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  1. #51
    Professional Poster Paulistano's Avatar
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    Default Re: Perfect russian shemales

    Very nice! Names of them please, Ilya...

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  2. #52
    Veteran Poster Ilya's Avatar
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    Default Re: Perfect russian shemales

    Very nice! Names of them please, Ilya...
    Names will give you nothing, we don't have shemale porn in Russia, only escorts...

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  3. #53
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    Default Re: Perfect russian shemales

    Wow, you've got some wonderful looking women over there in Russia my friend, thanks for the pictures!

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  4. #54
    I'm voting for TRUMP now dammit!!! Platinum Poster Dino Velvet's Avatar
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    Default Re: Perfect russian shemales

    Quote Originally Posted by Ilya View Post
    Names will give you nothing, we don't have shemale porn in Russia, only escorts...
    Dude, you're one of the few Russians around here. Stick around and educate us on the scene there. I was surprised to read that there is no shemale porn in Russia. Do you guys have tough porn laws? I hate how in Japan they pixelate the goodies on those cute girls. There you can show vomit, cum, and blood but a vagina is considered off limits.

    What part of Russia do you live? Ever been to the US? If you come here, get out to LA. The scene will blow your mind and you might meet a nice gal to blow something else.

    You're a good dude, Ilya. Thanks again for the pics.

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  5. #55
    Professional Poster alyssaluxor's Avatar
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    Default Re: Perfect russian shemales

    Quote Originally Posted by Ilya View Post
    Does it means that i'm hot?))))))))
    Yes you are HOT baby!

    Now show me some more sexy pics of you please *wink*

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  6. #56
    Junior Poster
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    Default Re: Perfect russian shemales

    Ilya>>>Russia is very big, we have many nationalities,

    Well, 108 nationalities in general and 82 of them are considered as Asiatic originated nationalities.

    Ilya>>>half of the population is what you called ''people from Russia''

    Who are these, "people from Russia" ? The Russians ? Or the other 107 nationalities ?

    Ilya>>> and second half consists of other RUSSIAN nationalities such as tatars, buryats and many others not "painted" and well "decorated" Caucasians as you think

    The Tatars, the Buryats and "many others" are not the Russians. They are the Tatars, the Buryats, etc. The difference among them and Russians is evident. But of course, they know speaking russian language.

    By the way, on the pictures that you post here there are the "painted" Caucasians only. No Tatars, no Buryats, no Bashkirs, no Mordva and of course - no Russians. So, it simply looks more like the market SM escort services promotion in Russia.

    Ilya>>>Not all Russians have blonde hair and blue eyes as you may think

    For example, your photo can be identified as the photo of traditional etchnic Russian from Siberia or from the North regions of this country. In the Central Russia the faces like yours are now the "history" due to repressions of Soviet Era and the WWII.

    Ilya>>>and we don't have bears on streets and we don't drink vodka every day))))

    Oh, no. It really depends. In Siberia and even in small villages of the Central Russia you can easily meet both these “traditional” specificities of Russia. And especially this winter, because of very arid summer of 2010. So, because of it, there is no problem to meet the bears ant the wolfs on the city dumps now. And even on the city streets there they try to find some food. As for the vodka, - you are right, people in modern Russia prefer drinking more synthetic beer than vodka.

    Ilya>>>LOL I'm Russian who live in Russia and you are trying to prove me who's Russian and who's not

    Really ? Well, then you should know that this sentence “Спасибо товарищ !” must look differently: “Спасибо, товарищ !”. The difference is evident. And of course, in modern Russia people don't use this expression anymore. It's almost forgotten now. But it's very popular as a part of so-called "Russian image" in ex-socialist countries of Europe, there people don't know that this expression is already out of use in Russia itself.


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    Last edited by Avers; 03-22-2011 at 10:49 PM.

  7. #57
    Veteran Poster Ilya's Avatar
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    Default Re: Perfect russian shemales

    The Tatars, the Buryats and "many others" are not the Russians. They are the Tatars, the Buryats, etc. The difference among them and Russians is evident. But of course, they know speaking russian language.
    By the way, on the pictures that you post here there are the "painted" Caucasians only. No Tatars, no Buryats, no Bashkirs, no Mordva and of course - no Russians. So, it simply looks more like the market SM escort services promotion in Russia.
    For example, your photo can be identified as the photo of traditional etchnic Russian from Siberia or from the North regions of this country. In the Central Russia the faces like yours are now the "history" due to repressions of Soviet Era and the WWII.
    Really ? Well, then you should know that this sentence “Спасибо товарищ !” must look differently: “Спасибо, товарищ !”. The difference is evident. And of course, in modern Russia people don't use this expression anymore. It's almost forgotten now. But it's very popular as a part of so-called "Russian image" in ex-socialist countries of Europe, there people don't know that this expression is already out of use in Russia itself.
    Well Avers, any Russians will laugh just like i do when they hear you))) Due to you afroamericans are not americans))))
    Tatars and others are Russian nationalities for 700 years and some even more, my look isn't typical on the north of Russia, like in Finland or Sweden, but not because of the WW II, it's because of the tatars-mongol yoke, we study it here even in the first class of school, you know nothing about our history and our geography you are just trying to show of but you look so stupid to me cause i live here and i know everything about my country and you know nothing
    I don't always use punctuation marks when i write on Russian, this word "товарищ" was just a joke and we use it as a joke, but sometimes we use it in real life, for example, when we want to ask judge something in sports competitions we ask ''товарищ судья, сколько времени осталось до конца тайма?''
    If you think that i'm not Russian try to translate this "modern" Russian:
    Послушай, паля, ты нихера не знаешь ни про наш язык, ни про нашу историю, ни про географию, а тем более про наших девушек, че ты доебался, я в душе не ебу, я читаю твои сообщения и понимаю, что любому русскому показать их и сказать, что это американец написал, дак они от ржаки сдохнут, заканчивай со своей хуйнёй, ты позоришь свою страну, выставляя себя клоуном.

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    Last edited by Ilya; 03-09-2011 at 12:24 PM.

  8. #58
    Doctor Screw is my bitch Silver Poster lisaparadise's Avatar
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    Default Re: Perfect russian shemales

    Quote Originally Posted by Ilya View Post
    If you think that i'm not Russian try to translate this "modern" Russian:
    Послушай, паля, ты нихера не знаешь ни про наш язык, ни про нашу историю, ни про географию, а тем более про наших девушек, че ты доебался, я в душе не ебу, я читаю твои сообщения и понимаю, что любому русскому показать их и сказать, что это американец написал, дак они от ржаки сдохнут, заканчивай со своей хуйнёй, ты позоришь свою страну, выставляя себя клоуном.

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  9. #59
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    Default Re: Perfect russian shemales

    Ilya>>>Due to you afroamericans are not americans

    No, they are. But it does not mean that the Caucasians or the Czechs on you photos are the Russians.

    Ilya>>>my look isn't typical on the north of Russia, like in Finland or Sweden,

    You are right. You don’t look like people from the Finland or for the Sweden. It’s evident. But you look like people from Arkhangelsk or Murmansk areas. This is the North of the Central Russia. Of course, we speak about native residents of these areas and not of these people who arrived there to gain big money in Soviet Era.

    Ilya>>>Tatars and others are Russian nationalities for 700 years and some even more … we study it here even in the first class of school

    Poor guy. Please, check better the Encyclopaedias of Russian history to resolve this question. And never say in the future that the Tatars are the Russians or one of the Russian nationalities.

    But anyway, you are right. The education level in modern Russia is not the same as it was in USSR. AFAIK, about 38% of modern russian schoolboys consider that the Sun turns around the Earth. And here we speak about even more complicated question – about the history of creation of the Russian State and about the structure of nationalities in this country.

    Ilya>>> I don't always use punctuation marks when i write on Russian

    If you don’t respect your native (or country official) language, this means only that you don’t repsect your own country, your own people and your own history. It means only that.

    Ilya>>> ''товарищ судья, сколько времени осталось до конца тайма

    “Товарищ судья” means “the referee”. This is an idiomatic expression that has the Soviet origins, as also as the same expression “товарищ” used in russian military structures (it can be translated as “comrade”, “friend”, “colleague”, etc.). But ordinary people never use it anymore even as a joke or something like this. This popular word of Soviet Era is already “dead” for about 20 years.

    Ilya>>> If you think that i'm not Russian try to translate this "modern" Russian:

    “Listen, Pal, you do not f**kingly know nothing about our language, neither about our history, nor about geography, and even more so about our girls, - you f**k me on, - I don’t f**k anybody’s soul, - I read your posts and I understand that if I show them to any native Russian and I say that this text has been written by American, this person will die of stupid laugh because of it, - you should stop with your f**ing garbage, - now you're dishonoring your country by portraying yourself as a clown.”

    Understandable. But not impressive. At all. And even more so. The question is that there are two continents of America, - the North and the South Americas. Plus, the countries of the Central America. Well, - what region of these Americas you mean then you write “this text has been written by American” ?


    Unfortunately, no. You can read the translation of this text above. But you are right. This kude is funny even for this place. Say, - like the dancing bear with russian balalaika.

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    Last edited by Avers; 03-22-2011 at 10:50 PM.

  10. #60
    Veteran Poster Ilya's Avatar
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    Default Re: Perfect russian shemales

    What part of Russia do you live? Ever been to the US? If you come here, get out to LA. The scene will blow your mind and you might meet a nice gal to blow something else.
    I live near Moscow... I have never been in USA, maybe next year...
    Shemales are not so popular here(don't know why), thats why we don't have shemale porn...
    Thanks Dino for your support
    Yes you are HOT baby!

    Now show me some more sexy pics of you please *wink*
    Maybe, maybe))))
    I think they would love it lol Your gorgeous baby *wink*

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