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  1. #1
    Senior Member Gold Poster holzz's Avatar
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    Default L'Oreal sack trans model for racism

    Apparently she made some racist remarks about the Nazi march.

  2. #2
    Senior Member Silver Poster MrFanti's Avatar
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    Arrow Re: L'Oreal sack trans model for racism

    Quote Originally Posted by holzz View Post

    Apparently she made some racist remarks about the Nazi march.
    From the article that you posted...
    Munroe Bergdorf reportedly wrote "all white people" are racist in a Facebook post.......Shortly afterwards it's claimed the 29-year-old wrote online: "Honestly I don't have energy to talk about the racial violence of white people any more. Yes ALL white people.
    "Because most of ya'll don't even realise or refuse to acknowledge that your existence, privilege and success as a race is built on the backs, blood and death of people of colour.
    "Your entire existence is drenched in racism."

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    "I am, a SIGMA Male...

  3. #3
    Senior Member Gold Poster holzz's Avatar
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    Default Re: L'Oreal sack trans model for racism

    i consdier that racist. and i am not white. i don't believe in collective racial or cultural guilt, since the Romans gave us shit we use today, and they never enslaved any black people. does that make me a shill or "uncle tom" as americans say? no, it makes me a person who thinks mutual hatred gets us nowhere, and sins of people long dead should not translate to all people living alive.

    she's angry, but then the people who sold her ancestors into slavery 200 years ago or whenever are just as responsible for racism today. but she wouldn't !acknowledge that would she?

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  4. #4
    Senior Member Platinum Poster
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    Default Re: L'Oreal sack trans model for racism

    The full text of her explanation following the article in the Daily Mail (link at the end):

    First up, let's put my words in context, as the Daily Mail failed to do so. This 'rant' was a direct response to the violence of WHITE SUPREMACISTS in Charlottesville. It was not written this week.

    Secondly, identifying that the success of the British Empire has been at the expense of the people of colour, is not something that should offend ANYONE. It is a fact. It happened. Slavery and colonialism, at the hands of white supremacy, played a huge part in shaping the United Kingdom and much of the west, into the super power that it is today.
    Whether aware of it or not, in today's society the lighter your skin tone (people of colour included) the more social privileges you will be afforded. Whether that's access to housing, healthcare, employment or credit. A person's race and skin tone has a HUGE part to play in how they are treated by society as a whole, based on their proximity to whiteness.
    When I stated that "all white people are racist", I was addressing that fact that western society as a whole, is a SYSTEM rooted in white supremacy - designed to benefit, prioritise and protect white people before anyone of any other race. Unknowingly, white people are SOCIALISED to be racist from birth onwards. It is not something genetic. No one is born racist.
    We also live in a society where men are SOCIALISED to be sexist. Women are SOCIALISED to be submissive. Gay people are SOCIALISED to be ashamed of their sexuality due to heterosexual people's homophobia. Cisgender people are SOCIALISED to be transphobic. We do not need to be this way. We are not born this way and we can learn to reject it. We are just socially conditioned to think this way from an early age. With the right education, empathy and open mindedness we can unlearn these socialisations and live a life where we don't oppress others and see things from other people's points of view.
    So when a transgender woman of colour, who has been selected to front up a big brand campaign to combat discrimination and lack of diversity in the beauty industry, speaks on her actual lived experience of being discriminated against because of her race and identifies the root of where that discrimination lies - white supremacy and systemic racism - that big brand cannot simply state that her thoughts are not "in line with the ethics of the brand".
    If you truly want equality and diversity, you need to actively work to dismantle the source of what created this discrimination and division in the first place. You cannot just simply cash in because you've realised there's a hole in the market and that there is money to be made from people of colour who have darker skin tones.
    The irony of all this is that L'Oréal Paris invited me to be part of a beauty campaign that 'stands for diversity'. The fact that up until very recently, there has been next to no mainstream brands offering makeup for black women and ethnic minorities, is in itself due to racism within the industry. Most big brands did not want to sell to black women. Most big brands did not want to acknowledge that there was a HUGE demographic that was being ignored. Because they did not believe that there was MONEY to be made in selling beauty products to ethnic minorities.
    If L'Oreal truly wants to offer empowerment to underrepresented women, then they need to acknowledge THE REASON why these women are underrepresented within the industry in the first place. This reason is discrimination - an action which punches down from a place of social privilege. We need to talk about why women of colour were and still are discriminated against within the industry, not just see them as a source of revenue.
    Racism may be a jagged pill to swallow, but I suggest you force it down quickly if you want to be part of the solution. Doing nothing, does nothing and solves nothing. Empowerment and inclusivity are not trends, these are people's lives and experiences. If brands are going to use empowerment as a tool to push product to people of colour, then the least they can do is actually work us to dismantle the source, not throw us under the bus when it comes to the crunch. At times like this, it becomes blindly obvious what is genuine allyship and what is performative.
    I stand for tolerance and acceptance - but neither can be achieved if we are unwilling to discuss WHY intolerance and hate exist in the first place.

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  5. #5
    Old Biddy Silver Poster Gillian's Avatar
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    Default Re: L'Oreal sack trans model for racism

    I think they're well shot of her. A loose cannon, IMHO ...

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  6. #6
    Senior Member Junior Poster
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    Default Re: L'Oreal sack trans model for racism

    So I'm racist now according to this deranged individual? I think she is stupid.

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  7. #7
    A Very Grooby Guy Platinum Poster GroobySteven's Avatar
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    Default Re: L'Oreal sack trans model for racism

    Quote Originally Posted by holzz View Post
    since the Romans gave us shit we use today, and they never enslaved any black people. does that make me a shill or "uncle tom" as americans say?
    No, it just makes you an incredibly ill-educated idiot - even more so for posting this.

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  8. #8
    Junior Poster nitron's Avatar
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    Default Re: L'Oreal sack trans model for racism

    Evolution...Africa, cradle of us all.

    I can only respond with this ,,,I'm sorry...

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  9. #9
    filghy2 Silver Poster
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    Default Re: L'Oreal sack trans model for racism

    Quote Originally Posted by holzz View Post
    i don't believe in collective racial or cultural guilt, since the Romans gave us shit we use today, and they never enslaved any black people.
    Aside from this sentence not making any logical sense, I doubt it's historically accurate. It's well-known that the Romans took slaves from the regions they conquered. One of those regions was North Africa, and the original inhabitants (the Berbers) have darker-coloured skin.

    For the record, I think that saying that "all white people are racist" is silly and doesn't help the anti-racism cause at all. If you are meaning to make a more nuanced point then why not choose your words more carefully? But it hardly makes her equivalent to the white supremacists in Charlottesville.

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  10. #10
    Verified account Silver Poster Ben in LA's Avatar
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    Default Re: L'Oreal sack trans model for racism

    Quote Originally Posted by nitron View Post
    Evolution...Africa, cradle of us all.

    I can only respond with this ,,,I'm sorry...
    So what does THAT have to do with what she's talking about?

    Also I can pull stories similar to that out of my ass to change the subject at hand, especially when the punishments were NOT equal.

    Last edited by Ben in LA; 09-02-2017 at 03:53 AM.

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