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Thread: Devils Films

  1. #131
    Professional Poster
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    Sep 2006
    48 contiguous states


    As much as I hate to interject this, there are parables in the Bible that speak of deaf and dumb people. Are you telling me that's meant to be offensive? Look, I agree that Olivia's feelings are what matter, but I think that alot of you have feelings vested in the situation and are not being objective. You assume that everyone sees this as offensive and that's just not the case. If you don't know anyone who is deaf and "____" whatever, how would you know it's offensive? I didn't know Oriental was offensive until I heard a comedian say something about it. A comedian!! (and I still don't know WHY its offensive. If you call me occidental I won't get upset). No one is going around telling folk "hey, you know that word you've been using all your life, well as of Tuesday it's offensive". I grew up saying midget, but now that's offensive.
    The point is maybe dude is an asshole, and maybe he did it to purposely call her intelligence into play (although I fail to see the motive, except he's the DEVIL), but you guys have just shut your minds to the fact that it DOESN'T HAVE TO BE INTERPRETED THAT WAY. YOU choose to interpret it that way. The line was not OUTRAGEOUS. You just CHOOSE to be OUTRAGED! If you let your ego die down a bit you'd see that!

    Oh and of course porn is inherently immoral. That's why companies call themselves Devil's films and use other sinful references. Just because it's legal and it generates tax revenue that doesn't make it moral. And just because you're involved in it doesn't make it moral. Everbody sins and does immoral stuff. The very least you can do is accept it for what it is!

    "I don't see it that way. I see it as a complete and total betrayal of my testicles!"

  2. #132


    Quote Originally Posted by Hannibal Lecter
    Yes, it's good and even honest living from your perspective. But how about, say,
    your parents? They know you are a porn star, a bunch of the people around them
    know the same fact, that their daughter is a prostitute.. Quite embarasing from their
    perspective, isn't it? And while you are living great life as prostitute,
    they on the other side have to deal with something very bad that their own daughter
    served them, and that is a life long burden, isn't it? And still they must gather enough
    courage to continue being supportive and shit like that. Quite egoistic, isn't it?
    I know that quite often there are many bad parents around that might be a cause of all that,
    but it's not allways the case. In fact, it's quite opposite. Quite often, most parents
    really do not deserve that.

    What we are talking about here in this very thread is actually somewhat weird situation where a cow is claiming to be
    something else than simply a cow - hey, i'm a supercow. Muhuu! Metaphorically speaking,
    of course.
    We are talking about the fact that you have no idea of my lifestyle and what my parents think. As a matter of fact my family loves me no matter what, unless of corse I harmed someone or did something to cause someone harm intentionally.

    All my family cares about is the fact that I am happy and that we love and care for each other.

    Many parents of trans women do not accept them, ridicule them and are simply disgusted by the fact their son is now a woman... I consider myself extremely lucky to have such a wonderful family.

    I actually did not share with my parents the fact that I was a porn star. My cousin ( a GG ) actually did some research and found my pictures, my mom then said she liked my pictures I did at the pool when I shot for the first ever Transsexual Babysitters - which was a disaster. The director they hired was a fucking crack head - it took 3 days to shoot that scene. Mike Metropolis... So Devils has a reputation of employing losers...

    Hey on the good side... I am sure Steve Volponi's mother is extremely happy and proud of her son HUH? As your is for raising someone to be lurking a transsexual website such as these... That's even if you are even out and proud about who you are...

    Don't try to tell me that my life sucks and that my parents hate me please because it is far from the truth. It's not everyone's truth and with that example I would like to point out something to you.

    There are plenty of ugly nasty people out there but my family and friends are not on that list. Your twisted view of my life is simply a reflection of your own negative views on my work and lifestyle.

    I could care less about what mean people think about me - I am cordial, I try and engage everyone with a smile, I hold doors for people, I say please and thank you and I know which fork to eat with at a dinner table. I am not some low life scum who lives a sad and miserable life, one who's family rejects her not only for her work but for just being her.

    The focus here is not someone's involvement in the porn industry Mr. Lecter, but an asshole who is involved in the industry - but opinions are like assholes - everyone has one

    Fortunately I have grown to be a very honest, kind hearted, realistic, optimistic, at times pessimistic, extroverted, creative, funny, and in some people's opinion quite pretty.

    I am extremely proud of all my accomplishments and I thank alot of that to the adult industry. It takes a strong willed survivor to continue to make lemonade out of the rotted fruits life sometimes throws your way.

    I believe Olivia is one of those women. I think she should be proud of herself and all her accomplishments and not let Mr. Volponi's or Mr. Lecter's hate club get to her. There will always be those who are jealous of someone's love for life and will to survive.

    Sometimes sad people are attracted to things that make them comfortable, usually this means things they find to be "taboo" such as porn or transsexuals. They see it as something wrong or naughty, that society doesn't accept it therefore they are doing something they are not supposed to. It's basic psychology really. Misery loves company.

    Some people hate themselves for liking trans women, some are ashamed and others get angry and blame us for their hardships - but hate starts in childhood and fortunately my parents thought me to love.

    I respect and care about every one of my clients and people who buy my videos. This has allowed me to became who I am today. Being homeless once and addicted to coke, acid, X... I can tell you that porn actually gave me some direction and help me became the woman I am today.

    Quote Originally Posted by jcinva
    Quote Originally Posted by 2009AD
    ps: HA is not the place to look for love, I'm sure you know that, just wanted to remind you.
    WHAT?! You mean you're all just wasting my time?!!

  3. #133


    Quote Originally Posted by sucka4chix
    As much as I hate to interject this, there are parables in the Bible that speak of deaf and dumb people. Are you telling me that's meant to be offensive?
    The bible is an offensive, oppressive, ridiculous story about some man who claims to have walked on water... If I want to see that today I can drive 3 hrs to Vegas and watch a magic show.

    Burn the bible!

    Quote Originally Posted by jcinva
    Quote Originally Posted by 2009AD
    ps: HA is not the place to look for love, I'm sure you know that, just wanted to remind you.
    WHAT?! You mean you're all just wasting my time?!!

  4. #134
    Professional Poster
    Join Date
    Jan 2006
    Potomac, Maryland


    Quote Originally Posted by Danielle Foxx
    Quote Originally Posted by sucka4chix
    As much as I hate to interject this, there are parables in the Bible that speak of deaf and dumb people. Are you telling me that's meant to be offensive?
    The bible is an offensive, oppressive, ridiculous story about some man who claims to have walked on water... If I want to see that today I can drive 3 hrs to Vegas and watch a magic show.

    Burn the bible!

  5. #135
    Junior Poster
    Join Date
    Oct 2007


    Quote Originally Posted by Danielle Foxx
    Quote Originally Posted by sucka4chix
    As much as I hate to interject this, there are parables in the Bible that speak of deaf and dumb people. Are you telling me that's meant to be offensive?
    The bible is an offensive, oppressive, ridiculous story about some man who claims to have walked on water... If I want to see that today I can drive 3 hrs to Vegas and watch a magic show.

    Burn the bible!
    LOL, I like the way you put that

  6. #136
    Professional Poster
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    Sep 2006
    48 contiguous states


    You miss the whole point. Or better yet you refuse to see it. Whether you see the Bible as offensive or reprehinsible is irrelevant. The point is that it has been read far more times than any of your or Meghan's or Olivia's movies has been seen. AND IN IT THE TERM DUMB IS STILL USED TO REPRESENT SOMEONE WHO CANNOT SPEAK. SO UNLESS YOU'VE BEEN DOING MISSIONARY WORK ON THE WEEKENDS SPREADING YOUR "Dumb is offensive to people can't speak" DOCTRINE , THERE ARE BILLIONS OF PEOPLE WHO STILL USE THE WORD THAT WAY. Step outside. There's a whole big world outside your little one.

    "I don't see it that way. I see it as a complete and total betrayal of my testicles!"

  7. #137
    Gold Poster
    Join Date
    Nov 2005


    That guy is really looking for a fight.

  8. #138


    Quote Originally Posted by sucka4chix
    You miss the whole point. Or better yet you refuse to see it. Whether you see the Bible as offensive or reprehinsible is irrelevant. The point is that it has been read far more times than any of your or Meghan's or Olivia's movies has been seen. AND IN IT THE TERM DUMB IS STILL USED TO REPRESENT SOMEONE WHO CANNOT SPEAK. SO UNLESS YOU'VE BEEN DOING MISSIONARY WORK ON THE WEEKENDS SPREADING YOUR "Dumb is offensive to people can't speak" DOCTRINE , THERE ARE BILLIONS OF PEOPLE WHO STILL USE THE WORD THAT WAY. Step outside. There's a whole big world outside your little one.
    Why is the Bible relevant to this subject again? Wait let me ask Mary Magdalene about prostitution...

    There is a clear line between religion, porn and discrimination. Does this mean you will leave this discussion and go in for dinner? Your wife is calling you... Remember? The wife and kids you swore on a Bible to love and cherish, for honesty, devotion???

    "Thou shall not commit adultery. Neither shall you bear false witness against your neighbour. Neither shall you covet your neighbour’s wife. Neither shall you desire your neighbour’s house, or field, or male or female slave, or ox, or donkey, or anything that belongs to your neighbour."

    STOP WITH THE RELIGION DISCUSSION - It has no place in this topic unless someone tells me that she lost her hearing because someone smacked her with a Bible upside her head...

    Quote Originally Posted by jcinva
    Quote Originally Posted by 2009AD
    ps: HA is not the place to look for love, I'm sure you know that, just wanted to remind you.
    WHAT?! You mean you're all just wasting my time?!!

  9. #139


    Quote Originally Posted by Danielle Foxx
    Quote Originally Posted by Hannibal Lecter
    Yes, it's good and even honest living from your perspective. But how about, say,
    your parents? They know you are a porn star, a bunch of the people around them
    know the same fact, that their daughter is a prostitute.. Quite embarasing from their
    perspective, isn't it? And while you are living great life as prostitute,
    they on the other side have to deal with something very bad that their own daughter
    served them, and that is a life long burden, isn't it? And still they must gather enough
    courage to continue being supportive and shit like that. Quite egoistic, isn't it?
    I know that quite often there are many bad parents around that might be a cause of all that,
    but it's not allways the case. In fact, it's quite opposite. Quite often, most parents
    really do not deserve that.

    What we are talking about here in this very thread is actually somewhat weird situation where a cow is claiming to be
    something else than simply a cow - hey, i'm a supercow. Muhuu! Metaphorically speaking,
    of course.
    We are talking about the fact that you have no idea of my lifestyle and what my parents think. As a matter of fact my family loves me no matter what, unless of corse I harmed someone or did something to cause someone harm intentionally.

    All my family cares about is the fact that I am happy and that we love and care for each other.

    Many parents of trans women do not accept them, ridicule them and are simply disgusted by the fact their son is now a woman... I consider myself extremely lucky to have such a wonderful family.

    I actually did not share with my parents the fact that I was a porn star. My cousin ( a GG ) actually did some research and found my pictures, my mom then said she liked my pictures I did at the pool when I shot for the first ever Transsexual Babysitters - which was a disaster. The director they hired was a fucking crack head - it took 3 days to shoot that scene. Mike Metropolis... So Devils has a reputation of employing losers...

    Hey on the good side... I am sure Steve Volponi's mother is extremely happy and proud of her son HUH? As your is for raising someone to be lurking a transsexual website such as these... That's even if you are even out and proud about who you are...

    Don't try to tell me that my life sucks and that my parents hate me please because it is far from the truth. It's not everyone's truth and with that example I would like to point out something to you.

    There are plenty of ugly nasty people out there but my family and friends are not on that list. Your twisted view of my life is simply a reflection of your own negative views on my work and lifestyle.

    I could care less about what mean people think about me - I am cordial, I try and engage everyone with a smile, I hold doors for people, I say please and thank you and I know which fork to eat with at a dinner table. I am not some low life scum who lives a sad and miserable life, one who's family rejects her not only for her work but for just being her.

    The focus here is not someone's involvement in the porn industry Mr. Lecter, but an asshole who is involved in the industry - but opinions are like assholes - everyone has one

    Fortunately I have grown to be a very honest, kind hearted, realistic, optimistic, at times pessimistic, extroverted, creative, funny, and in some people's opinion quite pretty.

    I am extremely proud of all my accomplishments and I thank alot of that to the adult industry. It takes a strong willed survivor to continue to make lemonade out of the rotted fruits life sometimes throws your way.

    I believe Olivia is one of those women. I think she should be proud of herself and all her accomplishments and not let Mr. Volponi's or Mr. Lecter's hate club get to her. There will always be those who are jealous of someone's love for life and will to survive.

    Sometimes sad people are attracted to things that make them comfortable, usually this means things they find to be "taboo" such as porn or transsexuals. They see it as something wrong or naughty, that society doesn't accept it therefore they are doing something they are not supposed to. It's basic psychology really. Misery loves company.

    Some people hate themselves for liking trans women, some are ashamed and others get angry and blame us for their hardships - but hate starts in childhood and fortunately my parents thought me to love.

    I respect and care about every one of my clients and people who buy my videos. This has allowed me to became who I am today. Being homeless once and addicted to coke, acid, X... I can tell you that porn actually gave me some direction and help me became the woman I am today.
    Of course your parents love you no matter what. That's the part of being parent. But if they are delighted knowing
    that her daughter is\was a porn star, then there is definitely something wrong with the entire family. But most
    likely they are not. And knowing that they like you no matter what does not give you credits to continue being
    prostitute, because SOMETHING tells me that they are not totally comfortable with that thing, and in a way it
    simply MUST be a kind of pain in the ass for them. You are extremely lucky, but are they? Maybe they show you that
    picture but there must be something rotten in the air.

    However, one thing: - your mom finds out that you are a prostitute, a porn star and her reaction
    is - "she liked your pictures" ?!? Weird, isn't it? It certainly is, for a supposedly decent mom.

    I never tried to tell you that your life sucks and that your parents hate you, read my sentencies again.
    I simply tried to point out the golden rule that the audience here is somehow going appart from -
    a prostitute is a prostitute, 2 + 2 = 4, not 5.

    But you are right in one thing - my negative view on your work and lifestyle. For a girl of your capacity,
    your beautiness and amazing intelligence, to me it just seems as waste of a talented human being. You are
    one example, but there are many other - Vicki is another example. A wonderfull, intelligent, graduated, educated
    pretty next door girl but then... It sucks. Suuux.

    Me lurking here. Yes. What's wrong in me lurking here compared to you doing the same thing? I have to admit
    that you girls are extremely interesting from many perspectives, i am highly curious about you, your opinions,
    following up your transitions etc. That's amazing thing. Totally worth following up. I'm not really into
    TS porn, i do not like seeing cocks jumping around on a fucked individual, straight porn is my thing, but
    from social perspective - you are a kind of a bestseller.

  10. #140


    Quote Originally Posted by Hannibal Lecter
    ... but
    from social perspective - you are a kind of a bestseller.
    Funny how people like you think you live productive lives huh? When honestly speaking, those who think they are normal are the ones who should be locked up - your words are engaged in hate and nonacceptance, and your delusions of understanding clearly state how shallow and narrow minded you are... Yes it is quite interesting isn't it?

    You are just such an example! Trying to put someone down with reverse psychology makes you the perfect example for a Nobel Prize.

    We all love and respect what you have to say.... NOTTTTTTTTT!

    Please do not address me with you ridiculous blabbering. You are digging your own grave there Mr. Sister! No matter how smart you may think you are... you will NEVER get what you want ! I can see right through your sadness and pain. I can see your desperation for putting others down, the bad Karma that follows you. The bad luck and hardships you don't seem to account for, your insecurities and your empty heart... It is visible to everyone but yourself.

    This is what happens when you take on someone who's a bit beyond your level of awareness.
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    Quote Originally Posted by jcinva
    Quote Originally Posted by 2009AD
    ps: HA is not the place to look for love, I'm sure you know that, just wanted to remind you.
    WHAT?! You mean you're all just wasting my time?!!

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