GrimFussion I was replying to Coroners contrarie reply to my post. I wasn't asking for help. Process of elimination is a wonderful way of eliminating possible causes of a problem. Good to suggest it! However I would not do with out either of those addons. Especially for "Exotic Browsing" on sites like this one. Even innocent sites like school sites are not completely safe these days. I do not think the fault lies with FF or those addons. Remember anyone can put a link to an image from anywhere on this and other sites. some of them dont show, For example This post on the "Kissing pics" thread on my pc only shows 2 pics. There are 5 pics in the post though! 3 of those sites don't like "hot linking" from HA and serve up something else besides the image. I'm sure that in the case of those 3 other pics whatever is served by the sites in question is probably ok. But thats not to say that is the case always. That's the colour of my money anyway! Didn't think I'd have to mount a defence! This is the centre for friendly advise! Sine I used ABP to kill the adds on HA the problem hasnt returned. I also do not allow HA scripts, Not conclusive proof that that was solution but its something to start with! Have fun! O