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  1. #31
    Senior Member Platinum Poster
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    Default Re: Rise of Hate Groups in US since Obama's election

    There are some "hate groups" within those movements, and their numbers probably have spiked, but it would be an over-simplification to attribute the general increase in militias to Obama's election or his race. We're a huge country and there are night and day differences between some of our regions. An urbanized New Englander will generally have a much different perspective on the proper role of the government than will a rural farmer or miner.

    An important point which outsiders can easily not factor in. Also, extremists look and sound more exciting in the media than 'ordinary folk' -most Muslims are as boring as they are innocent, but find a fire-breathing apocalyptic Jihadi and they are all over the tv.

  2. #32
    onmyknees Platinum Poster onmyknees's Avatar
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    Default Re: Rise of Hate Groups in US since Obama's election

    I began reading this thread, and swore it was 2008 all over again. I thought for a second I was in the HA archives. Little has changed...Trish still trolls for pictures of some fools carrying signs at this rally or that, yet never really was all that concerned about the Scott Walker stuff in Wisconsin, or the numerous times we showed equally moronic signs during the Bush years. Somehow that was different. It's fairly straightforward liberal hypocrisy...nothing new . She's good at it. Yoda a once thoughtful poster whom I seldom agreed with , but always enjoyed his writing, now falls prey to drawing parallels between the Tea Party and hate groups. They don't like Obama....therefore they don't like blacks. I thought he was a deeper thinker than that, but he's taken a cue from his guy Obama.....when there isn't much good to talk about with your own polices and record...deflect and demagogue. Nothing new there either.

    It's frankly rehashed, recycled trash. But the reality is all around let me remind you of it once again....Seldom in history have the liberals been granted super majorities in both houses, and the most liberal president of my lifetime. They won that fair and came time to govern... All the stars were aligned for as James Carvelle put it "a 40 year Democratic domination". Mr. Carvell appeared to be off by about 38 years. The super majorities were squandered, just like the stimulus was . The Keynesian economic theories have failed, the "focus on jobs like a laser" seems to be more like a dim florescent light. The hallmark liberal legislation, ObamaCare that was so critical to the liberal strong hold, it took 9 months of trying to convince the pubic while the remainder of Rome burned, and all of that political capitol burnt along with it as 26 out of the 50 States have signed onto the lawsuit. Check your American History books Robert Louis...that's a first. the promise of 40 years of domination fades, the soaring rhetoric and brilliant speeches now turned into demagoguery, blaming and back biting , the super majorities rejected, it's not a surprise that those of you on the left need to find scapegoats...surely it can't be your ideology or your policies, so there must be something...someone else to blame. It must be hate groups working in the dark shadows seeking to undermine a brilliant black president....if only there was a liberal version of Joe McCarthy he would expose all this.... it must be the Tea Party who speaks in code and blow dog whistles to summon the troops and obviously have race as their primary motivation, it must be Bush, no wait Beck.....yea that's right Beck and Sarah Palin are at the root of why Obama's policies have failed and his approval ratings are dropping like a stone. If only we could charge them with sedition then the world would see.....

    Part of me can understand the frustration and dismay you all must feel at having it all ripped away from you in such sort order, and having to grasp for reasons other than the reality. After all you were convinced you were right, and for a brief time managed to convince the American People as well. I'm sure you've even managed to convince yourself that when you see a peaceful Tea Party rally by day, the sheets and the hoods come out at night. I'm quite sure OJ had convinced himself he never pulled the knife and calmly slit 2 peoples throats either. I have no doubt that in his mind, he was playing golf at the time of the murders.The human mind has a capacity for that sort of thing. Denial can be a powerful motivator it's also the negation of logic.

    Last edited by onmyknees; 07-10-2011 at 04:18 PM.

  3. #33
    Hung Angel Platinum Poster trish's Avatar
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    The United Fuckin' States of America

    Default Re: Rise of Hate Groups in US since Obama's election

    Little has changed...Trish still trolls for pictures of some fools carrying signs at this rally
    There you go again. Go to the archives and actually document prior threads where I trolled with pictures of fools carrying signs. Go ahead liar. Document it. You can't. You got one thing right. The people carrying those racist signs are fools.

    Last edited by trish; 07-10-2011 at 05:49 PM.
    "...I no longer believe that people's secrets are defined and communicable, or their feelings full-blown and easy to recognize."_Alice Munro, Chaddeleys and Flemings.

    "...the order in creation which you see is that which you have put there, like a string in a maze, so that you shall not lose your way". _Judge Holden, Cormac McCarthy's, BLOOD MERIDIAN.

  4. #34
    Platinum Poster Silcc69's Avatar
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    Default Re: Rise of Hate Groups in US since Obama's election

    Quote Originally Posted by tjinla2001
    I haven't just let a single prostitute cum in my mouth. Hundreds- more likely thousands of transvesites have shot their loads in my mouth. God bless america

  5. #35
    Professional Poster BluegrassCat's Avatar
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    Default Re: Rise of Hate Groups in US since Obama's election

    Quote Originally Posted by onmyknees View Post
    The super majorities were squandered, just like the stimulus was . The Keynesian economic theories have failed
    While I agree that the majorities were squandered the bit about the stimulus and Keynesian economics is hilariously wrong. The stimulus was a huge success as far as it went. It created or saved 3 million jobs. The problem was it wasn't big enough. The austerity measures pushed by your heroes, Boehner & Co., meanwhile cost the U.S. 1 million jobs.

    The past 3 years have been the clearest verification & triumph of Keynesian economics since the end of the Great Depression. Most of the predictions according to modern Keynesians, like Krugman, have come true: while the stimulus was helpful it was insufficient and unemployment remains much too high. We've seen that large government deficits in the short term are no problem for the U.S. economy to handle but all this private debt is crippling any real recovery. The government is the only agent with ability and willingness to spend in a liquidity trap. The supply-siders predicted soaring interest rates and back-breaking inflation, neither of which have occurred. Keynesian economics has been more than vindicated.

    The problem was we didn't have a Keynesian in the White House. We had an accommodating centrist who bowed both to Wall Street and the Republicans, forfeiting a true middle class recovery and the potential for 40 years of Democratic dominance, like the one bequeathed to us by FDR.

  6. #36
    Hung Angel Platinum Poster trish's Avatar
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    Default Re: Rise of Hate Groups in US since Obama's election

    Quote Originally Posted by BluegrassCat View Post
    While I agree that the majorities were squandered the bit about the stimulus and Keynesian economics is hilariously wrong. The stimulus was a huge success as far as it went. It created or saved 3 million jobs. The problem was it wasn't big enough. The austerity measures pushed by your heroes, Boehner & Co., meanwhile cost the U.S. 1 million jobs.

    The past 3 years have been the clearest verification & triumph of Keynesian economics since the end of the Great Depression. Most of the predictions according to modern Keynesians, like Krugman, have come true: while the stimulus was helpful it was insufficient and unemployment remains much too high. We've seen that large government deficits in the short term are no problem for the U.S. economy to handle but all this private debt is crippling any real recovery. The government is the only agent with ability and willingness to spend in a liquidity trap. The supply-siders predicted soaring interest rates and back-breaking inflation, neither of which have occurred. Keynesian economics has been more than vindicated.

    The problem was we didn't have a Keynesian in the White House. We had an accommodating centrist who bowed both to Wall Street and the Republicans, forfeiting a true middle class recovery and the potential for 40 years of Democratic dominance, like the one bequeathed to us by FDR.
    Once again BluegrassCat tells it like it is.

    Last edited by trish; 07-10-2011 at 11:53 PM.
    "...I no longer believe that people's secrets are defined and communicable, or their feelings full-blown and easy to recognize."_Alice Munro, Chaddeleys and Flemings.

    "...the order in creation which you see is that which you have put there, like a string in a maze, so that you shall not lose your way". _Judge Holden, Cormac McCarthy's, BLOOD MERIDIAN.

  7. #37
    Junior Poster
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    Default Re: Rise of Hate Groups in US since Obama's election

    "It created or saved 3 million jobs."
    How can you tell if a job was actually saved by the stimulus? Other than having people say that it did.

  8. #38
    Silver Poster hippifried's Avatar
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    Default Re: Rise of Hate Groups in US since Obama's election

    Quote Originally Posted by JerseyMike View Post
    "It created or saved 3 million jobs."
    How can you tell if a job was actually saved by the stimulus? Other than having people say that it did.
    Accounting. It's all public record, & there's a whole shitload of people who's job is following the money. Of course every story is embellished to some degree, but I'll take numbers over no numbers to dispute them every time. ...evidence over bluster. How can you tell if a claim is actually bullshit? Othger than having people say that it is.

    "You can pick your friends & you can pick your nose, but you can't wipe your friends off on your saddle."
    ~ Kinky Friedman ~

  9. #39
    Professional Poster runningdownthatdream's Avatar
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    Default Re: Rise of Hate Groups in US since Obama's election

    Quote Originally Posted by onmyknees View Post
    I began reading this thread, and swore it was 2008 all over again. I thought for a second I was in the HA archives. Little has changed...Trish still trolls for pictures of some fools carrying signs at this rally or that, yet never really was all that concerned about the Scott Walker stuff in Wisconsin, or the numerous times we showed equally moronic signs during the Bush years. Somehow that was different. It's fairly straightforward liberal hypocrisy...nothing new . She's good at it. Yoda a once thoughtful poster whom I seldom agreed with , but always enjoyed his writing, now falls prey to drawing parallels between the Tea Party and hate groups. They don't like Obama....therefore they don't like blacks. I thought he was a deeper thinker than that, but he's taken a cue from his guy Obama.....when there isn't much good to talk about with your own polices and record...deflect and demagogue. Nothing new there either.

    It's frankly rehashed, recycled trash. But the reality is all around let me remind you of it once again....Seldom in history have the liberals been granted super majorities in both houses, and the most liberal president of my lifetime. They won that fair and came time to govern... All the stars were aligned for as James Carvelle put it "a 40 year Democratic domination". Mr. Carvell appeared to be off by about 38 years. The super majorities were squandered, just like the stimulus was . The Keynesian economic theories have failed, the "focus on jobs like a laser" seems to be more like a dim florescent light. The hallmark liberal legislation, ObamaCare that was so critical to the liberal strong hold, it took 9 months of trying to convince the pubic while the remainder of Rome burned, and all of that political capitol burnt along with it as 26 out of the 50 States have signed onto the lawsuit. Check your American History books Robert Louis...that's a first. the promise of 40 years of domination fades, the soaring rhetoric and brilliant speeches now turned into demagoguery, blaming and back biting , the super majorities rejected, it's not a surprise that those of you on the left need to find scapegoats...surely it can't be your ideology or your policies, so there must be something...someone else to blame. It must be hate groups working in the dark shadows seeking to undermine a brilliant black president....if only there was a liberal version of Joe McCarthy he would expose all this.... it must be the Tea Party who speaks in code and blow dog whistles to summon the troops and obviously have race as their primary motivation, it must be Bush, no wait Beck.....yea that's right Beck and Sarah Palin are at the root of why Obama's policies have failed and his approval ratings are dropping like a stone. If only we could charge them with sedition then the world would see.....

    Part of me can understand the frustration and dismay you all must feel at having it all ripped away from you in such sort order, and having to grasp for reasons other than the reality. After all you were convinced you were right, and for a brief time managed to convince the American People as well. I'm sure you've even managed to convince yourself that when you see a peaceful Tea Party rally by day, the sheets and the hoods come out at night. I'm quite sure OJ had convinced himself he never pulled the knife and calmly slit 2 peoples throats either. I have no doubt that in his mind, he was playing golf at the time of the murders.The human mind has a capacity for that sort of thing. Denial can be a powerful motivator it's also the negation of logic.
    In other words, he's doing no better or no worse than many of your most recent presidents but has to fight harder for credibility because:
    a) he's from Chicago?
    b) he's a former athlete?
    c) he's a Harvard grad?
    d) all of the above and bi-racial to boot!

    As an outsider (from Toronto which isn't to be confused with the rest of Canada which may mirror the US in many places) who isn't white I see hypocrisy in some white Americans who on one hand say race is irrelevant but yet on the other never miss an opportunity to deride and denigrate anything done by non-whites. Granted, I think white Americans have adapted fairly well to changes in demographics and the most extreme racists are usually marginalized and left to stew in their own hatred (at least judging by the media coverage) but America is still far from being a color-blind society.

  10. #40
    Member Rookie Poster
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    Default Re: Rise of Hate Groups in US since Obama's election

    Quote Originally Posted by runningdownthatdream View Post
    As an outsider (from Toronto...) should shut the fuck up.

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