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  1. #151
    Doctor Screw is my bitch Silver Poster lisaparadise's Avatar
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    Default Re: ambers reply to the racial thread and what was being said about her

    Quote Originally Posted by FreddieGomez View Post
    damn you're 50 and u still act like a fuckin 2 year old son is more mature than u ...smh....
    go cry to your hommies in the hood and tell them that the trannies are picking on ya see what they have to say lol ya i though so KITTYPRIDE IS MY BITCH

  2. #152
    onmyknees Platinum Poster onmyknees's Avatar
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    Default Re: ambers reply to the racial thread and what was being said about her

    Quote Originally Posted by beatmaker View Post
    Finally, some intelligence on this forum. I rarely come to HA anymore, because it is rife with transsexuals (and dumbass trolls) making slick racist comments, when they have to endure prejudices in their own lives, unless they are extremely passable. Based on avatars and other pics I've seen Kelly Shore, TS Lisa and some of the other past offenders, they aren't unclockable to any sane straight man. I'm not saying they are ugly transgendered women, but they aren't 100% passable like say a Jennifer Paris. Kelly Shore is friends with Mimi Plastique I believe, but says "black men look greasy" and "blacks always play the victim" etc. If I dedicated a day, to thru go thru all her posts on HA, I'm sure I could find a hundred such racially insensitive posts by her. Most Whites who think like Kelly, will befriend a Black, as long as they accept they position as a subordinate in the pecking order. You have Mimi wearing a blond weave and blue color contacts, so you can already get a snapshot into her mindset. She may talk a lot of shyt, but like Lil Kim, their whitewashed appearance tells the real tale. So, it's no suprise Kelly Shore has allowed her to become her friend. Many racially insensitive Whites and whitewashed Blacks have become friends and even lovers. An not to stereotype Texas (Kelly's home state), but there is such an overabundance of small minded, prejudice people living in such a large state. It's much like Arizona, in that way. O.K enough of the chatter, let me dispel much of the simpleminded B.S being passed off as intellectual debate in this thread.

    1) Blacks are uneducated and lazy?
    This an unknown fact, but African immigrants in the US and UK are one of the Top 3 subgroups in educational achievement. I've also met very few lazy Africans. So, why the difference? The only rationale explanation is 400 years of negative socialization, that most Whites are in denial about.

    2)Blacks play the race card and victim all the time?
    This one is the most hilarious. The "reverse racism" card is being played so much by Whites nowadays, it's insane (especially once Barack Obama was elected). In this very thread Dolce says "Black people think Obama is going to solve all their problems". Just because Blacks are happy to see a Black president (even if he's biracial) and family in the White House, doesn't mean we think he's gonna solve "our" problems. Most of us know, he actually has to ignore anything pertaining to Blacks, because Fox News, Rush Limbaugh and Dolce's boy Michael Savage, will accuse Pres. Obama of reverse racism and hating Whites like that idiot Glenn Beck did. How can a man who was raised by his White grandparents, hate Whites? Just because he admitted his grandmother made racist comments. Like he's supposed to deny reality to appease White peoples' sensibilities. It's virtually impossible to go into a thread on AOL, Yahoo, TMZ etc about a Black person or celebrity without it becoming a Klan rally. My mother always told me, the worst things get for Whites, the worse the racial animosity will get. American race relations are very Dr. Jeckyll and Mr. Hyde-ish in that way. Many time online, these people make racist comments, while simultaneously accusing Blacks of playing the race card. I just saw one today on Yahoo about a Top HS football declaring the college he's attending. Within the first 5 posts, some jackazz says "Well what kind of grades does he have, Oh I forgot he Black I can't ask stuff like that without being racist". You have people saying Obama was born in Kenya or a Muslim, yet say they are sick of people who label Obama critics as racist. No, if you disagree with his economic policies, most Blacks don't take issue with that. However, when you call him a Kenyan, Muslim or call his wife and/or daughters monkeys or ghetto, that's clear racism and these comments are found in these same threads, where people cry reverse racism constantly. I remember I had a part-time job in Macy's in NYC, after I graduated from college to save for my small home recording studio. This White women with a Brooklyn/Jersey accent gonna accuse me and my female dept manager (she was a Black Dominicana) of not allowing her to get a cash return with no receipt, because she was White. She yelled "These azzholes would have done it, if I was Black" when she stormed off with her teenage daughter. I remember I had a manager at an old job accuse me of "hating Whites" because I didn't kiss his azz like the other Blacks at the office. I don't kiss anyone's azz, even Black managers I've had. The real reason he said that was because he saw me reading a book called "How Europe Underdeveloped Africa" by Walter Rodney in the break room. Made a little slick azz comment under his breathe, when he exited the break room too.

    3)There is no such thing as White Skin Privilege and Institutionalized Racism?
    You can find tons of White women on forums who will yell this to all who will listen, yet these same women will bytch about male paternalism,especially in corporate America. It's so pathological, that I remember the old school talk shows during the Clinton presidency, when the issue of "affirmative action" became the social trigger Republicans used to enrage White voters. There's always one, be it immigration, gay marriage, welfare reform, war on drugs etc. I would hear White women all these complaining about "The Blacks" and how they're the "real racist" LMOA, yet White women were and are the biggest benefactors of affirmative action programs, since the law was enacted.

    If you are in denial about White Skin Privilege, I suggest you read two books: "White Privilege" by Paula S Rothenberg and "Two Nations: Black and White" by Andrew Hacker. They back up their assessment with irrefutable statistics. Recently, we all know about how subprime mortgages (and credit default swaps), were responsible for bringing down the global economy. Did you know, that in the United States, a much higher percentage of Blacks with good enough credit scores and incomes to qualify for regular fixed-rate mortgages, where steered towards subprime loans than White borrowers. This translates into 10 years of f'k'd up credit, no future equity to borrow for college tuitions or a small business and the possible loss of generational wealth, which historically is what real estate generates.

    4)Black people overblow race issues, it happens to Whites too

    Much like what Kelly Shore is doing, this thing were you state a few examples of police brutality or discrimination directed at Whites, is just a Trojan Horse. Nothing is absolute! Life is not mathematics. Whites get their azzes beat by the police sometimes, Whites get railroaded by the US justice system sometimes, White people get discriminated by employers sometimes (mostly White women based on gender discrimination or homosexual/transgendered employees). Historically and present day, the overwhelming percentage of these incidents fall at the feet of Black and Latino people. It's like when people try to promote the misguided comparison of Irish immigrants to Black chattel slavery. Irish immigrant men didn't have to endure a Anglo-White male come into their home once a week and rape their wife and daughter. Irish immigrants weren't beat until they would forego their names, religion and culture. To essentially to become a "blank slate", that could be reprogrammed to the whims of Whites. Irish immigrants weren't pitted against each other for 350+ years to foster control of that population. Sure, they were treated like shyt and 2nd class citizens, but it's didn't devolve to the same level. I hear this Kelly Shore-esque rhetoric on FOX News all the time. It's steeped in what mental health professionals call "cognitive dissonance". It's when you have to create a false reality or use remote examples to downplay or straight up wash away something you don't want to face up to. Most Whites will never admit that they have it better in America. They have to blame it on the behavior of Blacks. You know "If you people would just act right, you wouldn't have it so bad and people would treat you better". Well, the so called "model minority" Asians face their fair share of discrimination too, but many are so whitewashed and assimilated they internalize it. That's why you can go to a Vera Wang or Anna Sui fashion show and 80% of the models are White women. I've talked to some proud Asian brothers before and many are dismayed at this "White Male Worship" syndrome many of their Asian women have embraced. I see it in NYC to the point, where it's sickening and I'm not even Asian.

    5)It's just a preference if someone doesn't want to date you.

    I agree partially. However, when you don't date people in your OWN race, then that is a hot crock of shyt, even if you're White. They is some deep seated, pathological issue going on, for you to say your not attracted to people with the same features that you embody. Most people who deny this fact, will be disproven the longer you hear them talk. I've seen this with my own race (Blacks) countless times. They eventually go on some rant or throw the opposite gender Black under the bus, if you debate with them long enough. One thing I do notice, is that White men have a real issue when a Black or Asian women they are attracted to, tells them they don't date White men. I've seen this on Youtube a countless times. They seem to take issue with beautiful Black women, who embrace their racial culture and aren't on the Chilli from TLC shyt and proudly say they love and date Black men. White men always have to ask a Black chick they think is cute, if she's into White guys. Don't believe me, watch the latest episode of "What Chilli Wants". As much as she was diggin dude on the date, he still had to ask her that dumbazz question. Black men do ask that too at times, but it's primarily to
    preempt the "your not my type" bullshyt. Let's be real here, many women and transsexuals feel Black men are beneath them. White men don't face that same issue, in reality it's the complete opposite. See, White men and White women have been elevated in society as the "ideal beauty standard". So, to reject them is seen as lunacy or reverse racism, because their arrogance tells them so. Sure, you might be into Black or Asian chicks, but let a Black men say he's not attracted to Maria Sharapova or Pamela Anderson (in her prime) and may Whites will assume he must hate White people, as that's the only logical explanation in their small minds. Yet, Blacks hear the "Im not into Black men or women" all the time and we are just supposed to strike it up to a "preference". It's hypocrisy! I actually had a White girl call me a "bigot" in a club, when I didn't want to dance with her. If a White guy would have rebuffed a Black chick, a different response is expected. Most Whites, if honest, will tell you most Whites feel deep down, that your slumming if you date or marry an African-American, unless they are extremely wealthy, accomplished or famous (or all 3), which negates the "niggerdom" quoting Dave Chappelle.

    6) Slavery ended 400 years ago, yet these Blacks keep dwelling on it.

    Well, Slavery actually was abolished around 1865 and Jim Crow took it's place until the late 1960's. Why was their a Civil Rights movement and a Rosa Parks, Malcolm X or Dr. Martin Luther King, if the playing field was leveled 400 years ago (which is 1610, see how asining that sounds)? Blacks really didn't get a fair shot in the American game until 1970, so that's 40 years people! That's not very long. They're many HA members like TS Lisa, who are over 40 and don't consider themselves old. I'm 36 and I don't feel old at all. To the White disbelievers listen to this analogy, imagine that you and your siblings grew up in abject poverty, in a single family home and went to the schools in the bad part of town. You still studied hard and stayed out of trouble, but you had to struggle and move around a lot. Maybe, even had a mother who abused drugs or alcohol to make matters worse. Now you had a classmate who's family were the wealthiest in your town and he/she and their siblings had every advantage afforded to them. Fast forward to adulthood, that same classmate stays talking shyt and belittling you and your family, saying you never had what it took to cut it. Maybe, you had one sibling who did well in a business venture, so they hold that one sibling over your head, as proof that you should be at their level, because your not, you're just a loser. This is the same flawed, naive logic I hear from most Whites, when talking about the achievement and economic divide between Blacks and Whites. I also hear Asians and Indians come to this country poor and outperform everyone, Whites included, so what is your excuse Black people? Sure, but they have a cultural sense of self, even those with White friends. There was a study done that followed Asian families. One family was close knit and taught their children their language, culture and customs and one didn't and let the kids assimilate completely. The families that didn't teach their culture, language and customs to their children, performed WAY worse in school and some of the kids got caught up in drugs, crime and other several destructive behavior, unlike the kids who had a strong sense of cultural identity. This is the problem with African-Americans. Malcolm X spoke about this incessantly, because that was his own person testimony. This also explains my #1. Why do African immigrants outperform almost all other groups educationally, when American born Blacks are at the bottom of spectrum? I had a HS classmate who had Nigerian parents and he always seemed ashame of his heritage and seemed to rebuff it. He's was and is, as dumb & ignorant as the rest of these wannabee thugs in the ghettoes of America. The ones I knew who were close-knit and primarily had African friends, excelled in school and stayed out of trouble.
    Many I found on Facebook, are now lawyers, CPA's, engineers and doctors. Most Blacks have feel victim to the pathology of "Internalized Racism". When asked why Blacks use the N-word or discriminate against darker Blacks, I point this. Is you know what the "Stockholm Syndrome" is, then you have some idea of what I mean. You ever notice why women are so catty and untrusting of each other, same shyt. This is a Man's World and it had fostered that same internalization amongst females.

    In closing, to Amberskyi you are right to date who you want. As long as your not being hateful or trying to be superior in the process, which seem to be some people's issue with IR dating, then you have NOBODY to apologize to. And speaking of apologizing, runningdownthatdream, you capped off your eloquent post saying "I hope I didn't offend anybody". Brotha, you don't have to hope anything! That was "REAL TALK" and if the small, uneducated minds are offended, screw em. Most have the I.Q of a light bulb, while trying to talk about what's wrong with the Black race. Black folks have to stop apologizing and parsing their words, when we are in the right, whether White sensibilities are offended or not. Go into any mainstream thread online about the Obamas and Whites rarely apologize for their comments, not matter how B.S, hypocritical or illogical they may be. Matter of fact, the only racism they seem to reprimand, is when some fedup Black person, gets down in the gutter with them and starts using slurs directed at Whites. I don't condone this, as it is wrong, hypocritical and just undercuts any intellectual argument made by you or any other Blacks on the topic of race. Yet, these brothas and sistas still get the tongue lashing, when about 50 Whites before them have used all kind of n1gg3ers, sp00ks, c00ns and monkeys in their postings and the forum was as quiet as a church mouse, in relation to their anti-Black bigotry.

    Wow...Some Anger goin' on there. Reading that, I felt like I was listening to Al Sharpton's radio program. You certainly write with passion, but do dedicate lots of energy to the negative. Your post has some history, lots of opinion, some exaggeration, but begins as it ends....sounding like you have lots of malice towards white folks. You do raise some interesting points, but leave the reader with more questions than answers. You even ask some profound questions regarding Asians and African immigrants, excelling but side step any answers or any responsibility.
    I never have and never will treat black folks as a monolith, so I'd like to have the favor returned. I wouldn't call it a hateful rant, but it is laced some of the same themes Sharpton talks about constantly, and although he never specifically says it....his intent it to lay white guilt on us. When I listen to him...or others like him...I get the feeling he's pointing the finger at me for the lack of progress in the Black Community and that somehow I bear some responsibility....I suppose as Americans we all do, but Sharpton seems to personalize it. I got that same feeling reading your post. . I get a very dissimilar feeling when listening to Bill Cosby for example. Black intellectual Shelby Steel spoke of white guilt this way...

    What is white guilt? It is not a personal sense of remorse over past wrongs. White guilt is literally a vacuum of moral authority in matters of race, equality, and opportunity that comes from the association of mere white skin with America's historical racism. It is the stigmatization of whites and, more importantly, American institutions with the sin of racism. Under this stigma white individuals and American institutions must perpetually prove a negative--that they are not racist--to gain enough authority to function in matters of race, equality, and opportunity. If they fail to prove the negative, they will be seen as racists. Political correctness, diversity policies, and multiculturalism are forms of deference that give whites and institutions a way to prove the negative and win reprieve from the racist stigma.

    People often deny white guilt by pointing to its irrationality--"I never owned a slave," "My family got here eighty years after slavery was over." But of course almost nothing having to do with race is rational. That whites are now stigmatized by their race is not poetic justice; it is simply another echo of racism's power to contaminate by mere association.

    Because blacks live amidst such hunger for the moral authority of their race, we embraced protest as a permanent identity in order to capture the fruits of white guilt on an ongoing basis. Again, this was our first fall by our own hand. Still, it is hard to imagine any group of individuals coming out of four centuries of oppression and not angling their identity toward whatever advantage seemed available. White guilt held out the promise of a preferential life in recompense for past injustice, and the protest identity seemed the best way to keep that promise alive.

    But there is another "little gulag" for the black individual. He lives in a society that needs his race for the good it wants to do more than it needs his individual self. His race makes him popular with white institutions and unifies him with blacks. But he is unsupported everywhere as an individual. Nothing in his society asks for or even allows his flowering as a full, free, and responsible person. As is always the case when "the good" becomes ascendant over freedom, and coercion itself becomes a good thing, the individual finds himself in a gulag.

  3. #153
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    Default Re: ambers reply to the racial thread and what was being said about her

    Quote Originally Posted by Ryz View Post
    Haha; Kelly looks surprised 24/7. Always makes me chuckle a bit <3
    with all that damn surgery and botox you would to

    I Can Suck You Dry!!!


  4. #154
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    Default Re: ambers reply to the racial thread and what was being said about her

    Listen amber, I have no problem with who you like to fuck ,I don't really care that the reason you dislike white men is that you think one or more of your ancestors might have got fucked every which way by their white slave master.I think you and anyone who thinks like you has issues but it's not my business.

    But what I object to is you and some of the other Blacks here , making out that white men fuck black women because they have some kind of fetish. Being someone who is dating a Black woman I take offense to that. Iam sorry but you are a right fucking muppet.

    Would you say that to a Black man with a white wife I wonder.

    'An iredeemable and ignorant scumbag who is surely worse than many of those his job gives him the right to arrest'. by Prospero, bedwetting liberal in chief .

  5. #155
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    Default Re: ambers reply to the racial thread and what was being said about her

    Quote Originally Posted by onmyknees View Post
    Wow...Some Anger goin' on there. Reading that, I felt like I was listening to Al Sharpton's radio program. You certainly write with passion, but do dedicate lots of energy to the negative. Your post has some history, lots of opinion, some exaggeration, but begins as it ends....sounding like you have lots of malice towards white folks. You do raise some interesting points, but leave the reader with more questions than answers. You even ask some profound questions regarding Asians and African immigrants, excelling but side step any answers or any responsibility.
    I never have and never will treat black folks as a monolith, so I'd like to have the favor returned. I wouldn't call it a hateful rant, but it is laced some of the same themes Sharpton talks about constantly, and although he never specifically says it....his intent it to lay white guilt on us. When I listen to him...or others like him...I get the feeling he's pointing the finger at me for the lack of progress in the Black Community and that somehow I bear some responsibility....I suppose as Americans we all do, but Sharpton seems to personalize it. I got that same feeling reading your post. . I get a very dissimilar feeling when listening to Bill Cosby for example. Black intellectual Shelby Steel spoke of white guilt this way...

    What is white guilt? It is not a personal sense of remorse over past wrongs. White guilt is literally a vacuum of moral authority in matters of race, equality, and opportunity that comes from the association of mere white skin with America's historical racism. It is the stigmatization of whites and, more importantly, American institutions with the sin of racism. Under this stigma white individuals and American institutions must perpetually prove a negative--that they are not racist--to gain enough authority to function in matters of race, equality, and opportunity. If they fail to prove the negative, they will be seen as racists. Political correctness, diversity policies, and multiculturalism are forms of deference that give whites and institutions a way to prove the negative and win reprieve from the racist stigma.

    People often deny white guilt by pointing to its irrationality--"I never owned a slave," "My family got here eighty years after slavery was over." But of course almost nothing having to do with race is rational. That whites are now stigmatized by their race is not poetic justice; it is simply another echo of racism's power to contaminate by mere association.

    Because blacks live amidst such hunger for the moral authority of their race, we embraced protest as a permanent identity in order to capture the fruits of white guilt on an ongoing basis. Again, this was our first fall by our own hand. Still, it is hard to imagine any group of individuals coming out of four centuries of oppression and not angling their identity toward whatever advantage seemed available. White guilt held out the promise of a preferential life in recompense for past injustice, and the protest identity seemed the best way to keep that promise alive.

    But there is another "little gulag" for the black individual. He lives in a society that needs his race for the good it wants to do more than it needs his individual self. His race makes him popular with white institutions and unifies him with blacks. But he is unsupported everywhere as an individual. Nothing in his society asks for or even allows his flowering as a full, free, and responsible person. As is always the case when "the good" becomes ascendant over freedom, and coercion itself becomes a good thing, the individual finds himself in a gulag.
    I believe beatmaker's comment was spot on, eloquent, and quite neutral. That said, your comment on black individualism is pretty damn spot on as well. Blacks, as evidence by this thread, are lumped into "situations" and feel responsible as a "group" I am black, well dominican as well, and when reading a story on crime or general "ghettoness" hope to GOD that the person isn't black. Other races don't feel that responsibility. Let's face it: whites commit more crime on average. Sure we can get into prison population and then id get into conviction rates, but that is for another thread. The bottom line is whites don't not feel that same sort of responsibility. They don't feel like they need to "make Obama proud"...

    we need to do us as individuals.

    Last edited by tatsu1; 02-04-2011 at 09:32 PM.

  6. #156
    Chased Thru The Woods... 5 Star Poster bte's Avatar
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    Default Re: ambers reply to the racial thread and what was being said about her

    Only on HA (well to my knowledge) where you can see tits, cock, asshole, and intelligent and thoughtful debate on racism, sexism, and transgender issues.

    BTW well said beatmaker. First poster where I actually read the entire message instead of skimming it.

  7. #157
    Junior Poster kaiser1one's Avatar
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    Default Re: ambers reply to the racial thread and what was being said about her

    Quote Originally Posted by nsagent View Post
    Wow, people like you are exactly whats wrong with black people today. You want to believe so badly that racisim and prejudice is alive and well (its not) that you make up mountains of "proof" and ignore whats happening in this country. Arguing this point with people like is completely worthless, until you stop trying so hard to convince yourself its anywhere near that bad. smh
    Bullshit. Racism is alive and well in America. Klan rallies STILL occuring is living proof. Besides, I can give you an example of Racism right now.

    I was at a neighbor's house I recently befriended around Christmas. Her husband went to jail 10 days before and I was being nice cause it was Christmas. We hit it off and have been friend's since. Her husbands a racist fuck. Even his daughter admits it.

    He's getting on her because she walked up the street to Winn-Dixie with me. Seriously, up the fuckin street. JUST because I'm black.

    I was around for the phone call when we got back, his own words: "I don't want you walkin' up the street with that nigger."

    Wtf??? I've done nothing to this guy except be a friend to his woman and all of a sudden I'm the "nigger next door"???

    What's that do?

    The Judge, last words.(Right before being blasted by a bazooka.)
    Buffy the Vampire Slayer.

  8. #158
    Platinum Poster Silcc69's Avatar
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    Default Re: ambers reply to the racial thread and what was being said about her

    Quote Originally Posted by FreddieGomez View Post
    it makes me sick seein a black chick gettin fucked by TOM MOORE...
    Shit him fuckin any hot chic is disgusting

    Quote Originally Posted by tjinla2001
    I haven't just let a single prostitute cum in my mouth. Hundreds- more likely thousands of transvesites have shot their loads in my mouth. God bless america

  9. #159
    Chased Thru The Woods... 5 Star Poster bte's Avatar
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    Default Re: ambers reply to the racial thread and what was being said about her

    Quote Originally Posted by kaiser1one View Post
    Bullshit. Racism is alive and well in America. Klan rallies STILL occuring is living proof. Besides, I can give you an example of Racism right now.

    I was at a neighbor's house I recently befriended around Christmas. Her husband went to jail 10 days before and I was being nice cause it was Christmas. We hit it off and have been friend's since. Her husbands a racist fuck. Even his daughter admits it.

    He's getting on her because she walked up the street to Winn-Dixie with me. Seriously, up the fuckin street. JUST because I'm black.

    I was around for the phone call when we got back, his own words: "I don't want you walkin' up the street with that nigger."

    Wtf??? I've done nothing to this guy except be a friend to his woman and all of a sudden I'm the "nigger next door"???
    Shit dude, I was dating this white girl one time and her step dad wouldn't even let me in the house when he was home. We would have to sit outside or she have to come over my house. In the town I used to live in, they still had klan rallies out in the country.

  10. #160
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    Default Re: ambers reply to the racial thread and what was being said about her

    To Kelly Believe me They know your a man! In polite society they won't say it to your face! But they whisper behind your back! Looking at the picture of your man I can see he is gay! If that is questioned then your in question! Any woman that is the same size as you there will be physical differences and that is something you can never change! If you stood next to a woman same size and weight your head will be larger your hands and feet will show enough of a difference for someone to question, so stop being delusional, They're just being polite! Lisa Your just full of your self your old and angry and it is only a matter of time before your looks really fall off. You have a lot of issues and that is why you display so much anger on here. You've been clocked! You make so much money but you escort on the side!? RIGHT! You talk about the Blacks but you display the same behaviors; i,e. What you own and how much you make! So ghetto! Just like me it is so easy to sit behind my computer and talk so much SHIT! I bet you sit at home and cry a lot because you cant be the woman you dream of and then you get angry and go on line to vent that anger. And just like a bully you attack the Blacks and anyone who has this secret life, because you are where you are and can't change nothing! Your fat, not attractive and a member of the third sex and cant change it! so you become a pitbull and attack as hard as you can to anyone who goes against you! And then later on you got to your room and cry! If you were so much of a lady and someone with a job and in the real world you wouldn't be here with your picture up! It is so easy for someone to do an internet search on you and find out your escorting and then you will loose that 100K job you say you have! OH and Kelly same thing, more than likely your husbands co-workers searched you and know what you are!

    Thank You
    Now let me go back to my corner and hide!

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