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  1. #91
    Veteran Poster
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    Quote Originally Posted by cookiepuss
    I always have a good laugh when these "college educated" NFL and NBA thugs give an interview. They try to sound educated but come across as having no more than a 3rd grade education. They'd be criminals if they weren't athletic. Oh wait, most still are!!!
    Vick will be back. Both on the field and in a cell, eventually!
    That's got to hurt knowing that these uneducated people accomplished more by 18 than the majority of world will ever accomplish. To top it all off the only place we can share our disgust is on internet chat forums, cause we would get smacked if we said the the same comments in public.

    No, nope, never, maybe

  2. #92
    Junior Poster
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    New York


    Quote Originally Posted by cookiepuss
    I always have a good laugh when these "college educated" NFL and NBA thugs give an interview. They try to sound educated but come across as having no more than a 3rd grade education. They'd be criminals if they weren't athletic. Oh wait, most still are!!!
    Vick will be back. Both on the field and in a cell, eventually!
    I'm sure you and your friends at the KKK rally really chuckle at the a Black man falling from grace, especially one who made more money in one NFL game, than you made in last 5 years.

    So, all Black men who play professional sports and received college scholarships prior to that are "trying to sound" educated? Michael Vick and that dumbazz brother of his Marcus, are not the litmus test for all Black collegiate and pro athletes. So, cookiepuss, I guess only White collegiate and pro athletes are allowed to sound "educated" in your small world. A lot of people don't know this, but Peyton Manning was accused of sexual assault by a female student, while at the University of Tennessee, but the school and his handlers made the potential scandal go away. Told her, it's your word against his and he's "King Shit" around here, so just take some of this hush NFL money he has coming his way or risk being portrayed as some spiteful groupie golddigger, who ends up with nothing. Larry Bird has a whole bunch of children out of wedlock and isn't really a good father to them, but only poor Black men don't handle their fatherhood duties right? My point is, all races have their fuck ups who play pro sports. More Black athletes come from extreme poverty and crime riddled neighborhoods, so they tend to fall victim to the evil side of excess once they start living the pro lifestyle, than a White kid from the suburbs. Peyton's father Archie was a pro quarterback, but he still got into something, that could have caused him to go to jail, if not for his connections and status at that school and city.

    Losers like cookiepuss, are closet White supremacist who jerk off to pictures and videos of Latina shemales in the opposite closet.

  3. #93
    Veteran Poster
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    what do you wanna hear dude? cause hes black is that what your waitng for? or why is michael jackson and r kelly making music videaos and such? how is ray lewis back in the nfl/ how marvin harrison totally exonerated/ get over it dude

  4. #94
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    Quote Originally Posted by deee757
    Quote Originally Posted by cookiepuss
    I always have a good laugh when these "college educated" NFL and NBA thugs give an interview. They try to sound educated but come across as having no more than a 3rd grade education. They'd be criminals if they weren't athletic. Oh wait, most still are!!!
    Vick will be back. Both on the field and in a cell, eventually!
    That's got to hurt knowing that these uneducated people accomplished more by 18 than the majority of world will ever accomplish. To top it all off the only place we can share our disgust is on internet chat forums, cause we would get smacked if we said the the same comments in public.

  5. #95
    Veteran Poster
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    Quote Originally Posted by Alyssa87
    Quote Originally Posted by deee757
    Quote Originally Posted by cookiepuss
    I always have a good laugh when these "college educated" NFL and NBA thugs give an interview. They try to sound educated but come across as having no more than a 3rd grade education. They'd be criminals if they weren't athletic. Oh wait, most still are!!!
    Vick will be back. Both on the field and in a cell, eventually!
    That's got to hurt knowing that these uneducated people accomplished more by 18 than the majority of world will ever accomplish. To top it all off the only place we can share our disgust is on internet chat forums, cause we would get smacked if we said the the same comments in public.
    1985 Batman style Bam!!!

    No, nope, never, maybe

  6. #96
    Rookie Poster
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    Los Angeles


    I feel discussions like this do nothing to bring real attention to, or truly bring us closer to, solving the problem of dog fighting. The NFL is a non issue and Vicks race SHOULD be a non issue. The guys that were doing this with Vick were back at it the next day. All they did was stop using his house and property. All discussions like this do is make one man bigger than the real issue so people who've had nothing to say about dog fighting can all of a sudden sound like they care- in a very safe way, and from a safe distance. Here in Los Angeles for example, the south side SPCA is full of Pitbulls that need homes and rehabilitation. But for some strange reason people only seem to care about Vick's Pitbulls and want to be able to say they rescued one so they can impress their friends.
    Is Vick a repenter or a recidivist? Only time will tell. What if he were in your family? Would you say the same things? It's amazing how the families of criminals claim no member of their family would EVER engage in_________. Then it happens; said family member is caught engaging in some unspeakable act. Then they're all of a sudden forced to backtrack and plead for compassion and understanding all the while having offered none to those who've needed it. I'm a dog owner and a black man. As a dog owner I was HORRIFIED. As a black man I was embarrassed and pissed. First and foremost however I'm a human being with the capacity to forgive and give others the latitude to show me, in their way, that they have seen the error of their ways and move on. Sometimes ugly actions are a sign of true damage and illness and sometimes they're the catalyst for true spiritual awakening. It would be nice if we NEVER visited harm upon others in the process, two legged or four legged, but that's simply not realistic. Again, only time will tell which path Vick will take.

  7. #97
    Platinum Poster Silcc69's Avatar
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    Let's see how long it takes to get to 20 pages............

    Quote Originally Posted by tjinla2001
    I haven't just let a single prostitute cum in my mouth. Hundreds- more likely thousands of transvesites have shot their loads in my mouth. God bless america

  8. #98
    Gold Poster SarahG's Avatar
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    Everywhere & Nowhere


    Quote Originally Posted by Silcc69
    Let's see how long it takes to get to 20 pages............
    Only 20 pages?

    And maybe its easier to withdraw from life
    With all of its misery and wretched lies
    If we're dead when tomorrow's gone
    The Big Machine will just move on
    Still we cling afraid we'll fall
    Clinging like the memory which haunts us all

  9. #99
    Junior Poster underdog6's Avatar
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    QUICK! Someone call Al Sharpton! Vick is being oppressed.

  10. #100
    Professional Poster wombat33's Avatar
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    Default Re: The Unfair Treatment Of Micheal Vick

    Quote Originally Posted by drmindbender03
    Wow, my man is back at home. I have mixed feelings about Mike. I am disappointed in him and I am also proud of him.

    I am disappointed that he did not select better friends to associate with. I am disappointed that he jeopardized his career and reputation. Well, what makes him different than the rest of us? Human beings are prone to making mistakes that can be considered to either immoral and/or illegal.

    I believe Mike deserved the sentenced he received, but I also believe that he deserves another chance to be a productive person in our society. If he wants to play and if someone wants to hire him, then so be it! I thought that America was supposed to be composed of a society where you have a choice of deciding what you want to do for a living?!

    The NFL is nothing but an organization that provides entertainment to the public. It didn't matter how many games The Detroit Lions won or lost. The Lions nor The NFL were able to save thousands of jobs that were lost within the past couple of years in Detroit, Michigan!

    I have a problem with how all of these so-called Animal Rights Groups are treating Mike. I did not see them standing in front of the Insurance Companies Buildings that told homeowners that they would be dropped from their coverage if they were the owner(s) of an aggressive breed of dog! Where were all of the picketers?

    I did not see any of the so-called Animal Rights Groups challenging the media when they have portrayed Pit Bulls as vicious animals that attack children and turn on their owners. Where were they?

    Now these groups are trying to promote the facade that those pit bulls were these angelic creatures that were poorly victimized by a young black man that felt he was above the law.

    Did Mike commit a crime against another human being? Has he ever sold drugs? Is he a threat to society?

    It would be interesting to see how many people on this forum were convicted of a sexual crime, a drug crime, and a violent crime.

    Does racism play a role in his treatment? Sure it does. The media almost allowed me forget that Martha "America's Favorite Homemaker" Stewart was convicted of a felony. I almost forgot that she served time in a federal institution. I don't see any newspapers, radio shows, and televisions shows discussing her incident. I have never seen or read about anyone challenging her passion and choice to resume doing what she did before she went to prison!

    Isn't she back on televison? Hasn't she resumed her daily activities of making millions of dollars? If she went back to work, why can't Mike go back to work?

    Mike and Martha were both convicted of non-violent felonies.

    Why can't Mike be treated in the same fashion? Oh, I forgot....He is a little darker than her.

    Yep, racism is still around. Racism is not wearing the suspenders and straw hat as it did back in the 70's, 60's, 50's, and etc. Racism is wearing a nice tuxedo. It is more suave and sophisticated!

    Welcome home Mike! We love you and we will support you in every way as you travel down the road of redemption.




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