.

End of thread. Move on, there's nothing more to see here.

09-16-2006, 04:32 AM
Oh, c'mon, it's the same for everyone:

You get old, people forget about you, you die.

End of thread. Move on, there's nothing more to see here.

Co-sign - well said.
You forgot the part about farting more and losing teeth though.

09-16-2006, 08:26 AM
:shock: Wait a minute. Alot of things happen to alot of people.... How did the topic turn into "The Drawbacks of Being a Lonely, Aging Trick"? - lol
As Clint Eastwood's character William Munny said in 'Unforgiven', "We've all got it comin', kid." :wink:

09-17-2006, 12:33 AM
Lisa Lawrence is a good example of this.

09-17-2006, 01:21 AM
Lisa Lawrence is a good example of this.

Please expound. :?:

09-23-2006, 08:34 PM
There is a clerk at a store that I shop at, Sea...s, who is always telling me jokes when she sees me.

So, she pulls me close to her, I know this going to be good.

She says "do you know what happens to old prostitutes"?

I think for a moment, say, no.

She says, "they ship them off to the Virgin Islands to be re-furbished"

We laugh like Hell, the customers are looking at us.

That, is the genesis or birth of the question.

My answer coming soon is not as funny.

09-24-2006, 06:44 PM
There is a clerk at a store that I shop at, Sea...s, who is always telling me jokes when she sees me.

So, she pulls me close to her, I know this going to be good.

She says "do you know what happens to old prostitutes"?

I think for a moment, say, no.

She says, "they ship them off to the Virgin Islands to be re-furbished"

We laugh like Hell, the customers are looking at us.

That, is the genesis or birth of the question.

There is a clerk at a store that I shop at, S....s, who is always telling me jokes when she sees me.

So, she pulls me close to her, I know this going to be good.

She says "do you know what happens to old prostitutes"?

I think for a moment, say, no.

She says, "they ship them off to the Virgin Islands to be re-furbished"

We laugh like Hell, the customers are looking at us.

That, is the genesis or birth of the question.

My answer coming soon is not as funny.

I have thought about my answer to this question, for quite some time.

The answer that came to me is the Readers Digest' version of one (1) of the many chapters in my life.

I will make it a quick story:

I have thought about the many responses, I have gotten from many women, and some men around this issue. I truly struggled with a decent answer, and response, and can only offer what worked for me:

This came to me because I was reminded in posts by others in other forums, how I funded some of my surgeries.

I believe my nose job, and adams apple shaving were a combination of my GI bill in college, being creative with student loans, and savings from work.

The GI bill is one of the benefits, you get for being a veteran of the militiary. As I have perhaps metioned I am a veteran of wars both abroad and domestic.

And the war to be 'a broad'.

The savings was from work that was legitimate, and some less than legitimate.

My breast augmentation and GRS were credit cards and savings. With the price of GRS,etc, in say Thailand, being about the price of a new or used card, it is very do-able.

You would think that would be the end of the story, t'were that were true. But I had an Achilles heel, a weakness.

My kryptonite was drugs and alcohol.

While fixing up my house - my body, the tits, the ass, the face, the GRS, I forgot that the house was still haunted. There were demons everywhere, from things I had seen and done.

It seemed like the only thing that appeased the demons was drugs and alcohol, and in large quantities. And, it didn't take 'substances' to make me do the wrong things, the 'game' was born in me.

Finally we exorcised or got rid of 'most' of the demons, how? Well that's another chapter.

End result I am post op, with a moderate debt burden. Half ass decent credit rating. I am clean and sober. Casper, and his crew of less than friendly ghosts are mostly gone.

I am a college graduate, earn fairly good money, enjoy my work. Life ain't half bad.

Moral of the story:

A. Don't listen to jokes from clerks in stores, unless you want to risk re-thinking your life.

B. Make good decisions, the choice you make today good or bad, can last a lifetime.

09-24-2006, 07:03 PM
Good for you, great that things are working out in your life. The booze and the drugs definately do turn on a person after awhile (unless you're Keith Richards, but then again he did fall out a tree recently which I'm sure was due to be wasted).

Don't want this to sound like some sort of therapy session or AA meeting or something, but I've used, to excess, pretty much every intoxicating substance there is. . . except glue or paint or any of those really weird ones. I gave up all of 'em over time, but kept liquor as a security blanket. Why? I have no idea. Personally I don't have any demons after me, nothing really tragic has occured that I'm trying to run away from. I was just lazy and was around drinkers all the time, and I enjoyed getting loaded.

Still, that road does end at a wall eventually. We all gotta grow up sooner or later.

Again, good to hear everything is going well for you.

09-24-2006, 07:37 PM
Good for you, great that things are working out in your life. The booze and the drugs definately do turn on a person after awhile (unless you're Keith Richards, but then again he did fall out a tree recently which I'm sure was due to be wasted).

Don't want this to sound like some sort of therapy session or AA meeting or something, but I've used, to excess, pretty much every intoxicating substance there is. . . except glue or paint or any of those really weird ones. I gave up all of 'em over time, but kept liquor as a security blanket. Why? I have no idea. Personally I don't have any demons after me, nothing really tragic has occured that I'm trying to run away from. I was just lazy and was around drinkers all the time, and I enjoyed getting loaded.

Still, that road does end at a wall eventually. We all gotta grow up sooner or later.

Again, good to hear everything is going well for you.

Thank you so much for your kind words of encouragement. Though even at ten years clean it's still one day at a time.

Ideally it will speak to a wide audience, women, transpeople, substance abusers, veterans, etc. People that need or want to change their lives.

09-28-2006, 10:06 PM


09-28-2006, 10:18 PM
Hopefully, she finds the man of her dreams and lives to a ripe old age. :)

09-28-2006, 10:22 PM
they settle down, and find a man who can keep them happy. And hopefully they have some kind of education and/or money saved up to have some type of meaningful carrer/lifestyle.

09-29-2006, 01:35 AM



I hate to disagree with you.

While 18, year old boys have a lot of sexual energy.

You may find as you get older that you may want a man, with additional qualities as well.

For me the brain is the ultimate sex organ, smart, funny guys, make me moist. :oops:

So, I need:
Intelligence, sense of humor, emotionally stable, able to express what is on his mind and his heart, character, sweet, passion, vision, wisdom, goals, know's what he want's s in life.

At 18, most men don't have those qualities.

Some men, never get them at any age.

Perhaps our age differences, are influencing our choices. But even when younger I preferred older men, they knew what they wanted, were not as confused or 'curious', they were sexually experienced, and I learned alot from them :lol:

As to the sex, with older men, one word.

Viagra. :twisted:

10-05-2006, 03:47 AM
no, 18 yrs old boy will do for me lol

10-05-2006, 07:04 AM
no, 18 yrs old boy will do for me lol

Is 27 ok too? :D

10-05-2006, 08:09 PM
perhaps its differnt for each

maybe some get into business or acting, you know like sports stars when they get older, they go into broadcasting or some kind of business because they have more money to do the things they really wanted

10-06-2006, 01:19 AM
I'm still waiting for a response to this:

Lisa Lawrence is a good example of this.

I hate dangling participles and other loose ends.

03-06-2007, 08:36 PM

03-06-2007, 08:51 PM
I'm still waiting for a response to this:

Lisa Lawrence is a good example of this.

I hate dangling participles and other loose ends.

I heard she looks haggered now!

03-06-2007, 11:43 PM
the crummiest part is that their isnt a retirement fund set up for being an escort...

03-06-2007, 11:47 PM
If they pay their taxes (and I am not saying all of them do not) , there would be a retirement fund if THEY chose to contribute.

TrueBeauty TS
03-07-2007, 01:25 AM
I asked that question to several girls and, sadly, they just said they didn't expect to live that long to worry about it.


03-07-2007, 02:28 AM
I believe as an escort has to save money for the rainny season and also planning ahead for the future cuz beauty will not last forever....

In my case, I know that guys will get bored of me in a couple of years that is why Michael is teaching me all of the "behind the scenes" of the business.

So either as an escort or webmistress always have to find a way to take your knowlegde and try and create a long lasting way to use it.


Shining Star
03-07-2007, 07:37 AM
Much depends upon the person. Girls who were only working as a means to an end (college/school, make money to start up a business, ec), probably tend to move on the best. Sadly most simply keep working until they either no longer can make anything, or something really tragic happens.

Cris Love has been around since many of us were in kindergarten (god bless her), and she still is out there. Some of the old school girls are still living, IIRC Summer St. Cirely (sp?) moved to Europe as did a few other girls that aged out of the NYC/United States scene. There are a few old school trannie escorts around if one looks hard at Eros and the other adverts.

Sadly again, most escorts; male,female, and trannie fail to "plan" for a future. Like many music stars of the 1980's they are making so much money (and spending every penny), that they cannot fathom things will ever change. Have often related the story told to me by some guy about how there are always a few "old" girls at the Playboy Mansion parties trying to turn up something. Usually someone may throw them a bone, but all the attention is on the young 19 or twenty somethings fresh in from the Mid-West.

Think trannies may have a harder time of it as many guys like to see "new" girls each time. And lately there seems to be fresh new girls every day popping up in the ads.

Strange thing is that "older" porn stars both male and female move to escorting once they are no longer "A-list" actors anymore, but doubt the reverse is true of older escorts.

Problem for some girls who want to move on/have gotten older is that they have become so comfortable working that is hard to break the habit. It is also very had to seek employment/go grad school or some colleges if one has a rap sheet; so allot of girls probably stay working as long as possible. If they themselves can no longer work, there is always running a service/house, but that is dangerous work.

03-07-2007, 08:36 AM
they settle down, and find a man who can keep them happy. And hopefully they have some kind of education and/or money saved up to have some type of meaningful carrer/lifestyle.

Co-sign !!!!!! true to every word!

03-08-2007, 09:18 AM
* Deleted *

03-08-2007, 09:28 AM
* Deleted *

03-08-2007, 10:00 AM
Oh, c'mon, it's the same for everyone:

You get old, people forget about you, you die.

End of thread. Move on, there's nothing more to see here.


03-08-2007, 10:07 AM
A woman I know is a lifelong stripper. I've known her since tha late 70's. A stunning looking woman in her time but her work has been to fuel a sizable cocaine habit. She's pushing 50 now and there is no amount of surgery that is going to keep her on runway much longer?

She was doing the MILF porn thing on the side but even that isn't going to be an option in a couple of years.(She was starting to look like a blonde Keith Richards w/ fake boobs the last time I saw her.) As most of her income for 30 years has been untaxed and under the table, Social Security isn't even going to option for her in her old age.

The sad thing is she's such a sweet woman? However those drugs own her ass. It's a sad situation.

04-23-2007, 03:33 PM


11-26-2007, 01:58 AM
it depends on the ts im 35 i llok good 4 35 i dont drink do drugs and i get rest

11-26-2007, 02:01 AM
im a escort but as i get older im less eager to go out and make the money i let it come to me and yes u get less clients not because ur older new people are out there and clients want new thing bigger and harder lol

11-26-2007, 02:17 AM
i dont drink do drugs and i get rest

I do drink, I do drugs but I don´t escort

11-26-2007, 02:27 AM
Oh, c'mon, it's the same for everyone:

You get old, people forget about you, you die.

End of thread. Move on, there's nothing more to see here.

I want to agree with this, but I'm fighting it, damn good reply though



you're one of the few people that needs or will need much reconstruction as you age, be thankful for that, it truly is a blessing, as I've seen some older monsters walking down 5th who thought they were in the status of an elder movie star

It's true; TS do age better in general than GG's.

on what planet, Mars?!?

cmon now, let's be serious about this

[quote=jessicamoore] i dont drink do drugs and i get rest

I do drink, I do drugs but I don´t escort

well at least your honest about it Nikka, I applaud you for that.............
I'm so sick of hearing the I don't do this, or that then seeing the red eye or smelling the dreaded whino breath on a broad at a party/bar/or club

and another thing
some of us like older women...........................
older women can be very sexy and some men aren't always chasing around after the headache known as the 18-21 with perky breasts and the bald pussy that hasn't experienced life yet and wants you to give her the world.............
doesn't mean we want a 40-50+ year old woman trying to make herself look like that 18-21 y/o chick either...........

11-26-2007, 02:44 AM
Oh, c'mon, it's the same for everyone:

You get old, people forget about you, you die.

End of thread. Move on, there's nothing more to see here.


Some people have a philosophy of live fast, die young, and make a good

The reality is you will be young, middle aged, and then elderly.

People are easily living into their 70s - 80s.

So if you live long enough, yes you will get old.

But going from the womb to the tomb can often be a lengthy process.

11-26-2007, 02:45 AM
JWBL said it all really, and as usual, was right on the money.

However, I just want to say that I'm sick and tired of the whole "I escort to put myself through college" shit. I mean, what percentage of escorts is that really true of? For the overwhelming majority, it's about money for rent, food, clothes and, all too often, drugs. How many keep selling the ass long past its shelf life because they have no savings whatsoever? Yeah... look into those numbers. Not too many save shit for later, and not too many voluntarily retire either, because they don't have shit to retire on. Retirement for most comes when either clients stop coming, or they finally OD. I don't want to be rude or anything, but let's keep it real here.

11-26-2007, 03:39 AM
Well ladies, there's always this option...

11-26-2007, 03:52 AM
if ur tired of people saying they dont do drugs u just have to believe them until u prove otherewise i can honestly say i never trided drugs i raley drink i just want a lover whos willing to be with me in all my wrong diong im not perfect but i want to made feel like i am i dont wanna be 50 and single so if any gentlemen out there want to get to know me on a personal note im open just dont come at me on some sex shit because if u disrepect me then im forced to take my fee from u i save money but i shop so dam much i need help spent a 1000 this week alone in north carolina went to make money diong a fashion show yes im a up and coming designer and wind up spending it on bull shit i like nice thing and i have great taste in the finer things in life

Night Rider
11-26-2007, 03:52 AM
As An Escort Ages,What Do YOU Think Happens In Their Life?

My guess would be, they go into debt because they don't have a job (unless they've done the rounds)

11-26-2007, 04:10 AM
if ur tired of people saying they dont do drugs u just have to believe them until u prove otherewise i can honestly say i never trided drugs i raley drink i just want a lover whos willing to be with me in all my wrong diong im not perfect but i want to made feel like i am i dont wanna be 50 and single so if any gentlemen out there want to get to know me on a personal note im open just dont come at me on some sex shit because if u disrepect me then im forced to take my fee from u i save money but i shop so dam much i need help spent a 1000 this week alone in north carolina went to make money diong a fashion show yes im a up and coming designer and wind up spending it on bull shit i like nice thing and i have great taste in the finer things in life

as a man that's NEVER DONE a drug i can honestly sit back and say i don't know ONE TRANSSEXUAL WOMAN that has never done a drug in their life........ it's cute for the sake of this board to sit back and say that shit, hell it's cute for the sake of this board for a lot of people to sit back and say alot of things, that ARE HARD TO BELIEVE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

to each his or her own though, the whole I've done this, or I've done that, or I'm doing this to substitute for the fact of being upset over a statement is typical HA response material

11-26-2007, 04:13 AM
Well, all I've got to say is that I've never, ever regarded punctuation as anything other than a friend, and for that reason have never posted a run-on sentence.

11-26-2007, 04:14 AM
if ur tired of people saying they dont do drugs u just have to believe them until u prove otherewise i can honestly say i never trided drugs i raley drink i just want a lover whos willing to be with me in all my wrong diong im not perfect but i want to made feel like i am i dont wanna be 50 and single so if any gentlemen out there want to get to know me on a personal note im open just dont come at me on some sex shit because if u disrepect me then im forced to take my fee from u i save money but i shop so dam much i need help spent a 1000 this week alone in north carolina went to make money diong a fashion show yes im a up and coming designer and wind up spending it on bull shit i like nice thing and i have great taste in the finer things in life

just as a side note, a couple dollars of that $1000 spent this week might very well have been put to good use investing in a dictionary and thesaurus. maybe next week...

11-26-2007, 04:15 AM
as a man that's NEVER DONE a drug i can honestly sit back and say i don't know ONE TRANSSEXUAL WOMAN that has never done a drug in their life........

Good point. Viagra is a drug.


Night Rider
11-26-2007, 04:17 AM
just as a side note, a couple dollars of that $1000 spent this week might very well have been put to good use investing in a dictionary and thesaurus. maybe next week...

LOL :!:

11-26-2007, 04:22 AM
just as a side note, a couple dollars of that $1000 spent this week might very well have been put to good use investing in a dictionary and thesaurus. maybe next week...

sadly, that will only happen if its a dictionary issued by Prada....

11-26-2007, 04:24 AM
and another thing
some of us like older women...........................
older women can be very sexy and some men aren't always chasing around after the headache known as the 18-21 with perky breasts and the bald pussy that hasn't experienced life yet and wants you to give her the world.............
doesn't mean we want a 40-50+ year old woman trying to make herself look like that 18-21 y/o chick either...........

older and somewhat sexy - check

breast perky, stomach flat, ass ain't on the floor - check

pussy not bald - check

have experienced life and then some - check

don't need / want a man to give me the world, I've got my own - check

not trying to be 18 again, once was enough - check

It's great being me. http://i92.photobucket.com/albums/l2/magi43/icon_2075.gif

11-26-2007, 04:49 AM
With quips like these, y'all are gonna make me change my sig.

selling the ass long past its shelf life

Now forgive me for saying this but I've gotten used to the majority of chicks that say shit like this looking somewhat passable in the low lighting of many a club, but 3 layers of walmart foundation under the scrutiny of the solar flares of the sun at noon?!? Ummmmmmmmm no love.


WTF? I came to your house thinking imma get some ass and you got the entire "House of Ravioli and Ziti" over there having butch queen face and voguing practice and shit.

Juice....all....... over........ the....... screen!!


11-26-2007, 05:16 AM
Not all the girls piss their money away on a $1000 weekend shopping spree...A TS friend of mine has been banking $3000 a month for years and is the partial owner of a NYC restaurant. Another girl I know is a free lance interior designer and escort . She reports alot of her escort money as income, pays taxes and invests..Her bank account is 500k plus !!

11-26-2007, 08:39 AM
What happens when an escort ages?

They move to the suburbs and get a house with a jacuzzi, then they charge %60 the going rate for an hour of "erotic massage" and live a very comfortable life.

For a while in Portland I was going to a lot of hooker parties through some local message boards, and there were quite a few older women in their 50's and 60's who were doing just fine for themselves. Hell some of them hadn't even started until they were 40 or 45. It totally transformed my ideas about age in the sex industry, seeing these older women that had a much steadier clientele than I ever did. Why? Because they knew how to connect with older men in a much more substantive way than I did, and women my age in general did, and the older hobbyists were very clear about that.

I'm not hooking anymore, but I don't think that would be such a bad way to spend ones later years.


11-26-2007, 04:06 PM
i have nothing to prove i know ive never done a drug or smoked a cigarette, i do save and i spend. ive learned that in order to live u have to spend and ive went to college ramapo college of mahwah nj and i must admit this life has turned my interest in another direction which is not good, but everyone have their own idea of how to live and yall are right we need to save money because society will not give us a chance to show what we are made of.

11-26-2007, 04:25 PM
we all know that there is a big percentage of escorting in the transsexual community. So each and everyone have their own reasons for doing it, maybe for their transition and then afterwards when they're finish with their transition they move on to their new stealth life. Other escorts might just do it for fun and they love sex and they like the money and probably do it for the rest of their lives. Others may do it because of bad past and they are trying to cover it up by sleeping with a lot of men. All this probabilities can be accurate for other transsexual escorts. But one way or another we are all human and we are all equal in the eyes of God and it all boils down to one thing, we ALL want to be truly happy in the end.

11-26-2007, 04:29 PM
they settle down, and find a man who can keep them happy. And hopefully they have some kind of education and/or money saved up to have some type of meaningful carrer/lifestyle.

I hope this happens to all transsexual escorts out there so the world will be a more happier place to live in. But whatever lifestyle that fits them and if they are fine with it then so be it. To each their own!

11-26-2007, 05:11 PM
As An Escort Ages,What Do YOU Think Happens In Their Life?

Pipe and Slippers?

sorry that's just wrong :oops:

11-27-2007, 12:44 AM
You see life less as one long party and start worrying about ramifications - like getting killed, going to jail, etc.

Your business gets harder. Between getting more and more fed up with the BS that you once overlooked from the tricks, to pretending it doesn't bother you that the phone doesn't ring as often, to having a higher percentage of tricks trying to bargain you down on your rates. You start lying to yourself that you are still "a $400 girl" who is just giving some of your favorite customers discounts rather than admitting you aren't the freshest daisy in the shop.

You start doing things you told yourself you would never do in this business.

You make a few new friends, but they wonder why the nice stuff you have is all old.

You try not to notice that guys are looking past you to the newer, fresher one's, and try to smile it off. You get a little catty towards the one's who you see as taking your business and make comments about them being skanks, or giving it away, etc.

You start to lose your friends/crowd you used to hang with. Some move away, some no longer want to associate with anyone in the business because they got out. Some die. As time goes on, a lot die. You find yourself not being able to go to the funerals after a while. As more time goes by, you see the signs of your friends going "end stage" and can't bare to talk to them because you know where they are headed. Then you hate yourself when they pass and you haven't spoken to them for months because you couldn't bare to. You think about your own end. Often. You count how many friends you lose every year, and experience some odd sense of jealousy.

You start to have trouble remembering you're not a player anymore, and desperately try anything to get back some of the highs of your youth. Some give a you a little fix, but really you aren't what you were so nothing actually works. You think about your own end some more, and often.

You spend more time daydreaming about how things used to be, and end up with unrealistic hopes and expectations for what is going to happen for you next, and then are disappointed when they don't occur. You take small things as slights against you and get bitter. You vacillate back and forth between not wanting to be seen by/with the current crowd because you're a washed up has-been, and desperately wanting to fit in with the only crowd you ever were a "somebody" with. So you alternately go out and are disappointed when the obvious happens, and stay home and feel sorry for yourself that you don't have it anymore.

11-27-2007, 12:52 AM
i don't know ONE TRANSSEXUAL WOMAN that has never done a drug in their life


me neither... :!:

11-27-2007, 01:00 AM
You see life less as one long party and start worrying about ramifications - like getting killed, going to jail, etc.

Your business gets harder. Between getting more and more fed up with the BS that you once overlooked from the tricks, to pretending it doesn't bother you that the phone doesn't ring as often, to having a higher percentage of tricks trying to bargain you down on your rates. You start lying to yourself that you are still "a $400 girl" who is just giving some of your favorite customers discounts rather than admitting you aren't the freshest daisy in the shop.

You start doing things you told yourself you would never do in this business.

You make a few new friends, but they wonder why the nice stuff you have is all old.

You try not to notice that guys are looking past you to the newer, fresher one's, and try to smile it off. You get a little catty towards the one's who you see as taking your business and make comments about them being skanks, or giving it away, etc.

You start to lose your friends/crowd you used to hang with. Some move away, some no longer want to associate with anyone in the business because they got out. Some die. As time goes on, a lot die. You find yourself not being able to go to the funerals after a while. As more time goes by, you see the signs of your friends going "end stage" and can't bare to talk to them because you know where they are headed. Then you hate yourself when they pass and you haven't spoken to them for months because you couldn't bare to. You think about your own end. Often. You count how many friends you lose every year, and experience some odd sense of jealousy.

You start to have trouble remembering you're not a player anymore, and desperately try anything to get back some of the highs of your youth. Some give a you a little fix, but really you aren't what you were so nothing actually works. You think about your own end some more, and often.

You spend more time daydreaming about how things used to be, and end up with unrealistic hopes and expectations for what is going to happen for you next, and then are disappointed when they don't occur. You take small things as slights against you and get bitter. You vacillate back and forth between not wanting to be seen by/with the current crowd because you're a washed up has-been, and desperately wanting to fit in with the only crowd you ever were a "somebody" with. So you alternately go out and are disappointed when the obvious happens, and stay home and feel sorry for yourself that you don't have it anymore.

Wow Danny that was one of the most poignant, powerful, and
truthful posts of this entire thread.

And while what you have outlined may not happen to all, for those
that it does, that's a tragic end.

11-27-2007, 01:04 AM
that's a post for the ages Danny

Rod la Rod
11-27-2007, 01:05 AM
Here is a tip for all of you older/aging TS ladies. There is a world of fetishists/slaves and TVs. These are older, financially well off men who actually prefer an older "Mommy" type or "Dom" who will cater to their specific freaky needs. This type of trick can be very reliable and profitable. I have known several GG pros who make a good living specializing in this business when they can no longer attract the traditional type of trick.

Just a suggestion.

11-27-2007, 01:20 AM
there prices down up but there service gets better

11-27-2007, 01:25 AM
Here is a tip for all of you older/aging TS ladies. There is a world of fetishists/slaves and TVs.

These are older, financially well off men who actually prefer an older "Mommy" type or "Dom" who will cater to their specific freaky needs.

This type of trick can be very reliable and profitable. I have known several GG pros who make a good living specializing in this business when they can no longer attract the traditional type of trick.

Just a suggestion.

You ain't had a blow job, till you've had a toothless blow job.

11-27-2007, 01:32 AM
there prices down up but there service gets better

LOL :!:

11-27-2007, 01:34 AM
You see life less as one long party and start worrying about ramifications - like getting killed, going to jail, etc.

Your business gets harder. Between getting more and more fed up with the BS that you once overlooked from the tricks, to pretending it doesn't bother you that the phone doesn't ring as often, to having a higher percentage of tricks trying to bargain you down on your rates. You start lying to yourself that you are still "a $400 girl" who is just giving some of your favorite customers discounts rather than admitting you aren't the freshest daisy in the shop.

You start doing things you told yourself you would never do in this business.

You make a few new friends, but they wonder why the nice stuff you have is all old.

You try not to notice that guys are looking past you to the newer, fresher one's, and try to smile it off. You get a little catty towards the one's who you see as taking your business and make comments about them being skanks, or giving it away, etc.

You start to lose your friends/crowd you used to hang with. Some move away, some no longer want to associate with anyone in the business because they got out. Some die. As time goes on, a lot die. You find yourself not being able to go to the funerals after a while. As more time goes by, you see the signs of your friends going "end stage" and can't bare to talk to them because you know where they are headed. Then you hate yourself when they pass and you haven't spoken to them for months because you couldn't bare to. You think about your own end. Often. You count how many friends you lose every year, and experience some odd sense of jealousy.

You start to have trouble remembering you're not a player anymore, and desperately try anything to get back some of the highs of your youth. Some give a you a little fix, but really you aren't what you were so nothing actually works. You think about your own end some more, and often.

You spend more time daydreaming about how things used to be, and end up with unrealistic hopes and expectations for what is going to happen for you next, and then are disappointed when they don't occur. You take small things as slights against you and get bitter. You vacillate back and forth between not wanting to be seen by/with the current crowd because you're a washed up has-been, and desperately wanting to fit in with the only crowd you ever were a "somebody" with. So you alternately go out and are disappointed when the obvious happens, and stay home and feel sorry for yourself that you don't have it anymore.

Great post, Danny.


11-27-2007, 04:14 AM
Hopefully she has some type of skill and will leave the biz and get a job. Even if it is industry related. I am doing a few different things and limiting my escorting services. As in my case I do not want to be "Just" another ts hooker. I am investing money and working on a few other thins, non-porn.

11-27-2007, 08:27 AM
old,bald,maybe fat,white sugar daddies who are bottoms,maybe secret cross-dressers........................................

11-27-2007, 09:49 AM
Wow Danny, interesting comments. Fortunately I'm too young to comment in depth on this thread... :-)

Not all old TS hookers end up bitter old bald men with sagging double D's.

Will I escort forever? No. Well maybe until all the 90 year old guys in the rest home are going for younger women...

Jessica and I have an exit plan, which is about 1/2 way along. I'm putting her through college. Someday she will be Dr. Jessica and have a good technology job - if it hasn't all moved to India... We are saving to open a fast food franchise, buy a house and our surgeries. We don't do drugs, and the only time you will find us in a bar is for "business" reasons. And yes, I am risking my life and freedom to do this and give her the chance in life that I didn't have.

But believe it or not there's a lot of guys who don't want to have sex with children, and especially not when the children are younger than their children...

And I never was a $400 an hour girl - but I often get $400 per date. And I have a lot of fun, and so does my date!

And no I don't feel the younger girls are taking my business. They get the 20 something loser tweaker guys with no money, who no show, and treat them like shit.

I get the gentlemen who want a discrete date with somone who can hold a conversations and who remembers Jonh Wayne and Vegas before it because a tourist destination, and who know how to take care of a girl.

So not meaning disrespect to anyone, there's someone for everyone. And while many of us are on a downward spiral into the gutter. Some of us will succeed or go down fighting. It's just a shame that thanks to our hatefull homophobic government it makes our lives so much harder then they need to be.

Sigh and Hugs to all,
TS Jamie :-)

11-27-2007, 08:13 PM
Wow Danny, interesting comments. Fortunately I'm too young to comment in depth on this thread... :-)

Not all old TS hookers end up bitter old bald men with sagging double D's.

Will I escort forever? No. Well maybe until all the 90 year old guys in the rest home are going for younger women...

Jessica and I have an exit plan, which is about 1/2 way along. I'm putting her through college. Someday she will be Dr. Jessica and have a good technology job - if it hasn't all moved to India... We are saving to open a fast food franchise, buy a house and our surgeries. We don't do drugs, and the only time you will find us in a bar is for "business" reasons. And yes, I am risking my life and freedom to do this and give her the chance in life that I didn't have.

But believe it or not there's a lot of guys who don't want to have sex with children, and especially not when the children are younger than their children...

And I never was a $400 an hour girl - but I often get $400 per date. And I have a lot of fun, and so does my date!

And no I don't feel the younger girls are taking my business. They get the 20 something loser tweaker guys with no money, who no show, and treat them like shit.

I get the gentlemen who want a discrete date with somone who can hold a conversations and who remembers Jonh Wayne and Vegas before it because a tourist destination, and who know how to take care of a girl.

So not meaning disrespect to anyone, there's someone for everyone. And while many of us are on a downward spiral into the gutter. Some of us will succeed or go down fighting. It's just a shame that thanks to our hatefull homophobic government it makes our lives so much harder then they need to be.

Sigh and Hugs to all,
TS Jamie :-)

Thanks for writing this Jamie, it gets really depressing, the amount of negativity expressed towards sex workers here. I guess some of it is based on peoples personal experiences, but alot of it just seems like people projecting....

Like I said earlier, all the older providers that I've met, were doing quite well for themselves, working less than my mom and making twice as much as she makes (as a public school teacher of 25+ years).

So now its my turn....

What happens to construction workers as they age? Do they get injured on the job? Develop severe alcohol problems and go to jail for failing to pay child support?

How about older cops? Athletes? What happens to the older athletes?

Everyone ages, some people do it with grace and dignity, and some do it poorly. Regardless of occupation.

My bet is some of us will be good no matter what we do, and some of us will fare poorly no matter what we do.

Personally, I hope to pay off my small parcel of land sometime soon, buy a bigger parcel of land, and then raise a child with my partner and grow organic vegetables and run a nursery (plants)). Hopefully I can make enough money in the sex industry to do all that by the time I'm 35, err... hopefully I can learn responsible financial habits, the money is not the problem.

just trying to stay positive on this cold and snowy day.

11-27-2007, 08:27 PM
but alot of it just seems like people projecting....

One thing which I find endemic to this board is that the girls almost universally think every post is about them individually and that no guy can ever know what he's talking about on any subject, especially prostitution.

11-27-2007, 08:58 PM
Hold your horses Danny, I actually think 99% of the topics posted on this message board have nothing to do with me. I do however think that alot of stereotypes about sex workers are perpetuated here, and I have yet to see a single post from a washed up whore.

My whole point in the previous post, was that life is hard on alot of people, and some people have what it takes to age gracefully and some don't.

I'm sure some of you guys have had long sordid lives and have had many friendships with people who don't fare well, but my guess is that the vast majority of you are completely full of shit when you talk about the sex trade. That's just my guess, maybe I'm wrong, maybe I'm the noob and really all of you guys are seasoned vets who have been caring for burnt out hookers all these years.

But really...how many of you guys are miserable, washed up, lonely drunks?

Life is a cruel mistress, regardless of occupation (Iraq or prostitute). So chill out Danny, it wasn't aimed at you personally.

11-27-2007, 10:08 PM
Speaking for myself, I’ve had more experience with escorts than most people – and not as a client either. Though I’ve gone into it previously, I don’t mind doing so again.

One of the ways I paid for the undergraduate portion of my education was by providing protection for escorts (my equivalent to “walking the straight and narrow” LOL). Though most of the ladies I worked with were of the higher-end variety, over time, I was exposed to the whole escorting gamut. In some cases, I was hired by the organization or person who contracted the women out; however, in most cases, I was hired by the women themselves because they knew they could trust me.

Of the many women that I have worked with over the years, only one of them went on to live anything approaching “the good life” by her forties. The overwhelming majority of the rest went on to death, heavy drug addiction, alcoholism, jail, serious emotional problems, and general misery. Unfortunately, the spirit of Danny’s post is pretty damn accurate.

Look, there are a number of women on this site that escort whom I think very highly of for a wide range of reasons. Still, that doesn’t change my opinion that they’re choosing a path where the odds against them are, IMO, daunting. Yes, I know everyone thinks they will be the exception and points to the few examples they believe invalidate my opinion. I’ve heard all of that before. Sadly, too date, the number have always balanced out in the end.

That said, my opinion is based upon experiences with GG escorts. For all I know, it may be different for transsexual women who choose to escort, but I doubt it. From what I’ve seen the traits that lead to ruin among GG escorts are even more prevalent among the transsexual variety. To people who think escorting is just like any other line of work (something I hear often on this forum), you’re kidding yourselves.


11-27-2007, 11:20 PM
Speaking for myself, I’ve had more experience with escorts than most people – and not as a client either. Though I’ve gone into it previously, I don’t mind doing so again.

One of the ways I paid for the undergraduate portion of my education was by providing protection for escorts (my equivalent to “walking the straight and narrow” LOL). Though most of the ladies I worked with were of the higher-end variety, over time, I was exposed to the whole escorting gamut. In some cases, I was hired by the organization or person who contracted the women out; however, in most cases, I was hired by the women themselves because they knew they could trust me.

Of the many women that I have worked with over the years, only one of them went on to live anything approaching “the good life” by her forties. The overwhelming majority of the rest went on to death, heavy drug addiction, alcoholism, jail, serious emotional problems, and general misery. Unfortunately, the spirit of Danny’s post is pretty damn accurate.

Look, there are a number of women on this site that escort whom I think very highly of for a wide range of reasons. Still, that doesn’t change my opinion that they’re choosing a path where the odds against them are, IMO, daunting. Yes, I know everyone thinks they will be the exception and points to the few examples they believe invalidate my opinion. I’ve heard all of that before. Sadly, too date, the number have always balanced out in the end.

That said, my opinion is based upon experiences with GG escorts. For all I know, it may be different for transsexual women who choose to escort, but I doubt it. From what I’ve seen the traits that lead to ruin among GG escorts are even more prevalent among the transsexual variety. To people who think escorting is just like any other line of work (something I hear often on this forum), you’re kidding yourselves.


God that is depressing. I guess people on my side of things have fared a bit better. Of course many of the older women I know could have been very different ladies in their younger days, I'll never know how working in the industry that long has changed them.

Maybe things are just different out here, which they certainly are to an extent, but many of the providers I know would never even bother with security. I'm wondering if the kind of escort who needs some form of security is one who is prone to higher risk situations, and thus more prone to the many ills that you list above.

As for me, yes I believe I am an exception. Anyone who knows me even remotely would verify that I am most definitely operating on a different plane of existence than most. So as a woodland hooker turned homesteading pornographer, I will admit my take on all this is rather skewed.

I certainly wasn't trying to invalidate you or Danny, or any other guy who has watched someone he cares about wreck their lives in the industry. It's just depressing to be told their is no hope to do what I am doing without destroying my life. Shit, if you guys only knew what my life was like before I started this, maybe you would see why I take pride in who I am and what I do.

11-27-2007, 11:25 PM
and I have yet to see a single post from a washed up whore.

Well, we know there's at least one.

my guess is that the vast majority of you are completely full of shit when you talk about the sex trade. That's just my guess, maybe I'm wrong, maybe I'm the noob and really all of you guys are seasoned vets who have been caring for burnt out hookers all these years.

See, that's exactly what I'm talking about. You assume something about all the guys on this site which isn't the case. There's at least one guy here who has more experience than probably the next 5 to 10 girls put together. And when he talks about what's happened to him, you assume he's spewing some bullshit about people he knows nothing about.

But really...how many of you guys are miserable, washed up, lonely drunks?

I have no idea, but this is the second time you're in ad hominem attack mode instead of making any real counterpoints about the issues in this thread.

Life is a cruel mistress, regardless of occupation (Iraq or prostitute). So chill out Danny, it wasn't aimed at you personally.

Ummm... let me see..... *cough*bullshit*cough*.

11-27-2007, 11:28 PM
That said, my opinion is based upon experiences with GG escorts. For all I know, it may be different for transsexual women who choose to escort, but I doubt it.

To be clear, my comments have nothing to do with being a TS escort. It's the same for GG, TS and male escorts.

11-27-2007, 11:44 PM
and I have yet to see a single post from a washed up whore.

Well, we know there's at least one.

You're a real classy guy Danny. Way to stick it to me.

my guess is that the vast majority of you are completely full of shit when you talk about the sex trade. That's just my guess, maybe I'm wrong, maybe I'm the noob and really all of you guys are seasoned vets who have been caring for burnt out hookers all these years.

See, that's exactly what I'm talking about. You assume something about all the guys on this site which isn't the case. There's at least one guy here who has more experience than probably the next 5 to 10 girls put together. And when he talks about what's happened to him, you assume he's spewing some bullshit about people he knows nothing about.

I believe vast majority is entirely different than saying all, and entirely appropriate here on the Hung Angels webboard. I understand your upset at me, but I wasn't singling you out Danny, so like I said, chill out. I don't want to fight with you, or anyone else here. It makes me unhappy, and it makes me want to avoid further conversations with you.

But really...how many of you guys are miserable, washed up, lonely drunks?

I have no idea, but this is the second time you're in ad hominem attack mode instead of making any real counterpoints about the issues in this thread.

I'm not sure who I'm attacking here. My point is that life is hard for everyone, and there are plenty of people with drug and alcohol problems out there who have never been involved in the sex industry, and I have many friends personally who are sex workers and sober at that. So I'm not quite sure why you are being so hostile.

11-27-2007, 11:46 PM
You're a real classy guy Danny. Way to stick it to me.

You really are a self centered cunt.

11-28-2007, 12:15 AM
God that is depressing.

I know. My point is not to depress or tear anyone down. Rather, I’m hoping that a recounting of my experiences might inspire some of the women here to be a little more careful and to plan more for their futures.

I'm wondering if the kind of escort who needs some form of security is one who is prone to higher risk situations, and thus more prone to the many ills that you list above.

This is a really good call on your part. Though having “security” was more of a norm among the people I dealt with, I’ve known women who never bothered with it. Conversely, I can recall numerous times where I argued with my charge that the risks she was taking in a given situation were unacceptable and that we should leave – only to have her greedily disregard glaringly obvious dangers in the pursuit of money. There were numerous times this choice led to undesirable consequences.

*looks down at bullet hole scar on wrist*

As for me, yes I believe I am an exception. Anyone who knows me even remotely would verify that I am most definitely operating on a different plane of existence than most. So as a woodland hooker turned homesteading pornographer, I will admit my take on all this is rather skewed.

Well, bad odds don’t mean impossible odds. Some escorts do, in the long-run, come out ahead. Maybe you will be part of that minority. I truly do hope that is the case.

I certainly wasn't trying to invalidate you or Danny, or any other guy who has watched someone he cares about wreck their lives in the industry. It's just depressing to be told their is no hope to do what I am doing without destroying my life. Shit, if you guys only knew what my life was like before I started this, maybe you would see why I take pride in who I am and what I do.

I know you weren’t trying to invalidate anyone. There’s no need to explain. In the end, it’s on you to know who you are as a person and what you’re capable of. No one else, myself included, can make that determination for you. Like I said before, bad odds don’t mean impossible odds.


11-28-2007, 07:58 AM
You're a real classy guy Danny. Way to stick it to me.

You really are a self centered cunt.

Oh god, I love how we can't have a discussion here without getting into name calling...

So everyone be nice, differing opinions are OK, it's what the rest of us use to decide what's right for ourselves.

But Mandy how can I concentrate when you are standing there looking at me while tied to a tree? LOL :-)

TS Jamie :-)