Despite the Chinese headquarters ruling last week that she could enter, transgender model Chen Lili has been ordered to pull out of the Miss Universe competition by the international body.

The 24 year old contestant was said to be "ecstatic" at having being allowed to enter the competition, although the Chinese body had warned that they would be looking into the regulations to check if she was allowed to enter.

The New York based headquarters of the body admitted that there had never been a transgender contestant before, but ruled that she should not be allowed to compete. Ms Lili has hoped to win the Sichuan Province title, before going on to the Chinese national competition and the final global event, to be held in Ecuador later this year.

Ms Lili first made the headlines when she became the first person in China to win the right to change their birth details and have their certificate reflect their real sex, instead of the physical sex they were born with.

She has so far not commented on whether she will challenge the ruling.

Chen Lili, a Chinese transsexual, sings during the Sichuan regional competion of Miss Universe, March 7

Chen, in bikini, prepares her hair at the backstage.

Chen poses on the stage featuring bikini.