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  1. #1
    Rookie Poster
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    Default Yasmin, is it possible

    What does it take for a guy to go on a date with Yasmin Lee, apparently sweet talk and a bed of roses doesn't cut the bill. Does it have to be like the movie "My Date with Drew" where I spend the next 30 days calling, traveling, emailing, networking, suffering insomia, waiting patiently or impatiently for some kind of answer biting my fingernails until they bleed...spending loads of cash to fund my adventure, and ultimately ending up empty handed!

    Aww yes the nice guy approach, those of us who are aware of this awful approach have endured its consequences time and time again. Women do not want to be showered with compliments before they get to know you, there's absolutely no crediblity and it only sends the message that you want to sleep with them regardless of your intentions. It's also humorless, stale, boring, and a bit creepy. Alas, the nice guy has no desires but the desires of the idol he worships. Thus he comes across pathetic.

    No no, what must be done is offer a pleasant conversation about something rather that is entertaining to both parties, establish chemistry through elaborate displays of imagination and sense of humor, likes and dislikes, ambitions, fantasies, philosophies, and a bit of mood setting doesn't hurt... then offer an activity in which they can further explore their newfound connection. Say dining at an intimate and candle lit little italian restaurant, not the Olive Garden routine, but real italian food/mexican food/ or dine in with chinese or offer to cook a meal for her while you two enjoy each others company, music, and atmosphere, Robert Rodriguez "Not knowing how to cook is like not knowing how to fuck" or if you are going more mainstream say sharing each others cheesecake at The Cheesecake Factory...

    Maybe you guys decide to watch some of your favorite movies together or go out on the town for the night. You have a really great cafe or coffee spot where you can explore each other's minds. Or you go out kayking, biking or whatever... make sure she wears a white shirt / no bra and tip her over =) you can both enjoy taking revenge splashing each other... I don't know find some nice remote spot and have a pinic while making love while the sun beats down and warms your skin.

    I know this is probably the most bizarre place to hook up with someone or maybe its the best but I don't fall into Barney's Online Dating rule on "How I Met Your Mother"....

    I'm just curious as to the best way to meet her, or even get a response... it's your final tour and this chance may never come around again. So forgive my previous posts.

    About the parties, they are only in select areas. Emails do not appear to cut it and I admit I have my reservations using my cell... what's proper etiquette when talking to a superstar when your not face to face... who knows... so enlighten me...please


  2. #2
    Junior Poster
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    Oct 2006

    Default Re: Yasmin, is it possible

    Quote Originally Posted by speedy032
    and I admit I have my reservations using my cell...

    Use your landline

  3. #3
    Junior Poster LilWyte's Avatar
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    May 2007

    Default Re: Yasmin, is it possible

    Quote Originally Posted by speedy032
    What does it take for a guy to go on a date with Yasmin Lee, apparently sweet talk and a bed of roses doesn't cut the bill. Does it have to be like the movie "My Date with Drew" where I spend the next 30 days calling, traveling, emailing, networking, suffering insomia, waiting patiently or impatiently for some kind of answer biting my fingernails until they bleed...spending loads of cash to fund my adventure, and ultimately ending up empty handed!

    Aww yes the nice guy approach, those of us who are aware of this awful approach have endured its consequences time and time again. Women do not want to be showered with compliments before they get to know you, there's absolutely no crediblity and it only sends the message that you want to sleep with them regardless of your intentions. It's also humorless, stale, boring, and a bit creepy. Alas, the nice guy has no desires but the desires of the idol he worships. Thus he comes across pathetic.

    No no, what must be done is offer a pleasant conversation about something rather that is entertaining to both parties, establish chemistry through elaborate displays of imagination and sense of humor, likes and dislikes, ambitions, fantasies, philosophies, and a bit of mood setting doesn't hurt... then offer an activity in which they can further explore their newfound connection. Say dining at an intimate and candle lit little italian restaurant, not the Olive Garden routine, but real italian food/mexican food/ or dine in with chinese or offer to cook a meal for her while you two enjoy each others company, music, and atmosphere, Robert Rodriguez "Not knowing how to cook is like not knowing how to fuck" or if you are going more mainstream say sharing each others cheesecake at The Cheesecake Factory...

    Maybe you guys decide to watch some of your favorite movies together or go out on the town for the night. You have a really great cafe or coffee spot where you can explore each other's minds. Or you go out kayking, biking or whatever... make sure she wears a white shirt / no bra and tip her over =) you can both enjoy taking revenge splashing each other... I don't know find some nice remote spot and have a pinic while making love while the sun beats down and warms your skin.

    I know this is probably the most bizarre place to hook up with someone or maybe its the best but I don't fall into Barney's Online Dating rule on "How I Met Your Mother"....

    I'm just curious as to the best way to meet her, or even get a response... it's your final tour and this chance may never come around again. So forgive my previous posts.

    About the parties, they are only in select areas. Emails do not appear to cut it and I admit I have my reservations using my cell... what's proper etiquette when talking to a superstar when your not face to face... who knows... so enlighten me...please


  4. #4
    Veteran Poster
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    Apr 2008


    doesnt she have a boyfriend already???

  5. #5


    You have to look like an underwear model

  6. #6
    Rookie Poster
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    Dec 2007


    You try to be nice in a place like this and you get shit on because that’s what a place like this is, full of shit. Yeah I’m a virgin (as far as the women on this board are concerned), and I wanted to give this a try. I adore spontaneity, romanticism, exciting your lovers mind and of course their body. You’re just some punk kid, you don’t know a damn thing about having amazing sex and you don’t know a damn thing about women. I’m trying to explore my sexuality here and possibly something more, I like Yasmin’s style so bite me. Who knows I might bite back but I assure you, you won’t like it. Why don’t you go crap on someone else, you almost do it naturally, I think you might be leaking, what’s that stench. Fuck it, if I came across as a nice guy, a virgin then that’s exactly what I intended because I am both of these.
    You should redefine what your looking for, I think you had a whole thread devoted to this nice guy you don’t believe is out there. Yeah this is a bizarre place to find one, I didn’t want to gravel at your feet like those do on the boards nor here but hey it looks like I’m just another one of those idol worshippers, fuck that. I’ve been trying to find a realistic way to communicate with you but I don’t even know if you pick up that phone number, and that seems desperate especially when you won’t give me feedback here. You would have been a great date, someone to have fun with, or at least you come across that way but hey I’ve been wrong before. I’m a young buck in college looking to take a walk on the wild side, find me a lola and have a great time, who knows maybe something beyond just a great time but hell that doesn’t look like it’s going to happen here. I’ve had great times with lovers before, but I thought I might have fun with a woman with something…extra. Forget about it, I’m sorry if I creeped you out. It’s done.

    You wouldn’t stand two seconds in the ring with me you would break, I know you’ve seen Fight Club Calvin. Dipshit. Virgin records, cutesy

  7. #7
    Hey! Get off my lawn. 5 Star Poster Odelay's Avatar
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    No offense intended, although you probably will take offense based on your last response, but the Virgin pic was funny. If all you can reply is "asshole", then you don't seem to have much of a sense of humor about yourself. Yeah, yeah, yeah, many participants are ready to crap all over another's dream but responding the way you did probably won't be a turn on for Yasmin.

    It's rough and tumble here in Hung Angels. Yasmin knows that. She's been through some scrapes.

    I see nothing wrong with your basic approach, and most girls respond to romance, etc. She might give you a try. But probably not if you're wound this tight.

  8. #8
    Rookie Poster
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    That's not what I hear, I hear she likes it tight.

    That better. (sheer sarcasm)

    I have a great sense of humor, there's nothing funny about someone crappin all over your dream. Unless of course they're merely laughing with you over how ridiculous this request to Yasmin may be. Because this is ridiculous, and it would make for a great story but slightly embarassing story, how could I possilby think this was going to work.

    I'm not sorry for the way I acted, opinions are like assholes my friend everyone's got one. Some of them stink.

    Thanks but no thanks.

  9. #9
    Rookie Poster
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    Look, that burned a little. I retaliated, give me a break. Is it funny, I guess so if we were buddies but eh, not really. It was a cheap shot and it takes guts being honest to a complete stranger, so you know what I'm a little on the fuck off side. If you like laughing at others expenses that's fine I guess... we all do it when we watch our Family Guy, 2 1/2 men, Jon Stewart, Leno, Lettermen, whatever. Well this isn't television, so bashing someone like that who you really don't know, that's chickenshit in my book. Especially when its just too damn easy to do it, I mean when you're honest your completely vulnerable, hell that's why people don't say what they mean. They don't want people to crap all over them.

    So I blew off a little steam, I'm human.

    Anyways, whatever

  10. #10
    Platinum Poster
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    Oct 2005
    not here


    $300 on her eros ad


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