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  1. #1
    Junior Poster
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    Default Communist scolding usa Socialist president

    wow i never thought i would see the day when a Communist country would scold our Socialist president. Ya gotta love it! is this how bad our economy is ??
    NYT: China scolds US on debt

  2. #2
    Professional Poster Jackal's Avatar
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    Default Re: Communist scolding usa Socialist president

    For a socialist country, there sure is a lack of social services for the needy but plenty of support for the powerful and greedy.

  3. #3
    Junior Poster
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    Default Re: Communist scolding usa Socialist president

    China is more capitalist then the US or most of western Europe.

  4. #4
    Platinum Poster Ben's Avatar
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    Default Re: Communist scolding usa Socialist president

    Quote Originally Posted by bladex76 View Post
    wow i never thought i would see the day when a Communist country would scold our Socialist president. Ya gotta love it! is this how bad our economy is ??
    NYT: China scolds US on debt
    Well, China isn't a communist country. It's simply a dictatorship... that serves the interests of American capital. Providing ultra cheap labor and cheap U.S. imports. (Actually, Donald Trump said let's slap a 25 percent tariff on Chinese imports. A good start.)
    And President Obama isn't a socialist. There is nothing socialist about Obama. If people knew anything about socialism, well, they would know that socialism, at its core, is about democracy. It's about people controlling their own lives, their own labor.
    Actually, fascism is a term that could be applied. Mussolini coined the term fascism. What it means is when state power and CORPORATE power merge and become one.
    Here Noam Chomsky explicates socialism:

  5. #5
    5 Star Poster
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    Default Re: Communist scolding usa Socialist president

    Australia is a socialist state .we have medicare ,welfare for as long as you want,government sponsored injecting rooms,state housing for criminals,junkies, elderly,aboriginals,disabled,public schooling,and we are one of the highest taxed countries in the world and if we didn't have our rich natural resources we would be stuffed

    live with honour

  6. #6
    Platinum Poster robertlouis's Avatar
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    Default Re: Communist scolding usa Socialist president

    Quote Originally Posted by Jackal View Post
    For a socialist country, there sure is a lack of social services for the needy but plenty of support for the powerful and greedy.
    Apart from the "socialist", that sounds like a pretty good description of the USA.

    But pleasures are like poppies spread
    You seize the flow'r, the bloom is shed

  7. #7
    Professional Poster Jackal's Avatar
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    Default Re: Communist scolding usa Socialist president

    Quote Originally Posted by robertlouis View Post
    Apart from the "socialist", that sounds like a pretty good description of the USA.
    I was being facetious with the label of socialist, which the OP used

  8. #8
    Platinum Poster robertlouis's Avatar
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    Default Re: Communist scolding usa Socialist president

    Quote Originally Posted by Jackal View Post
    I was being facetious with the label of socialist, which the OP used

    Thought you might be. It's funny how US politicians use labels like liberal and socialist as bogymen scaremongers when they have no idea of what they actually mean.

    Calling Obama "socialist" is so stupid that it's actually offensive.

    But pleasures are like poppies spread
    You seize the flow'r, the bloom is shed

  9. #9
    Platinum Poster natina's Avatar
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    Lightbulb Corporate Welfare: Corporate Welfare

    Corporate Welfare: Corporate Welfare
    How would you like to pay only a quarter of the real estate taxes you owe on your home? And buy everything for the next 10 years without spending a single penny in sales tax? Keep a chunk of your paycheck free of income taxes? Have the city in which you live lend you money at rates cheaper than any bank charges? Then have the same city install free water and sewer lines to your house, offer you a perpetual discount on utility bills--and top it all off by landscaping your front yard at no charge?
    Fat chance. You can't get any of that, of course. But if you live almost anywhere in America, all around you are taxpayers getting deals like this. These taxpayers are called corporations, and their deals are usually trumpeted as "economic development" or "public-private partnerships." But a better name is corporate welfare. It's a game in which governments large and small subsidize corporations large and small, usually at the expense of another state or town and almost always at the expense of individual and other corporate taxpayers.
    Two years after Congress reduced welfare for individuals and families, this other kind of welfare continues to expand, penetrating every corner of the American economy. It has turned politicians into bribery specialists, and smart business people into con artists. And most surprising of all, it has rarely created any new jobs.
    While corporate welfare has attracted critics from both the left and the right, there is no uniform definition. By TIME's definition, it is this: any action by local, state or federal government that gives a corporation or an entire industry a benefit not offered to others. It can be an outright subsidy, a grant, real estate, a low-interest loan or a government service. It can also be a tax break--a credit, exemption, deferral or deduction, or a tax rate lower than the one others pay.
    The rationale to curtail traditional welfare programs, such as Aid to Families with Dependent Children and food stamps, and to impose a lifetime limit on the amount of aid received, was compelling: the old system didn't work. It was unfair, destroyed incentive, perpetuated dependence and distorted the economy. An 18-month TIME investigation has found that the same indictment, almost to the word, applies to corporate welfare. In some ways, it represents pork-barrel legislation of the worst order. The difference, of course, is that instead of rewarding the poor, it rewards the powerful.
    And it rewards them handsomely. The Federal Government alone shells out $125 billion a year in corporate welfare, this in the midst of one of the more robust economic periods in the nation's history. Indeed, thus far in the 1990s, corporate profits have totaled $4.5 trillion--a sum equal to the cumulative paychecks of 50 million working Americans who earned less than $25,000 a year, for those eight years.

    Last edited by natina; 08-07-2011 at 04:26 AM.

  10. #10
    Platinum Poster natina's Avatar
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    Lightbulb corporate WELFARE IS FAR MORE ADDICTIVE then individual welfare

    corporate WELFARE IS FAR MORE ADDICTIVE then individual welfare

    government subsidizes
    tax breaks
    low interest loans
    no interest loans

    Corporate welfare - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

    Free Lunch: How the Wealthiest Americans Enrich Themselves at Government Expense (and Stick You with the Bill)

    NEOCons on Welfare than Liberals. You have to include Corporate Welfare, Pentegon Contracts,

    Agriculture, and Oil industries when talking about Welfare. And the blood sucking Welfare winners are:

    neocons .


    and now because of the BUSH ERA,

    the housing market scam,the stock market scandal,the pyramid schemers has become a place where............

    take note people are driving around with NO CAR INSURANCE because they have to choose between eating,shelter and other basic

    paying for insurance

    MANY insurance company warned me about orange county and not having full coverage/gap coverage etc......yada yada yada

    once middle class people or going to get free groceries and other items because they are financial in trouble/have hit a low ect.....

    OVER EVALUATION OF PROPERTY VALUES,upside down mortgages,variable interest rate loans/high interest rate loans .

    Bird and Fortune - Subprime Banking Mess

    Bird and Fortune - Subprime Crisis

    John Bird and John Fortune (the Long Johns) brilliantly, and accurately, describing the mindset of the investment banking community in this satirical interview.

    Last edited by natina; 08-07-2011 at 04:25 AM.

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