View Full Version : Travolta in Hairspray?

09-13-2006, 06:12 AM
I first saw Pink Flamingos when I was in high school. When that last scene came on, I was totally horrified. Nevertheless, I couldn't stop laughing or watching. It still freaks me out a little thinking about it.


Teabagger Vance
09-13-2006, 06:14 AM
My roommate told me yesterday that he's going to play Divine's role in a remake. I really hope not. :roll: I liked a few of the movies that he's been in, but I don't like him too much. He's another one of those weirdo cult members, like Tom Cruise.

At least if he played Babs Johnson in a remake of Pink Flamingos, he'd have to re-do that last scene. ;)

Oh, yes, it is true: http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0427327/

09-13-2006, 08:12 AM
Oh man I love Pink Flamingos. I'm glad they're not re-doing that.

09-13-2006, 11:21 AM
Hit the gym, Travolta :lol:

09-13-2006, 11:21 AM
John Waters is one of my FAVORTIE directors- genius!!!!!!! My favortie film of all time of his is "Female Trouble'- EVERY SCENE and LINE int hat movie cracks me up every time. In fact I know every line in that movie. I recently got to see it on a theater screen at a midnight movie in Chelsea, and it was surreal wathcing in a movie theater for the first time.

I am horrified that they are remaking 'Hairspray'- the orginal was sooooooo good that I don't see how this could be better. They shouls have at least gotten Harvery Fierstein to reprise his Broadway role in the film- he is way, way funnier than Travolta.

Jamie Michelle
09-13-2006, 12:27 PM
My roommate told me yesterday that he's going to play Divine's role in a remake. I really hope not. :roll: I liked a few of the movies that he's been in, but I don't like him too much. He's another one of those weirdo cult members, like Tom Cruise.

At least if he played Babs Johnson in a remake of Pink Flamingos, he'd have to re-do that last scene. ;)


John Travolta is bisexual.

Concerning Tom Cruise, he had a lot of good points to make about the dolorous psychology profession.

Although Scientology has a very dark occultic background which connects back to the globalist elite. L. Ron Hubbard was with Naval Intelligence at the time he was conjuring with Jack Parsons in fulfilling their Aleister Crowley-influenced "Babalon Working."

L. Ron Hubbard literally believed himself to be Satan--or rather, a direct conduit to Satan. As his son, L. Ron Hubbard, Jr., recounts in a Penthouse interview:

Hubbard: Also, you've got to realize that my father did not worship Satan. He thought he was Satan. He was one with Satan. He had a direct pipeline of communication and power with him. My father wouldn't have worshiped anything. I mean, when you think you're the most powerful being in the universe, you have no respect for anything, let alone worship.


Penthouse: How exactly would this work [i.e., the black magick]?

Hubbard: The explanation is sort of long and complicated. The basic rationale is that there are some powers in this universe that are pretty strong. As an example, Hitler was involved in the same black magic and the same occult practices that my father was. The identical ones. Which, as I have said, stem clear back to before Egyptian times. It's a very secret thing. Very powerful and very workable and very dangerous. Brainwashing is nothing compared to it. The proper term would be "soul cracking." It's like cracking open the soul, which then opens various doors to the power that exists, the satanic and demonic powers. Simply put, it's like a tunnel or an avenue or a doorway. Pulling that power into yourself through another person--and using women, especially--is incredibly insidious. It makes Dr. Fu Manchu look like a kindergarten student. It is the ultimate vampirism, the ultimate mind-fuck, instead of going for blood, you're going for their soul. And you take drugs in order to reach that state where you can, quite literally, like a psychic hammer, break their soul, and pull the power through. He designed his Scientology Operating Thetan techniques to do the same thing. But, of course, it takes a couple of hundred hours of auditing and mega thousands of dollars for the privilege of having your head turned into a glass Humpty Dumpy--shattered into a million pieces. It may sound like incredible gibberish, but it made my father a fortune.

(From "Interview of L. Ronald Hubbard Junior," Penthouse: The International Magazine for Men, June 1983 http://www.robertodiaz.org/interview-lrhj.html .)

See also the below "OT VIII Series I Confidential Student Briefing" of May 1980 by L. Ron Hubbard, wherein Hubbard declares that he is the fulfillment of the Antichrist. The Church of Scientology went to court to get these official Scientology documents taken down from websites on the grounds of copyright law, but the judge in the case ruled that on grounds of public interest the copyright does not apply.

No doubt you are familiar with the Revelations section of the Bible where various events are predicted. Also mentioned is a brief period of time in which an arch-enemy of Christ, referred to as the anti-Christ, will reign and his opinions will have sway. All this makes for very fantastic, entertaining reading but there is truth in it. This anti-Christ represents the forces of Lucifer (literally, the "light bearers" or "light bringer"), Lucifer being a mythical representation of the forces of enlightenment, the Galactic Confederacy. My mission could be said to fulfill the Biblical promise represented by this brief anti-Christ period.

(From "OT VIII Series I Confidential Student Briefing" by L. Ron Hubbard, May 1980 http://www.xs4all.nl/~kspaink/fishman/ot8b.html .)

It's also interesting to note that the Scientology publication Freedom has been outspoken about the abuses of the psychology profession and of government mind control projects, such as MK-Ultra. Considering L. Ron Hubbard's stint in Naval Intelligence, and his obsession with Aleister Crowley and black magick, it appears that such criticisms made by Scientology are ultimately loyal opposition, i.e., making valid criticisms of abuses by government as a way of gaining the patronage of skeptics of mainline psychology, when in reality they're just being herded into another system of control by the same ruling power. (When I say "ultimately loyal opposition" I mean at the highest levels of Scientology, as probably most of the Scientologist writers making these valid criticisms are sincere.)

For example, see the below article on MK-Ultra Dr. Louis Jolyon ("Jolly") West:

"A Clockwork Orange Career--The maestro of 'mind-control' continues to haunt America," Freedom:


Tom Cruise saluting David Miscavige, the Chairman of the Board of the Religious Technology Center of Scientology, at a meeting of the International Association of Scientologists.

09-13-2006, 07:28 PM
Travolta should definately have stopped after his Pulp Fiction comeback. What's funny is that I think he was nominated for Best Actor and Sam Jackson got a Supporting Actor nom (or they may have won, I don't know) at the Oscars that year.

The story is about Sam Jacksons character, that's the whole story arc. Travolta is actually dead in the middle of the movie.

Unbelievable. But yes, you can't remake a John Waters movie. The idea itself is retarded.

Now if John Waters made a remake of the remake, that might work. Somebody call his agent :!:

Hehe, I've found a work around for my exclamation key problem. . .

09-13-2006, 08:42 PM
um..... I thought everyone ate dogshit?

errrrr. is there summmit wrong with me?

he he he