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  1. #11
    Platinum Poster BeardedOne's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by TrueBeauty TS
    Don't know about any other girl, but I'll gladly take the 40 year old, computer geek, comic book reading nerd over a bad boy.

    Polite, educated, nice, friendly, employed, decent looking (doesn't have to be a God) and I'm yours.
    I'll make note of that after I sort my X-Men, tweak the harddrive, and blow out the 48th candle.

    "In times of universal deceit, telling the truth will be a revolutionary act." - George Orwell

  2. #12
    Veteran Poster rick_932's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by DamionXXX
    I couldnt resist this topic...

    Some t-girls like a thug because his super macho tough baller attitude makes them seem way more feminine in comparison.

    Even GG's like bad boys, they just dont always use thier brains in these matters...

    For example there has been for years in Houston a street hustler named Johnny Boy... yes he gets into cars with men for money and waits in front of a gay bar called the 611... nearly every girl in Houston ( and there are exceptions ) has slept with him, dated him, or long for him...

    He is constantly in and out of jail, and has the most passive/aggressive attitude I have ever seen, he likes everyone around him to be at least a little intimidated, and you can immediatley see how aggitated he gets when somone dosent buy his jail house routine.

    He has beat up TS girls hundreds of times, taken thier money or stolen thier cars or thier drugs... and I am told in the last year or two he finally met his match and got most of his teeth busted out with a brick.

    yet they still are after this trash, thuggish , HIV positive jackass... I dated a Tgirl and later found out she had been with him, i was disgusted and had to ask... How could you even let him touch you? I swear she got goosebumps just saying his name... She just said thats the type of guy most of the girls want... I dont believe that most girls want that, but some of the dumber ones do indeed want that in a man... dont ask me why?

    I am 6 foot 2, 200-220lbs blonde hair green eyes, a dick around 10 inches long and get paid to do adult films with mostly GGs but ive done a few films with TS girls...

    exibit a: at least good enough looking to be on a video box cover.

    on top of that I am polite, well groomed, good with money, and have webmastered for, and and currently work for ( I also totally designed the site ) and now am half owner of ... so I do ok financially... rarley drink, dont use drugs, go to the gym daily... and was beaten routinley as a kid ( so I am plenty tough ) and spent 7 years in the 101st airborne division including 2 6 month tours in iraq and 1 year in korea... Ive boxed, kickboxed and have trained in about 6 martial arts...

    I would say I am a hell of alot tougher than any old thug who has done some jail time...

    BUT IRREGARDLESS of all that... I have dated a TS or two that either cheated on me with a scumbag like that, or started dating one immediatley after we broke up...

    perhaps they think a guy with little to no income, and no education will never leave them, or perhaps it makes them feel less inferior... or perhaps they just like to get the shit beat out of them???

    as much as i am curious to hear what attracts girls to thugs, on the other hand I dont expect to hear a single answer that makes one lick of sense.... fortunatley I have moved way beyond all of that, my girl wouldnt let a thug lick her ass if the world ran out of toilet paper...

    perhaps thugs are all ravenous agressive tops in the bedroom, well so am I, I only reciprocate with someone I really love and that is only if thats something they ask for... and really really want... but only once in a blue moon...

    could just be an image thing... who the fuck knows... LOL
    i just got that vid. the girl on the cover is amazing. she kinda looks like the chick in my avatar

    New Orleans, no place like home.

  3. #13
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    Quote Originally Posted by JohnnyWalkerBlackLabel
    It ain't just thugs. From what I've seen in the past couple of years women (whether they were born a woman or decided to become one) have this infatuation with being with a man they can't control. Not trying to take away from the initial topic of this thread, because I feel this is a GREAT thread and all the replies have been well written but I just wanted to put that out there. I have seen a few thug-imaged fellas come through the parties and they sit quiet as a church mouse until some girl approaches them, rarely do i see those guys become regulars. Yet some of the Steve Erkel type of guys that have become regulars are smothered by many of the women in the clubs. Women are funny, they will fuck that guy they can't control but shit on the guy they THINK they can control who also picks up the bill they might be late paying. Fucking hilarious.........................

    Old School philosophy no one ever likes to bring up but it holds til this day: Treat a broad like shit and she will keep coming, treat her like a queen and watch that bitch bounce................................
    My view leans more towards JWBL. Guys and girl alike, enjoy a bit of a challenge. Give them everything and they will walk over you and out the door without thought. Give them shit they stay around wondering Why. They can't ahndle rejection. They will make excuses for you and why you treat them so bad.
    The thug appeal doesn't cover all TS or GG, but it does cover a large precentage of the young ones. Very few like the ones that have an outward appearance of a thug, but is really a nice guy. But younger ones want the real deal, the attitude, language and attitude. Especailly the younger girls the want their opposite, the bad boy, disresectful, and intimidating. Hoping they can tame a part of them for themselves and mold the guy to be the thug at times but turn if off as it suits her.
    I have a very versitile wardrobe. An assortment of jersey's, Roca Wear, Ecko, and timberlands, then I have my abercrombie and Kenneth Cole gear. And a few designer suits. I feel as comfortable in each. It's what I like and also my job allows me to switch up. I grew up in Harlem and Bronx, and grew out of there. Military and a degree. I'm educated and I know how to speak.
    People in general feel if you dress a certain way you should speak that way. I got my own style and flow. Those who listen closely will hear the different influences, east coast, latin background, hip hop generation, military etiquette, and a proper education. I have had girls try and talk to me for the way I am dress or not talk to me for the way I'm dressed.
    I think as people mature they seek a balance and a little challenge. Strong, tough, non passive, intelligent and sensitive.
    LL said, "I Need a Around the Way Girl", there is something about that. I am in no way looking for a hood rat, but do like women with a touch street savoy, a fiery attitude and is intelligent, can express herself, and has independant drives and desires. Someone who isn't afraid to yell and scream at me if that is how they feel as long as the can handle me saying Fuck you and walking out the door. Fighting is okay and good at times. I'll calm down be back,, We'll have a hot hard make up Fuck. And then settle the differences. If you just wanna be my housewife and wifey and you have no other goal for yourself, keep it moving GG or TS. I want someone who wants to be with me not because they feel the "need" to.

  4. #14
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    Quote Originally Posted by JohnnyWalkerBlackLabel
    It ain't just thugs. From what I've seen in the past couple of years women (whether they were born a woman or decided to become one) have this infatuation with being with a man they can't control. Not trying to take away from the initial topic of this thread, because I feel this is a GREAT thread and all the replies have been well written but I just wanted to put that out there. I have seen a few thug-imaged fellas come through the parties and they sit quiet as a church mouse until some girl approaches them, rarely do i see those guys become regulars. Yet some of the Steve Erkel type of guys that have become regulars are smothered by many of the women in the clubs. Women are funny, they will fuck that guy they can't control but shit on the guy they THINK they can control who also picks up the bill they might be late paying. Fucking hilarious.........................

    Old School philosophy no one ever likes to bring up but it holds til this day: Treat a broad like shit and she will keep coming, treat her like a queen and watch that bitch bounce................................

    So... is this the way you all really feel? It either sounds like every guy on here has been hurt, or you guys really hate women or both.

    I couldn't imagine treating someone badly that I was in love with. Would you really treat someone you love like shit just because of a philosophy? Or are you going to treat her like shit and hurt her because you are afraid she's going to do that to you? Either way, that's messed up. How are you ever going to find love?

    That's not hilarious, that tragic.

  5. #15
    Platinum Poster BeardedOne's Avatar
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    A long time ago, in a galaxy...

    Oops, wrong story.

    I used to be a nice guy, and think I still am under all the scars of time, but most of the relationships I was in ended when the woman I was with ditched me for an abuser, an alcoholic, or a moron (And random combinations of all three).

    I've heard back from mutual friends and their own families about cop calls, hospital visits, verbal and physical abuses. A handful of them are working on their third or fourth bad marriage. Two attempted suicide, a third succeeded, and one went on to off her mother with a shotgun.

    I've lifted up my shirt and asked people "Do I have a tattoo that reads 'Fucked Up Psycho Bitch Wanted, Apply Here'"?.

    And that bit about 'Treat her like a queen and watch that bitch bounce'?

    *BOING* So fucking true.

    The last one, ended in '98, was enough to make me crack. Depression, binge drinking, panic attacks, the laundry list goes on and on. As I came out of it all I found that my friends (What few had weathered the storm) were saying how cool (As in =cold=) I'd become, detached from people in general and women in particular.

    Then an odd thing happened. Women I didn't know or hadn't seen in ages started calling, writing mooshy letters, showing up at my door with donuts and coffee, all saying how I needed to take care of myself and how worried they were about me and "Oh, I'm a friend of so-n-so's and she said you needed company". Many seem to share the same historic background (Abuse, addiction, rape, molestation, etc.) as too many of my ex's. I guess they want me to reinstate the cycle wherein I take them in, dust them off, and get them ready for their next downhill slalom. I just find it interesting that more women seem to want to talk to me since I learned to become an asshole. Go figure.

    "In times of universal deceit, telling the truth will be a revolutionary act." - George Orwell

  6. #16
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    Quote Originally Posted by BeardedOne
    Then an odd thing happened. Women I didn't know or hadn't seen in ages started calling, writing mooshy letters, showing up at my door with donuts and coffee, all saying how I needed to take care of myself and how worried they were about me and "Oh, I'm a friend of so-n-so's and she said you needed company". Many seem to share the same historic background (Abuse, addiction, rape, molestation, etc.) as too many of my ex's. I guess they want me to reinstate the cycle wherein I take them in, dust them off, and get them ready for their next downhill slalom. I just find it interesting that more women seem to want to talk to me since I learned to become an asshole. Go figure.

    Yeah but, no offence, look at the women that you are attracting. Messed up women. If that's the signal you are puttung out, maybe change the channel if you want a different type of girl.

    I don't know.... I can only say for myself, I would never get into a relationship (or even date) someone that was bitter and tried to be an A-hole to me.

    I don't want someone with baggage, or that is damaged goods. (And that, my friend, is hard to find!!!)

  7. #17
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    Quote Originally Posted by BeardedOne
    Quote Originally Posted by TrueBeauty TS
    Don't know about any other girl, but I'll gladly take the 40 year old, computer geek, comic book reading nerd over a bad boy.

    Polite, educated, nice, friendly, employed, decent looking (doesn't have to be a God) and I'm yours.
    I'll make note of that after I sort my X-Men, tweak the harddrive, and blow out the 48th candle.

    I'm getting hard already!!! LOL

  8. #18
    Platinum Poster BeardedOne's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by TrueBeauty TS
    Quote Originally Posted by BeardedOne
    Quote Originally Posted by TrueBeauty TS
    Don't know about any other girl, but I'll gladly take the 40 year old, computer geek, comic book reading nerd over a bad boy.

    Polite, educated, nice, friendly, employed, decent looking (doesn't have to be a God) and I'm yours.
    I'll make note of that after I sort my X-Men, tweak the harddrive, and blow out the 48th candle.

    I'm getting hard already!!! LOL
    Uh, oh, there I go, putting out signals again.

    Yeah but, no offence, look at the women that you are attracting. Messed up women. If that's the signal you are puttung out, maybe change the channel if you want a different type of girl.
    None taken. I've often wondered about that. I found myself in the Centipede's Dilemma (When asked how he was able to co-ordinate his hundred legs so as not to trip over himslef all the time, the centipede sat down to give it some thought and never walked again), I felt that if I gave too much thought as to what it was I was saying/doing/eminating I'd cease to attract =any= kind of mate.

    Following my breakdown, instead of changing the channel, I just flipped the damned 'Off' switch and withdrew into what's become a sort of 'nest' existance. But then =more= of them appeared. I swear there's a target painted on my ass or something (And I'm attracting the wrong kind of 'darts' ). It doesn't help that well-intentioned people keep trying to introduce me to their friends, invariably messed-up women.

    I don't want someone with baggage, or that is damaged goods. (And that, my friend, is hard to find!!!)
    I'm certainly one that would qualify as damaged goods, but the bulk of the baggage was left behind by earlier passengers.

    "In times of universal deceit, telling the truth will be a revolutionary act." - George Orwell

  9. #19
    Platinum Poster BeardedOne's Avatar
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    I don't know.... I can only say for myself, I would never get into a relationship (or even date) someone that was bitter and tried to be an A-hole to me.
    Just a clarification:

    I don't try to be an asshole to anybody or make any kind of effort to be abusive. I just think (And some friends have noticed this) that I am a little less...How shall I say it?...'pliable' in how I relate to people, particularly women, these days.

    It stems from the old adage of 'Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me' and I have been 'fooled' far too many times as concerns relationships.

    "In times of universal deceit, telling the truth will be a revolutionary act." - George Orwell

  10. #20
    Junior Poster
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    There is an old saying "Treat a woman with respect and she will run away, treat her like crap and you can't get rid of her." This is a HUGE generalization but has a lot of truth in it.

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