View Full Version : Emoticons or smilies.

09-12-2006, 12:55 PM
Hi all,

I've just returned from a visit to another board where I'm also a member.


One of the many things that has continued to impress me about them is the set of smilies that they use.

The set (attached below) is very humourous and is so appropriate to the type of board that they and we are. Some of the smilies are animated and some are not. Has anyone else seen these before, if so, where?

I've posted a question asking if the set is unique and if not what are they called and where can they be found.

What do the moderators and members think of the set?


09-14-2006, 12:02 PM
Hi all,

325 view and no comments, hmmm.

Doesn't anyone have an opinion about these smilies or emoticons?


09-14-2006, 03:58 PM

09-14-2006, 04:12 PM

Hi popperluv,

"One picture is worth a thousand words".

Very succinct, 'nuff said.


09-14-2006, 10:40 PM

Emoticon technology has come a long way from page-long ASCII art to get a point across graphically. :D

I think there's a catalog in each php forum program that lets the mods decide which are best for the particular forum. One that I go to has so many available that it's become a bit of a chore to icon shop.

I was amused and pleased when HA added these useful little guys:

:peanutbutter :popcorn :shrug

I use them often. :slimer

09-14-2006, 10:45 PM
i just joined

09-14-2006, 11:05 PM
I'm not trying to be negative or mean towards Spedius, but the times I read some of his posts I get this mental image of Ron Howard.

Nothing wrong with good manners, but. . . it does sound a bit odd at times.

09-14-2006, 11:18 PM
We have plenty of emoticons and are constantly adding more.

09-16-2006, 10:03 AM
Emoticon technology has come a long way from page-long ASCII art to get a point across graphically. :D
I think there's a catalog in each php forum program that lets the mods decide which are best for the particular forum. One that I go to has so many available that it's become a bit of a chore to icon shop.
I was amused and pleased when HA added these useful little guys:
:peanutbutter :popcorn :shrug
I use them often. :slimer

Hi BeardedOne,

Thank you for your interesting reply.


09-16-2006, 10:04 AM
i just joined

Hi xxMelanie4uxx,



09-16-2006, 10:16 AM
I'm not trying to be negative or mean towards Spedius, but the times I read some of his posts I get this mental image of Ron Howard. Nothing wrong with good manners, but. . . it does sound a bit odd at times.

Hi hondarobot,

I'm relearning the art of conversation through the medium of this and other forums so, if my writing style is a bit stilted, you'll have to excuse me.

Please tell me what you find odd with the things that I write about or the way in which I express myself.


PS. The Ron Howard of "Happy Days" persona or Ron Howard the director persona?

09-16-2006, 10:25 AM
We have plenty of emoticons and are constantly adding more.

Hi NYCe,

This is a great forum and in no way was my opening post meant as a criticism, it was merely a suggestion, offering some alternatives.

I believe that forums in general are intially set up and run by the moderators but the content is driven by the members, within the original framework, of course.

One of the most exciting things about this forum is that we are able to combine images, links and words in our posts. We are only restricted if we post links to other forums of a similar type. Witness the edit to my opening post.

I would be interested to read your own views on the direction that this forum is taking.


09-16-2006, 02:05 PM
I'm not trying to be negative or mean towards Spedius, but the times I read some of his posts I get this mental image of Ron Howard. Nothing wrong with good manners, but. . . it does sound a bit odd at times.

Hi hondarobot,

I'm relearning the art of conversation through the medium of this and other forums so, if my writing style is a bit stilted, you'll have to excuse me.

Please tell me what you find odd with the things that I write about or the way in which I express myself.


PS. The Ron Howard of "Happy Days" persona or Ron Howard the director persona?

Oh for fucks sake, Ron Howard Is Ron Howard, he's Mayberry USA personified. Nothing wrong with that, it just is what it is.

I just got done having three hours of sex with a really hot girl, she kinda had a Rose McGowen (or however you spell her name) look going on.

Sent her home in a cab. Now I'm drinking a bit of whiskey and regaining my strength a bit. Most people right now are waking up and having pancakes.

Since you're trying to relearn the "art of conversation", I'll tell you the trick:

Don't Try. Just be real and honest and if you come across as a boring guy, take the steps to not be boring. Read the newspaper, surf the web, find interesting things to talk about.

And live life. You get one shot at it. This is it.

09-16-2006, 03:41 PM
I'm not trying to be negative or mean towards Spedius, but the times I read some of his posts I get this mental image of Ron Howard. Nothing wrong with good manners, but. . . it does sound a bit odd at times.

Hi hondarobot,

I'm relearning the art of conversation through the medium of this and other forums so, if my writing style is a bit stilted, you'll have to excuse me.

Please tell me what you find odd with the things that I write about or the way in which I express myself.


PS. The Ron Howard of "Happy Days" persona or Ron Howard the director persona?

Oh for fucks sake, Ron Howard Is Ron Howard, he's Mayberry USA personified. Nothing wrong with that, it just is what it is.

I just got done having three hours of sex with a really hot girl, she kinda had a Rose McGowen (or however you spell her name) look going on.

Sent her home in a cab. Now I'm drinking a bit of whiskey and regaining my strength a bit. Most people right now are waking up and having pancakes.

Since you're trying to relearn the "art of conversation", I'll tell you the trick:

Don't Try. Just be real and honest and if you come across as a boring guy, take the steps to not be boring. Read the newspaper, surf the web, find interesting things to talk about.

And live life. You get one shot at it. This is it.

Wow 3 hours, you big spender you.... :violin

09-16-2006, 09:23 PM
Hi all,

Just a few goodies I've found.


PS. hondarobot, points taken.

PPS. Help! How do I attach a zip file containing 100 smilies? :banghead

09-16-2006, 10:22 PM
i just joined

No you didn't, sweetie, you've just been lurking. :wink:

I just got done having three hours of sex with a really hot girl,...

Well fuck for you, baby! :lol:

I'm jealous. Go listen to some Thomas Newman and chill. :D

spedius, love the "kneel suckers" one. :lol:

09-17-2006, 12:02 AM
I'm not trying to be negative or mean towards Spedius, but the times I read some of his posts I get this mental image of Ron Howard. Nothing wrong with good manners, but. . . it does sound a bit odd at times.

Hi hondarobot,

I'm relearning the art of conversation through the medium of this and other forums so, if my writing style is a bit stilted, you'll have to excuse me.

Please tell me what you find odd with the things that I write about or the way in which I express myself.


PS. The Ron Howard of "Happy Days" persona or Ron Howard the director persona?

Oh for fucks sake, Ron Howard Is Ron Howard, he's Mayberry USA personified. Nothing wrong with that, it just is what it is.

I just got done having three hours of sex with a really hot girl, she kinda had a Rose McGowen (or however you spell her name) look going on.

Sent her home in a cab. Now I'm drinking a bit of whiskey and regaining my strength a bit. Most people right now are waking up and having pancakes.

Since you're trying to relearn the "art of conversation", I'll tell you the trick:

Don't Try. Just be real and honest and if you come across as a boring guy, take the steps to not be boring. Read the newspaper, surf the web, find interesting things to talk about.

And live life. You get one shot at it. This is it.

Wow 3 hours, you big spender you.... :violin

She wasn't an escort, I didn't spend anything (cash wise, at least).

I'm not saying I have anything against sex for money. Seems like one of the best ways a person can spend their cash, really, when you think about it. I just can't afford it.

Good thing I can still land drunk scenester girls, though.


09-17-2006, 12:16 AM
:claps :claps :claps

09-17-2006, 01:26 AM
Oh for fucks sake, Ron Howard Is Ron Howard, he's Mayberry USA personified.

Hey, could be Clint Howard. Scary. :shock:

09-17-2006, 02:16 AM
When I see one I might use I snag it.I know they are silly but here's a few of them anyway.





09-17-2006, 10:34 AM
spedius, love the "kneel suckers" one. :lol:

Hi BeardedOne,

They're fun, have you got any like them :?:


09-17-2006, 10:37 AM
:claps :claps :claps

Hi Musclehead_tsluvr,

Got any more? :rock2


09-17-2006, 10:49 AM
When I see one I might use I snag it.I know they are silly but here's a few of them anyway.

Hi Jasadin,

Whilst I was asleep :sleep you've been very busy, nice job. :claps

If we see a sudden upsurge in smilies attached to posts from now on we'll know it's all down to this thread, please keep 'em cumming.

Here's another for your collection.


09-18-2006, 03:13 PM
Hi all,

Here's another smilie for your collection

Do you have any stored on your HD, please post them here?

Let's make this thread the ultimate resource for smilies.



09-19-2006, 12:18 PM
Hi all,

Here's another smilie for your collection

Do you have any stored on your HD, please post them here?

Let's make this thread the ultimate resource for smilies.



09-20-2006, 03:29 PM
Hi all,

Here's another smilie for your collection

Do you have any stored on your HD, please post them here?

Let's make this thread the ultimate resource for smilies.

