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  1. #41
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    Default Re: U Bitches Want My 52 Inch Booty

    3 Grim Reasons You Don't Want Silicone Butt Injections

    Princess 19 on 26 Apr 2011 at 1:00pm
    J. Lo and Beyonce have the envy of women everywhere with their stellar rears. But for many, getting the perfect asset can be detrimental -- in the worst case, lethal. Three reasons why you should think twice before seeking a bigger butt on the black market:
    Columbian Catastrophe

    Elena Caro of Las Vegas felt confident in the "doctor" she had chosen as her close friend had gotten a successful butt augmentation from him not long ago. Caro, 42, had Botox injections done at the clinic to try them out. Against her daughter's wishes, she then scheduled for a butt enhancing procedure soon after.
    After her butt injections, Caro was at first well enough to call her daughter to assure of her safety. Hours later, she was dumped on the side of the road by the "doctor" Ruben Daio Matallana-Galvas, 55, and his wife Carmen Olfidia Torres-Sanchez, 47. Her daughter went searching for her at the clinic which was locked up and cleaned out. Caro was found by strangers and taken to a hospital where she eventually died.
    The unlicensed "surgeon" and his wife were arrested as they attempted to board a flight back to Colombia and charged with murder. He told police he injected Caro with 200 cc of a gel-type substance, in six separate injection sites. Matallana-Galvas supposedly is only licensed to practice homeopathic medicine in Columbia. No Nevada state licenses were issued for any kind of medicinal practice for him or his wife.

    "I wish I would have never have brought her, " says Janet Villalovos, her 17-year-old daughter. "I met the doctor and his wife, and they told me, 'Everything will be fine, you have nothing to worry about.' "
    The cause of death is still unknown.
    Transatlantic Tragedy

    Aspiring UK actress/singer, Claudia Aderotimi, 20, died after a botched butt injection procedure done at an airport hotel in Philadelphia. The illegal silicone enhancement procedure reportedly cost her $3,000.
    Apparently Aderotimi arranged for the injections via the internet and this was her second time visiting the individuals who performed the procedures. Her friend who also received injections survived. Aderotimi complained of chest pains and had trouble breathing after getting injected. She was rushed to the hospital where she died a day after the procedure.
    Police arrested a 41-year-old transgender known as the "Black Madame" in connection with the crime. Padge Victoria Windslowe allegedly had incriminating paraphernalia in her possession including syringes and silicone gel.
    Lt. John Walker, police spokesman told The New York Daily News, "What we believe happened is that the injector nicked a vein and put the substance into the bloodstream. It goes through your vascular system and lands in the lung and since it's a gel, it will pile up like a rock."
    "If that's truly what happened, it's a murder charge," he added.
    Miami Mishap

    RealSelf user 1chloe shared her bad butt injection experience with readers.
    "I had silicone injected into my butt [in] 2006...I almost died from took me over a one year to heal after having a surgery to drain the silicone out of my buttocks," she said.
    "I regret it sooo much..the person was butt [got] lots of compliments and men chasing me..but it almost cost me my life," she adds. "I had to get a blood transfusion. My hospital bill was $100,000 from being in the hospital for about 3 months."
    She now contemplates how to fix what the botched procedure has done.
    "I want to have fat transfer[ed] into my buttocks and later have a skin graft to cover up my scars.. But I'm scared..thinking I might [have] died."
    - - - - - -
    Still thinking about doing this? Miami Plastic Surgeon Dr. B. Pat Pazmino warns you to think twice.
    "No ethical medical doctor will perform this procedure....Although it is common in other countries, Silicone should NEVER be injected into your buttocks. Your body can cause a very severe reaction to the silicone and create excess scar tissue that may deform the appearance of your butt."
    He adds "Here in Florida, we have unfortunately had a number of patients who have died after they received silicone injections to the butt and this silicone then traveled to their lungs and kidney...It is best to discuss with your plastic surgeon the great options that exist for butt contouring enhancements such as a Brazilian Butt lift."
    Photo Credit: Joanna8555 and Kalumba2009 on Creative Commons

  2. #42
    Gold Poster
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    Default Re: U Bitches Want My 52 Inch Booty

    Silicone Injections Cost ≈ $3,500 average cost

    Are Silicone Butt Injections Illegal?

    i had several butt injections to enhance, lift and reshape my butt 10 years ago. I do believe it was silicone that was used from the descriptions here. i now have hard tumor like balls that have migrated to the sides of my hips. is this dangerous and can they be removed? also were these injections of silicone illegal? Thanks.

    Asked 18 months ago by xxxxxxxx in NJ

    Butt Fill Injections - Silicone, Hydrogel, Valvoline

    The law defines what local doctors would do under similar circumstances as the Standard of Professional Practice. For malpractice to occur, a doctor needs to do something that is totally different from what his colleagues would do ( IE deviation from this local standard) AND for that breach to have resulted in an injury.
    Since butt injection of NON-FDA approved substances is NOT practiced by most doctors (in most communities in this country) that would constitute a deviation from the standard of care and you sound as if you have a resulting injury. So in theory you may have a malpractice case.
    But it would be hard for you to collect anything. The reasons - in most of these cases the injections are done by non-licensed practitioners, who are uninsured in hotel rooms / homes and "pump partis" and it would be hard to convince a jury that you did not really know that your buttocks injections were not really a conventional treatment.
    By the way, removal of silicone scars is VERY hard and would leave depressed scars. In effect you will be changing one deformity for another.
    If it sounds too good to be true...

  3. #43
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    Default Re: U Bitches Want My 52 Inch Booty

    Butt Augmentation Cost ≈ $4,600 average cost
    Hydrogel Butt Injections

    I was interested in enhancing my butt but I don't want surgery or anesthesia. I was looking on line and found something called Hydrogel injections but its hard to find a surgeon who does this. Is this an effective way to augment the butt area, and where is it available (in the northeast)?

    Sort 10 expert answers by: VotesDate
    Don't even think about it!

    Material other than your own fat can be dangerous to your health. This is a terrible procedure. Enhance your front not your back. Some one needs to develope padded shorts.
    William B. Rosenblatt, MD
    New York Plastic Surgeon

    Hydrogel butt injections are extremely dangerous and illegal to inject in the US. Not FDA approved.

    Many patients call our office asking for the hydrogel injections. There isn't any safe or legal ways to increase butt size without surgery. Brazilan butt lift used your own fat cells to enhance the butt. The abdomen is liposuctioned and the fat is used in the butt. If you are still considering PMMA or hydrogel injections, think twice about what you are injecting into your body. If you are against having surgery, forget about any butt procedures. ... more
    Otto Joseph Placik, MD
    Chicago Plastic Surgeon

    Hydrogel Injections

    These injuections are not approved by the FDA in the US. Be very careful about getting something like this done or who you have doing it to you. There have been some cases that have caused renal failure and have lead to death due to silicone butt injections.
    Doctor's Website
    Jaime Perez MD
    Tampa Plastic Surgeon

    Artifical filler for butt augmentation

    I do not recommend Hydrogel butt injections because autologous fat is much superior and has fewer side effects and can be a permanent solution if done correctly.
    John Burns, MD
    Dallas Plastic Surgeon

    Hydrogel not available for Buttock Enhancement in the US

    Hydrogel is not avialble in the US. Even if you can find medical grade hydrogel (Aquamid) to inject into the buttock it will cost several thousands of $ to inject 300-500 cc in each buttock. The safety of hydrogel is not fully known yet.
    Samir Shureih, MD
    Baltimore Plastic Surgeon

    Run away as fast as you can! There are now many reports...

    Run away as fast as you can! There are now many reports of people experiencing terrible complications, including kidney failure and death from the injection of "hydrogel" into their buttocks. The accepted and safe methods of achieving buttock augmentation are grafting your own fat into the buttocks, and using implants. Both require a minor surgical procedure and should be performed by a surgeon certified by The American Board of Plastic Surgery. Be careful with your health and... more
    Doctor's Website
    Armando Soto, MD
    Orlando Plastic Surgeon

    I would be very careful about this stuff, and who you go...

    I would be very careful about this stuff, and who you go to. This is not an approved procedure, and could be harmful or fatal. I saw one report of a woman who had silicone injected into her buttocks and she died due to silicone embolism. Be sure to only go to a plastic surgeon certified by the American Board of Plastic Surgery. sek
    Scott E. Kasden, MD
    Dallas Plastic Surgeon

    Look for alternatives to hydrogel for butt augmentation

    There are really no cost effective and safe alternatives to fat grafting. The fillers we use in the face would in theory work, but would be extremely expensive and temporary. Other fillers(silicone, Hydrogel-Aquamid, PMMA, etc) have been associated with MANY complications after injection, even months to years later, resulting in pain and severe deformity. If you search these products on this site or click on their name in my post here, you can read about the experiences of some other... more
    Doctor's Website
    Daniel P. Markmann, MD
    Baltimore Plastic Surgeon

    Hydrogel Butt Augmentations - Stay Away

    Regarding: "Hydrogel Butt Injections I was interested in enhancing my butt but I don't want surgery or anesthesia. I was looking on line and found something called Hydrogel injections but its hard to find a surgeon who does this. Is this an effective way to augment the butt area, and where is it available (in the northeast)?" Hydrogel a mixture of water and various concentrations of polyacrylamide (one known as Aquamid)which is NOT approved by the FDA for any medical... more
    Peter A. Aldea, MD
    Memphis Plastic Surgeon

    Avoid hydrogel injections into the butt

    While it may sound appealing to beta gel injected into your butt and avoid surgery... However you need to realize. That this is not done by reputable surgeons because of the horrific complications that come from this procedure. In our clinic we offer fat injections or butt implants (if the patient does not have sufficient fat) Sincerely, Martin Jugenburg, MD
    Martin Jugenburg, MD
    Toronto Plastic Surgeon

  4. #44

  5. #45
    Banned for being a cunt & multiple usernames Junior Poster justafreak's Avatar
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    Default Re: U Bitches Want My 52 Inch Booty

    Nice booty, I like a girl with a phat ass

  6. #46

  7. #47
    Platinum Poster Silcc69's Avatar
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    Default Re: DO you like a girl with a nice caulk in her ass?

    Quote Originally Posted by natina View Post
    DO you like a girl with a nice caulk in her ass?

    how about caulk in there throat?
    Why do you have 2 profiles?

    Quote Originally Posted by tjinla2001
    I haven't just let a single prostitute cum in my mouth. Hundreds- more likely thousands of transvesites have shot their loads in my mouth. God bless america

  8. #48
    Senior Member Junior Poster RainMan's Avatar
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    Default Re: DO you like a girl with a nice caulk in her ass?

    Quote Originally Posted by Silcc69 View Post
    Why do you have 2 profiles?

    as a booty man I approve

  9. #49
    Senior Member 5 Star Poster
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    Default Re: U Bitches Want My 52 Inch Booty

    Waaaaaaaayyyyy too much for my taste. Lots of folks like it though- be a doll, post them a decent pic.

    And give me one of those eyes and that mouth.

  10. #50
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    Default Re: U Bitches Want My 52 Inch Booty

    Monica how tall are you?

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