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  1. #11
    Rookie Poster
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    Ok well this forum is realy cool but I cant believe some one cant voice there opinion. I love shemales. I wish I could go out with Allanh. There is a woman, she could proably win the Miss America contest. I would kust like to apologize to Wendy for my comments earlier. I hope she accepts. I was rude for them.

  2. #12
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    Quote Originally Posted by NYCe
    so sid what do u suggest we do about mega?
    Look, I'm not suggesting that you ban him or anything, but some of his posts are outright threatening. Others are just outright nonsense. Personally, I think he's just a bit of a bully, who knows that the net is a great place to hide - he knows full well that he's never going to have to back himself. Most people grow out of that, he doesn't appear to have. I think that perhaps you need to ask him to retract some of his wilder assertions when circumstances demand this. Whilst I don't give a toss what he says, there must be others who feel unable/unwilling to post for fear of starting one of his tantrums. In fact, I know this is the case - a couple of people approached me about this at another board I used to frequent. I suggest that you politely ask him to show a little consideration for the opinions of others - at the very least, whenever he completely loses it, perhaps you could post an admonishment?
    BTW - I don't want this to turn into another word of words Megabody, as those tend to degenerate into childeshness on all sides. I suspect that some of the offence you cause is merely culturally based - I'm just asking that respect other posters.

  3. #13
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    SidChromeAU = peaches

  4. #14
    Veteran Poster
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    this is some punk shit, you're scared to post because of megabody?
    and i don't know what the big deal over what LITSLOVER posted. It's just words people, let them roll off your back like water on a duck. Some of you guys (and girls) need to get thicker skin.

  5. #15
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    Quote Originally Posted by d
    i don't know what the big deal over what LITSLOVER posted. It's just words people, let them roll off your back like water on a duck. Some of you guys (and girls) need to get thicker skin.
    Like i hinted at earlier i believe in the right of free speech. If the words were directed at me hell no problem i can take it and dish it out no problem. If the comment was based upon just an honest opinion I.E.(no i don't think she is, or i think that the other girl is prettier) again no problem opinions vary fact of life But how he wrote it and how i was perceived it was very insulting towards Wendy and towards the orginial poster of the topic thread, so it was bound to elicit a response from Wendy and her friends and admiriers. From what i have heard here in this thread it wasn't the first time this has happened so it stands to reason that tempers are bound to flair. As for the Mega issue i have read a few of his posts and they are a bit brash and if you are going to admonish you should admonish across the board and not just a few select people while letting the others off.

    All and All litslover apoligized and that personally is good enough for me if it happens again then we will deal with that bridge when we come to it.


    Sorry if i offended ye, no wait I am not sorry, being offended is your problem not mine.

  6. #16
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    Quote Originally Posted by jerry
    SidChromeAU = peaches
    Jerry, I'm sure that the Admin staff have the ability to trace my IP, and to therefore determine that I am not, in fact, Peaches. Frankly, I didn't think much of Peaches either. Some of you guys are just so precious, aren't you? Since when has a request for decorum, and the imposition of a uniform code of behaviour amongst all of us, been considered so threatening? All I asked was that we all try to use decent manners.

  7. #17
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    Quote Originally Posted by d
    this is some punk shit, you're scared to post because of megabody?
    and i don't know what the big deal over what LITSLOVER posted. It's just words people, let them roll off your back like water on a duck. Some of you guys (and girls) need to get thicker skin.
    d - re-read my post. I'm not at all concerned by Mega - almost all bullies are poseurs, not worthy of fear. I stated that others are put off by his behaviour. Ponder this: whilst this is a good board, it lacks substance on some levels. Partly, I suspect, because whenever a real discussion is attempted any contrary opinions are immediately shot down by one or two self-appointed leaders of this community. It tends to kill debate.

  8. #18
    A Very Grooby Guy Platinum Poster GroobySteven's Avatar
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    I'm up for what Sid is saying. If everyone just had a little more respect for other peoples postings (as well as their feelings) and only posted if they had something to contribute to the thread instead of just shooting people down for the hell of it, it would make the forum better.
    The bad commentary on Wendy was just uncalled for - I don't think she looks like Lindsay either but there was no need to use slurs about the individual.

  9. #19
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    Quote Originally Posted by seanchai
    I'm up for what Sid is saying. If everyone just had a little more respect for other peoples postings (as well as their feelings) and only posted if they had something to contribute to the thread instead of just shooting people down for the hell of it, it would make the forum better.
    The bad commentary on Wendy was just uncalled for - I don't think she looks like Lindsay either but there was no need to use slurs about the individual.
    Whats your problem sean, How dare you use rationality in this forum?! The potshots at Wendy are retarded, if you see some of the more amature girls who are trying to pass as women, you'd consider Wendy a god. Even putting her against other established stars, she's good looking.

    I also think megabody needs to relax abit, I realize you take the internet seriously mega, but c'mon dude threatening peoples lives over it might be a bit excessive.

  10. #20
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    True this is a country of free speech by law but we are all adults (hopefully), & if so you know that statement is just not true all of the time. Sometimes you are restricted by the terms of the situation.
    There are some folks posting that have only paid a girl for 30 minutes in the back of a car & feel they are TS Experts. The fact is (& I am no Expert) that some dudes wish they could live like Mega. Mega is in it to win it & won't run & hide. He isn't playing Hide & Seek A Tranny like some. Sure he can be bold at times but that's just a person's nature. There's a big difference in being bold & being down right nasty towards someone. Its obvious Lits has a problem with Wendy & has threw personal shots at her numerous times. Mega has said things like jailhouse & dog to describe some photos but it wasn't personally directed at one individual numerous times. & to think Mega is some scared boy is silly. His arm is the size of my body & I'm sure he wouldn't back down to a physical challenge if anything I'm sure most are thankful he doesn't know where they live. Anyway I've rambled long enough but just don't think cause your on the web that you can bad mouth someone & expect it to roll off. Be nice about it. Don't compare Mega to Lits because they are totally different folks. Mega has been around, & has earned a little respect, just as all of the brave & honest TS girls that are HA members & post with us. HA is for TS lovers not HATERS. Check that SHIT at the door...

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