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View Full Version : Girls and psoriasis

12-22-2016, 07:02 AM
Hey all, been interested in seeing a TS girl for a while now but I've been hesitant cos I have psoriasis (albeit very mild) and I dunno if they'd be funny about that kinda thing? Should I be worried?

When I say I have mild psoriasis, it's on my arms and backs of my lower legs, it doesn't flake off or bleed or anything, it's not hugely red, it's not near my bits. It's just kinda there, but I'm conscious of it having had it for 20+ years.

Anyone have any experience of this sort of thing with TS girls?

Thanks all.

12-22-2016, 07:58 PM

ever looked for a treatment with pUVA? Works wonders, and lastssss a hell of a long time.

also, where short sleeves and shorts any occasion you can, in the sun. Better than any ointment you have undoubtedly been terrorized with since you were young.

12-22-2016, 09:41 PM
Yes it cleared me completely but only stayed clear for 2 weeks in my case :( have you seen any girls when you've had psoriasis?

12-23-2016, 08:47 PM
sorry no, can't help there. But know that it is a condition "in the mind". Once you don't stress about it, it will improve

12-28-2016, 02:19 AM
I think it's really sad that it affects your self esteem so badly. I'm sorry. I have dated a guy with this problem. Didn't bother me at all. Even helped him get it under control. Have a really great personality, that's what matters to me. Feel free to hit me up for private encounter when I heal, if you do not mind a few scars. :)

12-28-2016, 02:47 AM
I had acne really bad on my back for a while. I didn't want to date girls because of it. When I finally bit the bullet, and started talking about it, the girls didn't seem to care.
In my experience, confidence is a key part. If you can be confident about yourself, regardless of your condition, girls will still find you attractive. As Attraction trancends far beyond the realms of the physical.

Funnily enough, my acne cleared up quite dramatically after that.

I also read a book on how to build, strengthen and attain your own natural inner confidence. It was by Paul McKenna. This may help.

Try 'Change Your Life in 7 Days'
Or 'I Csn Make You Confident'

I hope this helps

sukumvit boy
01-02-2017, 02:12 AM
Most people tend to exaggerate the importance of what they consider flaws in their physical appearance. The wise person learns to keep a sense of perspective and get on with their lives without letting these comparatively unimportant things hold them back.
Think about it ,could you have respect for or want to spend time with the type of superficial person for whom such things really mattered ?
Far more important to present yourself be a thinking ,feeling and considerate person than the egotistical , immature and self centered dickheads that gurls often have to deal with.
Welcome to the Forum.

sukumvit boy
01-02-2017, 04:34 AM
Additionally , I recommend that you get the whole subject it out of the way first .
You may need to educate a person about psoriasis by assuring them that it is not contagious .Chances are they have friends or family with psoriasis and you have already established a common ground.