View Poll Results: Do you believe aliens exist and visit our earth?

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  • Yes, i believe aliens exist and visit earth. I believe UFOs and USOs exist.

    19 73.08%
  • I don't even if astronauts, pilots and ex-NASA officials say they do.

    7 26.92%
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  1. #41
    Veteran Poster
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    Default Re: Do you believe aliens exist and visit our planet Earth?

    It would be statistically irresponsible to assume extraterrestrial life does not exist. The likelihood is too high. As far as them visiting the Earth, who knows.

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  2. #42
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    Default Re: Do you believe aliens exist and visit our planet Earth?

    Quote Originally Posted by Stavros View Post
    So you see, there are rational reasons to explain why Thor was only in the USA and did not bother to bring his cure for cancer to little England and lay it on the desk of pioneering cancer specialist Richard Doll -perhaps this fantastically intelligent white guy from Venus had never heard of Oxford University, or maybe it was because Doll was a scientist and not a preacher.
    Maybe he'd heard of Oxford University and wasn't that impressed

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  3. #43
    Hung Angel Platinum Poster trish's Avatar
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    Default Re: Do you believe aliens exist and visit our planet Earth?

    I’m sorry, but I’m just so confused. You tell me a whole solar system passed through what was to be our solar system. It swept through once, and was apparently going slow enough to be pulled back and passed through again.

    What i have read is that when Nibiru's solar system passed though what was to become our solar system, one of Nibiru's moons collided with Tiamat and caused it to split into two. Then, miilleniums later, when the Nibiru solar system, again, passed through our solar system, Nibiru struck the two pieces and that created the Earth, the asteroid belt and the comets we see.
    Or maybe all of that happened even during the SAME Nibiru passing, i wasn't there taking notes.
    Okay. You weren’t there taking notes, so maybe there was only one pass. Nevertheless, another star passing right through our solar system is not an unimportant event. One single planet might tweak the orbits of a few other planets if it came within their gravitational influence...but every planet would be within the influence of second, passing star. Wow-an stellar interloper would be incredible! Since stellar distances are so vast and the momentum of the interloping system was slow enough to allow for the gravitational interactions you describe, one would expect the star would still be shining brightly in our neighborhood today... with Nibiru still in tow.

    Lo, when I watched the Sacred YouTubes I found no mention of another solar system passing through ours. They do mention a planet Nibiru which is part of our solar system which follows an elongated orbit (which appears in the Sacred YouTubes to be roughly in the plane of ecliptic). They show that Nibiru got so close to the planet Tiamat that one its moons collided with Tiamat and tore into two pieces etc. etc. Lucky for us the Anunnaki were there to see it all, and they did take notes.

    So what am I to believe? One pass or two passes? Just a planet or a whole solar system? I didn’t say any of this didn’t happen (yet). Whatever happened definitely happened, I can’t deny that. But now we have two different versions. On one hand a planet, or the other a whole solar system. It’s so confusing? But clearly, whatever happened happened. Right?

    Okay, I forgive you. You obviously made a mistake. When you were writing the post you remembered solar system, but clearly you misremembered. The Sacred YouTubes say it was just a planet. No harm done. The difference between a rogue planet and rouge solar system is a minor variation when it comes to good fiction. What I can’t forgive is you suggesting we watch all this bad fiction.

    You know the universe is a stupendously wonderful place. Big bangs, black holes blowing bubbles in interstellar gas, wormholes, stellar nurseries, the chemistry life. You don’t have to make up shit to entertain yourself or worse yet read other people’s bad made up shit. You can apply yourself to learning something real. Take a mooc, they’re practically free. Interested in the origins of life and extraterrestrial life? Try reading Into the Cool by Eric Schneider and Dorian Sagan.
    Or if fiction is your bag, read some good fiction. Want something really out there, try The Bone Clocks by David Mitchell (just don’t mistake it non-fiction).

    I agree (in part) with dreamon. There’s a good statistical argument to made for the existence of extraterrestrial life. I even think it can be wholly different from what one might expect. Any place where there is a very long-lived energy flux might be a place to search for life in one form or another. Reproducing currents in the interior of a star, or the accretion disc of a black hole. There may be extraterrestrial life in the solar system. I’m hoping for microscopic lifeforms under the ice of Titan, maybe on Mars. It may be the case, but I currently see no evidence for it, that life originally drifted from elsewhere and seeded Earth. It’s called interplanetary panspermia. I’m less optimistic about deliberate extraterrestrial visitations to Earth, quite a bit less optimistic.

    This is my last post today. Going out tonight. Catch you all later.

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    "...I no longer believe that people's secrets are defined and communicable, or their feelings full-blown and easy to recognize."_Alice Munro, Chaddeleys and Flemings.

    "...the order in creation which you see is that which you have put there, like a string in a maze, so that you shall not lose your way". _Judge Holden, Cormac McCarthy's, BLOOD MERIDIAN.

  4. #44
    Silver Poster fred41's Avatar
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    Default Re: Do you believe aliens exist and visit our planet Earth?

    Quote Originally Posted by dreamon View Post
    It would be statistically irresponsible to assume extraterrestrial life does not exist. The likelihood is too high. As far as them visiting the Earth, who knows.
    Well, I believe while the probability is high that there is life somewhere out 'there'...I also believe the probability that there is intelligent life advanced enough to communicate with us (assuming also that they were able to survive their technological evolution) is much, much smaller.
    Still...much, much smaller is still a lot.
    Don't know if the Drake Equation still applies in schools, but here is Carl Sagan on it:

    Here's an interesting article on the Fermi Paradox (if other intelligent life exists, why hasn't it contacted us yet?) spoilers, I haven't finished reading it

    ...anyway - there could be a lot; there could be some; and yes, could just very well be us....

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    Last edited by fred41; 02-15-2015 at 02:58 AM.

  5. #45
    Senior Member Veteran Poster Dahlia Babe Ailhad's Avatar
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    Lightbulb Re: Do you believe aliens exist and visit our planet Earth?

    See how unpleasant it feels when someone is not very nice? I don't like being like that.

    Hi Trish,

    I see no point in me regurgitating other peoples' research findings and trying to paraphrase it all for the sake of a discussion. You've seen i can write long posts that use my words, beliefs, ideas and so forth.
    But to ask me to "discuss" these scientific findings as if i am the person who has all of this knowledge in my head like my phone number, is a big request.

    I prefer to post the links i've found and if anyone is interested enough in knowing more, they can investigate for themselves. I can't explain it all. However, i think i can point people in the right direction.
    I am afraid of making an error in the story and appear to be either misleading folks or causing them to waste their time which would be a "waste of time" caused by me.

    To answer your question, some of your questions, though, i will try to do my best with my limited ability.

    There is a "mini" solar system having a 3600 year, elliptical orbit around our sun.
    It has existed for ages of time. It has passed through our solar system where we are now - before the Earth was formed - many times in the past ages. It does not always wreak havoc, as it all depends on how our planets are positioned when the mini solar system passes through ours.
    That 3600 year elliptical orbit goes (i think) in the opposite direction as the planets do in our solar system.
    In the mini solar system, there are several planets (maybe 5 or 7, i forget), and moons, all orbiting around it's OWN dwarf, dark star (a sister-star to our own Sun).
    One of those planets is called, Nibiru, and is a large planet said to be like 7 times the size of Earth. I think the largest planet in the mini solar system is named, Nemesis, and is really huge compared to Nibiru.

    Before Earth was formed, all the same planets as today were in our solar system, except Earth, which was, in fact, another planet called, Ti Amat, and was full of water.
    During a passing of the mini solar system through OUR solar system, the moons of Nibiru, and perhaps, also, of the other planets in the mini solar system, collided with Ti Amat and split Ti Amat into two halves.
    The mini solar system went back into space along it's own elliptical orbit for another 3600 years.
    Now, trish, i am not sure if the two broken halves of Ti Amat were left orbiting in our solar system until the mini system came back again (after 3600 years) or if Nibiru, itself, collided with the two Ti Amat halves during the same pass through our solar system when the moons split Ti Amat into two halves - "I was not there taking notes."

    However, when Nibiru DID finally collide with Ti Amat's two halves, during a passing through our solar system (and i do not know during which passing this happened), one half was forced into an orbit which became Earth, while the other half was smashed up into much smaller bits and "scattered" and became the asteroid belt and comets (remember, it's mostly water and Earth has lots of water and comets are like rocks mixed with water - muddy snow balls) and the asteroid belt is comprised of like, "stationary" rocks of ice (or whatever).
    Now, since then, the mini solar system passed by many times but did not always cause damage.
    In the Bible, it mentions in Genesis about the firmament (above and below), separating the "waters above" (asteroid belt) the earth from the water below (Earth's oceans).

    The Bible tells the plagiarized story of this event as "In the beginning...blah blah blah...."
    THAT, was all written by MEN much later, when, someone got the idea to control mankind by using ancient Sumerian scrolls or tablets and create a dogma - maybe it was Satan as that is his duty - to trick and deceive - but i'll digress from that topic.

    Now, on Nibiru, lives the race of aliens called the Anunnaki (Hebrew) Anakim or the Biblical Elohim our true God(s)) who are aliens, and who created human kind by genetic modification of primitive man, at that time to work as a slave race in search of gold to save Nibiru's deteriorating atmosphere (long story).

    Some of these Anunnaki were left on the Earth, as the mini solar system went back out into space, and they became known as the Watchers (Biblical Angels) who later "came in to the daughters of men (gold mining slaves)" when mankind were able to reproduce after successive attempts of gene modification.

    That is why i am so anti-religion but i DO believe in a God (or race of Gods) which is why the Old Testament seems to have a nice God, and an evil, jealous, punishing nasty God.

    Mr Sitchin really explains it all much more eloquently than i do.

    Jewish, Muslim, Christian, and all the rest are man made religions or philosophies.
    To worship any of them is a sin in the eyes of the one true God or race of Gods who gave our ONE human-race, life (i'll digress from that, also).
    I think i've read somewhere that the Anunnaki have different races amongst them ie; Black (Negro); White; Red; Yellow, Black/Brown East Indian.
    However, this is a thread which should be discussing whether or not we believe aliens visit our planet Earth, not where man stems from, BUT it's all related to Nibiru - where "God" allegedly lives.
    For many years, Nibiru's dust cloud has been seen and written about by ancient people, who saw it coming towards Earth, as if it looks like a cross in the sky, which would explain THAT religious symbolism and it's origins.
    I am really kind of baffled by Jesus, but in John 1:1 it says, "In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God."
    In the New Testament, Jesus is referred to as, the Word.
    And, right in the first sentence of the Torah, God is mentioned.
    It could be reasonably argued that Jesus is God. And that Jesus was an alien if He is the Son of God, AND how God or the Elohim (aliens) is/are the God(s) who genetically modified primitive man to be us as slaves.
    Now, these days, we're are all slaves to differing dogmas which create wars and hatred amongst God's children.
    So complicated, yet, so related/connected to the Anunnaki race.
    That's why i'd rather prefer to post links about Nibiru. BUT you wanted ME to explain some things and i did, so there - Pbbbb!. As always, i say too much.

    I know i went waaaaay off topic from the topic discussion of this thread but Eleh Ha-chaim.

    The first link is right up your alley. I HOPE you view it, as well as, all the other links i have provided and will provide.
    Nibiru 101, trish. This video should answer many of your burning questions only IF you watch it. Grab a cup of mud and sit back for about an hour. This guy is your kind of people - smart.
    I'm not smart like that.

    This link shows an interesting image of Nibiru's mini solar system as it is either arriving at or departing from our solar system. Have a look at that. It will give you an idea of how it looks.

    Quote Originally Posted by trish View Post
    I'm only asking if Nibiru had its own star and if it did why can't we see it now?...

    ...I didn't ask you for proof. I'm not now...
    The following links are home videos which normal, everyday (but informed) people have recorded at either sunrise or sunset from various parts of the world. They all show, i think it's, Nemesis as a SECOND Sun alongside our SUN. Check it out!

    There are tons of these videos readily available online.
    AND yes, there are some fakes out there on the net which show videos filmed through double windows which results with a 'reflection', and they think that is the second sun lol.
    I have carefully selected these links for you, WATCH them, all, please, my blackberry sweety-pie.

    Quote Originally Posted by trish View Post
    Though if you want, you can offer a refutation of my proof that Nibiru and its star can't be much further than a light-year away.
    Oufff! Trish, you are so flattering when treating me as someone who is almost one-quarter-as-educated-as you.
    I'll strongly suggest you watch the first video i've presented in THIS post in which the velocity of the Nibiru solar system is discussed in speed/per second, and you can probably figure it all out with a few calculations when it will arrive. That way you'll know when to start making your OWN hat made of lead.
    Maybe Uncle Leo can do the same, as i strongly sense he could calculate well.
    I don't have that many fingers and toes with which to calculate figures like that.

    I am no scientist trish! I am just a uneducated, hungry mind. I would like for you to let me know how long it will take to arrive so i can make my lead hat and try to dig a hole deep enough to hide in so the HORRENDOUS effects of this system coming at us won't affect me ('good luck with that' i tell myself).

    What is coming is what had caused the extinction of the dinosaurs, covered Altantis, AND also caused the Biblical deluge For more on THAT opinion, you will have to study Mr.Sitchen's theories. AND I DON'T care what Stavros' wikipedia article says about Mr. Sitchen, as wikipedia is very biased concerning "certain topics" that clearly go 'against the grain' of the common societal beliefs.

    The passing of Nibiru was responsible for every myth humans refer to as ancient myths where destruction and certain extinctions occurred.
    Our civilization will, no doubt, become a myth for future humanoid generations to ponder if the passing wipes us out, too.
    Go ahead and laugh, with your engineering book on your lap. Laugh yourself silly, girl. I'd love to watch/see you laughing. Watching people laugh is a such a beautiful thing in life to behold.
    As crying is the most heart wrenching thing to behold. Which is why i can't drink alcohol, because... all i do is cry when i get drunk...well, i mean...after the party has ended and i find myself alone - not good.

    MOOC sounds cool but i might find myself arguing with the profs, too much.

    Quote Originally Posted by Dahlia Babe Almost-Knows-It-All


    Quote Originally Posted by Babe

    .............../ \....................



    Last edited by Dahlia Babe Ailhad; 02-15-2015 at 10:05 AM.
    "I just wish you'd shut the fuck up for a bit. You're a bit too self-important." - GroobySteven

    "You are, indeed, the dumbest dipshit on the internet." - trish

    "I can't stand Dahlia Babe Ailhad, I want to reach into my screen and grab the DBA by (its) neck and just squeeze tightly until it stops kicking." - AshlynCreamher

    "You have been banned for the following reason:
    Derailing threads and absolutely irritation self promotion. Grow up." - HungAngels moderator

  6. #46
    Senior Member Gold Poster Laphroaig's Avatar
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    Default Re: Do you believe aliens exist and visit our planet Earth?

    Quote Originally Posted by broncofan View Post
    Maybe he'd heard of Oxford University and wasn't that impressed
    Quite right "Oxford is a complete dump"

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  7. #47
    Senior Member Gold Poster Laphroaig's Avatar
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    Default Re: Do you believe aliens exist and visit our planet Earth?

    Dahlia, I've had a quick look but can't find any evidence of exactly how Mr Stichin is qualified to make those "scientific assertions". In fact, calling them such is an insult to the scientific community in general (of which I am part and have been for over 20 years, with the qualifications to prove it).

    ps. I don't mind you spelling my name wrong or even that you spelt whiskey wrongly (in Scotland, where we invented it, it's whisky, no e) but if you are going to quote someone and post his videos as "proof", at least get his name right.

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    Last edited by Laphroaig; 02-15-2015 at 11:19 AM.

  8. #48
    Senior Member Gold Poster Laphroaig's Avatar
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    Default Re: Do you believe aliens exist and visit our planet Earth?

    edit: Mr Sitchin....oops (apologies)

    Last edited by Laphroaig; 02-15-2015 at 12:52 PM.

  9. #49
    Senior Member Veteran Poster Dahlia Babe Ailhad's Avatar
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    Default Re: Do you believe aliens exist and visit our planet Earth?

    High Laphroaig and everbody,

    U R such a nice Scotchman. I tink Scotch peeple frum Scotchland ar reely kool - well, sumtymes.

    We shud get 2-gether won dey so eye kan feel up ur qilt an du sum funknee tings 2 ur weener.

    We kan evin pley skrapble if u wood like dat.
    Its okay if u yuse a dickshunary.
    Howeber, u myght B mor conserned bi calling mi Dalhia wen eye introdused myselv as Babe.

    Eye have bin called, Babe, fer ober ten yeers.
    Eye no sum peeple like 2 tri 2 make me feel less dan a "babe", by calling me Dahlia, butt still, Babe, is my ofishal eskort name.


    Last edited by Dahlia Babe Ailhad; 02-15-2015 at 06:25 PM.
    "I just wish you'd shut the fuck up for a bit. You're a bit too self-important." - GroobySteven

    "You are, indeed, the dumbest dipshit on the internet." - trish

    "I can't stand Dahlia Babe Ailhad, I want to reach into my screen and grab the DBA by (its) neck and just squeeze tightly until it stops kicking." - AshlynCreamher

    "You have been banned for the following reason:
    Derailing threads and absolutely irritation self promotion. Grow up." - HungAngels moderator

  10. #50
    Senior Member Veteran Poster Dahlia Babe Ailhad's Avatar
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    Default hmm

    High Laphroaig and everbody,

    U R such a nice Scotchman. I tink Scotch peeple frum Scotchland ar reely kool - well, sumtymes.

    We shud get 2-gether won dey so eye kan feel up ur qilt an du sum funknee tings 2 ur weener.

    We kan evin pley skrapble if u wood like dat.
    Its okay if u yuse a dickshunary.
    Howeber, u myght B mor conserned bi calling mi Dalhia wen eye introdused myselv as Babe.

    Quote Originally Posted by Dahlia Babe Ailhad in her HA introduction thread View Post
    I am, Babe, by the way.
    Eye have bin called, Babe, fer ober ten yeers.
    Eye no sum peeple like 2 tri 2 make me feel less dan a "babe", by calling me Dahlia, butt still, Babe, is my ofishal eskort name.


    Last edited by Dahlia Babe Ailhad; 02-15-2015 at 06:37 PM. Reason: Eye added da kuote frum my introduckshun thred.
    "I just wish you'd shut the fuck up for a bit. You're a bit too self-important." - GroobySteven

    "You are, indeed, the dumbest dipshit on the internet." - trish

    "I can't stand Dahlia Babe Ailhad, I want to reach into my screen and grab the DBA by (its) neck and just squeeze tightly until it stops kicking." - AshlynCreamher

    "You have been banned for the following reason:
    Derailing threads and absolutely irritation self promotion. Grow up." - HungAngels moderator

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