View Full Version : Is it OK to watch porn in public?

01-15-2017, 06:15 PM
An interesting debate is springing up following this BBC article about a guy watching porn on his mobile phone while on London bus.


Must admit, I thought it would be covered somewhere within the public decency laws, but apparently there's nothing in place to stop anyone from watching porn in public...:shrug

Don't think I'd have the balls (no pun intended) to watch porn on a bus or any other public space, but what do others think. Would you watch porn in public? Is it acceptable behaviour these days or a step too far? Is it, as some have suggested, "no different to reading 50 Shades of Grey on the bus"?

01-15-2017, 07:15 PM
Children may be watching and it's an offence to show porn to minors.

01-15-2017, 07:26 PM
I think the adage "There's a time and place for everything" applies here. Have some decency and respect for others.

01-15-2017, 08:24 PM
yep, cos this is very smart/intelligent hahahaa.

01-15-2017, 08:25 PM
Children may be watching and it's an offence to show porn to minors.

If it's concealed, i don't see why not. i see it sometimes on my phone on the bus, with nobody else knowing.

01-15-2017, 08:41 PM
I've watched a bit on a long journey home on the train a few times, when I've been away for a few days... Only really because there's not much to do on a train...
you just have to be careful of the reflection on the window 😂

I think it's up to you really. Just don't get caught. I'd never do it if there was any chance of anyone seeing.

When I was at college, internet porn had just become a thing, due to net speeds getting fast, Etc. We all would head up to the top floor computer room to watch a bit of porn via proxy servers. Not to have a wank or anything, but to just glare at it whilst one of us kept watch. I think that's semi-ok.

However, one guy was caught wanking under his hoodie, and was only told about it after he'd "finished".

The room was full, he had his headphones on, and the technician caught him! Just as he left, he said to him, "You're banned from using these machines".

I didn't realise until later on. Apparently he'd been caught before and reported by a student. So they were keeping an eye on him.

I'd've moved town, and changed college!!!

01-15-2017, 08:43 PM
I think the adage "There's a time and place for everything" applies here. Have some decency and respect for others.

Totally agree with you. However, society appears to be increasingly driven by an entirely selfish attitude which completely ignores the effects on others around them, as perfectly demonstrated by holzz, entirely predictable, responses.

The question remains, could (not should) this kind of thing become the norm in years to come?

01-15-2017, 08:50 PM
cos i comically need your permission to post, cos you're a dude, and people need to heed you. but i never will, hahahaha...you'll have to glasgie kiss me for me to do so.

01-15-2017, 08:55 PM
cos i comically need your permission to post, cos you're a dude, and people need to heed you. but i never will, hahahaha...you'll have to glasgie kiss me for me to do so.

Here we go again.

01-15-2017, 08:55 PM
When I was at college, internet porn had just become a thing, due to net speeds getting fast, Etc. We all would head up to the top floor computer room to watch a bit of porn via proxy servers. Not to have a wank or anything, but to just glare at it whilst one of us kept watch. I think that's semi-ok.

However, one guy was caught wanking under his hoodie, and was only told about it after he'd "finished".

The room was full, he had his headphones on, and the technician caught him! Just as he left, he said to him, "You're banned from using these machines".

I didn't realise until later on. Apparently he'd been caught before and reported by a student. So they were keeping an eye on him.

I'd've moved town, and changed college!!!

While I was at Uni, all "adult" content was blocked, so couldn't access it even if I'd wanted to.

Heard a fair few "stories" about guys having a wank at the back of the lecture theatre's or sneaking back at night and using the projection facilities though...

01-15-2017, 08:57 PM
The question remains, could (not should) this kind of thing become the norm in years to come?

I think it could.

Our society is quite tame compared to some European and Asian countries. I can see the world being a lot more open about sex.

It reminds me a bit about a John Lennon quote,
"We live in a world where we have to hide to make love, while violence is practiced in broad daylight."

Although it's not exactly the same issue here... But sex is a natural behaviour. It's fun and healthy, when done properly.

Porn is just digital vouyerism... I'd much rather live in a society that is more accepting of porn videos than it is of violence videos.

Not sure if all kinds of porn should be viewed publicly though 😂

Interesting topic, and I'm sure they'll be a lot of differing opinions on this

01-15-2017, 08:58 PM
cos i comically need your permission to post, cos you're a dude, and people need to heed you. but i never will, hahahaha...you'll have to glasgie kiss me for me to do so.

FYI it's "Glesga"...;)

01-15-2017, 09:13 PM
I think it could.

Our society is quite tame compared to some European and Asian countries. I can see the world being a lot more open about sex.

It reminds me a bit about a John Lennon quote,
"We live in a world where we have to hide to make love, while violence is practiced in broad daylight."

Although it's not exactly the same issue here... But sex is a natural behaviour. It's fun and healthy, when done properly.

Porn is just digital vouyerism... I'd much rather live in a society that is more accepting of porn videos than it is of violence videos.

Not sure if all kinds of porn should be viewed publicly though ��

Interesting topic, and I'm sure they'll be a lot of differing opinions on this

"Openness" (for want of a better term) about sex has varied enormously throughout history. From the infamous Roman orgies (where it was also perfectly acceptable to use brothels/prostitutes and many noble families introduced their sons to sex via either slaves or prostitutes) to the prudish Victorian Britain, where a woman showing a hint of ankle in public was considered scandalous.

01-15-2017, 10:36 PM
no. the world doesn't revolve around any single individual. be respectful of others.
but by all means, go home and watch it all day/night long if that floats your boat...

01-15-2017, 11:19 PM
If it's concealed, i don't see why not. i see it sometimes on my phone on the bus, with nobody else knowing.

If you aren't jerking off, what the fuck is the purpose of watching porn? You can't find something else to do on a bus?

01-16-2017, 12:03 AM
If someones child under 18 see's it and the parents object, you going to Jail. I think theres another law about public places. But if you're on the Dark Side of the Moon watching porn and someone see's ya, tell'em to fuck themselves.

01-16-2017, 01:27 AM
No, I would not watch porn public.

No, its not acceptable behavior or nor should it ever become the norm. Just because technology has provided us means to do it, does that mean society should allow it.

I believe in having open and frank discussions when it comes to sex. As well as acceptance of what consenting adults do behind closed doors. But the overall goal of watching porn is personal gratification. In other words, keep your porn to yourself and wait until you get home to watch it.

01-16-2017, 02:39 AM
On the one hand the Indecent Displays (Control) Act 1981 appears to make the public display of pornography illegal, but does allow for the display of images or film deemed to be pornographic if it takes place in a public place such as a cinema, a theatre, television and so on; and was the law which forced sex shops to stop displaying material in the shop window and to post warning signs that pornography would be on display in the shop.

On the other hand the Act in 1981 clearly did not anticipate the emergence of technology that would enable an individual in 2017 to watch porn on a mobile device, so in addition to not including this in the Act (one assumes there may be an amendment to the Act to cover mobile devices) it also places the onus of punishment on the producers rather than the consumers:
If any indecent matter is publicly displayed the person making the display and any person causing or permitting the display to be made shall be guilty of an offence.

But even here questions arise- is the person downloading a porn film onto a mobile phone 'causing or permitting the display to be made', or could it be the phone provider if it is a contract phone, etc etc.

Another possibility is Section 5 of the Public Order Act, which governs behaviour such as swearing in public if it leads to say, a violent altercation between one or more persons. If as a result of seeing porn on another passenger's phone another member of the public becomes angry, and for example seizes the device from the owner and throws it on the ground, resulting a fight, that would come under the Public Order Act.

I think morally it is wrong because in a public place one individual should respect the right of privacy of another. For that reason I long hoped that Page 3 of The Sun newspaper would be banned by law, whereas it was allowed to remain until the paper let it die, because I have seen women embarrassed to see someone next to them on a bus open the paper at page 3, and not just women. And incidentally, in the 1970s or 1980s one of the page 3 models was 16 years old, which in the US would have made the paper liable to prosecution for printing images of an underage child.

01-16-2017, 03:16 AM
It's also good to remember that many things are illegal in most countries that you'll never get prosecuted for... for example:

'It is an act of treason to place a postage stamp bearing the British monarch upside-down'

The only laws that you can trust are the ones that are really straight forward, or ones that have recently been used to settle a recent case... but even then, every law is open to interpretation by a judge or magistrate.

If you were simply found to have been watching porn on your phone whilst you were in a public place, you'd probably get away with it.

But if someone was clearly showing a disregard for common decency, and allowing people to see what was being watched, then you'd have an issue.

Broadcasting something with the intent to allow others to freely view it would also then come under a law that deals with the broadcasting of restricted material.

As long as you were not intending anyone to see what you were watching, and you weren't performing a sexual act in public. I would highly doubt anything would happen to you.

I still think that it will become less of a 'Big Thing' in the future... as I would imagine the whole taboo surrounding the subject of porn.

I can see porn being something a lot more normal as time goes by.

01-16-2017, 04:22 AM
No it is definitely not ok.

01-16-2017, 05:15 AM
FYI it's "Glesga"...;)

it is ? i don't care. your aspergers/amusement and selection of how i can express myself is comical.

01-16-2017, 05:45 AM
It's also good to remember that many things are illegal in most countries that you'll never get prosecuted for... for example:

'It is an act of treason to place a postage stamp bearing the British monarch upside-down'

This is not true, it is a myth.

01-16-2017, 09:20 AM
it is ? i don't care. your aspergers/amusement and selection of how i can express myself is comical.

Do you know what I find most amusing about all of this? My 7 year old niece is going through exactly the same "it's not my fault, you all hate me" phase, whenever she's caught misbehaving and told off. The difference is that already she's capable of putting together a more coherent argument than you and eventually she'll grow out of it. Sadly, it appears you've reached a stage where you'll never change and will remain an ignorant manchild for the rest of your life.

By all means carry on with your trolling, but don't complain about the inevitable ridicule that will result. Alternatively, grow up. The choice is yours...:shrug

However, if you choose to label myself or anyone else as being Aspergers or Autistic again, then I will report your posts.

01-16-2017, 09:24 AM
On the one hand the Indecent Displays (Control) Act 1981 appears to make the public display of pornography illegal, but does allow for the display of images or film deemed to be pornographic if it takes place in a public place such as a cinema, a theatre, television and so on; and was the law which forced sex shops to stop displaying material in the shop window and to post warning signs that pornography would be on display in the shop.

On the other hand the Act in 1981 clearly did not anticipate the emergence of technology that would enable an individual in 2017 to watch porn on a mobile device, so in addition to not including this in the Act (one assumes there may be an amendment to the Act to cover mobile devices) it also places the onus of punishment on the producers rather than the consumers:
If any indecent matter is publicly displayed the person making the display and any person causing or permitting the display to be made shall be guilty of an offence.

But even here questions arise- is the person downloading a porn film onto a mobile phone 'causing or permitting the display to be made', or could it be the phone provider if it is a contract phone, etc etc.

Another possibility is Section 5 of the Public Order Act, which governs behaviour such as swearing in public if it leads to say, a violent altercation between one or more persons. If as a result of seeing porn on another passenger's phone another member of the public becomes angry, and for example seizes the device from the owner and throws it on the ground, resulting a fight, that would come under the Public Order Act.

I think morally it is wrong because in a public place one individual should respect the right of privacy of another. For that reason I long hoped that Page 3 of The Sun newspaper would be banned by law, whereas it was allowed to remain until the paper let it die, because I have seen women embarrassed to see someone next to them on a bus open the paper at page 3, and not just women. And incidentally, in the 1970s or 1980s one of the page 3 models was 16 years old, which in the US would have made the paper liable to prosecution for printing images of an underage child.

Thanks for highlighting those, Stavros. I thought there might be something, but (wrongly as it turns out) assumed the BBC would have done a bit more thorough homework before publishing.

01-16-2017, 02:29 PM
Do you know what I find most amusing about all of this? My 7 year old niece is going through exactly the same "it's not my fault, you all hate me" phase, whenever she's caught misbehaving and told off. The difference is that already she's capable of putting together a more coherent argument than you and eventually she'll grow out of it. Sadly, it appears you've reached a stage where you'll never change and will remain an ignorant manchild for the rest of your life.

By all means carry on with your trolling, but don't complain about the inevitable ridicule that will result. Alternatively, grow up. The choice is yours...:shrug

However, if you choose to label myself or anyone else as being Aspergers or Autistic again, then I will report your posts.

because you hold no right to tell me off...who are you? haha.. it's just you try and act big and bad, and then tell me how to post..haha. as a father (whether this is true or not, i dunno..) you really should be more responsible than that, eh? i post as i please, not what some old man with a child thinks is good or not. in your social circles, your conduct is probably acceptable, not in mine, or to me. I'm just calling you out, merely since i know your game, that's all.

01-19-2017, 01:16 AM
If someones child under 18 see's it and the parents object, you going to Jail. I think theres another law about public places. But if you're on the Dark Side of the Moon watching porn and someone see's ya, tell'em to fuck themselves.

Tell him yourself, I'm staying where I am...:hide-1:


01-20-2017, 01:17 AM
To answer the question - No

01-20-2017, 01:21 AM
I would say no.

01-20-2017, 05:12 AM
:roll::roll::roll:Oh absolutely, porn should not be viewed in public. After all, children could be present. And we all know that kids never ever watch porn at home
Right? Most parents these days are so technologically advanced that they all have the best firewalls setup and configured to block porn, spam, malware, viruses, scam sites and did I say porn. :tongue: