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  1. #11
    Senior Member Junior Poster
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    jack you jew basher

  2. #12
    Rookie Poster
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    Let's face it in simple terms, mel's a TWAT, pure and simple.Saying that anyone in the hollywood actors and hangers' on club are TWATS pure and simple.These people just don't
    operate in normal society like we do for the most part. Anyway he's gonna get his comeuppance. She may be a gold digger, she may be not, either way she's part of that hanger's
    on club and so she is part to blame for getting involved with TWATS.

  3. #13


    Quote Originally Posted by Tiffany Anne View Post
    Thats right's the Jew's fault.
    The Jews made Gibson a raving bigot. It was the Jews who said, Hey Mel, why don't you put yourself up as a symbol of good Catholicism, while you're cheating on your wife, who you can then divorce to hook up with the chick you've been banging. It was the Jews who said it was ok to rant and rave and threaten women.
    I said if you can read...that he was the maker of his own doom....BUT.
    When those ALLEGED comments came out that he allegedly made about Jews it marked the end for Gibson.
    He first pissed them of with that movie the PASSION OF THE CHRIST....I think what REALLY made them angry was the fact that no Jews backed the movie financially and it went on to make MEGA bucks.
    That was strike one and then the trooper incident.
    I said it before and I will say it again on the whole AS A GROUP Jews are VERY VERY sensitive about people they perceive not to like them.
    They seek them out and catalog them...I know I have seen it myself...its what they do I am not saying its bad and I am not saying its good.
    Quick story....I was in NYC in 1989...Manhattan being a tourist and there was a street prophet preaching.
    He happened to be a nutty black nationalist wearing combat boots and he had one of those sheep herder canes.
    He was on the corner with a bullhorn saying the nuttiest of things.
    I walked up to him a listened for a minute....actually I thought he was an escaped mental patient....anyways a man with a video camera came up and started video tapping him.
    I could see he was Jewish and so could nutty black nationalist guy and he started saying that black people were the real Jews and this man with the camera was this or that....
    The guy was part of a group that catalogs people like this and when they perceive them to be a big enough threat they deal with them.
    Thats what happens.
    Mel Gibson is getting dealt with....thats why his press is SO bad and a admitted rapist a fugitive can get such good press.
    Its how they operate its how they always have operated.

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  4. #14
    Gold Poster Helvis2012's Avatar
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    He's an asshole. This is no secret or anything new.
    To know him is to hate him.

    "That's what i thought you said."

  5. #15
    Junior Poster
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    The first thing is he's an idiot.
    Second thing is he's a racist, anti-semitic idiot.
    Third thing is, he got suckered by a Russian gold-digger who is now going to take him to the cleaners.
    So all in all he is just a huge fucking idiot.

    It's not hurting anyone,so what's your problem?

  6. #16
    Veteran Poster
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    It's in Mel's background. His dad has managed to piss off not only the Jews but even the Roman Catholics. He's been on a near 50 year rant against the chruch for the the desanctication of Vaticain II and the removal of Latin mass. He's been a one man PIA with his writings and diatribes against the current church and Israel. Apple didn't fall far from the tree. Oskana is pretty well educated and respected by peers within academic circles. She's no airhead gold digger that's famous for being famous. I do find it sort of ironic that feels cheated on during her pregnancy by Mel with Violet Koval when she did the same thing with Mel and Robyn. Yeah, Mel's a closet racist that can't seem to handle his liquor and a horny bastard that can't get it up. Alcohol and 54 years will do it to ya. All this sounds like to me is an exhausted woman, scorned in post partum and an asshole that's drunk and wanted to be serviced and tired of all the new attention she's giving to the kid.

    Interesting observation. If you listen to the recordings, somebody knew what they were doing and she probably had outside help. Most people will record a phone call with a line coupler or induction device. These recordings are using a separate microphone for her voice mixed with line coupling for his. While it's nothing complicated to do, this isn't the way the average person would do this. She really wanted to get him good....and he deserves it. I seriously doubt that there will be any criminal charges involved. They're not married and she has no other stake then the kid with him and maybe a few joint ventures like her album. What can Mel's lawyers argue besides alleged extortion? She battered him? Don't think that she willfully attacked his knuckles with her face. She's legitimately due child support and anything else she can get after his abuse. His career is toast. Don't blame it on anyone else, he did this all himself.

    Wonder what Danny Glover must be thinking.

  7. #17
    Senior Member Platinum Poster
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    Quote Originally Posted by Solitary Brother View Post
    I said if you can read...that he was the maker of his own doom....BUT.
    When those ALLEGED comments came out that he allegedly made about Jews it marked the end for Gibson.
    He first pissed them of with that movie the PASSION OF THE CHRIST....I think what REALLY made them angry was the fact that no Jews backed the movie financially and it went on to make MEGA bucks.
    That was strike one and then the trooper incident.
    I said it before and I will say it again on the whole AS A GROUP Jews are VERY VERY sensitive about people they perceive not to like them.
    They seek them out and catalog them...I know I have seen it myself...its what they do I am not saying its bad and I am not saying its good.
    Quick story....I was in NYC in 1989...Manhattan being a tourist and there was a street prophet preaching.
    He happened to be a nutty black nationalist wearing combat boots and he had one of those sheep herder canes.
    He was on the corner with a bullhorn saying the nuttiest of things.
    I walked up to him a listened for a minute....actually I thought he was an escaped mental patient....anyways a man with a video camera came up and started video tapping him.
    I could see he was Jewish and so could nutty black nationalist guy and he started saying that black people were the real Jews and this man with the camera was this or that....
    The guy was part of a group that catalogs people like this and when they perceive them to be a big enough threat they deal with them.
    Thats what happens.
    Mel Gibson is getting dealt with....thats why his press is SO bad and a admitted rapist a fugitive can get such good press.
    Its how they operate its how they always have operated.
    Nobody can fool an intellectual heavyweight like you, it seems. These "catalogs" of which you speak sound fascinating btw. lol

    So you said it once and now you're going on record, right now, to say it again, "on the whole AS A GROUP Jews are VERY VERY sensitive about people they perceive not to like them". Word is BORN, brotha' man. lol

    You sure do know a lot about religion, Jews, and street people. First it was the white anarchists, and now the black street jews. lol You're so worldly. Tell us about people doing peepee in the streets in France? Please? lol

  8. #18
    Senior Member Platinum Poster
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    Quote Originally Posted by sunairco View Post

    Wonder what Danny Glover must be thinking.
    ... and Tina Turner, or anyone else in Hollywood who's not a white guy. lol

  9. #19


    Quote Originally Posted by Nicole Dupre View Post
    Nobody can fool an intellectual heavyweight like you, it seems. These "catalogs" of which you speak sound fascinating btw. lol

    So you said it once and now you're going on record, right now, to say it again, "on the whole AS A GROUP Jews are VERY VERY sensitive about people they perceive not to like them". Word is BORN, brotha' man. lol

    You sure do know a lot about religion, Jews, and street people. First it was the white anarchists, and now the black street jews. lol You're so worldly. Tell us about people doing peepee in the streets in France? Please? lol

    Not only do you look like a freak and a rock hard brick you sound like a complete idiot.
    Should not you be selling your rancid asshole somewhere?
    I have tried to be nicer to certain people but you ALWAYS ask for it.
    You are HORRIBLE looking and can be a bricklayer because your so fucking hard and manly.
    How anyone or ANYTHING could bust a nut in your rotting carcass is truly one of the worlds great mysteries.
    Your should go fill a tub with female hormones and jump in bitch because theres not a cunt bone in your hideous body.

  10. #20
    Senior Member Platinum Poster
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    Same old tired nonsense. And you haven't "tried" shit with me. You've always been a mouthy prick. So take that 3rd grade edjumacation and your ignorant ghetto philosophy and shove it up your worn out asshole. Nobody is impressed. Have another glass of champipple and call it a day.

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