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  1. #21
    Junior Poster
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    Quote Originally Posted by dj4monie
    Seem getting from Point A to Point B is more of an issue that actually talking to a T one-on-one.

    For Example -

    If Allanah is already playing the elimination game with anybody that notices her in public, how is she suppose to meet somebody that doesn't view her as some sort of sex object?

    Seems to me meeting T's online is the best way to get a dialog started.

    Both Parties knows what to expect from the other.

    That was my whole thought process...It seems like guys are relegated to having to approach transsexuals only online or in gay clubs. But i guess that's just how it is...

    Yeah, i'm looking at your titties.

  2. #22
    Junior Poster
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    Quote Originally Posted by Man Fuck It
    Quote Originally Posted by dj4monie
    Seem getting from Point A to Point B is more of an issue that actually talking to a T one-on-one.

    For Example -

    If Allanah is already playing the elimination game with anybody that notices her in public, how is she suppose to meet somebody that doesn't view her as some sort of sex object?

    Seems to me meeting T's online is the best way to get a dialog started.

    Both Parties knows what to expect from the other.

    That was my whole thought process...It seems like guys are relegated to having to approach transsexuals only online or in gay clubs. But i guess that's just how it is...
    Actually -

    Your best bet is online or at night clubs that are TG friendly some nights of the week.

    In bigger cities you run the risk of meeting more girls for hire than actual TG looking to meet somebody.

    Its a whole sorted game I have kinda given up on.

  3. #23
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    Default Well...

    I agree to what Allanah said, simply because it has also happened to me on the streets or when I go to "str8" clubs (which is not often). We would just smile and keep walking to avoid any future drama. But I do believe that you can meet a ts woman outside the clubs or off the net, I say this by personal experience, I was approached while shopping at a Mall in Virginia by the man who later became my bf for almost 2 yrs. He came up to me and said "Excuse me, with all due respect, I want to know if it would be possible to conversate with you for a moment, I know you are that "special" type of woman I love interacting with"....I was in kinda shock for like a minute but then I accepted to conversate while having lunch LOL...Later on I found out he had been in a 5yr relationship with a Pre op Ts woman, and a 3yr relationship previous to that one with a pre-post op ts woman as well, and had been single for a year when we met, but obviously can tell a ts woman as soon as he see he, but who wouldnt with all that TS experience LOL!!
    In conclusion:
    Ts women are as approachable as GG, just be respectful, honest and willing to be "out" totally, as you would with a GG, if looking for a serious relationship with a ts woman.

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  4. #24
    Platinum Poster BeardedOne's Avatar
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    OK, someone bumped this, so everyone into the pool.

    These daze, experienced as I am with far too many outpatient relationships, I approach women (Be they GG/TG/TS) with a cross and necklace of garlic cloves in hand.

    That doesn't mean to say that I am rude to them, just that I am more than likely not going to turn my back on them until I've determined they aren't carrying any sharp objects or bricks.

    I honestly haven't a clue how I've approached women/wimmin in the past, but however I did it I did it with as much honesty as I could (Short of scaring the bejeezus outta the poor girl). It's not just women, but people as a whole, that don't want to be hoodwinked into buying a product that turns out to be more flash than function.

    I'm reminded of a scene from Harvard Man, a not-great flick with Joey Lauren Adams in it (The only reason I rented it, because I adored her in the Kevin Smith films, Mall Rats and Chasing Amy and the way she squealed "You've got wings!" in Travolta's Michael was priceless). In this scene, in a singles bar, this guy is trying to impress the woman he meets there. He puffs himself up and sez "I'm a real estate investor. I just bought the Pelee Island Hotel in Canada".

    OK, all you Newfies can yuck it up now.

    Kudos to the writers of that flick, because those that know saw this bufoon for the...buffoon...he was. I have a chicken coop in my backyard that is bigger, and in better condition, than the Pelee Island Hotel. Pelee Island is the southernmost point of Canada, so far south, and so insignificant, that they only show the top half of the island on the nautical charts of the lake. Imagine how this girl is going to react/feel if she takes up with this self-important bahstid and discovers that his 'real estate investments' are little more than double-wides with a view.

    Women...People...Know when you're scamming them. Unless they're stoopid, and then they get what they deserve. You can look like Rodney Dangerfield and talk like Lenny Bruce (Though if you say the seven dirty words too many times it limits the lifespan of the realtionship somewhat....Unless they are a biker/trucker chick, then it's OK), and they'll still hang on your every word if they know they are true.

    Damn, it's snowing. It sucks to be ADD. What was I saying?


    The moral to this story is: You wanna approach a girl? Bring her a rose and tell her she's the most beautiful sight you've seen today. If you're scamming her, be prepared to pry that stilletto heel out of your forehead.

  5. #25
    5 Star Poster ezed's Avatar
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    Walk up to her and say " Hey Baby, you look swell!"

    works every time

  6. #26
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    This would be brought back from the dead on a Saturday Night wouldnt it?

    Look, I could have gone to L in North Hollywood, however the overall quality leaves ALOT to be desired. If your thang is drag queens, hard up providers and those questionably passable, then pay $10 get your arse down thurr...

    Since I didn't do that and I was sent that oh so special email about somebody replying to a thread from da dead. Here's my 50 cents...

    For those thinking about datin a TG read -

    With "Mr Vain" by Culture Beat in the background

    (its the club DJ turned bedroom DJ in me...)

    Its da Elimination Game at its finest...

    Dudes who can't figure out how to talk to GG's, now want to seek the attention of a TG. Boy aren't you barking up the wrong tree Dawg. For every passable TG that you could actually be seen in public with, without the look of "Things that make you go hmmm" on somepeople's faces, there's 10 GG's that on their best behavior is what your looking for 9 out of 10 times (those off times its better to be single).

    See TG's have always been looked at as "different" most of their lives its nothing NEW to them, so a few weird stares or whatever means nothing to them. You Joe Average, Mista Normal couldn't possibly handle the constant public "questioning" of "Who is that your with, a man, a woman or something in-between"

    Now if you can keep the Homophoic yet Gay themselves men from beating your ass and Confussed yet openly Bi sexual and hyperitical women from puttin your ass on "blast" everytime you go outside to check your mail or go to wipe off the "Fag Boy" off your whip, then MAYBE you can date a substandard TG.

    I however cannot do that.

    I expect the same qualities in a T that I do in GG and that won't change for anything or anybody.

    Which means, for all intinsive purposes, I have given up looking for, trying to email, text message or send a "wink" to any TG's. In the usual ways you try and meet women just don't work looking for a passable T girls. Their guard is up HIGHER than a GG to start with, for fear of being beaten to within a inch of their lives or worst. I honestly think that's a bit over dramatic for most TG's as they don't usually put themselves in postions to be "outted" too often anyway.

    Another un reasonable reason that TG's expect you not to want to have sex with them. Frickin HELLO, we are men, we like to fug, its NORMAL. Just ask the GG's that tells men up front she will not sleep with them until she's married (the biggest line of BS of all time) how often she dates... Not often I can tell you, her ass is sitting at home right now, continplating using that dildo she picked up at the Adult Store. That's after she puts her son to bed.... As I said, complete BS isnt it?

    Message to hoes that think like that, the horse is already out of the barn, fuck it, might as well have sex....

    And TG's, get a frickin grip ladies, dayum your not THAT special.

    If you diss my ass if I come up to you, diss me for not being attracted to me not because you THINk I might not accept who you are. Clearly if Im going up to you, I can accept who you are, which for most ladies especially in LA isn't too often as I won't pay to play, at least not in the overpriced US market.

    Before I sign off - "You're Not Alone - Olive (Paul Oakendfold Remix) now inside my headphones...

    Im not dissing anybody here directly so don't take it as such, but don't be tryin to clown either. This is reality for alot of men out there, that seek attention from both GG's and TG's. Both sometimes impossible to deal with.

    And say NO when your homie wants to hook you up with some ugly TG even if "it" is available and single...

    I don't ride like that and neither should you.

    DJ MUTHA FUCKIN FOR $$$ signin off..

  7. #27
    Platinum Poster BeardedOne's Avatar
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    That was interesting.

    Having dated a variety of women/wimmin in my time, including a 6'3" basketball player and an adorable sweeite in a wheelchair with racing stripes on it, I'm used to being stared at. And it was more likely that the people were staring at me and thinking "Another escapee from the Institute"....Now that I think of it, they stare at me when I'm =not= out on a date, so maybe that's it.

    I don't approach women anymore, unless there's some prior arrangement at hand (And that can't really qualify as 'approaching', can it?). I got tired of the goofy tapdance a long time ago and the pay-for-play option has come out to be more economical than therapy and psychotropic medication.

    I did notice, in the later years, that my attitude towards the inevitable game-playing was starting to show through in my approach. I realized that I had gotten a lot more coarse in my interactions with women. In the past I'd do the polite conversation routine for much of the time we spent together and usually wouldn't swear very much unless I whacked my thumb with a hammer or they asked for 'dirty talk' in the bedroom. Towards the end of my dating 'career' it was not uncommon for me to say 'fuck' or 'muthahfuckah' at least once in the first sentence out of my mouth. Granted, it frightened off the more refined crowd, but the survivors were better able to handle the bumpy ride.

    But I never tried to hide the fact that I was a foul-mouthed geek. I think they, or some of them, appreciated the honesty in that, even if I did manage to melt their eardrums.

    Hell, I don't know where I'm going with this (Or if I've already arrived there). The power popped out during the snow (Which is still coming down) and screwed up all of the clocks, so I'm not sure what time I actually got up. Gawddamned roosters don't care if it's snowing.

  8. #28
    Platinum Poster BeardedOne's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by mds
    So walking up to a girl in the street and saying: Hey baby, how much for boom-boom? is a no-no, then?
    I knew a guy that would walk up to a woman at the bar and before even saying "Hello" would say "Wanna fuck?" Though he did get his fair share of slaps and wear a drink or two, he had a surprisingly high success rate (And we're not even counting the fact that he looked like an ugly gorilla who had just had a fire put out on his fur).

    I knew another with a similar tactic that would follow up the negative responses with "So, I guess a blowjob is out of the question" and it actually increased his success rate. Go figure.

    Even I don't get that direct. I usually say "Hello" first.

  9. #29
    Platinum Poster flabbybody's Avatar
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    It's been written here more than a couple of times that my mere presence at a tgirl function eliminates me from the potential boyfriend pool. I thought t's want to meet guys who are attracted to them thinking they're gg's.

    now I'm confused.

  10. #30
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    There is no sure fire approach.
    Growing up I saw a lot of "Hey Sunshine...." , or "Damn girl, look at all that Ass..." or "Aye, Mami, que cosa!" and my favorite "Hey you in the Hooker boots" and they worked too many times... in those neigborhoods.

    In a bar/club eye contact and a smile is important. They should be returned before you make a move. If the girl avoids eye contact, no smile and looks away quickly move on. It's a nice way to say, "not interested, thanks". If you get it a smile in return, you might have a chance or she is just a sweetheart and is being nice. Next step is say hi, followed by "you have a great smile.." or your eyes, they are pretty...," or "your dress, outfit looks beautiful.." hi I'm __" Again if she looks away and doesn't return with a response, move on.
    And NEVER let a girl hear you repeat a line on them that you just tried. You might end up with an Apple Martini in your face.

    Girls are so different than each other. What will work with one won't work on another. Most woman would appreciate if you came up with a different approach based on them, or at least feel that way.
    Some women want the bold and aggressive type and some was a more subtle approach, as long as it is not too passive, because then you won't be taken seriously.
    Every girl is unique and the challenge of figuring them out makes the chase fun. I like that my approach has evolved through the years and women I have come across. Keep you game tight and fresh. It all depends on who and what you are looking for.

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